Grace, Bella - The Husband Contract [Brides of Bachelor Bay 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Grace, Bella - The Husband Contract [Brides of Bachelor Bay 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Bella Grace

  “Give me the deed, pay your sisters’ passage back to Boston, and we shall call it even.”

  Lizzie squared her shoulders. She would die before she allowed him to force marriage to his perverted cousins upon Olivia and Amelia. And the deed to their parents’ properties was the only thing he hadn’t stolen from them already.

  “No such deal will ever happen.”

  “I’m not an unreasonable man. As a show of good faith, I will demand only one of your sisters return with me. The deed, however, is a non-negotiable matter.”

  For a moment, she was tempted to offer him a proposition. Vengeance ruled his demand that either Olivia or Amelia return with him. But what he really wanted was the deed. Logan had already suggested she let him have it. He and Gage would provide for her and take care of her sisters until they found husbands of their own. Perhaps she could persuade her uncle to take the deed in exchange for his agreement to leave both her sisters alone.

  Lizzie sorted the idea through her mind quickly. There were two major problems with the proposal. Firstly, she didn’t trust him to honor his word, or even a written contract, for that matter. And secondly, pure stubbornness and principle prohibited her from giving him the deed on any terms.

  “I’ve had my fill of this nonsense!” He pushed his way forward in such an unstoppable manner she was forced to step back quickly or be bowled over by his short, rotund body.

  He stopped in the middle of the room and turned back to face her. She flattened herself against the wall next to the door and eyed the possible weapons available to her. Her eyes landed on the poker next to the fireplace on the far wall, but he read her thoughts.

  “I would have it in my hand before you could get it into yours, my dear Elizabeth.”

  “You are not welcome in my home! Leave immediately, or my husband will have you arrested for trespassing.”

  “Don’t they just shoot trespassers out here in the wilderness?” He raised one of his caterpillar brows and reached inside his coat.

  She saw the outline of the weapon he carried beneath the wool.

  “I would hate for such a prominent man as Mr. Gallagher to be killed for mistakenly drawing a gun on a dear uncle come to visit.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Scoundrel!”

  He laughed, and then added with a sneer, “The ship sails in eight days. Documents proving my ownership of the land and business in Boston and at least of one my dear nieces will be tucked safely in my quarters when we pull out of Port Steele.” He crossed the room quickly and pushed a fat finger beneath her chin with enough force to raise her face to his. “One way or another, I will get what I want.”

  He stalked out of the house, leaving the stench of cigar and stale whiskey hanging like a cloud where he’d stood. She bolted the door before he stepped off the porch and ran across the room to grab the fire poker in case he decided to return.

  When Logan and Gage returned and let themselves in the back door, they found her crouched near the fire, her hands wrapped around the poker so tightly her knuckles were bone white, and she was trembling with a combination of fear and rage that had completely taken hold.

  Logan gently took the poker from her hand while Gage poured a small shot of whiskey and held it to her lips. “I take it he came here? We’ve confirmed he was aboard the ship.”

  “He made more enemies than friends on the passage, and we’ve made certain his stay in Port Steele won’t be a hospitable one.”

  Tears of relief filled her eyes as Logan wrapped his arms around her and Gage coaxed the liquor into her mouth. She choked and sputtered as the whiskey burned a trail down her throat.

  “He demanded the deed and says he will take either Liv or Amelia back to Boston.”

  “The hell he will.” Logan’s voice was low. He wasn’t easy to rile, but Lizzie knew he would be a force to be reckoned with for anyone who crossed him.

  Gage nodded in agreement. “We’ll make sure he does no such thing. I know how you feel about this, but if you give him the property, perhaps you will be rid of him for good. We can comfortably provide for you.”

  Lizzie stiffened. Gage meant well, and she knew Logan agreed with him. But if Olivia and Amelia did not find suitable husbands here, they may wish to return to the East Coast. They shouldn’t be denied the joy of having families of their own, and they should not be dependent upon anyone else for financial support when their dear parents had left them sufficient inheritance. Rational thoughts filled her mind, but it was the anger of righteousness that flew from her lips.

  “After everything that horrible man has taken from us, I will not allow him to take our last penny!”

