Hearts on Fire 5: Loving Frankie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 5: Loving Frankie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Want to check out the bar outside on the dock?” she asked.

  “Sure,” Frankie said, and they stood up, walking through the crowds of people.

  It was very crowded, and as she passed by a few men who were talking, one of then stepped back between her and Cassidy. He was laughing about something, and he was very attractive. She saw his tattoos on his arms, and he had dark, serious eyes.

  He looked her over as he said, “Excuse me.”

  “No problem,” she whispered as she walked by him. When she looked back over her shoulder, he was watching her. His eyes roamed over her body then back to her face. Quickly, she turned around.

  “Damn, that guy was gorgeous. His friends were pretty fine, too. Sure you don’t feel like mingling?”

  “Not tonight.”

  “Party pooper,” Cassidy teased, and Frankie chuckled.

  “You’ll thank me when you’re able to get up in the morning and go to the gym with no problem.”

  “Honey, if I take home a hottie like that one you just passed up, I wouldn’t need to go to the gym. There’d be plenty of working out in the bedroom.”

  “You’re crazy,” Frankie said as they stood at the bar and ordered margaritas.

  Then they took their drinks and walked toward the railing to look out at the water. There were tall tables with high barstools out here, and the docks were filled with boats and even some yachts.

  “Look at that one.” Cassidy took a sip from her drink.

  “Too big.”


  Frankie and Cassidy looked over their shoulders at two guys who approached. Cassidy recognized them immediately while Frankie adjusted her body, turning fully toward them.

  “What are you doing here?” Cassidy asked one guy, and Frankie immediately felt on the defensive.

  “Hanging out getting a few drinks and listening to the band just like the two of you,” he said then eyed Frankie over.

  “Who’s your friend, Cassidy?” he asked, and the other guy crossed his arms and looked like a troublemaker.

  “None of your business.”

  “I’m Tanner, a friend of Cassidy’s boyfriend, Keith.” He reached out his hand, and Frankie stared at him, never moving to shake his hand.

  “You mean ex-boyfriend, don’t ya?” Frankie asked.

  He gave a smug look and then let his eyes roam over her body before he looked back at Cassidy.

  “About that… Cassidy, don’t you think you’re giving Keith a hard time? I mean the man cares about you a lot, and he’s miserable without you.”

  “He should have thought about that before he cheated on me,” Cassidy replied.

  “That’s not true, and he’s been trying to get in touch with you. Can’t you give him a minute of your time?”

  “We’re leaving, actually,” Frankie said and stepped away from the table, taking Cassidy by her hand.

  Tanner tried to stop her. “He’ll be here momentarily.”

  “Good, then you can tell him she said bug off,” Frankie stated, and as she turned with Cassidy to walk away, she bumped into the guy she’d seen earlier.

  She gasped as he held her by her arms and stared down into her eyes then at Tanner and his buddy. She was shocked at the warm feeling she got from his hold and the instant attraction. He was very tall and muscular and smelled really good. She cleared her throat and turned to look at the guys following her and Cassidy.

  “Are these men bothering the two of you?”

  She exhaled.

  “Not anymore. We’re leaving,” Frankie replied then Cassidy pulled her through the crowd.

  Frankie couldn’t help but to glance back at the good-looking guy with the tattoos. He looked sincere and as if he really was concerned. But then again, considering her inability to judge characters well, she wasn’t giving that expression or action another thought.

  “Let’s get out of here,” Cassidy said, and they called it a night.

  Chapter 2

  Frankie crawled out of bed feeling the dull, annoying pain in her hip. She had to trudge through it. She needed to work, even though she hated waitressing at a bar and nightclub. But tips were great, and there wasn’t much for a woman trying to lay low. She longed for her business attire, her high heels, and professional work setting. She couldn’t believe she missed sales reports, advertising brainstorming meetings, and everything from red-eye flights to boring board meetings.

  She’d needed something that made quick money and kept her out of any potential trouble. Also something where she didn’t need to get paid on the books, where her name would be in a computer system and constantly pop up everywhere.

