Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2)

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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2) Page 3

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  The women chuckled, and Claudia threw her arms around Samiyah. “I love you, girl.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Don’t look now.”

  “What?” Samiyah inquired.

  “There are two dangerously gorgeous men walking our way. Samiyah twirled to a stop and the women watched the sexy men traipse toward them. Absentmindedly, Claudia lifted a hand and began to fan.

  She leaned into Samiyah and whispered, “If Jaden keeps trying me, Im’ma end up pregnant tonight.”

  Samiyah let out a shrill of laughter and doubled over. Claudia’s smile was bright and inviting. As Jaden neared, she slipped her tongue through her teeth and softly bit down. Next time he made a move she was going with it. No holds barred. The mantra repeated in her thoughts. She wouldn’t let her head get in the way again. At least as long as they were in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This was the vacation of a lifetime, and if it were left up to Claudia, she wouldn’t let her childish fears get in the way.

  Chapter Four

  Jaden and Jonas strolled to a stop before Claudia and Samiyah.

  “Couldn’t keep away, huh?” Claudia said to Jonas.

  “Never,” he responded with his gaze on his beautiful wife. Samiyah was still bent over laughing at Claudia’s last comment.

  “What’s your excuse?” Claudia posed the question to Jaden.

  “Who said I needed an excuse? I merely wanted to spend as much time with you on this beautiful island as possible.”

  “Why? So you can violate me?” She wiggled her eyes suggestively.

  “Would you like that, Claudia?”

  He stepped closer to her. Her nipples hardened again.

  “Would you?” She countered.

  Jaden held her with a piercing stare, his body temperature going from warm to molten. It was all he could take. Closing the distance, Jaden’s mouth pushed against hers slow and inviting. Claudia’s arms curled around his neck. A hot cinnamon flavor caressed her palate, and she moaned against his lips.


  Jaden’s toned arms slid around her waist and up her back. He pulled her deeper, his fingers finding the round grooves of her bottom. Claudia’s leg lifted to his waist.

  “As I told you before, we have rooms,” Samiyah said.

  “Mmhmm,” Jonas agreed. “And they’re paid for, so you guys should think about using them.”

  Jaden was nearly too far away to give a damn. Tearing his mouth from hers Jaden spoke, “There’s nothing like a little love on the beach.”

  “Yes,” Claudia agreed before she had a chance to think clearly.

  A wickedly prodigious smile danced across his moist lips. Without warning, Jaden lifted Claudia tossing her over his shoulder. She squealed, and Jonas and Samiyah laughed shaking their heads.

  “Should we be worried?” Samiyah inquired.

  “Nah,” Jonas’ responded. “They’re both capable of making the right decisions, don’t you think?”

  Samiyah laid her head against Jonas chest. “You’re right.”

  “Of course, I am.”

  The newlywed couple traipsed further down the beach in the opposite direction, set on having their own sexual display in the glow of moonlight.

  Four days later

  The Canon Image Class copier sent invoice after invoice sliding out of the printing machine one after the other. Claudia stood before it waiting patiently to gather her files and put them in their respective records. It was early Tuesday morning, and she’d come into work with a spring in her step. The weekend in San Juan went better than expected and Claudia arrived in Chicago two days ago. Thoughts of Jaden were at the front of her mind.

  She hadn’t heard from him since returning from Puerto Rico, and it was something Claudia wanted to get used to. No matter how much she told herself she was better off. To be consumed by a man like Jaden would probably send her on a path to a broken heart. Specifically, because he was a playboy. But she couldn’t help but mull over the way his hands expertly caressed her skin. The way his skilled mouth landed in every crevasse her body owned. The way his muscular thighs felt behind hers. The exquisite torture of his sex thrusting into her heated core. Claudia squirmed standing at the machine trying to regain her composure. But it was no use. Jaden hadn’t left her mind, and no matter how much she tried to tell herself it was just sex, Claudia knew it was so much more than that.

  When she’d awakened the next day in Puerto Rico to an empty bed, the disappointment Claudia felt was substantial. But what had she expected exactly?