  She turned her face into Logan’s chest and Gage began to rub the tension from her back. “Perhaps we should delay our entrance to the party this evening. I know how to help our lovely wife relax.”

  Logan kissed the top of her head. “Don’t worry, love. Andrew and Noah will be at the New Year’s Eve party. Our brothers will be sure Liv and Amelia are well cared for.”

  Gage spoke low in her ear, “And we shall make it clear if Robert Prescott steps foot on Gallagher property again, it will be considered malicious trespassing. And if he threatens our wife again, his grave will be dug in Washington Territory soil.”

  Chapter 3

  Olivia’s Journal, January 1, 1865

  Port Steele, Washington Territory

  The New Year finds me giddy and forlorn. The giddiness I attribute to Mr. Jack Bartlett, his wicked tongue, and my undeniable attraction to both. The forlornness I likewise attribute to Mr. Jack Bartlett, and to his admirable principles, and to my fatal attraction to both. Perhaps if Mr. Bartlett had accompanied me to the New Year’s Eve party, my feet would not have been trampled by the boots of lumberjacks and my lips would be bruised from a thousand midnight kisses. I suppose it is a blessing my wicked dreams did not come true. Had Mr. Bartlett pursued me, my rational mind might compare him to…I shudder to entertain this thought…Miles Petty. Jack is not a competitor of Gallagher Lumber, but he is definitely not within their employ, either. I’m afraid my intriguing Mr. Bartlett is too reputable to unduly influence me to break my husband contract with the Gallaghers. But I do hope that same honor will impose on him enough that he keeps his promise to show me the beauty of his rain-drenched town. Oh sun, do shine today!

  * * * *

  Olivia wrapped her fingers around the long, smooth shaft and rasped, “What could she possibly have done with this?” She shivered at the thought of Lizzie protecting them like a savage with such a crude weapon. But she was quite certain their dear sister would have exerted every ounce of strength and called upon every reserve of animal instinct in her nature if their uncle had threatened bodily harm to any of them.

  Amelia used her fingertips to muffle her whisper. “I would have walloped him over the head with it, but I imagine after what that devil Lizzie was forced to marry exposed her to, she knows places to put it that we don’t.”

  Olivia’s mouth dropped open and the fire poker clattered to the floor. “Who on earth has been feeding your thoughts with such violence?”

  Olivia trembled and rubbed the beginnings of a headache from her temples. This town did nothing to prohibit masculine thoughts from entering a lady’s mind. From violence to debauchery of every nature, there was nothing too brazen to consider here in this wilderness. Olivia had become accustomed to the dark alleys of her own imagination, but Amelia’s mouth had become more tart by the minute since they reached Bachelor Bay, and she was rapidly learning the power of her voluptuous body. If she didn’t find a husband soon, she’d be hiking her skirts up to her knees and trading stories of debauchery with Hattie Red.

  Not that either of those possibilities could be any worse than the fantasies Olivia entertained herself. She picked up the poker and stood the horrendous weapon back against the wall next to the fireplace. Wood crackled and burned, filling the room with a comfortable heat that had absolutely nothing to do with the color that had risen t
o her cheeks.

  She thought her fantasies had been vivid and scandalous before, but after meeting Jack Bartlett, two of the hands and one of the bodies in her imagination had a face. She pressed her palm to her belly as a flutter of memories engulfed her and tightened her stomach with desire. The hands and bodies had two faces!

  She fanned her face with an open hand. It was time for a proper introduction to Mr. Aaron Lambert indeed.

  “Are you ill?” Amelia asked. “You’ve gone flush.”

  “I’m…” Olivia sat down quickly. “I’m fine.” Her eyes flicked toward the window. “You don’t suppose the rain will relent today, do you?”

  Amelia giggled. “I certainly hope it does. Or you shall surely lose your wits pining for your mercantile owner.”

  “Hush!” Olivia craned her neck to peer into the study where Lizzie read a book and Logan and Gage pored over the latest newspapers from Seattle. “A gentleman’s reputation is at stake.”

  “And if he continues to speak so boldly with you, yours shall be ruined.” She leaned close with a devilish smile. “I saw it in your eyes. You wouldn’t deny that man anything.”

