Hearts on Fire 5: Loving Frankie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 5: Loving Frankie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“You pack a hell of a punch, baby. I don’t think one kiss is going to be enough.”

  She stared up at him with such innocence and femininity he felt an overwhelming sensation of protectiveness over her. He brushed his thumb along her lower lip.

  “Hop in the truck, Frankie.”

  He didn’t mean to sound as though he was ordering her around, but he didn’t want her out of his sight. Hell, he didn’t know how they would let her leave them tonight, but he’d worry about that later. Right now he would enjoy the close proximity of the backseat of the truck and one sexy platinum-blonde who had just turned his world upside down.

  * * * *

  Mike held her hand as he introduced her to some of his friends. She was nervous about going with them to the Station and how their date might be perceived. That was until she saw the multiple other ménage couples around and, of course, the energy the place emitted.

  “This is so cool,” she told Mike as she hugged his arm, liking the feel of muscles and thickness against her body.

  All four men were big and tall. A lot taller than she was. She felt feminine and sexy around them. She felt safe.

  She tried pushing those needy sensations out of her head as she took in the sights. Firefighting memorabilia decorated practically every wall. There were old pictures, some tattered uniforms behind glass, tools firefighters used to fight fires, and the coolest thing ever. In the center of the room was a long pole like the ones used to descend from the upper floor of a fire station.

  “It really is a fire station, isn’t it?” she asked Mike, and he smiled wide.

  “Sure is. Jake’s dad, Burt, and his buddy Jerome own the place,” Mike told her, and just then Jake, two other men, and a really pretty brunette greeted them.

  “Hey, to what do we owe the pleasure of your company here at the Station tonight?” Jake teased, shaking the guys’ hands.

  “Or, better yet, to whom?” one of the others said as he winked at her. Then he added, “Hal McCurran, Jake’s brother.” He shook her hand. Then Jake introduced their woman, Michaela, and his other brother, Bear.

  “Your call signs, huh?” Frankie asked.

  “Get used to it. Most of these guys go by their call signs,” Michaela said and reached her hand out. “Nice to meet you.”

  “You, too.”

  “Frankie works at Prestige,” Jake told his wife.

  “Oh, so this is Frankie,” Michaela replied, and Frankie felt a little out of the loop.

  “I’m sorry, Frankie. I didn’t mean to make that sound bad. It’s actually kind of funny. Let me explain.”

  Michaela placed her hand on Frankie’s shoulder and began to walk her a few feet away and toward the bar. Frankie glanced over her shoulder and saw the men watching her, and Jake looked serious while talking to Turbo. She felt her belly clench with concern, but Michaela grabbed her complete attention.

  “These guys all came in here a few nights after Jessie, Larry, and Dudley’s bachelor party and were carrying on about this gorgeous platinum-blonde who worked at Prestige and how she’d turned down all their advances. Some jerks were saying stuff about going there and checking you out when Nate basically threatened them. It was crazy because Nate doesn’t date, barely talks to anyone, and, well, just saying, you obviously affect the man.”

  Frankie lowered her eyes and then pulled her bottom lip between her teeth.

  “I wonder why he did that. I hardly even spoke to him or his brothers that night.”

  “Well, you’re with them now. Anyway, it was just awesome to see them here at the Station and walking in with you. Jake and his brothers have known the Hawkins brothers for years, but since Nate came back from serving in the war and working for the government, he’s changed. They all had and hardly ever hung out. It’s great to see them here. How long have you been dating them?”

  “Tonight is our first date actually.”

  “No. Really? I would have thought, well, it doesn’t matter. It’s nice to meet the woman who got those guys to come out tonight to the Station. They could have brought you someplace special for your first date though. I’ll need to talk with them.”

  Frankie chuckled. “They took me to Galileo’s.”

  Michaela widened her eyes. “Really? Nice.” She nodded. “What would you like to drink?” she asked Frankie as she waved over the bartender.

  “I really shouldn’t.”

