This Courage of Mine

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by Amanda Bennett

  This Courage of Mine

  (Raine Series #4)


  Amanda Bennett

  Copyright © 2014 By Amanda Bennett

  All rights reserved. Printed in the United States

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without prior written permission of the author except where permitted by law.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover art by Robin Harper/Wicked By Design

  Check out other books by Amanda Bennett

  Time To Let Go

  The Broken Series

  Beautifully Broken ~ Breaking Beautiful ~ Unbreakable Hearts

  Misguided Heart

  The Raine Series

  This Love of Mine ~ This Trust of Mine ~ This Heart of Mine


  Forever and Almost Always

  The U.S. Marshal Series

  Protecting Lyndley

  Coming Soon

  The Likeness Within (Within Me Series #1) JANUARY 2015

  This Obsession of Mine (The Raine Series #5) NOVEMBER 2014

  This Family of Ours (The Raine Series #6) DECEMBER 2014

  You can find Author Amanda Bennett at the following:

  Thank you to every single one of my readers who have constantly supported me and this series. You’re love for this series is what keeps it going, and without y’all I wouldn’t be so inspired.

  Thank you to my amazing beta readers. Without all of you, I never would’ve finished this book when I wanted to. A special thanks to Kristy Davidson and Kayla Kennedy for gettin’ on my ass and making sure that I was writing when I said I would. You two seriously are amazing friends.

  Thank you to everyone else, new friends, old friends, new readers and old readers, I love you all so much.

  Chapter 1


  “Cami, are you almost ready? We’re gonna be late, as usual.”

  I could see Glenn getting all huffy as I watched him in the bathroom mirror. “I’m hurrying. What is this mood you are in today?” Glenn had been acting extremely weird since the guys got back home from their last concert up north. He just wasn’t being himself, and it was slowly starting to grate on my nerves.

  “I’m not in a mood. You just seem to take your sweet ass time gettin’ ready these days.”

  I rolled my eyes at him while I finished applying the last little bit of mascara to my lashes. I threw my bag of makeup back under the sink, and made my way out to the living room. “Okay, I’m ready to go.” I stood in front of him, waiting for some sort of compliment.

  “Jesus, finally. Come on let’s get goin’.” He was already out the front door by the time he finished his sentence.

  I grabbed my keys and purse, and made my way out behind him. He was already in his truck, so I climbed in without speaking another word. We were on our way over to Kayla and Madison’s house for Mia’s first birthday party. It was also our one-year wedding anniversary, but that little piece of information seemed to have slipped Glenn’s mind.

  I slid my hand across the seat towards Glenn’s, but he made no attempt to reach for it. A scowl formed across my lips and I knew that I was in for one hell of a day.

  In the last year, Glenn and I had settled quite nicely into married life. Right after we got married, I had to fly home and finish school. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but my mom was having a hard enough time with her baby girl getting married, so I figured I would at least finish school back in Arizona before I made the move to Texas to be with my husband.

  Everyone flew out for my graduation and I was elated finally being reunited with my husband. My mom threw me a going away and graduation party, and it meant the world to me to know that she was finally starting to be okay with the whole thing. Kayla and Madison were the only ones who couldn’t make it out, but who could blame them. They had a newborn baby to take care of and I completely understood.

  I wish I could’ve said things went smoothly with my brother after he found out all the wonderful news, but I could tell by the look on his face every time I saw him, that he was far more disappointed in me than I ever thought possible.

  Once I made my way back to Texas, things slowly started getting better. I now had my best friend to hang out with every day, and I was getting to help raise my little niece. It didn’t matter whether or not we were blood related, Mia would always be my niece and I would always be her auntie Cam Cam.

  I was still having a hard time learning to deal with the band and everything that came along with their newfound celebrity status. I knew it wasn’t as bad as it could be, given the fact that Madison made it abundantly clear that he couldn’t be gone for months at a time because of Mia. Lately though, Glenn seemed more and more irritated with the fact that he had to come home at all. I tried asking Kayla what she thought was going on, but she was too busy with her own life to even notice that Glenn had been acting any different. I figured today would be a good time to try and bug Madison about it.

  We pulled onto the main road about fifteen minutes later and I was relieved that I didn’t have to sit in this depressing truck any longer. We passed Kayla’s grandparent’s place and past Madison and Kayla’s tree before we finally reached their house. Glenn threw the truck into park and jumped out without even glancing back at whether or not I was following. I slammed my hands against the dash, letting out a loud groan of frustration. I swear I was ready to knock him out and call it a day.

  I reached into the backseat to grab Mia’s present, when someone knocked on the window, startling me. I clutched at my chest and quickly turned in my seat to see Kayla’s mischievous grin staring back at me. I pressed my middle finger against the window and finished grabbing my things before pushing open the door and almost hitting Kayla in the face.

  “Oops, sorry.” I stuck my tongue out at her as I spoke.

  “Who pissed in your cornflakes?”

