This Courage of Mine

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This Courage of Mine Page 10

by Amanda Bennett

  “I’m down. Let’s go.”

  We all headed out, grabbin’ our sunglasses and phones from the top of the speaker. When we exited the venue, the hot as sin Georgia sun instantly started scorching our skin, and we all moaned in unison. I pushed my sunglasses up my nose and quickly checked my phone as we started walkin’ up the street.

  “Any word?” Madison asked.

  I shook my head and shoved my phone back into my back pocket. About half a block away from where Madison said the pub was, some girls approached us. Even though we had been touring for a while now, we still hadn’t gotten used to the fact that we had actual fans. Fans who made a habit of findin’ out where we were stayin’ or followin’ us around wherever we went. It was definitely a surreal experience.

  “Oh my god, I can’t believe it’s really you guys. We can’t wait for y’alls show tonight. Can we get a pic with all of you?” The blonde that was talkin’ couldn’t stand still. You could tell that she was nervous by how she was fidgeting and practically bouncin’ with excitement.

  “Of course you can.” Bryce replied. “Come on guys. Get in the pic.”

  We all crowded together to take the picture and unfortunately I got stuck with my arm around the small blonde who couldn’t even stop bouncin’ long enough to take a picture with us. Luckily, Madison was on my other side, and then there were the blonde’s two friends on his side next to Bryce and Brandon. After the random guy they asked to take the picture was finished, I instantly dropped my arm and started walkin’ towards the pub, whose sign was now visible.

  “Thanks ladies. We’ll see y’all at the show tonight.” We all waved as we kept walkin’ in the opposite direction.

  We could hear the three of them squealing as we entered the pub and I couldn’t help but laugh at the situation. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” I said as I let out an audible sigh now that we were in air conditioning.

  “That’s nothin’ compared to the people we met in Phoenix a couple months ago. Now those people were nuttier than squirrel shit.” We all busted up laughin’ at Bryce. “What? Seriously, I had one girl ask me if I would be her baby daddy. It takes a pretty big pair of balls to ask someone you don’t even know, that shit.”

  “You make a very valid point, Bryce. Now sit down and shut it.” I let Madison mess with Bryce while I waved over a waitress.

  “Hey y’all. What can I get for ya?”

  “I’ll take a pint of Shock Top, if ya got it.” Rarely did I find a bar that carried my beer on tap or even at all.

  “I believe we do. And for the rest of ya?”

  “I think we’ll just get a pitcher of Bud Light if that’s okay?” Brandon was tryin’ to get his flirt on, but the waitress had yet to even notice him.

  “Ok, here are your menus if y’all wanna order somethin’. I’ll just go get these and be right back.”

  As she walked away, of course Brandon and Bryce had to ogle her. She was definitely pretty, but Madison and I had become those guys. You know the ones that pretend there aren’t pretty girls around. “So how are Kayla and Mia getting’ on so far?”

  “Really good actually. It sucks because I wanna be experiencing all the first times with both of em’, but I also know that this is my job and I have to support them.”

  “I hear ya.” I took a big gulp of the cool beer that the waitress had just brought over and it instantly cooled my insides.

  “So, you and Cam talk anymore about kids or no?” I wasn’t exactly sure what all Kayla had told Madison, but I suppose it wasn’t much of a secret anymore.

  “We talked about it. We both agree that we want kids, but now just isn’t the time. She’s goin’ off her birth control though. I kinda wish she wouldn’t but whatever.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She’s had endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome since she was young, which leads to heavy periods and painful cramps. Literally every time she is on her period, she is in an extreme amount of pain. The birth control is supposed to help with all of that, but it hasn’t been lately. I just don’t want to have to deal with even worse pain because we’re tryin’ to have a kid, ya know?”

  “I see what you’re sayin’. Sorry man, that sucks.”

  “Eh, I’m not too worried about it at the moment. We have plenty of time to have kids. No need to rush it. What about you and Kayla? Y’all gonna try for another one anytime soon?”