  “A girl can only wish,” she spoke to herself.

  “Tell me about this wish?” A voice spoke.

  Claudia turned full circle to find Octavia Davenport standing in her doorway.

  “Knock much?” Claudia retorted.

  “Sorry,” Octavia said sheepishly, “I was getting ready to knock, but I saw the door open.”

  Claudia exhaled a deep breath. “You’re fine. I’m sorry didn’t mean to snap.”

  “I wouldn’t call that a snap, but you’re good. What’s wrong? Anything I can help with?”

  Claudia compressed her lips. “Unfortunately no. I’m grateful for the interruption. It’s past time for me to get my head out of the clouds.”

  A sly smile spread across Octavia’s lips. “Would it have anything to do with one of those to die for Rose brothers? Because if so, I can definitely understand.”

  Claudia’s mind went back to the moment she saw Jaden on the dance floor with Octavia. She pretended like she didn’t see him coming, but the truth of the matter was, she’d observed his every step.

  “They have you under their spell, too?” Claudia asked.

  Octavia laughed, her curly afro bobbing as her amusement increased. “Yeah,” she spoke. “That Jonathon may be a one of a kind.”

  Claudia was relieved that Octavia had set her sights on another brother. She didn’t know how she would feel otherwise.

  “I think they’re all one of a kind. Brothers, but definitely different. Are you and Jonathon going out?”

  Octavia twisted her lips back and forth while she thought. “I wouldn’t say we’re going out, but he has asked me on a date.”

  “Mmmm,” Claudia said waving her deeper into the office. “Why don’t you have a seat and give me the details. I’d love to take my mind off Jaden.”

  “No, you wouldn’t.”

  They chuckled. Octavia took a seat. “Jonathon seems to think, we’ve met before. But I would remember a man like him.”

  “Are you sure? I know you’re a hot commodity these days. I’ve seen what, three good looking men come in to take you to lunch?”

  Octavia giggled. “What can I say, I’m young and full of fun.”

  The ladies laughed again.

  “Sure you are, and you’re right to mingle. No need to look for anything serious.”

  Octavia nodded. “Well, Jonathon will be the fifth man you see take me out to lunch. And although I’m having fun right now, I’m not stupid enough to let a catch like Jonathon get past me.”

  “How do you know he’s a catch?” Claudia asked. “Just because Rose is a household name doesn’t mean he isn’t a dog. If anything, those are the ones you have to be most careful about because they can have anyone they want.”

  “I don’t know,” Octavia mused. “Jonathon doesn’t seem like the type. But I guess the only way for me to know for sure is after a few dates.”

  “It will take more than a few dates to find that out.”

  “It didn’t for Samiyah.”

  Claudia thought about Octavia’s statement. It was true. Samiyah and Jonas fell hard for each other quickly. It had taken all of two months for Jonas to propose. The ink on Samiyah’s divorce from her previous marriage had barely dried.

  “I guess you’re right about that.” Claudia shrugged, “What do I know? Go with your heart girl.”

  “That I plan to do. Do you need me to file those papers?”

  There was a knock at the door, and
both ladies looked up.

  “Delivery for Claudia Stevens,” Selena Strauss said walking into the room with a bouquet of pink and white long stem roses.

  Claudia blushed, smitten by the generous gift. “For moi?”

  The bundle of flowers was so extravagant you couldn’t see Selena’s face as she held them in front of her. Selena sat them down on Claudia’s desk.

  “Yes, they are for you, and I was almost nosey enough to open your card and see who they’re from,” she chuckled.

  Claudia leaned her nose into the beautiful roses and inhaled. Reaching between the stems, she plucked the note and read the words scribbled across in refined letters.

  Thinking of you on this beautiful day. If you’ll have me, meet me at The Garden on 76th and Gladens tonight at 6 p.m.

  If you don’t show, I’ll understand. J.

  “What does it say?” Octavia and Selena asked, leaning over trying to get a glimpse of the words.