  “Don’t be silly, just one to make a toast.”

  “A toast?”

  “Sure, to new friendships,” Michaela told her, and Frankie felt a gush of emotions.

  She didn’t think this woman was for real. But then, an hour later, as Frankie laughed along with the Hawkins brothers and a bunch of their friends, she knew these people weren’t faking anything. They were real. They cared about one another, and she’d never felt so envious in her life.

  * * * *

  Jake moved across the room to stand next to Turbo. “Galileo’s, huh? I guess you went all out to impress her?”

  Turbo chuckled. “Hey, you saw her reaction to me at her place. But really I can’t take the credit. It was Nate and Rye that got her to accept a date.”

  “Nate and Rye? No freaking way.” Jake replied and then took a slug of beer and looked at Turbo’s brothers.

  “She’s a beautiful woman. I hope it works out for you guys,” Jake told him.

  “It’s a first date. A start,” Turbo replied.

  Jake gave his arm a nudge. “You sound unsure.”

  Turbo glanced at Frankie and then back at Jake.

  “She’s different. It’s more than just shyness, youth, and perhaps not being as experienced. There’s something there.”

  “Maybe it’s because of the case. You’re trying to maintain your professionalism while also pursuing an interest.”

  “It’s more than that. I can’t read her. It’s like some moments she seems confident, sure of herself, or at least she pretends to be. And other times, she seems intimidated, scared, like she’s trying to decide how to react to us.”

  “You’re a pretty good judge of character, Turbo, but sometimes a pretty face and knock-out body can ruin your better judgment. Do you think she’s more interested in the fantasy of a ménage than making that type of commitment?”

  “I’m not sure what to think, but I know I’ll do what’s necessary to protect my brothers.”

  Jake nodded as he looked toward Rye, Mike, and Nate, who surrounded Frankie.

  “How about just being honest with Frankie about what you’re feeling? Perhaps she’ll be honest with all of you in return.”

  Turbo nodded. “I’ll see what happens. It’s only a first date.”

  Jake slapped his hand gently against Turbo’s shoulder. “Sometimes it doesn’t even take that long to get in deep.” He then nodded toward Michaela just as Jake’s brother Billy wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled against her neck.

  Turbo remembered how they all had met Michaela She had been hiding from serious trouble, too. Maybe he should follow his gut and just ask for Frankie’s honesty.

  * * * *

  “I can take the bus, really,” Frankie told them after they left the Station and headed toward the truck.

  “Are you out of your mind? We’ll take you home. We want to be sure you get there safely,” Mike told her, staying close to her as they escorted her to the truck.

  She felt pretty good, almost bubbly, as she tilted her head to the side so she could lock gazes with Mike.

  “Is this an attempt to get me to let you into my place?”

  He turned her around and pressed her against the truck.

  Holding her gaze with his beautiful dark-brown eyes, he gave her one of his sexy smiles.

  “Baby, inviting us into your place is completely your choice.”

  Before she could respond, or even recover from that sexy expression and similarly sexy comment, he kissed her deeply.

  She felt lost in his arms and in his kiss but reminded herself that this was a first date and t
aking it too quickly could be disastrous. She pulled back and pressed her hands against his chest.

  “God, you make saying no so difficult.”

  He pulled his lower lip between his teeth and gazed over her cleavage.

  “Good, because I so badly would love to explore this amazing body of yours.”

  She felt her cheeks warm as she pulled back and cleared her throat.

  “First date, remember? I think I should take the bus.”

  “Not happening. Hop in, honey. We’ll get you there safely,” Rye told her, giving her a light tap to her ass.

  Even that aroused her pussy and made her think of making love to these men. Hell, they turned her on so much she truly debated about just letting them fuck her and call it the best most memorable experience of her life. But that wasn’t her. She had feelings, and she feared that connection, that bonding of bodies. Kevin had been her only lover, and it seemed she couldn’t satisfy him enough that he’d strayed elsewhere. How the hell would she be able to satisfy four men?

