Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2)

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Enough (Falling For A Rose Book 2) Page 18

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Claudia’s mouth was stuck. There was no way she could beat professional dancers. What kind of game was Angelo playing?

  “She accepts,” came Jaden’s dangerous voice behind her.

  Claudia spun around to him. “What?!”

  Jaden’s eyes swept over her. “Tell him you accept his proposal.” He reached out to touch her chin. “You trust me don’t you, chérie?”

  Claudia turned back to Angelo. “I accept,” she said quickly.

  Excitement bubbled over in Angelo’s face. “Magnifico! Would you like to go first, or shall we?” He pulled Cassie closer, and Claudia took in a deep breath.

  “You go first.”

  “As you wish.” Angelo strolled off heading straight for the music center.

  Claudia turned back to Jaden. “Oh my God,” was all she said.

  Jaden pulled his hands from behind his back and grabbed Claudia’s hand linking their fingers. “You are an extension of me, remember?”

  Claudia swallowed and nodded her head. They turned to watch Angelo and Cassie dance to an upbeat tune. They moved around the floor like they practiced the dance on several occasions and the crowd was engaged; clapping and tapping their feet. Claudia’s nerves were a mess, and her stomach curled into knots.

  “I don’t know if I can do this,” she whispered to Jaden.

  He held a steady smile on his lips. “You can do anything you want, chérie. You and I together will show them what it’s like to move.”

  Claudia’s pulse spiked. Jaden was so sure they could beat the two in a dance off, and his words did shower her with reassurance. Suddenly, she felt like she could do anything with Jaden, and her heart swelled as she watched him watch her.

  The dance went on for a full three and a half minutes before it ended. The crowd cheered and clapped. Angelo and Cassie dipped into a bow before strolling in Claudia’s direction.

  “That was exhilarating!” Angelo said. “It’s your turn, are you still in?”

  Jaden tightened the hold on Claudia’s hand.

  “We’re in,” she said.

  A sexy smile fell across Jaden’s lips, and they moved to the music center to change the tune. Claudia’s heart was racing, and she was trying to keep her wits about herself.

  They moved from the music center to the dance floor where Jaden pulled her close. The music began, and a shiver ran through Claudia. It was the same jazz melody he’d played when they danced in the studio months ago. Memories of that time flashed through Claudia’s mind, and a smile cruised across her lips.

  “Wherever you go, I go,” Jaden said repeating what he’d told her previously. “When we touch, our connection should be…”

  Claudia finished his sentence, “As if we are one.”

  A broad smile spread across his lips, and they danced. Their bodies fused together as their hips moved slow and sensual.

  “To execute this dance perfectly…”

  “Confidence must ooze from your body language,” Claudia said again, repeating his instructions from their dance lesson. A sexy rumble bellowed from Jaden as the heat from their magnetism settled between them.

  You wouldn’t have known Claudia learned to tango this year by the way she shifted in Jaden’s arms. Graceful, seductive, and effortless, their chemistry no doubt supercharging her evolution. Claudia imitated Jaden’s movements stirring the crowd up as their carnal wine dance began to ruffle the feathers of their attendees. Dipping and swaying, their harmony was so potent their tango was like making love on the dance floor.

  Jaden twirled Claudia out, releasing her at once. Claudia back pedaled in her three-inch heels sliding away from him bit by bit. Slowly, she inched her dress up her legs in a tease, as her hips rotated from side to side. Jaden went to reclaim her pulling her flank against his broad chest with ferocity, and Claudia’s leg lifted sliding up to his hip in a sensual lock.

  Jaden dipped her, and Claudia’s head flung back, leaving her neck fully exposed. Jaden’s lips trailed from her chin down her throat before he whipped them both back to a stand where they wined and turned in the same order. The cat calls and whistles shouted from the crowd as their tango heated up. When Jaden twirled Claudia again and pulled her back in with rigor, Claudia did something unexpected. Her hand ran down his chest as she slid down his leg into a graceful split. The crowds’ cat calls and applause magnified, and Jaden’s debonair smile returned as he pulled her effortlessly to stand. They twirled; their limbs coiled around each other so magnificently you would’ve thought they were one person. Grinding into each other, they soared across the floor in unison like they were born for this. Taking a leap of faith, Claudia held closely to Jaden’s ear.