  Claudia smiled tucking the card inside her bra. “That’s for me to know and for you to never find out.” A throaty laugh escaped her.

  “Oh come on!” Octavia said. Selena was shaking her head, lips twisted.

  “You’re wrong for that,” Selena countered.


  “After I spilled my date with Jonathon to you, this is how you do me?” Octavia said.

  Claudia poked her lip out in a playful frown.

  “Date with Jonathon? Rose?” Selena glanced from Octavia to Claudia. “Wait, what did I miss?”

  Claudia chuckled and sauntered to the copier lifting the papers she’d printed. Walking back to Octavia and Selena, she divided the mound between the two.

  “There’s plenty for you two to file for the next couple of hours before closing time. I suggest you get to work.”

  Octavia shook her head slowly. “You’re cold, you know that?”

  Claudia shrugged, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Un huh, you wouldn’t do Samiyah like this.”

  Claudia rolled her eyes. They were both right, but Samiyah was her home girl, these two busybodies weren’t.

  “I still love you though,” Claudia said.

  Octavia rose to her feet. “I don’t think you do,” she teased taking a stack of the papers and sashaying out of the office.

  Chapter Five

  The Garden restaurant held one of Chicago’s most expensive upscale dining experiences. With its crafted rose bushes that decorated the walkway, to its handpicked seafood that arrived daily, fresh, and ready to be grilled. Claudia sauntered through the open entrance, scanning the fine drapery and luxurious surroundings with her dark brown eyes.

  With her tresses freshly washed and conditioned, and her foundation bringing out the depth in her potent features, Claudia was feeling herself. Never mind the dress she wore was thin and framed to every curve she owned.

  “Welcome to the Garden,” a hostess approached. “Can I help you to a seat, madam?”

  “I’m with someone, Jaden Alexander Rose?”

  The hostess’ eyes stretched in surprise. It was no doubt she knew who Jaden was, everyone in Chicago did. But before the hostess could respond, a flash of lights behind Claudia caught her attention along with everyone else’s. Turning toward the commotion revealed a black Lamborghini Huracan Coupe with chrome wheels. The sports car had barely spun to a stop before bulbs popped from nearby paparazzi that lie in wait for a celebrity appearance. The driver side door rose slowly, and Jaden stepped out, fastening a lone button on his suit jacket. Claudia watched in mesmerized adoration as he strolled toward her moving with methodical strides as the bulbs continued to flash. The jacket did nothing to hide his muscular physique, and Claudia’s eyes roamed from his Brioni shoes up his tailored suit to the robust column of his neck. Jaden’s smooth movements brought him through the open doors to stand firmly before Claudia, and he had no idea of the dangerous beat of her pulse upon his nearness.

  “Mi Amor, I’m sorry for the tardiness. If it is your wish to leave, I’ll understand, but I hope like hell you stay.” His fathomless golden-brown eyes dug a hole into her, beckoning Claudia to succumb to his plea.

  Claudia swallowed back the swelling in her throat and silently shook herself. “I just arrived, so you’re okay. Let’s find a seat.”

  Jaden offered her a charming smile and spoke to the hostess. “We have reservations, Rose.”

  “I have your reservations here, sir, if you’ll follow me.”

  Claudia turned and Jaden placed his hand at the small of her back as they meandered through the restaurant. At their table, Jaden pulled her seat and allowed her to sit before claiming his chair.

  “I apologize for the paparazzi.”

  Claudia shrugged. “Comes with the territory, right?”


  A waitress strutted forward handing them menus.

  “Give us a minute,” Jaden said.

  “Yes sir,” the waitress walked away.

  Jaden’s gaze followed the outline of Claudia’s soft face. “Mi Amor, you’re absolutely beautiful tonight.” He reached out to touch her chin. “I can never keep my hands to myself around you.” He pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before releasing it. “I wonder why that is.”

  The throbbing sex between Claudia’s thighs caused her to squeeze her legs tight. She would have to be careful with Jaden, or he would make her fall head over heels in love, and that would be a disaster.

  “I’m not sure, Jaden, but when you find out, I’m intrigued to know the details.”