  Kayla moved in for a hug and I happily welcomed it. I wrapped my free arm tightly around her, letting out a loud sigh. “That would be my husband.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Well now you have to tell me what’s going on. Come sit with me.” We made our way over to the lawn chairs that sat just at the edge of the hill, overlooking the entire valley below. No matter how many times I had come to this place, it never ceased to amaze me. It was absolutely beautiful. It definitely made me happy with my decision to move here.

  “So…you wanna tell me what’s going on?” Kayla looked at me with worry in her eyes and I almost stopped myself from pouring my heart out to her.

  “You know what, it can wait. It’s your daughter’s first birthday and I don’t want to put a damper on that.” Before I could get up and away from Kayla, she was grabbing my wrist and pulling me back down in my seat.

  “Don’t even try to walk away from me, you little slut. Tell me what’s going on, now. My daughter’s birthday is exactly that, her first one. She’ll have plenty of other ones. Besides which, she’s still napping so I’m all yours for at least another thirty minutes.”

  “I don’t know what to do, Kayla. Every time Glenn comes home, it’s like he would rather be anywhere else but here. I just feel like he thinks he made a mistake. Ya know?”

  “I’m sorry, Cam. I can’t say that I do know, but it’s so hard to imagine Glenn acting that way. Maybe he just needs some time to get back into the groove of thing
s, no?”

  I turned towards my best friend ready to rip her to pieces with my words, but I held my tongue. “How can you stick up for him? I’m your best friend, you should be taking my side.”

  “Whoa killer. First off, I’m not taking anybody’s side. Secondly, I’m trying to be a good friend. I just want you to consider all aspects of what you’re saying.”

  I quickly retracted my claws and sat back in my seat, sheepishly. “I’m sorry. Do you see what he’s doing to me? He’s driving me insane. If I didn’t know any better, I would think he was cheating on me.” I let out an exasperated sigh, and then shot straight up in my chair as I turned in Kayla’s direction.

  “Don’t you even say it, Cami. You know he would never do that to you. I’m pretty sure he knows how many people would be on his ass.”

  “Think about it, Kay. It would make the most sense. Maybe he’s just to a point where he regrets marrying me so young. For crying out loud, he didn’t even remember that today is our anniversary. Fucking asshole.” We both broke out in hysterics and it felt great to finally feel a little less stressed. “Have I told you lately that I’m so glad that I have you?”

  “Not today, but thanks. I feel the same way. I would go bat shit crazy without you here. You ready to head inside?”

  “Yeah. Kayla, tell me it’s all going to be okay.” I looked up from the ground just as Kayla stepped in front of me, wrapping me up in her arms.

  “Everything will be fine, trust me.”

  We started making our way back up to the house and for the first time in about a week, I honestly felt like things were looking up. I decided to chalk up all of my fears to the fact that Glenn and I did get married young and I knew that in itself was hard enough for most people to deal with, but then adding the pressure of his career on top of it. I was almost certain it would make any couple have a bit of a hard time. I suppose only time would tell.

  Chapter 2


  “You seriously haven’t said anything to her about it? Man, I would’ve had your balls.”

  Madison was having a field day makin’ fun of me, but I knew exactly what I was doing. Sure I had been a bit of a prick since I had been home, but it was all for a greater cause. “Trust me, she’s to that point. I just can’t believe she hasn’t said anything about it to me all day. Cami’s not one to bite her tongue.”

  “Don’t I know it. I just hope for your sake, she forgives your dumb ass.”

  “Me too.” I glanced around the empty house in confusion. “Where is everybody?”

  “I told them to come over a little bit later. I wasn’t sure how long it would take for you to do your thing.”

  I couldn’t help but burst out in laughter, “You make it sound so dirty.”

  “You can make it dirty.” Madison punched me in the arm and took off towards the front door. Just as he walked past the door, it swung wide open and smacked him right in the nose. Blood splashed across the door and the wall right next to where he stood. As much as I wanted to make sure he was okay, I couldn’t help but laugh and point at him first.

  Kayla was immediately at his side. “Oh my god, are you okay?”

  Between groans of pain and the fits of laughter at his stupidity, Madison finally answered. “I think so.”

  “Well then get your ass up and go get cleaned up.” Kayla smacked the back of his head and I let out a loud laugh that caught both girls’ attention.

  “You’re lucky you’re not next.” Cami shouted.

  “What did I do?” I held my hands up in mock surrender.

  “Like you don’t know.” Cami walked right past me and into the kitchen before I could grab her hand to stop her. I was definitely letting this go too far and it needed to end. She was seriously pissed at me, and that was the last thing I needed.

  “Hey Cam?”

  “What?” She peered out around the door from the kitchen with her infamous “eat shit and die” glare.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute, outside?” I was preparing myself for her to tell me to go to hell, but she just simply nodded and made her way out towards the front door. When she reached the front steps, I quickly grabbed her hand and spun her around in my arms, letting my lips land perfectly on hers. I let my one hand slide across her lower back, pulling her deep into my chest while the other one pushed back through her hair, keeping her lips firmly pressed against mine.

