The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The American Soldier Collection 6: Their Masquerade (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “No. I can’t. There’s things going on here that I can’t explain. That man over there was going to take me. He works for someone who killed my brother. It’s a long story but—”

  Mariah stopped taking as Sienna stared down at her. “I’m sorry, Mariah. But I love Marco, Giano, and Salvatore.”

  Mariah sensed the presence behind her, but it was too late as the needle pierced her neck, and then darkness overtook her vision.

  Chapter 13

  “Fuck! He’ll kill her. He’ll fucking take her out of here and kill her,” L.T. yelled as they looked over the surveillance videos from the estate. The place was now swarming with Federal agents. They had Sienna, Marco, Giano, and Salvatore in custody. Mariah had beaten up Randy, who’d turned out to be working for DeLacruz. They were all messing with Mariah’s head and trying to get her away from L.T. and his team.

  “We’re running out of time. I don’t care who DeLacruz is. We know that Armando and Manchenso are doing some sort of deal tomorrow. We locate them and we monitor their movements,” L.T. told the agents in charge of the case.

  “L.T., Randy is talking,” Deacon stated.

  “Talking? How? I thought he was pleading the fucking fifth, that pussy.”

  “Axel has his own special style of interrogation.”

  L.T. smiled.

  “Your man shouldn’t be doing that. We don’t need some lawyer coming in here and getting that guy off because of police brutality or some shit,” the uptight agent with them stated.

  “Axel doesn’t work for the government. He’s just a man wanting answers about his woman,” L.T. told the agent and then Sandman smiled.

  They walked out of the room.

  “We’ve got Armando and Manchenso’s locations,” Sandman informed him.

  “Is Mariah with them?” he asked and Sandman nodded his head. “Yes. We’re going to get to her, and we’re going to bring this fucker down.” They walked into the other room, and Randy was there. Axel was pulling him inside from the window. They were three stories high.

  “What the fuck is going on in here?” he asked.

  “I was just seeing if Randy, here, wanted to learn how to fly,” Axel said as he shoved Randy down onto a chair. One look at the man’s disheveled clothing and pee stains on his crotch and L.T. couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “Well, what did you find out?”

  “Oh, the location of the arms being sold to a known terrorist group. An agent is on that now. The money exchange through international bank accounts. An agent is on that one, too, and where Armando is holding Mariah.”

  “Oh, I was going to say that I’m impressed, but I thought this asshole would have told you who DeLacruz is. It would be nice to put this entire mess behind us after we catch Armando and Manchenso and lock them up for the rest of their lives,” L.T. teased.

  “You’ll never figure out who DeLacruz is. Your woman is done, gone. By this time, she’s out of the country,” Randy yelled, and Axel elbowed him in the jaw.

  Randy fell to the floor and agents cuffed him and brought him out of the room.

  “Impressive, bro,” Deacon told Axel.

  “We have a location on Armando and Manchenso. Mariah is with them. Come on. You can tell us more on the way to this asshole’s hideout,” L.T. said and Quentin chuckled.

  “You did great, Axel. Let’s go get our woman and bring her home,” Quentin said and they headed out of the room with Sandman and a cavalry of agents and officers.

  * * * *

  Mariah sat there in astonishment. Her head felt funny, her eyes still trying to adjust to the light. She was propped up in a chair, and she could hear the conversation going on in front of her. Armando was talking on the phone.

  “So we lose the deal, the company. Who cares, Manchenso? Just do as I say and get out of there now. No, she comes with me. That’s why having an alias is so great. I’m leaving for the airport,” he said as he continued to pull items from a drawer and place them into a briefcase. There were bags packed and then two men entered, took the bags, and headed out of the room. He turned to her.

  “Ahh, you’re awake. I have some rules to go over with you. I expect complete cooperation as we head out of this building and to the car. When we board the plane, you’d better remain civilized and act as if you want to be there.”

