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Hearts on Fire 5: Loving Frankie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 19

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Turbo appeared with a washcloth and cleaned her up then kissed her tattoo, her belly, her breasts, and then her lips.

  Nate pulled her into his arms and brought her up higher on the bed and under the covers.

  Turbo turned off the light and got into bed behind her, and both men adjusted their bodies around her like a shield of armor. She couldn’t help but smile.

  “I love you guys. Goodnight.” She fell into a deep sleep, feeling content and sedated.

  * * * *

  Rye watched Frankie get dressed.

  “Call in sick. Charlie and Lure won’t care.”

  He didn’t want her to leave, even though he and Nate had work to do and Turbo, too. Mike was going into the firehouse to do paperwork but had to see the doctor before he could get back onto active duty.

  “Rye, I can’t. I’m scheduled for multiple parties the next few nights. It’s good money.”

  He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. They’d all showered and kissed her and expressed how much they didn’t want her out of their sight or their arms.

  “We can take care of you.”

  Her eyes widened. She looked hurt or maybe shocked. He wasn’t sure. Sometimes Frankie was hard to read.

  “Rye, this is my job for now. Please don’t make this complicated. We had an amazing two days and nights together. I’ll see you in a few days.” She pressed her palm against his cheek.

  “A few days, my ass. We’ll go by Prestige tonight and see you.”

  “No, Rye. You can’t. I’ll be in the private back room. It will be an interruption. Let me do my job like you guys do your jobs.” She cupped his cheeks between her hands, and he held her ass and hips.

  “I’ll miss you.” She leaned down and kissed his lips. He pulled her closer and fell backward then rolled her to her back on the bed.

  “You watch your ass, you hear me. Any fucking guys flirt with you, tell them you’re taken,” he demanded and was surprised at his own firm tone. He didn’t want to come across as some possessive asshole. It might scare her.

  “I love you. Remember that.”

  “I love you, too.” He kissed her then hugged her, hoping he could survive the next twenty-two hours without her.

  Chapter 11

  “So that’s who Gloria was so jealous of. Very fucking interesting,” Sal said as he licked his lips and watched the waitress taking orders from the other men at the private party.

  “She has a fucking hot body. She could be a centerfold model. Look at those tits and that ass,” Chino said, watching her with lust in his eyes.

  Sal glanced at Ralphy. He was straight-faced as usual.

  “Ralphy, what do you think?”

  “About the blonde or about this place Prestige and the opportunity to gain back some business Gloria cost us?”

  Sal smirked. “First things first. The blonde.”

  Ralphy glanced back toward her. She was headed their way to take their order.

  “I’d fuck her, but I would break her.”

  “Break her heart. She looks too fucking sweet to have that siren body,” Chino added.

  Sal held her gaze. His brother had to see her. He nodded as he took a picture.

  “Good evening, gentleman. May I take your drink orders?” she asked.

  “Sure thing, baby. What’s your name?” he asked.

  She looked a bit timid. His cock hardened. He kind of liked that.


  He squinted at her.

  Ralphy spoke first. “That’s a guy’s name.”

  She gave him a dirty look. “Well, obviously I’m not a guy,” she retorted, and Sal watched Ralphy’s body language. He was a fucking animal and had a mean streak in him for disobedient women, as he referred to most of the opposite sex.

  Ralphy eyed her body over.

  “Further examination may be needed to clarify that, darling.”

  “You wish. Can I get you guys drinks or not?” she asked firmly with attitude, and Chino chuckled.

  “Martini, dry, no olives, Kettle One.”

  “Same here, Frankie,” Sal said. She looked at Ralphy.

  “Scotch. Straight up. You might as well bring over the bottle.”

  “I’ll be back shortly.” She then walked away. They all watched her.

  “Cocky bitch,” Ralphy stated.

  “She didn’t like your insulting comment,” Chino replied.

  “She has a fucking guy’s name. What the fuck?” Ralphy said.

