The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Fuck, no. You don’t look like a child, and never have. You’re a fucking gorgeous sexy woman, and it has taken everything I’ve got not to want you in ways I shouldn’t be wanting you,” he stated firmly. She saw the fire in his eyes and felt the fire in her heart, her soul, from his proclamation. He held her face still between his hands and they stared at one another. Were they both in shock? Should she just kiss him or what?

  “Quentin, I—”

  He covered her mouth and kissed her hard.

  She kissed him right back, feeling his ironclad thighs under her thighs and ass as she thrust her hips against him. His hand moved under the back of her head against her hair as he plunged his tongue between her teeth. He gripped her hair hard, dominating her and the kiss, which nearly sent her exploding on his lap. She ran her hands up his chest through his crew cut hair making the Stetson fall from his head. It was wild and crazy and so much more than she had ever fantasized about. His other hand explored her breast, cupped the mound, and squeezed her as he plunged his tongue over and over again into her mouth.

  When he finally pulled from her mouth so they could breathe, they were both panting, as he kissed her neck, released her breast, and pulled her into a bear hug.

  “Oh, fuck, Mariah. Damn, baby.” He carried on, as his hot breath collided against her skin and she hugged him back as tightly as he hugged her. She inhaled his cologne, the scent of his skin, and the feel of his whiskers on her neck. It turned her on entirely too much. She wanted him. The need, the desire was so incredibly intense she shivered.

  The feel of being in his arms, having his large, thick hands caress over her ass and lower back made her feel content. Then the sound of a cell phone ringing killed the moment.

  He eased away, and she sat up on his lap as he pulled out the cell phone.

  “Yeah. I’ve got her. She’s safe. Yes, we’re headed back to the house shortly.”

  He closed up the phone and she felt the disappointment and the anger begin to creep up into her again. He was only trying to keep her safe. This didn’t mean anything.

  “Mariah, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Don’t, Quentin. It was long in coming. I kissed you, too.”

  She got up off of his lap and fixed her sweater. Her lips felt swollen and red and she tried wiping them, hoping that her light-colored lipstick wasn’t smudged across her face. She saw a little bit on his cheek near his lip and she reached up to wipe the smudge away.

  “It was wrong of me to do that. I have a lot more experience than you and should know better.”

  His words stung like a beesting. She recovered quickly, considering the kiss and the fondling had completely shocked her.

  “Don’t apologize. I’m not so inexperienced either, Quentin. I’ve lived in Italy the past two years. Give me a break.” She picked the two bottles up off the ground and placed them into the holder. Quentin grabbed her arm and pulled her up straight.

  “You have a boyfriend? A lover?”

  She widened her eyes.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “Michael would want us to watch out for you. It’s our job.”

  She stared at him and shook her head. He was fighting the feelings he had for her and she didn’t want to waste time trying to convince him that they could be good together. Their trust issues ran way too deep.

  “The four of you are officially fired. Go on with your lives. I’ve gone on with mine.” She walked away from him and headed toward the truck. Glancing behind her, she saw Quentin running his fingers through his hair and then bend down and place his Stetson back onto his head. He looked so good, so sexy and appealing. He had a great ass, and she had to use all her willpower to turn away before he saw her drooling.

  She started the truck and headed down the road. Slamming her hands on the steering wheel she felt the tears roll down her cheeks.

  “That could have been perfect. Why did it go so wrong?”

  As she headed to Uncle Jeb’s she thought about Quentin and the others. They truly were hardcases. All four men feared commitment, connecting with people, getting close to anyone, probably from the fear and danger they’d experienced while in the military. Losing Michael probably made them more fearful of connecting on a deeper level. Whenever someone died people questioned their own mortality. But these men were scarred deeply. She would love to be able to help them, but getting pushed away and making her feel too young and unsexy was not something she was willing to accept.

  * * * *

  Mariah was filled with piss and vinegar as she fixed the vegetables and then started getting things ready for the salad. Deacon came in and started offering her some help.

  “I’ve got it,” she snapped at him. The second she felt his hand on her shoulder, she froze in place. Her pussy clenched, igniting an instant flame she always got whenever one of them touched her. She was stupid. They didn’t see her that way.

  “Are you okay? Is something bothering you?” he asked. She turned her head to look up at him. They just stared at one another and damn it she could tell that Deacon felt something too. Why were they continuously denying it? She glanced at his hand, where it sat on her shoulder, and he lowered it. Now he leaned against the counter.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You seem agitated.”

  “Just annoyed.”

  “At what?”

  “Who,” she replied.

  “Okay, at who?”

  “Just forget it. I’m fine.”

  She was so frustrated. These men had done this to her. They made her breasts feel full, her nipples hard, her hopes heighten, and every fucking time, they said or did something to shatter those responses. She was tired of playing it safe.

  “You can tell me anything, Mariah,” he whispered. Sweet, kind, and compassionate Deacon. Maybe if she told him how she really felt, he would accept it, and without regret or a fight.

  “I care about you, and about the others.” She could see the change in his eyes, and the way they almost glazed over.

