Kaznachei’s Pain

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Kaznachei’s Pain Page 19

by Mason, V. F.

  I wished I’d had such an opportunity, but I had lost my chance.

  The familiar guilt slipped in, and I shook my head, locking it away for the time being, then focused back on my son who I held close to my chest. He grabbed my hand and bit on it, because his teeth had started to break through in the last few days.

  I kissed his head while he babbled something in the language only he understood, and I inhaled his smell, because only he could calm me down.

  “I’m sorry, Yuri.” Vivian’s condolence grated on my nerves.

  Pity. I was familiar with that. But the suffocating aura of pity and sadness that surrounded the women whenever they saw me with my son started to piss off even me.

  The only reason I reigned my emotions back was due to Vivian’s pregnancy and because she cared for Artur when I couldn’t. She was practically a mother figure, hanging around the house with Jake helping to take care of him. My little buddy constantly read stories to Artur.

  All in all, Radmir did good.

  “Life goes on,” I said indifferently and placed Artur on my neck, holding his hands as his sock-covered feet dangled on my shoulders. “Looking gorgeous as always, Vivian, but I think the brotherhood has a meeting now, right? It’s best for you to go back inside.”

  She nodded although worriedly glanced at her door while rubbing her stomach.

  “It’s just a meeting in our territory. We have guests from Ireland.” Damn me for not wanting to have her worry in her pregnant state and to soothe her a little. I couldn’t say anything more, as it was Bratva business, but by the gratefulness in her blue eyes, I understood the explanation was enough.

  She waved at me one last time as Dominic and Vitya emerged through the door with Michael hot on their heels, pointing a finger at me. “You owe me money.” He grinned at Artur and wiggled fingers at him, and immediately my son erupted in giggles.

  Among all the men, Michael was his favorite. But come to think of it, everyone pitched in to play with him or watch him whenever they had time. It seemed the entire brotherhood wanted to smother him with love and attention so he’d never feel the void in his heart from losing his mother.

  As if anything could ever fill it.

  “For what?” I asked, and then dipped a little so Michael could take Artur from me, because I didn’t want my kid present with the Irish mob.

  The Irish mob, ruled by Aiden MacAbbe, reached out two months ago to Dominic, and by our reports, other brotherhoods in the region and even to Don, promising some kind of business proposition that would bring money and power to everyone involved.

  He’d requested permission to visit Russia, and Dominic granted it, as he wanted to see for himself what that business entailed, although we all suspected.

  Money and power was needed for their brotherhood to survive? It screamed either drugs or human trafficking.

  And Konstantinov Bratva didn’t deal with that shit and didn’t treat kindly those who did.

  “Kostya proposed to Konstanciya last night.”

  Vitya whistled while Dom smirked. “No way.”

  Michael made a goofy face to Artur while continuing, “Yep. It’s official. Those two will soon bang each other legally.” He then turned his eyes on me, wiggling his brows. “You had a Christmas proposal in mind. I told you it was going to be sooner. You owe me two thousand bucks.”

  “I’ll transfer it to your account.”

  “You better. Say bye to Daddy, A.”

  My brows furrowed as I barked, “Don’t use shortcuts on his name.” The last thing I wanted was for my son to be addressed by some stupid letters. Everyone had a right to use their full name.

  Especially the one Melissa gave him.

  A loud noise echoed through the parking lot as the metal gates started to slide open, so I motioned with my head to Michael. He at once rushed inside, murmuring softly to Artur as I tugged on my suit and pushed back all emotion, leaving only a ruthless countenance present.

  No brotherhood should show any weakness to anyone else.

  First came the black Mercedes that drove fast, and once inside, turned to the right. I saluted to them, since I knew it was Gleb and Radmir who had gone to greet the guests on our soil.

  Then in drove the three black bulletproof—by the looks of them—Jeeps, followed by five roaring motorbikes, which were ridden by men wearing black uniforms. We shared a look with Dom.