  “Gino has to see what she looks like. Let’s get a picture.”

  Ralphy rolled his eyes but stood up and made his way to the bar area and Frankie. Sal watched as he very inconspicuously took several pictures of Frankie, including her ass in the short, tight black skirt.

  “Oh yeah. Gino is going to love her,” Sal said.

  Ralphy returned.

  “This place is fucking crowded. The bartender said every fucking night they’re open. We can easily squeeze some more people in here to sell.”

  “I agree. The only thing that concerns me are the owners. From my understanding, they’re very alert and have a good hold on their employees,” Sal said.

  “Gloria got in here no problem. She was a fuck-up, too, but still brought in a shitload of money each week. We need to rectify that fuck-up and make nice with Carlotto,” Chino stated.

  “Carlotto is sending some of his own men here. We’ll figure this out. We may need to meet with these owners and apply the pressure like you guys did today at Riley’s and the Beach House,” Sal said.

  “They have a few more hours to call us. If they don’t, they just might be putting out a fire and damage to their businesses where they’ll need a loan,” Ralphy stated.

  “You all set with the plan for arson? We don’t need any more fuck-ups,” Sal said.

  “Chino and I have it covered. Like I said, if we don’t hear from these owners, and they’re not on board with paying a little security each month, then this first and only warning should make them very cooperative,” Ralphy told Sal.

  Sal nodded. His guys knew what to do and how to apply the pressure. He pulled out his cell and looked at the pictures Ralphy had taken. The woman Frankie was fucking hot. He sent his brother the pictures and a text.

  This is the broad Gloria was jealous of. What do you think?

  * * * *

  “They’re there now, Louie. Ralphy and Chino said a few of the other places would bring in some nice funds, too. They applied the pressure, spoke to the owners, and gave our terms of agreement,” Gino told Louie Carlotto over the phone.

  Gino’s cell phone went off, and he read his brother’s text message.

  “So if your brother believes these to be lucrative businesses, then I expect results fast, or you’re going to have to find another way to pay off the debt.”

  Gino felt his chest tighten. They were all going to get knocked off if he didn’t make nice with Carlotto and get him more money.

  “We’ll do it. Just give us this week, and we’ll have everything in order.”

  “You’d better. I have men in town now. So watch that you don’t fuck up. My informants tell me your brother is being watched and investigated by the police. I don’t need pigs on my ass. I’ve had to buy enough cops, and I’m not buying local beach bum ones.”

  “I understand. By the way, my brother just sent me a picture of the woman Gloria attacked at Prestige. Pretty fucking hot stuff. Big tits. A real sweet beauty.”

  “Send me them. We’ll be in touch.”

  Carlotto disconnected the call, and Gino sat up straight in his chair.

  The blonde was pretty fucking hot. He sent the photos to Carlotto and then read his brothers message again.

  “What man wouldn’t fuck a piece of ass like that?”

  He texted back.

  Maybe she’ll be a perk to our new business in Treasure Town? Find out what you can, but lay low. Give me an update as soon as Ralphy completes phase one.
br />   * * * *

  Carlotto disconnected the call from Gino Baletti and sat back in his chair.

  “How did that go?” Pasqual asked him.

  “I’m not sure if he’ll pull through. We may need to cut our losses and move on. It’s not like we need the extra business.”

  “But those clubs on the beaches with all the damn college kids are gold mines.

  “Ruffio and Santana did their own research. They think the businesses are very lucrative.”

  Carlotto heard his phone go off. He glanced at the text message.

  “Fucking Geno. He’s sending me a picture of the waitress Gloria assaulted when she got caught dealing. He says she’s a knockout.”

  Pasqual smirked.

  Carlotto opened up the text and had to do a double take. He leaned forward and grabbed onto the desk.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Pasqual asked, standing up and coming closer.

  “He fucking found her. Gino found Francesca.”