  “Fuck you. I don’t want to be here. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  He was in front of her in a flash. He pulled her up by her blouse, ripping the material. His hold was firm, but his eyes, his eyes were as dark and scary as any eyes she’d ever looked into. She couldn’t help but think they were the eyes of a killer.

  “You will listen. You’re mine. You are part of the deal I made.”

  “That deal is over. Randy has been caught.”

  “But I have you. You’re the key to this entire operation.”

  He slowly released her blouse and stared at her body.

  “You will do as I say.”

  “Or else what?” she replied.

  “Those men you allowed to fuck you last night? They’ll die. One phone call and they’re dead.”

  Her eyes widened, and suddenly she didn’t feel the side effects of the needle they’d given her earlier.

  “You can’t get to them. They’re better than you. In fact, I’m sure they’re on their way here, and they’re going to catch you and kill you, and then they’ll kill Eduardo DeLacruz.”

  His eyes darkened and he smiled as he reached into the briefcase. She saw the gun strung into a holster on his back. Could she get to it? Could she pull it from his holster and use it on him before he retaliated? Her brother had taught her so much, but self-defense was one thing, disarming a killer another.

  He pulled an envelope from his case.

  “Perhaps this will prove to you how serious I am.”

  “I’m not going with you.” She stood up and the slap to her face came swiftly and hard to her cheekbone. She gasped, grabbing her cheek, feeling the tears roll down her cheeks. The pain radiated under her skin, through her jawbone and into her neck.

  “Watch your tongue. I expect respect. You belong to me now.”

  “Never,” she yelled and tried to run. He snagged her arm as she passed and he lifted her up into the air. He shook her like a rag doll, as she kicked and screamed. “Let go of me. I hate you. I’ll never go anywhere with you.”

  He shoved her down to the floor and kicked her repeatedly in the thighs and calves. She cried out in pain, feeling the tender flesh explode like it was on fire from the pain, spasms worse than Charley horses going through her limbs.

  “Stop. Oh, God, stop,” she cried, and she couldn’t move. His strikes had crippled her.

  He grabbed her hair and turned her head so she would look up at him.

  “You see these, bitch? This is your brother. This is what he looked like when I killed him.”

  He made her look. He pressed his thumbs to her eyes, forcing her to keep them open and look at the pictures. She felt like vomiting. Michael’s bruised, bloodied face, his body torn and filled with knife marks and bullet wounds. Oh, God, this is why the men insisted there be a closed coffin. They knew he was tortured and killed like this. They were trying to protect me.

  “I’ll do this to those men, his team. I’ll get them all and have them tortured and killed.”

  She shook her head as she cried. Then it hit her.

  “You killed him. I thought Eduardo DeLacruz did. Why would you—”

  He smiled.

  “The thing about having so many aliases is that no one can ever figure out who you are or how to find you, never mind catch you. Now, get up, Mariah. We’re leaving the country. I’m taking you with me as a sign to those men, that Eduardo DeLacruz will never be caught.”

  Mariah cried out as he pulled her up to her feet. A million thoughts went through her mind. The pain in her thighs and calves, her cheekbone, the pictures she’d seen of Michael, and the fact that Armando was Eduardo DeLacruz. She would rathe
r die here, right now, than be taken away by him. This is what she had hoped for in her continued training, and in her motivation to get her education in the finance world. She’d wanted to find Eduardo DeLacruz. She wanted to identify him, and know the man who’d killed and tortured her brother.

  He reached for her and she shoved away from him.

  “I’m not going. I won’t go anywhere with you.”

  He backhanded her across the mouth and then shoved her against the dresser. She pushed back at him and started to run when he tackled her to the ground. She scrambled on her knees as he swung at her. Mariah turned around and jumped at him. She started swinging and hitting him. She was screaming as they tumbled to the rug and he rolled on top of her. She thought she heard yelling, then gunshots. She was reaching behind Armando, her fingers on the gun, as he looked up, as if he’d heard the shots too. She was crying, shaking with fear and anger as she made the move. She pulled the gun from his holster and he rolled back onto her making her lose her breath and fire the weapon. She screamed as he fought her for the gun. A knee to his groin and he lifted up, giving her the opportunity she needed to scoot back and escape. The man who’d killed her brother was going to kill her.