  Miles Campbell had hired her in the middle of the summer when no one was hiring. His partners, Charlie and Lure, two very attractive men, were now her bosses. Although Miles was a bit creepy and seemed intense, he didn’t ask her a lot of questions or push for personal information. He was out of town a lot. The employees at work had bets going that he was in the witness protection program or a spy. He was something. But he wasn’t Louie Carlotto or Kevin Lang. In fact, she was pretty sure she wasn’t the only employee working at Prestige who was trying to keep a low profile. Except maybe for Cassidy.

  She smiled to herself. Making a new friend so quickly had been surprising. But they both had so much in common it was inevitable. Cassidy was a great woman. Frankie hoped that Cassidy’s ex would leave her alone and that Cassidy would find someone perfect.

  If Cassidy could, she would hit on their bosses, Charlie and Lure, but they were pretty private men who ran a very busy and well-known club. So busy that Cassidy had been right. Frankie really didn’t need to look for a day job.

  None of the employees dated one another, at least as far as she knew. Most were male anyway. She would never date her boss or even a fellow employee, although Lure was pretty damn good-looking. He was one of the many heartthrobs of the place and always drew a crowd at the bar as one of Prestige’s top bartenders, never mind that he was part owner of the place, along with Charlie Spar.

  Frankie made her way to the bathroom to wash up and prepare for the long night ahead of her. Friday was ladies’ night, and Prestige was always jam-packed. But the tips were too good to pass up. At least for now and while she saved enough up to get back on her feet again. Kevin had done a number on her. She’d nearly married the jerk. Him getting jammed up had saved her. A dirty cop, a man who led multiple lives and was unfaithful. How could she have been so stupid?

  She shook the thoughts from her head but couldn’t shake that tight sensation in her chest. She knew the reality of this situation. Despite being behind bars, Kevin still had friends who could be watching her. Just like Keith’s friends tonight at the Beach House. They’d approached them and called Keith to tell him Cassidy was there.

  Guys had some kind of special loyalty and bond to one another. They didn’t even care that Keith struck Cassidy and pushed her around. In fact, they might be just like him.

  Kevin was the same, and no matter how badly he treated Frankie or how he spoke down to her, Kevin didn’t see anything wrong. He actually thought she would take him back and that he still had that hold, that control over her life. That had been six months ago. He was a killer. Hell, he’d gotten away with murder, or at least the one she knew of. Poor Oscar. She had cried for days. She’d even looked up information on his obituary, looking for any pictures she could find about his service, a full law enforcement service with officers from around the United States. She had stood there, feeling like shit for keeping her mouth closed about his murder.

  God, she hated police funerals, funerals for firefighters, and military ones. She’d gone through multiple on her own, and she never wanted to go to another one again.

  She ran the brush through her hair and fixed it into a fancy style to the side of her head. Maybe she would wear it like this tonight. She had to wash it first.

  She felt guilty. Guilty for knowing that Kevin had gotten away with Oscar’s murder and she c
ouldn’t do a damn thing about it. It was her life on the line. She not only feared Kevin’s wrath and possessiveness but also feared Carlotto’s. Kevin was the one who’d killed Oscar. Carlotto was part of that, and she needed to keep her mouth shut about Kevin’s confession because it would destroy their multi-million-dollar drug operation back in Chicago. Back in a life she’d put behind her.

  She’d escaped that life and put the past behind her. At least she prayed for that to be true. If Carlotto or Kevin ever found her, they would force her back into their criminal world or put her in a grave.

  She established some guidelines and rules for her future and for men in general. Staying clear of them entirely was ridiculous, especially with men like Lure and Charlie constantly around. But she didn’t feel the deep attraction she fantasized about with any of the men she’d met so far. She wanted more. She didn’t want lust, infatuation, or just sex. She wanted to be loved, and in wanting something so perfect, she pretty much knew she was destined for loneliness. How could she ever trust a man? How could she put an innocent man in jeopardy of getting hurt or, worse, killed? That was a realistic outcome if Kevin or Carlotto ever found her. They would kill any man she was with. There was no lying to herself about that. Maybe a quick fling would be the best option for her? That thought had her shaking her head. She wasn’t like that. Kevin had been her first and only lover.

