Snow and the Seven Huntsmen

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Snow and the Seven Huntsmen Page 8

by Zoe Blake

  “You can, and you will, Snow.”

  “No! No! Please!”

  I started to struggle. The antler chandelier swayed and rocked with my movements. It was all futile. I was trussed and tied as if I truly were the hunting prize Dagr claimed.

  His strong hands pinched my bottom cheeks as he forced them open. Then I felt the whisper of a breath against my cunny, then my hidden hole. I moaned as the light hint of breath sent a shiver of awareness coursing through my body.

  “You are so sensitive you shudder at my very breath.”

  “No,” I groaned in protest.

  I then felt his lips on my cunny. The tip of his tongue laved at the folds of my sex, seeking entrance. I moaned as he shifted his hands to place his thumbs between my legs and used them to open me…expose me…to his touch…his tongue. He laved again, this time brushing my sensitive nub. With the tip of his tongue, he circled and teased my center, sending wave after wave of heated, unwanted sensations through me. Swirling. Tasting. Pressing then receding only to press again. Each flick of his tongue a ruthless reminder of his power over me. My hips bucked. The leather belt dug into my lower back with the movement, surely marking me, but I didn’t care.

  My toes curled as he continued to flick his tongue over my nub.

  “Oh god! Oh god! You have to stop. Please! I can’t,” I begged to no avail.

  The pressure began to build. I was floating free, yet restrained. I felt dizzy and numb, while at the same time sensitive and extraordinarily aware of every moment, every sigh, every single feeling.

  The pressure continued to escalate. My release was upon me.


  His tongue moved down. Applying pressure to the tip, he lapped at the puckered skin of my hidden entrance.

  “No! Stop! Don’t!” I cried out.

  He slowly pushed the tip in and out of my entrance. It was wrong. It was depraved.

  Still he tortured me.

  Swirling, laving, licking.

  Knowing with each flick of his tongue, my mortification increased. How? How could I possibly like the feel of his tongue, there? It defied reason. And yet…oh god.

  “Your bottom hole is sensitive. I believe you would come from my very breath on it,” he growled against my skin.

  The vibrations of his deep, dark words sent me over the edge. Losing my grip on the horns above me, my arms dangled helplessly to my side as my head tilted all the way back. My mouth opened on a deep-throated moan as my inner thighs twitched against his jaw.

  My release was all encompassing, transcending my fear and humiliation.

  “Good girl,” he chuckled as I dangled above the floor, replete and panting. “Now it is my turn,” he warned as he slowly lowered me down a few feet till I was trussed in my binds right at his hips.

  I was too dazed and overwhelmed to embrace the impact of his words. It was not until I felt a cool ointment being spread between my bottom cheeks that I reacted.

  “What is that?”

  “It is more of Tore’s salve. It will help you accept my cock up your ass without tearing.”

  “No! You cannot mean to do this to me. You will kill me!”

  “You will be in pain, but trust me, you won’t die.”

  Squirming within my binds, I tried to lift my hips and contort my body in a desperate effort to resist his touch. It only earned me another stinging spank to my right cheek.

  Dagr positioned his brawn between my legs. Looking down my leather trussed body, I watched in abject fascination as he fisted his cock. It was as if he held a wild animal. Thick, swollen and pulsing. It seemed to turn an angrier red the more he handled it.

  My breath came in short, frantic gasps. Everything swirled about me. The contorted shapes of the antlers and horns. The smell of our warm skin which held the musky scent of arousal and sweat. The imagined sound of my own pounding heart. The bite of the leather restraints as they stuck to my damp skin, further restricting my movements.

  Placing his hands on my upper thighs, he pushed down. My hips slipped lower as the belt moved up higher on my back. My bottom was now obscenely on display as my legs opened wider. I clung to the leather straps to keep from falling.

  “I’m slipping.”

  “You’re not.”

  “Please! I’ll fall.”

  “You won’t. Now tell me, where is my cock?”

  As he ground out the words, I could feel the tip of his cock against my tight entrance.