  She maneuvered the weapon lower. She didn’t know where it was pointed or even if it was against her as he head butted her mouth. She pulled the trigger as the door burst open and people were yelling. She looked at Armando as his eyes widened in shock.

  Someone was pulling him off of her. It was L.T. and then there was Axel, Deacon, and Quentin.

  “Oh, God. Holy shit, baby. Holy shit,” Deacon said. “Let go of the gun, honey. We’ve got you. He’s done,” Axel whispered, trying to take the gun from her hands. She couldn’t let go. She looked to where L.T. was and saw the blood oozing from Armando’s stomach. He was making gurgling sounds and agents were around him.

  “He’s Eduardo DeLacruz. Armando is him. He killed Michael,” she cried as Axel took the gun from her hands and handed it up to one of the agents.

  “It’s okay, baby. We know. We got you. Everything is going to be okay now,” he whispered.

  “You did good, Mariah. You did really good,” Quentin said as Deacon pulled her into his arms and hugged her.

  “It’s over,” L.T. whispered and she looked toward Armando. She heard the agent say that he was dead, and then two others checked his pulse and confirmed it.

  They all looked at her and followed her line of sight at Armando’s dead body.

  “Now it’s over. He can’t hurt another soldier ever again.”

  Chapter 14

  L.T. nodded his head toward Quentin as he carried Mariah from the SUV. It had been a long night, and the doctors at the hospital had released her after she declined remaining there overnight. They were all worried about her condition, both physically and mentally. In her state of exhaustion, she took the time to really think about the men, their actions, and the expressions of their care for her.

  L.T. was their lieutenant in the service. He continued that role and probably always would. Quentin, Deacon, and Axel seemed to find peace in that bit of consistency in their lives. She got that now, but each man had his own sense of authority and dominance. It’s what drew her to them, as individuals and as a whole. L.T.’s commanding personality, hard expression, and need to maintain a leadership role reminded her of Michael. Michael had always been able to confide in L.T., and she wondered if it was because he had been more of a father figure despite the close proximity in their ages?

  She glanced at Deacon as he carried the files and things that were handed to them from the hospital. He was quiet, organized, consistent, and very calm. Even during that intense situation, Deacon had remained calm.

  Axel looked so tired, and in pain. Although they said he didn’t have a concussion, his head was throbbing, and the doctor had given him something for the pain at the hospital. He looked at her now, as Quentin carried her into the elevator and to the hotel room.

  His expression was still so firm and angry, even now, with her in his arms and the danger far behind them, miles from the hotel. Eduardo was dead, Armor Con was taken over by the government and raided, and each employee would be questioned and prosecuted as needed. It was a huge bust, as Sandman had said, and all she wanted to do was be with her men.

  They entered the huge hotel room and the men scattered. L.T. gave orders as she snuggled deeper against Quentin’s chest and nuzzled her mouth against his neck. He turned slowly and kissed her forehead as he headed into the bathroom.

  Axel was there, turning on the water in the tub, while Deacon grabbed towels.

  “We’re going to get the water nice and warm for you, baby. It will help ease the tight muscles and any bruising you have,” Quentin said.

  “I’m so tired, Quentin, can’t we just go to bed?” she whispered and kissed his neck. He squeezed her tighter, her cheek throbbing as it rubbed against his chest.

  “You’ll take the bath and relax a bit. We need to look over your injuries. That doctor wouldn’t let us,” L.T. stated, as he pulled off his shirt, baring his muscular chest. She looked at him in adoration, but also in defiance. It was natural. She had a thing about accepting authority. She kind of didn’t like to just accept it. She enjoyed getting L.T. rattled.

  “Well, you kind of spooked the doctor, L.T., when you said that I was your woman and that the four of you had the right to see my body.”