  She didn’t think she wanted to get that close to another person again. To be bound that intimately and always fear getting hurt and used. No, it wasn’t for her. Not now anyway.

  Francesca had a new life now, with no more fears that one of Kevin’s thug friends could find her and keep tabs. Or at least she hoped none of them knew where she was. She wasn’t planning on staying in Bayline anyway or even saving enough money to live in Treasure Town a few towns up and on the water. Rent wasn’t cheap in resort areas, even on the outer limits. She loved the area, but Carlotto’s reach went far. If she stayed in one place too long, he might find her. She didn’t want to be owned. She just wanted to be left alone to live her life the way she wanted to and not be controlled and directed by a man.

  She turned on the shower and prepared to maneuver under the hot water. That should ease her hip, an injury that was getting better and better every day. An injury that showed the scars from the knife wound the night Carlotto’s men had tried to take out Kevin. At least Kevin had cared enough to shove her out of the way and take a hit from Carlotto. But that didn’t mean she forgave Kevin for all he had done to her.

  Carlotto got her out of there. Carlotto had saved her from being questioned by police and even interrogated for information on Kevin and Carlotto. He helped her get the medical attention she needed, and then she took off as Kevin went down for a minor crime.

  She read that a special team of investigators was looking into Oscar’s death. But then she left town and didn’t look back. Carlotto set up Kevin to take the fall for drug possession while he tried to get Frankie in bed.

  The illegal drugs landed Kevin in jail for a year. But she knew how these things worked. Kevin had friends all over the place, and he wouldn’t serve his full time. Her hope that Carlotto would kill Kevin and then the police would bust Carlotto never happened. She had to run. She took off the moment she had the chance and never looked back. She needed out of Chicago and fast.

  She withdrew her savings and took off. She didn’t even pay the rent she owed on her apartment, and she felt bad about that, but she couldn’t waste any time. She didn’t trust a soul, and she planned on keeping it that way.

  Frankie shivered as she stepped under the spray of water, hip throbbing, which was more psychological than anything else. Late at night, while she lay in bed listening to every small sound, fearing Kevin’s men or even Carlotto’s might have found her, the pain increased. But then the sounds of fighting, men and women in drunken stupors in the older, beat-up apartment complex replaced those fearful thoughts.

  She would grip the handgun. The one she slept with every night.

  I can’t go back to him. I can’t let him manipulate me like he did before. He cheated on me. He’s a criminal, and everything he told me was a lie. Lies to manipulate my mind. To make me fall in love with an imaginary man who was evil and a killer. So why does it still hurt so much? Why do I feel so weak, so foolish and worthless? Because that’s what he told me I would be without him. Nothing. No one. And all alone.

  Francesca closed her eyes as the tears emerged. Her chest tightened, her breathing grew rapid, and she pressed her forehead against the tiled wall. Twenty-three and broken. That’s all I am.

  Thirty minutes, two cups of coffee, and a meal replacement shake later, and Francesca was off to Prestige. She entered the club through the back door after walking the four blocks to work. The town was alive with music, a nearby amusement park that stayed open until midnight and a strip of bars and restaurants along the way. As the sun began to set, the beachgoers went home to rest, shower, and change in anticipation of the nightlife and all Bayline had to offer in the evening hours.

  “Hey, gorgeous, how’s it going?” Lure asked as she entered the back door where he prepared the guest list for the private back rooms for the night.

  “Good. How about you? Is it going to be a busy night?”