  “We care about you.”

  This was harder than she thought.

  “I think I really care about you. I’ve missed you,” she said, and then reached up and placed her hand against his cheek. Deacon immediately took her wrist and placed her hand back down and away from him.

  “There are a lot of emotions going on right now. You’ve missed this house, memories of Michael, and the fact that we’ve all been here and are part of those memories.”

  “No, that’s not what I mean,” she started to say, shaking her head.

  “Mariah, you need to make smart choices.”

  Her temper began to flare. The guy didn’t get it.

  She stared at him.

  “I do make smart choices. Every day of my life.”

  * * * *

  Quentin was trying his hardest to forget about the kiss and the way Mariah had felt in his arms today. Here he was in her uncle’s house, eating dinner and chatting along with the others, and he felt different, on edge.

  He knew if the others knew what had happened that they would be bent at him. They all felt that they couldn’t give Mariah what she needed and deserved. However, when he was holding her on his lap, kissing her and feeling her with his hands, none of that mattered. He felt capable of being so much more. She did that to him. One fucking kiss as he copped a feel and he was becoming obsessed with wanting more.

  She purposely avoided any conversation with him and, of course, sat as far from him as she could.

  “That sauce you made over the pasta was fantastic, Mariah. Did you learn to make that while in Italy?” Deacon asked her, as they all sat around the kitchen, after cleaning up the dishes from dinner. Jeb looked tired and uncomfortable sitting there in his cast. He also looked about ready to pass out.

  Mariah turned toward Deacon, giving him her full attention as she spoke.

  “I learned to make a lot of things while there
. The vegetables are so fresh, and the tomatoes? Oh, God, they are ripe and redder than you’ve ever seen around here. The smell of them growing on the vines is wonderful.” She spoke with such enthusiasm and detail, they all listened to her every word. The sound of her voice, the sweetness of her smile on those sensual lips he longed to taste again was becoming too much for him. Quentin always went after what he wanted. If he felt some attraction to a woman, he entertained that attraction and it always worked out. But he knew, somehow deep within his soul, that with Mariah, it would be different. He’d never felt such a strong connection and pull toward a woman. Could it be like what L.T. said? Could it be that they wanted to latch on to her as a connection to maintain Michael? A therapist would have a field day with him. With any of them. No, it couldn’t be. This was real. What he was feeling and wanting was real.

  He glanced at her, and she was watching him. Those big blue eyes looked all fired up with anger. “What?” she asked him in challenge.

  He gave his head a lame shake like some kid who didn’t want to discuss it right now because he was filled with piss and vinegar. She huffed and stood up, went to the sink, and looked out the window.

  By the time Jeb called it a night and the rest of them sat down on the porch outside, he was fed up. Mariah had just walked onto the porch. Her cell phone kept going off. It had been for the last damn hour.

  “Making a lot of plans with friends from town?” Deacon asked as Mariah sat down on the cushioned sofa next to Deacon and Axel. Quentin was biting the inside of his cheek as he wondered who kept texting her. Was she being truthful in the cemetery today about being experienced, perhaps having a boyfriend or lover in Italy? That really pissed him off so much and he was nearly overwhelmed with the jealousy that was shoving through his veins.

  He saw Axel glance over as Mariah texted back and then flipped her phone over onto her thigh. She didn’t want them to see who was texting her. Why? Quentin was seeing red.

  * * * *

  “So tell us about Italy and where you worked? Did you make a lot of friends or mostly hang out with Sienna?” Axel asked as she crossed her legs and leaned back.

  “It was wonderful and so beautiful there, especially in the country. The villas are spectacular.”

  “I know. They’re all so unique,” Deacon added. She looked at him.

  “You’ve been to Italy, and to a villa?”

  “In the military, years ago. The atmosphere is different there.”

  “It sure is. It’s very romantic, too,” she added.

  “Who did you know that owned a villa?” Axel asked.

  “Oh, Sienna’s lovers did and some of their business contacts. I attended a very big party before I left. It was a lot of fun,” she said and they heard her phone buzz again. She flipped it over, texting as L.T. spoke.

  “Did you say lovers?” he asked.

  She looked up and Axel felt sick. Mariah was gorgeous and sexy and would gain so much attention wherever she went. How many lovers did she have in Italy? Who took her virginity? He shot a look at Quentin, who looked about to hit something.

  “Oh, Sienna’s been with her three lovers for two years. They simply adore her.”

  “Is that a common thing over there?” L.T. asked.

  “Very common, just like here, I suppose. It’s kind of funny. There’s a beautiful place, a wine bar and café in Tuscany. My friends and I spent a lot of time there. It is called Amore Vietato.”

  “That sounds beautiful,” Axel whispered.

  “What does it mean?” Quentin asked.

  Deacon stared at Mariah as she started to say the words, but he said them instead, never taking his eyes off of her. “Forbidden love.”

  Axel swallowed hard. This conversation was going in a direction they had not planned on.

  “That’s right, Deacon. I didn’t know that you spoke Italian,” she said to him.

  He leaned back and placed his arm over the back of the couch and her shoulders.