  She clutched her bag and climbed into the truck with Rye’s support.

  They talked about town and even mentioned a few newer condominium places that were up for rent. Their hints were thoughtful, and she didn’t take them as an insult for they didn’t know why she’d chosen Bayline and the worse neighborhood around.

  As Nate pulled the truck up to the curb, Rye opened the door and helped her out.

  “We’ll walk you,” he said.

  “No need to.”

  “We want to. It’s not exactly well lit, Frankie,” Turbo told her.

  “Hey, I’ve got my trusty protection. No worries.” She patted her purse. They knew she had a gun. They didn’t look too happy about it at all.

  “Nonsense. We took you out on a date tonight. We’ll walk you to your door,” Turbo added, and the doors slammed closed.

  Her four huge-ass bodyguards escorted her along the dark sidewalks and up past the even darker pathways to her main door. She turned around to face them.

  “Well, I had a wonderful time. I loved Galileo’s. Thank you for taking me there.”

  “We’re walking you all the way up,” Turbo told her.

  “Turbo, I’m fine. I come and go from here every day and night. I can take care of myself.”

  “I think otherwise. We’ll walk you to your door,” he added firmly.

  She didn’t know what to do. She was trying so hard to act independent. To act like having these four amazing, capable, strong, good men around her didn’t make her yearn for what couldn’t be. They made her feel safe, cared for, and important. She had to be tough. She needed to gain control and think about what she wanted and what was right for all of them.

  “I’m not inviting you inside,” she told him, pointing at his chest.

  Turbo grabbed her finger and pulled her toward him, causing her to step off the top step of the entranceway as he pulled her into his arms.

  His hands held her firmly, one palm along her ass and the other around her waist.

  “I respect that. It’s a first date. But soon enough, you’ll ask us to stay, or better yet, you’ll come home with us.”

  He kissed her, and she kissed him back, wondering if this was even real and if maybe, just maybe, the past was well behind her and right here in front of her was her future.

  Chapter 7

  “So tell me about it. How was the sex?” Cassidy asked Frankie as Frankie joined her on the beach, laying her towel on the sand.

  Frankie looked around them as if people may have heard Cassidy.

  “Cassidy, could you lower your voice? I didn’t have sex with them.”

  “No? Holy God, girl, what is wrong with you? Or, even more importantly, what did they do to turn you off?”

  Frankie exhaled in annoyance, and Cassidy chuckled. She felt sorry for Frankie but also happy for her. It was obvious that Frankie was running from her past or, at the very least, scared of it. To find such great guys like the Hawkins brothers was like hitting the jackpot. It made her think about her own screwed-up relationship with Keith and about the new guy, Peter, she’d met two days ago.

  Frankie pulled off her cover-up, revealing her voluptuous figure and the cute little moon and star tattoo she had on her hip. There was also some scarring by her hip bone, and when Cassidy had asked Frankie about it, she told her it was an old injury she’d gotten as a teen.

  “They didn’t do anything wrong. They didn’t turn me off. I just don’t have sex on the first date. Not that I didn’t want to. God, Cassidy, it was so hard not to,” she admitted as she plopped down onto the towel.

  Cassidy smiled. She was so happy for her friend.

  “I knew it. How could any sane woman not want to have sex with men as hot as those four?”

  “Hey,” Frankie reprimanded.

  Cassidy widened her eyes and then slammed her hands on the towel with excitement.

  “Oh my God, you’ve got it bad. You totally are into them. All four of them. A ménage!” She smiled, and Frankie covered her head and banged her hand down on the towel.

  “It’s so crazy. I can’t even tell you how wonderful and amazing they are.”

  “So why didn’t you sleep with them?”

  “Because I don’t really know them. I didn’t want to come off easy. It was the first date and…”

  “And what?”

  “I’m scared to.”

  “Aw, honey.” She clutched Frankie’s hand. “Does this have something to do with your ex and the past you refuse to talk about?”

  Frankie nodded.