  The Irish mob sure took enough people for protection, as if they were expecting resistance to their offer.

  Vitya watched everything carefully as our head enforcer, probably counting in his head the amount of people present, and he pressed on the radio on his chest. “I want the two snipers on the roof to get ready. All attention on the targets, Aidan MacAbbe and his son, Arden.” Could their names be any more similar? “Ivan, five people by the headquarters door and five inside. Three people guarding the women and kids,” he finished, and then turned it off while murmuring only for our ears, “We stand together as a united front. Dom, don’t you move even a few steps from me. I don’t trust them. You don’t come ready to strike for a business deal.”

  Dominic nodded slightly, acknowledging Vitya’s words while I straightened my spine, and shortly Gleb and Radmir joined us. “I don’t know what their agenda is, but trust me, Dom, he’d kill us all if he could,” Radmir murmured. Dominic stepped forward at the same time Aiden got out of the car, wearing a suit and a wide grin, his gold ring-covered fingers glistening in the sunlight showcasing the power and luxury the man liked to surround himself with.

  “Dominic Konstantinov, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Aiden proclaimed, extending his hand. Dom looked at it and then raised his eyes back at the Irish boss.

  “Welcome to Russia, Aiden.”

  Anger flashed in Aiden’s eyes at the show of disrespect in front of his people, but he kept the smile intact while his hands fisted. This kind of ego and easy display of emotion meant one thing only. The Irish boss had never learned how to use a poker face, because he rarely left Ireland for any kind of deal.

  He expected everyone to just follow his lead.

  Egocentrism was a dangerous character trait in an enemy or leader.

  “However, I won’t stay here long. My son though will explain the situation to you. I have to meet with Aleksei Kuzmin today as well. Both of you replied to my proposition, but he also offered for me to stay with him.”

  “What the fuck?” Gleb spat quietly.

  My sentiments exactly.

  For whatever reason Aiden had reached out to Dominic, it sure wasn’t for peace. Especially if he involved Aleksei. Just what kind of game was he playing at?

  Instead of telling him to fuck himself, Dominic shrugged and looked behind Aiden to see a man hopping from the Jeep, menace written all over his scarred face.

  Yet a different kind of energy came from him than from his father, and I made a note to run a deeper background check on him. He was almost thirty-three years old; I imagined he wanted the reins.

  “Very well. Arden, right?” Dom called, and then greeted him. “Welcome.”

  Arden walked closer to him and extended his hand, and this time Dom shook it; I thought the old guy would have a stroke from how red his face turned. But he once again masked it, and barked at his people, “We are leaving.” Then he addressed Dominic. “I’d like to invite you to dinner, five days from now. Osnovatelnyi hall, the inn I assume. We can all gather there and agree on the details.”

  “Very well.”

  He nodded at Dom’s reply and got back inside his car.

  Immediately, two cars and the bikes followed him, leaving one Jeep and two guards as Arden spoke. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought my wife with me.”

  What? Who the fuck brings a wife to such meetings? What kind of fucked-up brotherhood was it anyway?

  Just as he said it, a pair of long legs in black heels planted firmly on the concrete and she got out, sweeping her red-as-flames hair back as it cascaded down her breasts in heavy lo

  She wore a black pencil dress that reached her knees, but we couldn’t clearly see her face, as sunglasses covered her eyes.

  But despite that, my body reacted to her so strongly, and I had to clear my throat as disbelief filled every bone. Just by the sight of her alone, my dick stirred in my pants, as something inside me demanded I go to her and snatch his fucking hand from around her waist.

  What the ever-loving fuck?

  In all the months following Melissa’s death, I hadn’t so much as thought, yet alone looked, at another woman, yet a split second of this stranger, and I was ready for action.

  Self-revulsion washed through me in spades as I tugged on my suit, and Gleb frowned, lifting his chin in question, but I shook my head.