  “What?” Pasqual asked as he came around his boss’s desk and looked over his shoulder.

  Carlotto took in the sight of her in the tight, barely there waitressing outfit.

  “She looks so different,” Pasqual said.

  “She’s hiding out in the same fucking town, working at the same fucking club we’re about to take over. We’ve searched everywhere for her. Tell me this isn’t fucking fate and that she doesn’t belong with me?” Carlotto said as he stared at her pictures. She looked incredible. He’d spent nights dreaming of that body, of fucking her. He’d even tried fucking blonde whores just to get her out of his head.

  “What do you want me to do first, boss?”

  Carlotto looked at Pasqual.

  “First things first. Kevin is going to be a problem to deal with.”

  “We can take him out. Problem solved.”

  “I still need him and his connections in the police department. Plus, he owes me his life. His debt will never be paid unless I tell him he’s free if he gives me Francesca.”

  “I say fuck that bastard. He doesn’t own her. She took off to get away from him. He cheated on her, abused her, and put her in direct line of fire. She took off and has been on her own. She’s working at a fucking bar and nightclub instead of the professional career she loved. Fuck that prick.”

  Carlotto chuckled.

  “You really hate Kevin, don’t you?”

  “Like I said, give the okay, and he’s gone. Forever.”

  “I want to be careful here. If the feds and the local police have their eyes on Gino and Sal Baletti, then we don’t want to be seen with them. We don’t need to go take Francesca and cause more trouble.”

  “Then what do you suggest?”

  “Call Kevin. Tell him I found something he lost.”

  “You’re going to give him Francesca?” Pasqual asked.

  Carlotto looked down at the picture on his phone and leaned back in his chair.

  “I’m going to let him do the dirty work. Let him go out to New Jersey and grab her. He’ll bring her back here, and then we’ll get rid of him.”

  Pasqual smirked.

  “That’s one hell of a plan. But aren’t you worried he might hurt her or maybe fuck her another time?”

  “He fucked her for over a year. What the hell is one last time? It’s the least I can allow him before I put him in his grave.”

  Pasqual chuckled.

  “Call Rufio and Santana. Give them the heads-up that Kevin is coming and have them find out all they can on Francesca. That way we make it easy for Kevin to grab her. In forty-eight hours, she’ll be back in Chicago and in my bed. Where she belongs.”

  * * * *

  Jake McCurran tried to remain controlled and not blow his stack. The owners of both Riley’s and the Beach House had asked for a private, secure meeting out on the docks in Bayline. He was shocked as they told him about the men approaching them from out of town and threatening them. They asked for money each month and also the ability to freely sell drugs at their clubs. They told the owners, Brian from Riley’s and Chester from the Beach House, that if they didn’t comply, then they would apply a bit of pressure and force them, too. They threatened their business, their families, and their patrons.

  As he gathered all the information he needed that evening, a call came over the radio as Chester’s cell phone rang.

  The Beach House was on fire. Engine 20 was currently putting it out.

  As they rushed to the scene, Jake called Buddy and Turbo and had them meet him there. This was all too much of a coincidence not to investigate full force and immediately. No gangster thugs were going to come into Treasure Town and try to force the hands of hard-working citizens in the community. Organized crime was a serious matter and now he wondered who else in town might have been confronted and who was giving in out of fear?

  Jake stood by Chester and Chief Raul Sanchez of Engine 20. One of his main firefighter, Collin Caldwell, was giving them the details.

  “Looks like the fire started out back by a Dumpster,” Collin told them.

  “The Dumpster? That’s right by the back door to the kitchen. How is the kitchen? Please tell me the kitchen is okay,” Chester said, sounding frantic.

  Collin touched his arm. “Chester, the Dumpster was moved to the other side of the building and nowhere near the kitchen. It was against the other side. You have some damage to one of the back rooms, but really, it’s minor. Nothing that would close you down for more than a day of cleanup and freshening up,” Collin told him.