  “I only know a little bit.”

  “The important words, huh?” she teased.

  “I suppose.”

  Her phone buzzed again.

  “Who keeps texting you?” Quentin asked. Axel was kind of surprised at his tone. They were all feeling a bit awkward right now. It was like everyone was walking on eggshells. Quentin and Mariah were shooting daggers at one another and he didn’t know what was going on. All he knew was that he wanted to spend as much time as possible with Mariah. She made everything feel right and perfect.

  “Just some friends confirming plans.”

  “What friends?” Quentin asked.

  “Just some friends.”

  “Who?” L.T. asked.

  Mariah sat forward.

  “Old friends of Michael’s. Friends of mine.”

  They stared at her.

  “Randy has been calling and texting since yesterday. He really wants to get together, so we’re trying to figure out our schedules for tomorrow.”

  “Randy?” Axel asked.

  “Not Rimarez?” Deacon asked, and she turned toward him.


  A series of sounds went through the porch.

  “What? You guys have a problem with Randy?” she asked.

  “Why does he want to get together?” Quentin asked.

  “He was a big help after Michael died. We stayed in touch. He was a friend of Michael’s.”

  “I don’t trust him. You shouldn’t go,” Quentin told her and Axel wasn’t surprised. Quentin had never liked Randy.

  “That’s none of your business, Quentin. I don’t need your permission to date.”

  “We’re just looking out for you,” Axel stated.

  Mariah stood up.

  “I know, and I don’t need any of you to do that. I sure as hell didn’t need it in Italy and I don’t need it here.”

  “He’s wrong for you,” Quentin said, stepping forward.

  “Oh, and you know what’s right for me? That’s kind of funny, don’t you think?”

  “Why is it funny?” he replied.

  “Because you don’t even know what you want or need for yourself. Stay out of my business, Quentin.” She started to head toward the door, but Quentin grabbed her arm and stopped her.

  L.T. stood up, so did Axel and Deacon.

  “Maybe I know what’s best for you,” Quentin stated, staring down into her eyes.

  She laughed at him.

  “You? I don’t think so. Just because we kissed today, doesn’t mean you have the right to tell me who I can and can’t date.”

  “You kissed her?” L.T. asked.

  “Date him? You’d consider dating that asshole?” Quentin asked.

  “He’s a nice looking guy. He has a good body and he pays attention to me when I’m talking. He’s not always trying to run my life.” She raised her voice.

  “A good body? Good looking? He wants to sleep with you. That’s all he’s after.”

  “Maybe I’ll take him up on it.”

  “Mariah.” L.T. said her name in caution but it was too late. Axel watched as Quentin pulled her up against his chest and growled at her.

  “He can’t have you.”

  He covered her mouth and kissed her.

  * * * *

  Quentin didn’t know what had come over him. The sound of the phone buzzing with texts from men who wanted to fuck Mariah, or the way she spoke of ménage relationships from Italy and possibly dating Randy. He’d seen red and there was no stopping him, despite the fact that his team was there. If he wasn’t mistaken, they were all attracted to Mariah still, and they wanted her as much as he did.

  He continued to kiss her, and she moaned as she hugged his body, caressed her hands under his shirt and against his skin. She tasted like heaven and more. The feel of her in his arms made his heart soar and his body desperate to claim her.

  He lifted her up, and she straddled his waist as he pressed her back against the wall of the house. He cupped her ass, his hand so much larger,
spread completely over her one cheek. As he applied pressure, she moaned into his mouth, kissing him back. His cock grew harder against the confines of his jeans. He was mad with desire. He wished he could take her right here, but he couldn’t. He shouldn’t be this crazy about her. He needed to slow things down. He moved his mouth along her neck and then against her ear.

  “Stay away from Randy.”

  She pulled back and her expression told him that he’d said something wrong.

  She grabbed his face between her delicate hands. Her blue eyes were glazed over with desire, and the more she stared at him, their breathing in sync, the angrier her expression became. She started to wiggle to get free as she spoke.

  “Oh, my God. That’s why you just kissed me like that? Because you want me to stay away from Randy?” She used the back of her arm to wipe her mouth. The anger was so apparent in her eyes, he felt guilty for insulting her.

  She scrambled down to her feet. He gently released her. He couldn’t speak, couldn’t react instantly to her words. His body and emotions were all twisted up because of this little woman.

  “Son of a bitch! You did, didn’t you? You kissed me like that because you want control. You want me to stay away from Randy? You want to twist with my emotions? Is that what you do?” She was shaking.

  “Yes. No. Just, calm down.”

  “Mariah?” Axel said her name and she shook her head.

  “Mariah, you need to calm down. We need to talk about this, rationally,” L.T. began to say.

  She straightened out her sweater and her skirt that had lifted slightly.

  “Rational? I’ll give you rational. All four of you, stand down.” Quentin saw the tears in her eyes right before she stormed inside the house, slamming the door behind her.

  Quentin ran his fingers through his hair and then looked around the room at all the stunned faces, except for Axel. He was smirking, shaking his head.


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