  When I eventually peeled myself away from her, I could see her eyes dancing with lust. “What was that for?” She whispered.

  “Because I can.” I smirked. “I have something for you. Come on.” I clutched her hand in mine pulling her down the porch steps, out past the house and down the small hill that sat just south of Madison and Kayla’s house.

  “Glenn, where are we going?”

  “Just wait, you’ll see.” I chuckled as we went running past a line of trees. For the first time in almost three months, I felt my age. I felt like I could be carefree and reckless and there wasn’t a single soul around that could tell me not to. Cami’s laugh echoed off of every surface around us, as we made our way a little bit further down the hill.

  “What has gotten into you?” She giggled.

  I grabbed both of her hands in mine and pulled her to a sudden stop. “Ok, close your eyes.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  Man she was stubborn. “I know you don’t want to, but I’m askin’ ya to. Please?”

  “Fine.” She mock stomped her foot against the ground as she let her eyes flutter shut.

  I gently wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, and tucked my chin next to her neck. “Now let me lead you.” I could feel her hesitation, but I gave her a reassuring squeeze and carefully began moving her body in sync with my own. “Keep your eyes closed.”

  “I am.” She growled.

  “Good. Just a little bit further.” We walked a few feet in front of us until I could see the wooden frame come into view. I walked her over a couple feet to our right so it was now in clear view. “Okay, open.” I walked around the side of her so I could see her face. Her eyes slowly opened and confusion took over her expression.

  “What is it?”

  A wide smile spread across my face as I walked backwards with my arms spread wide. “This my love, is our new home. Well, the beginning of it.”

  “No way!” She shouted. “You’re kidding me right now?”

  I ran full speed back towards her, picked her up in my arms and spun her around. “Happy anniversary, babydoll.”

  She slapped me against my back as I kept spinning her. “You asshole. I thought you forgot.”

  I slowly began stopping our body’s movements and gently placed her unsteady feet back on the ground. I pushed the hair back from her face, letting my hands come to rest on her cheeks. “Did you really think I would forget our one year anniversary?” I firmly pressed my lips against hers. “I’ve been planning this for a month.” I whispered between kisses.

  “It’s amazing, Glenn. It’s more than I could’ve ever asked for. Thank you.”

  Our hands dropped to our sides and I clutched onto hers with everything that I had as I started leading her over to the frame of our house. “Would you like a tour, Mrs. Green?”


  “Well this right here, is a doorway. I know, it seems extravagant to have, but I am a big rock star now.” I laughed and she playfully punched my shoulder. “Through here will be the main living room, the kitchen is right through there, and over there would be the game room. Ya know, pool table, darts, and those kinds of games. Over there on the opposite side of the house is our room, a recording studio, and two extra bedrooms. Maybe one day, nursery? Wait, is that what it’s called?”

  “Yes it’s called a nursery. I’m a little surprised. You’ve always made it seem like you don’t want kids. Are you changing your mind, Mr. Green?”

  I pulled Cami’s tight little body against mine, letting her feel how turned on I was just talkin’ about our future. “W
hat do you think?” I whispered just below her ear.

  “I think you should show me.”

  “Oh do ya now?” She squealed as she tried to run away from me, but I was too fast and instantly caught up to her. I pushed her back firmly against the exposed wood and slowly kissed down her neck and across her collarbone. I could hear small agonizing moans escape between her perfectly plump lips, and my pants suddenly became unbearably tight.

  I let my hands slip down past her ass so I could pull her legs up and wrap them securely around my waist. I made quick work of undoing my pants as thoughts of being inside of my wife consumed my every thought. Before I knew it, she was sinking down onto me and I had to try my damndest to not lose control too soon. She pulled my face down to look into her hypnotizing eyes, and with three little words I came undone.

  Chapter 3


  “Oh my god. If we don’t get back soon, they’re gonna send someone to search for us and knowing my luck, it’ll be your dumbass brother. Have you seen my shirt?” I was anxiously searching for my clothing that had some how or another ended up all over the frame of our house. I could hear Glenn laughing behind me as I looked back in his direction, covering my exposed breasts with my hands.

  “Why are you lookin’ at me like that? Oh please, it’s not like you told me no.” He let out a loud chuckle. “Lookin’ for this, Mrs. Green?”

  I turned and found him standing there with my shirt and bra dangling from his finger. I gave him my best ‘I’m gonna kill you’ look, but it had no effect whatsoever on him. I reached for my clothes and Glenn suddenly pulled them back.

  “Oh, I am so not playing games with you right now, dear husband of mine.”

  “You may not be, but I am.”

  I slowly and deliberately took my time walking over to him. With each step I took I dropped a hand, exposing my goodies for the entire world to see. It would’ve worked the way it usually did, with his mouth dropping wide open and my clothes falling to the floor where I could quickly grab them, but today worked out a little bit differently.


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