  “I’m not sure. We haven’t really talked about it. Come to think of it, we haven’t talked about that or the wedding at all, in quite some time.”

  “Ah shit. Someone is gonna be in trouble soon.” I teased.

  “Why do you say that? Kayla’s fine with everything, we just haven’t had time to plan anything. It’s been a pretty busy year. Why, what do you know?” I just kept my head down, starin’ at my glass of beer. “What the fuck do you know, Green? Don’t make me beat it outta ya.”

  “All I know is, Kayla is super insecure about y’alls relationship right now.” I held my hands up in surrender. “Don’t kill the messenger. I’m just tellin’ ya what I heard.”

  Madison sat there shakin’ his head in disbelief. “Why? I’ve never given her any reason to feel insecure about us. For fuck’s sake I put the biggest fuckin’ rock on her hand that I could afford, just so people would know that she’s mine and I’m hers. She hasn’t said a word about a wedding.”

  “Dude, she’s a girl. They never say what they actually want or need. Didn’t you know, we’re all supposed to be god damn mind readers?” I laughed.

  “Well now I just feel like a douche. I do wanna marry her, it’s just been so busy and chaotic, with us on tour and Mia’s first birthday. I guess I should’ve noticed though. Every time Cami says husband or wife, Kayla gets this look on her face.”

  “Just talk to her about it. I’m sure if you bring it up, she’ll admit some shit to ya. You still sure you even wanna get married?”

  Madison gave me a perplexed look. “Of course. There is nobody else in this entire world that I would want to be with. I love her more than even I could say.”

  “Just tell her that. Anyway, enough of this girl talk shit. We should probably head back. I’m pretty sure the sound guy is gonna have an aneurysm if we don’t do our sound check on time.

  “Alright. Come on boys, we’re outta here. Thanks for everything.” Madison shouted at the staff as he placed a big wad of money on the table. It was time to do work.

  Chapter 23


  I found myself pacing back and forth in front of Kayla’s shop, trying to figure out what exactly it was I needed to say to her to make things good between us. With everything that had gone on over the last couple of days, I didn’t even know how to explain it to myself. Lately, I just wasn’t feeling like myself. My emotions and personality were all over the place and I found myself saying things that I never would have ever even thought.

  I passed by the door one last time, took in a deep breath and reached for the door. Suddenly I found myself clutching on to the door handle, praying that I wouldn’t fall to the unforgiving concrete below me. I expectantly had tunnel vision and I found myself short of breath. The pain that was present in my head this morning was now back. I let out a loud shrieking pain as I grabbed my head in my hands and fell to the ground. After that, the entire world went black as night.

  “Cami? Cami, can you hear me? Cami?” I could hear Kayla’s voice, but I still didn’t have my vision back, and as much as I tried to form coherent words, I just couldn’t. “Cami, please open your eyes. Please, just say something.” I could hear her pleas, but my body had completely shut itself down.

  I could feel her running her fingers back through my hair and it was surprisingly soothing. It helped ease the pain in my head enough to where I didn’t feel like I wanted to chop it off. I told my brain to try and speak and in my mind I was, but judging by Kayla’s lack of reaction to what I thought I was saying, I knew that my lips obviously weren’t moving. />
  “Miss, we’re gonna have to take her to the hospital now. You can ride with her, but we need to go.”

  “I just need to lock up real quick.”

  A chill ran through me as Kayla’s touch disappeared. Where there was once warmth from her fingers, now was just a cool void. Why wasn’t I waking up? Why couldn’t I speak? What was happening to me? I continued to try and fight against whatever it was that was debilitating me, but it was stronger than I was. At least I knew I was alive, but for how long? I just needed a sign that I was going to be okay.

  “Ok, let’s go.” Kayla was back by my side, holding my hand as they lifted me up and into what I could only assume was an ambulance. The stretcher beneath me shook and swayed until I felt it lock into place with a strong shove. “Why aren’t we moving?” I could hear the anger and panic in Kayla’s voice becoming more present. For their sake, I hope they listened to her.