  “My God, Jake. What am I going to do?” Chester said and covered his mouth then ran his hand along his chin as he exhaled.

  Jake cleared his throat.

  “We’re going to take care of this together. I’ve got men patrolling the streets near Riley’s, too. I hope if anyone else was threatened they will come forward now like you and Brian,” Jake said.

  “What’s going on, Jake? I got your text message,” Buddy said as he joined them, along with his brother, arson investigator Trent Landers.

  “Glad to see you guys. Trent, I need a thorough evaluation here. We may have ourselves some trouble in Treasure Town.”

  * * * *

  Turbo couldn’t believe the call he got from Jake. He was looking over the information he’d uncovered on Sal and his brother, Gino Baletti. As he searched for a location of their primary residence, the phone rang. He answered it.

  “Hey, Turbo, it’s Charlie.”

  He heard Charlie’s voice and was immediately concerned.

  “Is everything okay? Is Frankie all right?”

  “Yes. I didn’t mean to freak you out. Listen, I know you, Buddy, and Jake are working Gloria’s murder case. I remember us talking about some of the players around town and possible suspects who were selling drugs in my club. Anyway, Shark is working the bar tonight for a private party. There’s nearly a hundred people in there, but Shark recognized someone you might find important.”

  “Who is that?”

  “Sal Baletti.”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  “No I’m not.”

  “I’d better call Buddy and Jake. Keep an eye on Francesca.”

  “Hell, buddy, you don’t need to ask me that. I always have my eye on her,” he joked.

  “Watch it, Charlie. I’ll forget your close friends with my brother.

  Charlie chuckled, and Turbo disconnected the call. He immediately called Jake.

  * * * *

  Francesca didn’t like the three guys at the table that reminded her of gangsters. She especially didn’t like the attitude of the one guy who she swore had stood by the bar and taken pictures of her with his cell phone. It was creepy and made her feel like some object on display for anyone to look at, bother, or even touch. She hoped they didn’t try something.

  She was relieved when the party finally came to an end. It was after four in the morning, and the cleanup over.

  “Frankie, your ride is here,” Charlie told her, and she w
ondered who he meant.

  She had told the guys she was going to be really late and that she needed to catch up on sleep. She felt antsy, uptight, and in a bad mood, despite the great tips she got. The three guys at the table had given her three hundred dollars, a hundred each in tips, and the one with the attitude had asked for her phone number.

  She was getting sick and tired of this shit. She wanted her old career back. She wanted to be respected and not treated like some piece of ass.

  She walked toward Charlie, wondering whom he meant and saw Rye and Nate. Both men smiled.

  “There you are. All set?” Rye asked her as Nate looked her over.

  She bit her lower lip. Nate hated the uniform she had to wear. She knew that. His disapproval had her mind spinning. She was getting tired of this type of work, but she needed money to survive. She wouldn’t let these men take care of her. It wouldn’t be right, and she would feel wrong about it.

  “What are you two doing here? It’s so late. I thought you would be in bed sleeping.”

  “Without you? Not a chance in hell,” Rye said and pulled her closer for a kiss. She saw Charlie give Nate a wink.

  “So it’s official. You belong to the Hawkins brothers?” Charlie asked as Lure joined them. She looked at Rye and Nate, who apparently were leaving the answer up to her.

  “It’s true, and the Hawkins brothers belong to me,” she said, and Charlie chuckled.

  “We’re happy for you guys. Have a good night and see you tomorrow, Frankie. You have two smaller parties. One at five and another at nine,” Lure told her.

  “I’ll be here.”

  “Hey, let the woman get some rest, will ya,” Lure teased before walking away.

  Nate took Frankie’s hand.

  “Rest is overrated.” He rubbed her arm then leaned down to kiss her. “How is your shoulder?”

  “Feels fine. I totally forgot about it, actually.”

  “Good. Then let’s get you back to our place,” Nate said.


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