  No way in fuck was I admitting to be attracted to a woman who also happened to be someone else’s wife.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you—” Dom’s voice halted as he expected a name, and Arden opened his mouth to reply, when the phone in his shirt vibrated and he checked it out, cursing.

  “I have to take it.” He brushed his fingers over the goose bumps appearing on the woman’s pale skin, and murmured, “You are cold.” Then he looked at Dom. “Could she come in? She is chilled.”

  “The woman apparently doesn’t have a voice,” I said, fury coating my response, and Vitya nudged me in the side, hissing from the corner of his mouth.

  “Shut up.”

  Mobs didn’t tell each other how to treat wives, and he easily could ask retribution for it. As far as brotherhoods were concerned, it was no one’s business how one handled his wife.

  After a beat, Dom replied, “Of course.” He motioned to the door. “Please.”

  She gulped a breath and froze for a moment, and I frowned, bothered for some reason with this reaction. She gave the pakhan a weak smile and walked into headquarters.

  On the way, she passed me, and as our shoulders bumped, it was as if lightning had struck me. I heard her barely audible gasp, but she just quickened her step while I stood glued to the spot, still filled with the vanilla smell that trailed after her like a long veil.

  “Impossible,” I whispered, but only the impossible would explain the reaction I’d experienced toward her.

  Not even thinking, I rushed after her while Gleb cursed. “Yuri, what the fuck are you doing?” But I couldn’t listen to reason when something inside me raged and demanded answers right fucking now.

  “Follow him before he does something stupid,” I heard Dom mutter quietly, and Radmir and Gleb clearly followed me, because Vitya would never leave Dom alone.

  She stood in the middle of the common room, as Kostya asked her, “Would you like something to drink?” She shook her head, but then spun around as I stomped over to her. I snatched the glasses from her nose.

  The greenest eyes I’d ever seen looked back at me, rich as emeralds that held so many secrets I wanted to crack them all.

  Because even though this woman’s looks reminded me nothing of my Melissa, without a doubt, my woman stood in front of me.

  Moya upryamaya was here with me.

  “It’s you,” I whispered, right before my mouth landed on hers, and I heard Radmir say, “We are fucked.”


  The kaznachei of the brotherhood held me close, our chests brushing against each other while his ice-blue eyes roamed all over my face. “It’s you,” he breathed out again, sinking his fingers deep into my hair and bringing our mouths closer while he inhaled my smell. “Mint tea. Always fucking mint,” he mumbled, and before I could say anything, his lips fell onto mine, probing deep without permission, and I gasped in shock, which allowed his tongue to slip in, and all rational thought flew from me.

  Nothing and no one existed in this moment other than him and me, who hugged me so close as if his whole life depended on it.

  My lungs burned from the lack of oxygen, but I didn't care as I shared this kiss with him, my body aflame while he tightened his hold on me.

  I’d missed him so much I physically hurt from the ache. The distance from him and my son brought me so much pain, so much agony, that no physical wound could compare. I wished to bask in his scent and never let go, so he could slash all the demons and make everything better.

  Safe, I felt so safe in his arms; he wouldn't let anyone harm me anymore.

  Until I realized what I was doing and with who and where.

  I pushed him away, struggling in his arms, and he finally let go of me, stepping back.

  He stared at me, confused, while everyone else had shock written all over their faces. Radmir opened his mouth to say something, but Arden and Dominic, whose brows rose, entered the place. Arden wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing us closer, and the Bratva members froze.

  “You okay?” He picked up my chin and turned it to him, his assessing eyes searching for any clues, but I didn't give him any. “She has a tendency to not listen to me lately.” More like not following orders, but I didn't say anything, still trying to calm my rapidly beating heart from the kiss I shared with Yuri.

  Or the fact that he had recognized me despite the fact that he had never seen my natural looks.

  He couldn't do it again, not around Arden, or anyone else for that matter.

  “It would have been too hot for the coat.”

  What the hell was Arden doing anyway? He hadn’t been so touchy with me even around his own father, but he was trying to outdo himself in front of Yuri, who was one step away from murdering him.