  “Please! You—”

  “Where is my cock?”

  The head pushed forward. Instinctively, I clenched down, tightening the puckered entrance, refusing him entry. The salve, warmed from the heat of my body, began to drip down the crease of my bottom, tickling my skin. Placing his hands on my thighs, he pushed again. This time, eased by the heated salve, the head began to crest, pushing through my resistance. I tried to clench harder. Still he pushed. I could feel my body being forced open. There was a burning, stretching sensation, then the head pushed through. The momentary release of pressure was almost satisfying till I felt him thrust forward. His thick shaft was driving deeper into my body.

  “It hurts!” I screamed. “Stop!”

  “No,” came his ruthless, curt reply.

  His shaft pushed forward, forcing my body to accept him. I could feel every inch as my muscles strained and clenched.

  “Where is my cock?” he asked again.

  “In me,” I whimpered.

  Digging his fingers into my thighs for purchase, he pulled back and then thrust forward.

  Screaming, my whole body bucked as the antler chandelier I was trussed to swayed and rocked.

  “Where is my cock?” he shouted.

  “In my ass. In my ass, oh god,” I screamed in return.

  He pulled free.

  I sobbed with relief, but it was short lived. After waiting the sparest of moments for my body to close in on itself, he thrust forward again, violently forcing my bottom hole to accept every inch of his thick shaft.

  I screamed in agony. The burning hot pain pierced me straight through. My stomach twisted and clenched. It felt as though he were severing my insides.

  “Take it. Take every inch,” he commanded through clenched teeth.

  My only response was a pitiful wail as he pummeled my body with his cock.

  As his thrusts gained in ferocity, my own body began to sway in its binds, back and forth, complicit in its own torture as his cock drove deeper and deeper with every swing.

  My entire world was centered on his touch and the pain.

  “Damn your ass is tight. I can feel you clench and grab at my cock with every thrust.”

  “Please, it hurts.”

  “This is a punishment. It’s supposed to hurt. I want it to hurt. I want you to feel every painful inch of my cock as I remind you who is in charge of you and your body.”

  His hands cupped my bottom as he lifted me up, relieving the pressure of the leather belt against my back and legs. With his steadying grip on my body, his thrusting increased, each powerful shift of his hips hit me like a punch.

  I felt bruised and used. My body ached as my stomach cramped from the onslaught.

  Still he thrust. Still he pounded into my flesh. Possessing me. Owning me. Dominating me.

  A sick primal curl of emotion unfurled deep within me. Despite the pain, the idea of him taking me, claiming me called to some raw, dark corner of my psyche.

  Then…he did the unthinkable.

  As he thrust, he reached between my legs and stroked my sensitive nub. The confusing mixture of pain and pleasure was too much for my already agitated state.

  “You’re such a dirty little thing. You like my cock up your ass. You like the pain. Admit it.”

  I looked between my legs to where he stood. His skin glistened with a sheen of sweat. The shifting glimmer of the candlelight enhanced the edged grooves of muscle and sinew on his body, fixing me with a dark, fierce gaze as he bared his teeth from the exertion. The very e
pitome of raw, primal power…of man…of a man claiming what was his…by force.

  “Yes, damn you! Yes!” I screeched like a harridan as I actually shifted my hips to force my body to sway into his…to force his cock deeper into my ass.

  Just as I felt my release crest, he pinched my nub, the spark of pain pushing me over the edge.

  I heard his roar of completion as he released his seed deep inside my body…deep inside my ass.

  I could only whimper and sigh as he lowered my body to the floor and released me from my leather binds. I could feel his seed trickle out of my now stretched and open hole as he wrapped me in a blanket and carried me downstairs.


  Wrapped in my soft cocoon, I pretended to sleep as I could hear the other huntsmen enter the cabin.

  Dagr had me on his lap before the fireplace. Insisting I eat, he’d spoon fed me stew like a child till I had drifted off to sleep. The bustling and loud entrance of the other men woke me.

  “Quiet. The lass is sleeping.”

  “Had a rough time of it did she?” said Freyr, a knowing lilt to his words.