  Jaden’s lips spread into a vibrant smile.

  “Thanks for dinner. I wasn’t expecting the lovely bouquet of roses. They have my office smelling like a spring garden.”

  Jaden rubbed his chin offering up a lazy grin. “I’ve been trying to come up with a way to ask you out. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not something I often do.”

  Claudia’s brows rose. “No?”

  “Afraid not.”

  “Hmmm, why now?”

  “I enjoy spending time with you, Claudia, and I hope you don’t mind if I bother you more often.”

  She surely didn’t mind. Not one iota.

  “I’m having fun with you also, Jaden, but you don’t have to showcase me to get into my bed. Neither do you have to send me roses to get my attention. We’ve already been there. Just call, I know this is not your thing.”

  Jaden sat back in the seat, his vision never leaving Claudia. The intensity of his gaze usually warmed her from head to toe, but now it only ruffled her feathers.

  “I think you have me mistaken, chérie. I’m not doing this to get you into bed at all.”



  “Then why are you doing it?”

  When he didn’t respond fast enough Claudia went on. “Did you not hope the evening would end with a night cap?”

  “Not necessarily—”

  “Do you not want to feel yourself thrusting into me like when we were in Puerto Rico? Have you not had thoughts about us and wanted to revisit the pleasure we both experienced with one another?”

  Jaden was slow with his words when he spoke.

  “That is not the purpose of this date.”

  Claudia peered at him. Why else would he be engaging her if not to get back in her bed?

  “You don’t have to lie to me, Jaden, its fine. Let’s just skip the ‘date’. Claudia said it like it was fictional. “And go straight to a hotel. I won’t feel slighted, I promise.”

  Claudia rose to her feet and Jaden reached forward, his hand covering hers. “Please,” he said, “sit.”

  They considered each other for a long drawn out moment before Claudia sat slowly in her seat.

  “Is there a problem?” she asked.

  Disconcerted, Jaden spoke. “Is that how you want things to be between us, Claudia?”

  Claudia wouldn’t dare tell him her dreams of them together in a budding relationship; of them making love a
nd having babies; of them as husband and wife. Silly thoughts like that permeated her mind daily, but they were only for her.

  “What else is there?”

  The waitress bounced back to their table, interrupting their awkward conversation.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  “Yes,” Claudia said. “I’ll have whatever he’s having.” She looked to him expectantly. But Jaden was still trying to figure her out.

  “We’ll have your shrimp and parmesan steak entrée.”

  “Anything to drink?”

  “Water for me,” Claudia injected.

  “Water for us both,” Jaden confirmed.

  “Right away,” the waitress said.

  “I apologize if I’ve come off as if all I want from you is sex. You need to know, what we had in Puerto Rico wasn’t just sex. The connection we share is eternal. It goes beyond something so fleeting as mindless sex. I want to know you, Claudia, in every way imaginable.”

  Claudia was stomped. Although she heard his words, they rattled around her brain loosely, and she was having a hard time trying to understand his meaning. If the sudden squeeze of her brows was any indicator of this, he didn’t say. Instead, he let her mull it over.

  Jaden was not a man to play tedious games. He’d been raised by a firm but loving father, and although he was young when his mother passed, whenever his father would reference his mother, Jaden could sense the love they shared. Never would he contemplate mistreating women. It would be an embarrassment to the Rose name and his integrity.

  “I see,” Claudia said finally.

  “Do you?”

  She smiled coquettishly. “Yes, I think I’ve embarrassed myself.”

  A chuckled left him. “Don’t be, it’s quite alright. With everything, I’m sure you’ve seen in the papers and on TV, it would be easy to comprehend your misunderstanding.”

  Claudia breathed a sigh of relief. “So we’re still friends then?”

  “For now.”

  They watched each other, silently dissecting the conversation they had. Could it be possible, Claudia wondered, that he would be interested in a relationship? She shook the thoughts. That was the last thing she needed; to distract herself with thoughts of happily ever after. Those things don’t happen to women like her.


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