  I wasn’t sure how long it had taken us to get to the hospital or even how long I had been out, but I was pleasantly surprised when I was finally able to open my eyes. I glanced around the hospital room trying to find Kayla, but she was nowhere that I could see. I found the controller for paging my nurse, and I didn’t hesitate to do so.

  “Can we help you?” The lady’s voice on the intercom was less than pleasant towards me.

  “Can you please tell my nurse or doctor that I am awake now?”


  Before I could say another word, the lady on the other end hung up. What the hell was wrong with people? What was I supposed to do, not tell people I was alive? I hadn’t noticed until now, but my eyelids were extremely heavy and I was having a hell of a time keeping them open. They must’ve given me something to help me sleep, but I couldn’t be certain. Just as my eyes started to flutter shut, Kayla’s face came into view, causing me to try and open them much wider than possible.

  Kayla ran to my side, pulling me into a giant hug. “Oh my god, Cam. I thought you were dead. I thought I was never going to see you again.” She pulled back and slapped my shoulder. “Don’t you ever do that to me again, you hear me?”

  “Yeah, I hear you.” I sat there rubbing the spot she had just slapped, rather hard I might add. “So, can I go home now? This is ridiculous. I’m pretty sure it was a panic attack. You know I’ve been getting those since I was like fifteen. I mean what else could it be?”

  “I don’t know, Cam. All I know is they ruled out an anxiety or panic attack. I told them all about your health history, and I even told them about how you almost fell earlier when I came to see you. They seem to think that there is something else going on with you.”

  “Kay, I can’t believe you told them that. I didn’t almost fall. I stood up and got dizzy was all. I had taken my pain medication before that and stood up too fast. Don’t make it more dramatic than it was.”

  “See, that’s not you either Cami. Something isn’t right. You’ve been super bitchy lately, well more so than usual. You’ve been short and almost mean at times, and you just seem so distant. That’s not you, Cami. And let’s not even get into the whole pill thing.” Kayla sat back with her arms crossed over her chest.

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means you’ve been poppin’ those things like tic-tacs.”

  “I have not. You’re crazy.” I didn’t think anyone had been paying close enough attention, to be honest.

  “I’m crazy? I’m crazy?” Kayla stood and was now pointing her finger at me. “You are. You were attacked, in your home, not even two days ago.”

  “What’s your point, Kayla?” I shouted.

  “My point is you act like nothing happened at all. It’s like you blocked it from your mind completely. Either that or you’re just masking the fear and pain of it all with your magic white pills. That’s not normal, Cami.”

  “Oh what do you know about it?” I covered my mouth, shaking my head in disbelief. “Oh my god, Kayla I am so sorry. That’s not what I meant.”

  “Wasn’t it? Look, I’m gonna go. I have to pick up Mia soon and I still have to go back to the store and lock it up. Call me when you hear something.” She reached for her bag and headed towards the door in silence.

  “Kayla, please forgive me. I’m so sorry. You have to believe me.”

  “I’ll talk to you later, Cami. Get some rest.”

  As soon as the door clicked into the frame I let my tears fall. She was right. I was an asshole. I had been such a bitch to her and everybody else lately and for no good reason, at least none that I could think of. I let my head fall back against the pillow, just praying for sleep to take over. Just as I was about to pass out, there was a knock at the door.

  “Nice to see you awake, Mrs. Green. I’m Dr. Thomas. How are you feeling?”

  “As good as can be expected I suppose. Can I go home now?”

  “I’m afraid not. We need to run some more tests if that’s okay? With the symptoms that you are presenting, we just want to double check a few things before we let you go.”

  “What exactly does that mean?” I was utterly confused and the doctor seemed to be evading my questions.

  “How about this, I’m going to have the nurse come in and give you a bit more medication so you’re nice and relaxed, and then the tech will be in soon to take you for an MRI and a CT scan. As soon as I get those results, then I’ll come back in and chat with ya. Oh, and someone will be in to draw some blood. Don’t worry, Mrs. Green. You’re in good hands.”