  Under my lashes, I could see Tore give him a punch on the arm. “You know the rules. We don’t discuss each other’s time with Snow.”

  It was comforting to know they didn’t discuss my shameful reactions to their touch and punishments amongst one another.

  “We have a problem,” said Magni. His voice held an unusual serious tone.

  “There is talk in the village that Snow is not dead,” said Jerrik.

  “How is that possible? The queen accepted the boar’s heart for Snow’s without question,” responded Dagr.

  Sitting on a bench next to Dagr, Odin explained, “Apparently, us buying the lass’ frippery and finery was remarked upon in the village. It’s also been noticed that we haven’t been spending any time at the pub or perusing other amusements in the last weeks.”

  “For all her faults, the queen is a smart woman,” said Freyr.

  Nodding toward Jerrik, Steen said, “Jerrik overheard some of the serving girls talking about how erratic the queen has become as of late. They even overheard the queen cursing the huntsmen and threatening revenge. Talk of finishing the deed herself. It has started the rumor that perhaps the queen was not honest about Snow being killed by marauders.”

  With my own head still on his shoulder as I pretended to sleep, I could feel Dagr shake his head. “I don’t like this, men. We knew our plan to save the lass for ourselves instead of killing her was a risky one, but I think I speak plainly for us all when I say we didn’t expect to feel for the lass as we do now. I, for one, have no intention of letting her go.”

  There was a chorus of agreement from the men.

  “You know this is insanity. If we were smart, we would give the girl some money and send her as far away as possible,” reasoned Tore. “It’s the safest option for the lass and for us. It was also what we always intended to do once we had our fill.”

  I could feel Dagr’s hold on my body tense as he instinctively pulled me tighter to him.

  There was a long heavy silence.

  “Well men, do you think that’s what we should do?” asked Dagr gruffly.

  My stomach clenched at the thought. The confusing reality was I didn’t want to go back to the silence and isolation of being alone. I had grown to love the energy, noise and passion of my new life with the huntsmen. I waited, barely daring to breathe for their answer.

  “No,” came Magni’s decided answer. “The lass is ours and I say we stay and fight for her. The girl deserves a home and life. I’m not going to let some bitter queen take that away from her.”

  “I’m with Magni. Snow’s home is with us where we can protect her. I say she stays,” said Freyr.

  “And the rest?” asked Dagr.

  Desperately I tried to peek from beneath my lashes, but I could not see what they were about, in my heart I hoped they were nodding yes.

  “Then so say we all. The lass stays.”

  I felt Dagr rise. “Jerrik, will you take Snow to your room for the night? Watch over her and keep her occupied while the rest of us plan our defense against the queen.”

  I was lifted into Jerrik’s arms. Still pretending to sleep, I caught a glance of the other huntsmen over Jerrik’s shoulder. Their heads bent in serious discussion…planning…all for my protection.

  Jerrik cradled me in his arms and carried me up the stairs as if I weighed absolutely nothing. His effortless motions as he held me tight offered me a bit of comfort even though absolute panic was setting in.

  She was coming after me.

  My stepmother was coming, and the huntsmen knew my life was in danger. I could hear it in each one of their voices. Such powerful, domineering, brutes of men, but I could hear the fear for me in the way they spoke. I was supposed to be dead and had been living on borrowed time without even knowing it. The huntsmen—my captors—had been protecting me all along. This cabin was not my prison as I had once believed it to be. Unbeknownst to me, this home of theirs had been my sanctuary, my own protected castle guarded by my seven beasts.

  When we reached Jerrik’s room, I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing it was similar to all the others I had been in. Though the big difference in this room… this time… was that I had no fear of this man. I did not fear what would happen to me by being alone with him. I did not scan the room looking for an escape route or a possible weapon. In fact, I had never felt safer as I rested in his arms entering his small and cozy quarters.