  “Edana, you surprise me every day,” he said tenderly, quite out of the blue as he looked at me, love filling his eyes, and his hold on me tightened. “I’m sorry. I should have informed you about my wife coming with me. I didn’t want to leave her alone,” he said to Dom. He kissed me on the temple, and I noticed how Gleb pulled Yuri back as he struggled to come closer. “I hope it won’t create a problem.”

  “Not at all,” Dom replied, giving me a long, hard stare before addressing Arden. “How about we go to my office to discuss all the details.” Dom called to Kostya, “Invite the women here so they can keep Me-Edana company.” The slip that he was about to make stilled my heart, and then it galloped, because with clarity I understood they all knew my identity.

  But how? The gorgeous redhead reflected in the mirror every morning resembled nothing of the mousy brown-haired girl everyone knew. I hated to keep my real color intact so Aiden would believe the bullshit Arden fed him.

  “Vitya, block the doors of the headquarters.” Before Arden could say anything, Dom elaborated. “If my woman is in the room, no stranger gets inside.” The way he challenged Arden right now was clear as freaking day.

  He shouldn’t be worried though; Arden was not the bad guy. Well, not in this situation at least.

  “Of course, I understand.”

  Suddenly the drilling stare from Yuri and the hectic energy became too much for me, and I cursed Arden for not being able to stand up to his father when he demanded my presence here. I told him it would be dangerous, but no one ever listened to me. As if my true face could mask me from Yuri.

  Clearing my throat, I asked, “Can I use the bathroom, please?”

  “Umm, sure,” came the reply from Vitya as he pointed at the end of the hall. “First on the left.”

  “Thank you.” I quickly rushed there, unable to stand the tension in the room for one more second. I exhaled in relief as I shut the door behind me and breathed heavily.

  Resting my forehead on the wood, I closed my eyes as I remembered the kiss, my lips still burning from his touch. Everything in me longed to run to Yuri and never let him go, to beg him to take me to our son so I could hold on to them.

  However, I couldn’t, but deep in my heart, I found comfort in seeing him, being in his presence, just breathing the same air as he.

  Some love stories are not complicated, but it seemed mine gathered all the challenges couples had to go through before they got their happy ending.

  At least I wished for it, I w
asn’t sure what kind of welcome would await me once he knew the full truth.

  Washing my hands in the sink, I made sure to remove any kind of distress, and to shine brightly even though inside I was dying.

  “Remember why you are doing this.” My boys could take care of themselves.

  But there were innocent lives that couldn’t. And as a mother, I couldn’t ignore the children who were taken away from their parents and sold to the highest bidder. I’d experienced agony thinking Artur was with Jaroslaw. How could I not help, making sure those assholes were put behind bars and no child or parent experienced nightmares because of them?

  With that thought in mind, I came out of the bathroom and was about to go back to the common room, when a sound from the far end of the hall caught my attention.

  A barely audible whimpering of distress, but I couldn’t recognize who it might be. Before I thought about it, I followed the sound and ended up next to a slightly open door with a lullaby coming from a small radio.

  My heart stilled as all the air left my lungs, and I stepped into the room with a crib and a few toys lying around, but I didn’t care for the decor.

  The only one I saw was the little boy lying on his side, slightly moving the blanket as his chest rose and fell.

  Instinctively, I placed my hand on his back and closed my eyes, holding back a sob. I slid my hand over him for the first time, touching my baby. I wrapped one small foot in my hand, in awe at how tiny it was.

  I barely restrained myself from picking him up and squeezing him tightly in my arms and never letting go. Just to breathe in his scent for once, kiss him, and be able to feel his weight in my arms. I kneeled in front of the crib’s bars, holding them to the point my knuckles turned white while I silently cried through all the pain mixed with joy rushing through me.

  Somehow, this was the happiest and the saddest moment of my life. I could see my son was healthy and alive, but I had no right to express my love for him.


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