  “I miss you,” she confessed.

  Jaden’s eyes twinkled. “Not more than I have missed you, chérie.”

  “I was thinking,” Claudia said as her hands roamed around his chest. “If you were interested in giving us another chance.”

  Jaden turned Claudia; her backside now tight against his front. “There is not a day that goes by that I haven’t imagined us together…” his lips met her shoulder then rested right above her ear. “Forever…”

  Claudia’s heart rate increased. “Forever?”

  Jaden twirled her out and dropped to one knee producing a silver box which he popped instantly. He never took his eyes off of Claudia as a sharp gasp fled her lips. The crowd went crazy as they watched on in anticipation. Cameras rolled and pictures snapped as people held their loved ones’ close.

  “Chérie, I don’t want to spend another moment without you.” He reached out to her, “Will you do me the honor and—”

  “Yes!” Claudia shouted. And the crowd went wild. A lone tear slid out of Jaden’s eye as he placed the ring on Claudia’s finger. It was a perfect fit. He placed a kiss on the back of her hand and rose, lifting her in his arms in a twirl. Claudia sank her lips to his lips in a delicious kiss that exploded through them both.

  “Alright now, get a room!”

  Laughter skittered around. When the couple pulled apart, they turned to see Jonas and Samiyah. Samiyah was dabbing at tears that threatened to fall out of the corners of her eyes. They strolled up to Jaden and Claudia along with Desiree, Julian, Adeline, Angelo, and Cassie.

  “Congratulations!” They all yelled.

  “Well, there’s no way we can top that!” Angelo confirmed.

  They all laughed, and Samiyah pointed to Claudia. “Now who’s the lucky girl?”

  Claudia squealed, elated to be the future Mrs. Jaden Alexander Rose.”

  The End

  Enjoying Falling for a Rose Series? Grab the next installment which follows Julian Alexander Rose and Desiree Stevens as they venture into a thing called love in, Only If You Dare.

  Hey reading family, wow another wild ride with the Rose brother’s! I hope you’re fanning the flames like I am writing their stories and I hope you’ve enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. If so, take a moment and leave a review on Amazon. Check the next page for other books I have in store and be sure to sign up for my newsletter!

  XOXO - Stephanie

  More Books by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Contemporary Romance

  Everything I Always Wanted (A Friends to Lovers Romance)

  Safe With Me (Falling for a Rose Book One)

  Enough (Falling for a Rose Book Two)

  Only If You Dare (Falling for a Rose Book Three)

  Romantic Suspense Thrillers

  Beautiful Assassin

  Beautiful Assassin 2 Revelations

  Mistaken Identity

  Trouble In Paradise

  Vengeful Intentions (Trouble In Paradise 2)

  For Better and Worse (Trouble In Paradise 3)

  Until My Last Breath (Trouble In Paradise 4)

  Christian Romantic Suspense


  Reckless Reloaded

  Crime Fiction


  Prowl 2

  Hidden (Coming Soon)

bsp; Fantasy

  Golden (Rapunzel’s F’d Up Fairytale)


  Against All Odds (Surviving the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) *Non-Fiction

  About the Author

  Stephanie Nicole Norris is an author from Chattanooga Tennessee with a humble beginning. She was raised with six siblings by her mother, Jessica Ward. Always being a lover of reading, during Stephanie’s teenage years her joy was running to the bookmobile to read stories by R. L. Stine.

  After becoming a young adult, her love for romance sparked leaving her captivated by heroes and heroines alike. With a big imagination and a creative heart, Stephanie penned her first novel Trouble in Paradise and self-published it in 2012. Her debut novel turned into a four-book series packed with romance, drama, and suspense. To date, Stephanie has self-published twelve books which include ten full novels and two short stories. They can be found at stephaniennorris.wordpress.com and Amazon. Stephanie is inspired by the likes of Donna Hill, Gwynne Forster, Eric Jerome Dickey, Jackie Collins, and more. She currently resides in Tennessee with her husband and two-year-old son.




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