  He moved closer, as Quentin slowly placed her feet onto the tile floor.

  L.T. placed his hand against her cheek, opposite of the one Armando had hurt.

  “Well get used to it, woman. You belong to us, and no other man will ever see this body but us.”

  She swallowed hard, the tears hitting the back of her eyes.

  That was all she had ever wanted. For them to see her as a woman, their woman.

  He released her cheek and slowly began to undo the buttons on the blouse.

  Quentin helped, and when they pulled off her bra, Quentin cupped her breasts from behind. She closed her eyes and moaned, while L.T. cursed about the bruises on her hips. Wait until he saw the ones on her thighs and belly from Armando kicking her.

  She moaned as she absorbed the feel of Quentin’s large, capable hands caressing her breasts. His chest was wedged up against her back, and she could feel his hard erection.

  Deacon and Axel were in the room. Both wearing boxers.

  L.T. gently pushed down her skirt and the cursing started.

  “Fucking bastard.”

  “Oh, God, baby, did the doctor see these?” Deacon asked. Quentin moved his hands down her belly and he looked over her shoulder.

  “Fuck,” he said and released her. She was naked now, and all four men were shaking their heads.

  “Please. I’m okay. I’m alive and here with the four of you, please,” she begged. L.T. stepped forward and kissed her on the mouth. She reached up and held on to his shoulders. He pressed his tongue deeper and she moaned into his mouth. When she stood up on tiptoes to run her fingers through his crew cut hair, the pain hit the muscles in her calves and thighs. L.T. pulled from her mouth.

  “In the tub, now,” he said. Mariah swallowed hard, as Quentin lifted her up and carried her to the large Jacuzzi tub. She was pleasantly surprised to see Axel there, already in the water, his arms opened wide.

  Quentin handed her to him, and as the water touched her skin, she moaned, until she was submerged to her neck in warmth.

  Deacon pulled her gently between his legs, and she lay back, allowing him to take care of her.

  * * * *

  Deacon swallowed hard. He was filled with deep emotion. The sight of her bruises would be a constant reminder that her life was in such danger. He and his team were going to protect her and love her forever.

  The others left the room, and Deacon began to wash her body.

  “Do you feel okay?”

  “This is great, Deacon. Thank you.”

  The sound of her voice, the relief in it, brought a surge
of emotions to his brain.

  “I love you so much, baby. I was never so scared in my life,” he told her as he wrapped his arm around her midsection, cupping one breast in the process.

  “I love you, too, and I was pretty scared.”

  He used his other hand to push her hair aside. She wore it up high on her head, and her neck was fully exposed. Deacon licked along her skin, nibbling and applying firmer pressure the more relaxed her body became in his arms.



  “I need you,” she whispered. He used the arm that was around her waist to press down over her taut belly. She opened her thighs in offering to his touch, and he moved his fingers into place. Her pussy was moist as he thrust two fingers up into her. She grabbed his thighs and lifted up and back, trying to get him deeper.

  “Oh, God, that feels good.”

  “It does?”

  “Yes, Deacon. I need more,” she said, and then turned in his arms, making his fingers leave her body. She cringed as she straddled his waist, making the water splash up and against his chest.

  Without hesitation she took his cock into her delicate hands and aligned it with her cunt. Mariah sank down onto his shaft, eyes closed, breasts forward, and sighed.

  He cupped her breasts, as she began to thrust up and down on him.

  “So beautiful. You’re gorgeous, Mariah. I’m in heaven,” he whispered and then licked her breast as she thrust downward. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she continued to ride him while he sucked along her neck and ran his hands over her curves.

  She was moving quickly and he was so overwhelmed with desire, he felt himself letting go. He pressed his finger over her puckered hole and she screamed his name as she came. Two more thrusts from Deacon and he followed suit, kissing and sucking her neck, squeezing her shapely body tightly.

  They locked gazes.

  “Deacon, why did you wait to be wearing a mask to make a move on me?”

  He took a deep breath and released it as he held her on top of him.


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