  “He did a number on me. In some ways he’s somewhat like them, yet they’re totally different. It’s hard to explain. I’m worried, too, because he had cheated on me. I couldn’t make one man commit to me completely. How the hell am I going to make four be faithful?”

  “Oh, honey, your ex was stupid. A ménage relationship is different. It’s sacred, and there’s a special bond that exists. They are brothers for one, and they are bound to one another, blood and all. From my understanding, this type of relationship involves a big commitment and no cheating, no hiding information, and being upfront. Men involved in a ménage cater to a woman’s every need, desire, and, of course, protection. With more than one man committed, a woman would never feel alone, unprotected, or cared for. It’s special,” Cassidy told her and then looked out toward the water. She thought about Peter and his brothers and the way they described it to her.

  “How do you know so much about these types of relationships?”

  She shrugged. “I’d consider it if the right men came along.”

  “Really?” Frankie asked. Cassidy nodded.

  “Well, let’s think about this. What specifically reminds them of your ex? Or is it one of them that does?”

  “I really don’t want to talk about that.”

  “I think you should. I don’t want you to miss out on being happy. After all, it was you who helped me get out of a dangerous relationship with Keith, who, by the way, showed up at my apartment on Sunday with roses and promises of making things up to me.”

  “Oh God, what did you do?”

  “I told him I wasn’t interested. I told him to leave me alone. He was pissed off and tried to force his way in, but Manny was home next door. He came out of his apartment with his cell phone and a baseball bat and asked if everything was all right.”

  “Oh God, you should have called the police. You have that order of protection.”

  “I just want him to leave me alone. I think calling the cops would have enraged him more. Besides, it is over, and I moved on,” she said, and Frankie chuckled.

  “Who is he?” she asked.

  Cassidy was surprised. Then again, it seemed in the last few months they had become such close friends it was as if they’d known one another forever.

  “His name is Peter. He has four brothers, which is why I was kind of hoping that you would engage in the ménage experience.”

  “Oh shit, you like all five o
f them?”

  Cassidy smiled.

  “They’re first responders. Cops and firefighters, actually.”

  “Oh God. Just be careful. Make sure you don’t jump into bed with them. Sometimes first responders aren’t exactly as perfect as you may think.”

  Cassidy saw the expression in Frankie’s eye before she looked down at the beach towel.

  “Is that who hurt you? A first responder?”

  Frankie was silent a moment. She looked up toward the beach and then back down.

  “He was a cop. I trusted him. I thought I was going to marry him, and he cheated on me.”

  “Oh man, Frankie. That’s terrible. No wonder you’re giving the Hawkins men such a hard time. Did you tell them about your ex?”

  “No. No way would I talk about him. I’ll get past it. It’s a long story, and it’s from my old life. After Sunday night’s date and the way things went, I’m feeling pretty positive that I can move on. I want to move on.”

  “That’s great. I want to move on, too.” Just as Cassidy said that, her phone buzzed with a text message.

  She glanced down and saw that it was Peter. He was at Sullivan’s café with his partner, Todd.

  “It’s Peter. He and his partner in the police department are having lunch right up on the boardwalk at Sullivan’s. They want us to join them.”

  “Oh, you go. I’ll stay here.”

  “No. Don’t be silly. I want you to meet him,” Cassidy said.

  Frankie gave a small smile. “Okay.” She reached for her cover-up as they both stood up. Then she gathered their towels and beach bags.

  “It’s hot out. I can use one of those big iced teas from Sullivan’s,” Cassidy said.

  “That sounds great.”

  They both stopped at the top of the beach where the ramp was to wash off their sandy feet and put on their flip-flops. Cassidy reached for her cover-up.

  “Hey, gorgeous.”

  She turned around to see Reggie. “Oh my God, what are you doing here?” She hurried up the ramp and accepted the hug and kiss hello from Reggie, Peter’s brother.

  “Peter said he was going to see if you were down here, and I was picking up some supplies for dinner tonight. Are you still coming over?” he asked her.


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