  Before I had a chance to refuse what he was saying, he was gone and I was alone again. All I wanted to do was apologize to my friend and make things right between us. Instead, I end up in the hospital, and instead of telling Kayla how sorry I am, I practically kick her out the door.

  There was another knock at my door a few minutes later. “Come in.”

  An officer dressed in full uniform came wandering into my room with a purpose. He looked serious and that scared me. “Mrs. Green, I don’t know if you remember me from the other day or not.”

  It took me a minute to place his face, but then it dawned on me. “Oh yeah, Officer Peterson. What are you doing here now?”

  “Well I was here giving report on an accident, but I wanted to return this to you.” The handsome officer handed me my cell phone and I smiled a wide smile. “I overheard the doctor looking over you, say your name, and I figured you would be missing your phone.”

  “Thank you so much, Officer Peterson. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

  “Of course. Well, get well soon Mrs. Green.”

  “Thank you, Officer Peterson. Take care.”

  All my worries seemed to fade just a bit now that I had a way to communicate with the outside world. I scrolled through my contacts and stopped when I came to Kayla’s name, but I didn’t call her. Instead, I clicked off the phone, tucked it under my side and let myself fall into a state of unconsciousness.

  Chapter 24


  Our show went off without a hitch, and it felt amazing to be back out on stage. After our last song, we bowed and made our way backstage to where we were all set up. I rushed to get to my phone to see if Cami had called, but I didn’t have a single missed text or call. Usually I wouldn’t think anything of it, but Cami made it a habit to call or text me during my show so I would have a message waitin’ from her when I was done.

  I checked my incoming texts one last time just to be sure, but there were none. “Hey Madison, you get any texts or missed calls from Kayla?” I turned to see if he heard me, but he was holdin’ a finger up to tell me to be quiet, and then he pointed at his phone.

  I stood there waitin’, impatiently I might add, for him to hurry up. I would’ve just called Cami myself, but she still didn’t have her phone back and I had completely spaced with everything that happened before I left, to get her a new one. I tugged my sweat-ridden shirt over my head and added some deodorant before pullin’ on a fresh clean shirt. As much as I loved performing, I didn’t love smellin�
� like road kill afterwards.

  “Hey Glenn, can I talk to you outside for a second?” Madison looked extremely serious and I had a gut wrenching feelin’ this was gonna be bad, but I followed him anyway. “So I just listened to my messages. There was one on there from Kayla. She said that Cami is in the hospital.”

  “What! Holy shit, what happened? I have to go to her. I need to make sure she’s okay. Fuck!” I frantically tried to pull out of Madison’s death grip that he now had on my shoulders, but he wasn’t lettin’ me budge.

  “Stop freakin’ out and let me tell you the rest before you go gettin’ all crazy and worked up. She’s fine. Apparently she passed out as she was walking into Kayla’s store. She wasn’t hurt. They are runnin’ some tests on her and keeping her for observation, but they don’t have any answers right now. Kayla gave me the room number for you so you could call. It’s room 1220.”

  My breath evened out and the adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins was slowly starting to dissipate. “Thanks, man. I’m gonna go call her.” Madison nodded in my direction, and then disappeared back into the room we just came from.

  I dialed the hospital as fast as I could. My knee started bouncin’ uncontrollably once I took a seat on the bench in the hallway. I was beyond nervous and unable to control my emotions at the present moment. I just needed to hear my wife’s voice.

  “Mercy Hospital, how can I direct your call?”

  “Yes, hi. I need room 1220 please.”

  “Sure thing. One moment, Sir.”

  I took in a few deep breaths, tryin’ to calm my nerves as I waited for someone to answer the hospital room phone. After three rings I figured it was a lost cause and was about to hang up, but then a groggy voice came on the other end.

  “Hello?” Even in the hospital she still sounded so damn sexy.

  “Hi, baby. How are you?”

  “Oh my god, Glenn?”

  “Who else calls you baby?” I laughed.

  “Nobody, you know that. How was your show?” Of course she was only thinkin’ about me right now. Although most people didn’t think so, I knew Cami to be one of the most selfless people I know, and this just proved it.


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