  Lure assisted with bouncing as security. He was in his thirties but had this mysterious look in his eyes like he was analyzing everything or suspecting everyone of being guilty before innocent. From what she’d heard, he used to work for the government and was some sort of agent or something. No one really knew. He had nervous energy though. That was why he worked all the time and barely rested. Plus, he had loads of money from what she heard. It added to the mystery of the man, who was tall, had wavy, slicked-back black hair, and a chiseled jaw and cheekbones, making him appear stronger and capable. His deep, dark eyes always looked so serious. A lot of the workers thought he was mean, but he had never been mean to her and always gave her a welcoming smile.

  He glanced down at the clipboard he held in his hand.

  “Looks like we have a few parties tonight on top of the regulars. I’ll need you to handle the big one if you’re up to it?” he asked and eyed her over.

  His gaze landed on her hip, and she turned slightly, as if that would stop him from singling out her weak spot. After she’d worked at the place only a few days, Lure had noticed her favor that hip and rub it late in the evening. He asked her about it, and she told him it was an old injury that acted up when she was on her feet a lot. From there on out, he tried to get her to rest in between performing her tasks, but of course, she refused. She tried hard not to show weakness even in the eyes of compassionate strangers.

  “Sure thing. How many are expected for this party?” She hung up her hoodie and bag then reached for her black apron. It was short and held only her two pens, a notepad she hardly ever used, and her lip gloss. She smoothed out her short black skirt then began to adjust the T-shirt she wore with the Prestige insignia on it. Her breasts were too large for the tank top and the T-shirt, but she had to wear one of them, so she chose the T-shirt. It was annoying, but the truth of the matter was that showing off her deep cleavage really brought in the big tips. If there were a lot of males at this party, she should make a killing tonight. Still, she missed her office job and the professional dress code and using her brain and business instincts to get the work done.

  She glanced over her shoulder to find Lure watching her with his arms crossed.

  “What kind of party is this tonight?” she asked.


  Her heart raced a little. The fear that some wild, drunk guys could get a bit rowdy made her nervous.

  He seemed to read her mind.

  “Don’t worry. I personally know the men who are hosting this party. They’ll be sure to keep the guys under control. There are only about twenty-five of them. You’ll handle the appetizers and drink orders while Gloria does cleanup, if she ever gets here. Her attitude sucks lately. I’m sure they�
��ll move on to the bar area within a couple of hours.”

  “Okay. If you say so.” She pulled out her lip gloss and ran the small tube along her lips.

  “Anyone gives you a hard time, you tell me or Charlie. You hear?”

  “Yes, sir.” She smiled. He held his serious expression and turned and walked away.

  She gulped. Lure was very stern all the time, but she trusted him with doing his job and watching over his staff. He would ensure her safety. Now all she needed to do was prepare herself mentally for this bachelor party. She glanced into the mirror by the lockers.

  I really don’t like showing off my body like this. Maybe I can find another job where the uniform is less revealing?

  She took a deep breath, stared at her blue eyes and platinum-blonde hair, and got ready to start her night at Prestige. She placed her purse into the locker and used her hoodie to cover it. She brought her gun with her everywhere, but she didn’t need to advertise that. She wasn’t sure how much longer she could stay in Bayline, but wherever she moved to next so Kevin and Carlotto wouldn’t find her, she hoped for a better job, one that didn’t make her feel like the easy, gullible tramp that Kevin made her feel like. All she could do was hope for a better life now that she’d gotten away from him.

  * * * *

  Deputy Turbo Hawkins stood next to his brothers, Mike, Nate, and Rye as they got out of Nate’s truck. They were all together tonight, an unusual event they were usually too busy to enjoy lately. Turbo had been looking forward to this bachelor party all week, anticipating a good time with his brothers and some of the friends they’d all grown up with. Jessy Parker and his brothers, Larry and Dudley, were getting married to Priscilla.

  “We haven’t hung out like this in months,” Mike said as he held the door to Prestige open for his brothers.

  “More like over a year, Mike,” Rye said as they all entered.

  “We’ve all had crazy schedules with work. But with Mike off of nights for the next month from the firehouse, we should be able to hang out together more often,” Turbo added.


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