  Being far more gentle than I thought it possible for any of the huntsmen to be, Jerrik laid me down on his quilt-covered bed with nothing but warmth in his deep brown eyes. He removed the blanket that I had been wrapped in, but didn’t seem too focused on my complete nudity at the time. As he pulled the blankets up over me, and he remained standing, it dawned on me that he wasn’t planning on joining me in the bed.

  I took hold of his forearm. “Don’t leave me.”

  He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “Don’t worry. You’ll be all right. We are all going to be downstairs talking.”

  “No, not you. Please,” I pleaded like a scared little girl who had just woken from a terrible nightmare.

  Except my nightmare was reality. I had a crazed woman with the mission of seeing me killed. There were no sweet, loving dreams in my life. Only dark, evil, deathly nightmares.

  “Snow, we aren’t going to allow anything to happen to you. We have kept you safe for this long, and we intend to keep it that way.”

  “Why?” I asked softly, still clinging to his arm. “Why would you keep me safe?”

  With a smile, he sat down on the edge of the bed and placed his rough, callused hand on mine. “Because you have managed to accomplish the impossible. You have tamed the wild beasts in this house. We were all nothing but ruthless creatures who only cared for ourselves. But when you came, things changed. I have seen it in each one of my fellow huntsmen. Even the ones who may refuse to admit it. You have captured their hearts far more than we have ever captured you.”

  “How can that be?”

  With a small chuckle, Jerrik bent down and pressed his lips to mine and gave me a soft and gentle kiss. “You have done the impossible just by being who you are. There isn’t a man downstairs who wouldn’t die for you. I don’t have to be down there myself to know that they are all preparing a plan, and acknowledging the fact that your life is worth theirs to save.”

  “My stepmother is a powerful woman. She has armies.”

  Jerrik nodded. “We know.”

  “I don’t want any of you to die for me.”

  He patted my arm again. “That is for us to worry about. Not you. I can see that you are tired, and you need your rest.” He stood, breaking free of my grip.

  I sat up, feeling a surge of panic attack the heart that he had just warmed with his tender words. “Please, Jerrik. Lie with me until I fall asleep. I don’t want to be alone.”

  He leaned down and softly k
issed my forehead once again. I looked up and smiled as our eyes connected. Jerrik didn’t pull away, and his lips were so close to mine that I could almost taste his breath… his passion and desire for more.

  As if under a spell, I raised my head just enough so that our lips touched in the softest of kisses. Jerrik didn’t move back or resist, but quite the opposite. He pressed his lips harder to mine and conquered my mouth with his—fully kissing me as a man would a woman. When his tongue danced with mine, I let out a gasp, breaking the spell we were in.

  Jerrik took my hands, linking our fingers together. He lifted my hands, brushed his lips over the back of each one in turn, causing a small tremble to wrack my naked body. He then positioned our bodies on the bed, spooning my curves against his. I pressed my bare bottom against his growing cock that tented his pants.

  “I haven’t had the chance to be with you, yet, Jerrik. Please, make me yours. Take my body completely.” I moaned loudly and without shame as I pressed against him even harder. I wanted him desperately. I craved these soft touches, these warm feelings that blanketed me in security, offering shelter from the raging storm that surrounded me.

  He ran his fingertips along the surface of my upturned butt and dipped between the crease, running them from my anus, to my taint, to my weeping hole, to my clit. “Look how wet you are.” He pushed a finger past my folds and into my cunny and began pumping it in and out. “Is this your desire for me?”

  “Yes,” I barely said between my gasps.

  He added a second finger to the one already inserted and pumped in and out of me.

  Moving lower down my body, Jerrik cupped my hot-skinned mound in his hands, clearly pleased to find me wet with my legs spread wide. I reached for him beneath his clothing, tearing them off him as fast as I could discard the final obstruction between us. He was thick and hard, the massive girth of his cock swollen and leaking. Just for me.

  “Let me suck on you,” I pleaded. “I want to taste you.”

  Jerrik granted me my wish as he removed the rest of his clothing and then straddled my neck so his cock rested in front of my face. Moving fast, I sucked him deeply into my mouth, running my tongue along the tip, luxuriating in the heady taste of him. I wanted more.


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