  Heat flared in Olivia’s cheeks, and she stifled a laugh. “You are purely wicked. And very observant, I fear.”

  A knock sounded at the door. Both women turned toward it, but neither moved. Olivia glanced back toward the poker that stood against the wall. Gage stepped out of the study, his blue eyes focused so intently on the door, he didn’t even glance their way. Olivia’s shoulders relaxed, and she heard Amelia’s soft release of breath. As large as most of the men in the area, Gage was an imposing force despite his quiet demeanor and easy smile. Olivia felt profoundly safe here in the Gallagher home.

  A cold draft accompanied the open door, but the wet winter air did nothing to cool the fire that flooded Olivia’s veins. Jack Bartlett stood half a head taller than Gage. His hat hung from his hand and partially covered a muscled tree-trunk of thigh. The man was a giant, an imposing giant, with the wickedest of tongues and a magnetism that drew Olivia beyond reason.

  She reached up to arrange the hair that lay against her shoulders and straightened her back to give her modest breasts all the help she could.

  Gage greeted him with a hearty handshake. When Jack stepped into the room, it was as if the large log home shrank. He commanded space and drew every ounce of Olivia’s attention. Her heart pounded and then missed a beat altogether. As Jack Bartlett cleared the doorway, another imposing figure filled the frame. Aaron Lambert was almost identical in stature, and the two men were so similar in features it made Olivia’s mouth water. The dreams that kept her tossing through the night and had left her damp with desire came flooding back.

  Both men nodded to her and Amelia.

  “Good evening, ladies,” Aaron said.

  “Olivia, my dear.” Jack smiled. “I trust you’re not still riled at my rudeness.” He turned to Amelia. “Good evening, Miss Prescott.”

  Amelia sang out a cheery, “Good evening.”

  Olivia lifted her chin. “Mr. Lambert, it’s a pleasure. Mr. Bartlett, your tongue is nothing I am not equipped to handle.”

  Jack raised an eyebrow and the quirk of a smile tilted his generous lips. “That’s so very good to know.”

  “I’m glad to see you’re all acquainted. Is this a social call?” Gage asked.

  Jack squared his shoulders. “Actually, we have business to discuss if you, Logan, Andrew and Noah can spare the time.”

  “Andrew and Noah are out at the site, but Logan and I are available now for whatever you need to discuss.” Gage gestured toward the study, and the men hung their coats before following his lead across the room. A moment later, Lizzie joined her sisters next to the fire, and the thick door to the study shut out any hope Olivia had of hearing the conversation within.

  Amelia went to the window and turned back to Olivia with a gleam in her pale eyes. “I do believe the rain has stopped.”

  * * * *

  Aaron and Jack emerged from the study with Logan and Gage close behind them. All four men wore broad grins and shook hands respectfully.

  Aaron approached Olivia and Amelia. Olivia’s breath caught in her lungs. Here in the comfortable quarters of the Gallaghers’ living room Aaron Lambert was even more handsome than she’d realized from across the mercantile floor. The striking contrast of his light eyes and dark hair held her captive, and the slight hint of a dimple in his left cheek melted something deep in her core. Oh, how could she be so completely smitten with two men at the same time?

  “Miss Prescott, would you and your sister care to join us for a tour of Port Steele now that the rain has temporarily passed?” He turned to offer Amelia a pleasant smile but quickly returned his full attention to Olivia.

  “What a lovely invitation.” She didn’t even bother to gain Amelia’s acceptance of the invitation. “We would enjoy that immensely!”

  Amelia stood as if to thank him personally but quickly sat back down throwing the back of her hand to her forehead as she gracefully landed again in the chair. “Oh! I’m afraid I feel a little faint. Do go without me, Olivia. I haven’t quite been myself all morning.”

  Olivia’s heart sank in her chest. “If you’re ill, I should stay here with you.”

  Amelia shot her a look of disbelief but quickly rearranged her features again to feign her sudden illness. “Don’t be silly. I’m not quite headed to the infirmary, and Lizzie is here if I need tending to. Go enjoy the company of these gentlemen and allow them to show you all the hidden gems their expansive but quaint town has to offer. You simply must tell me every detail when you return.”

  “If you’re sure.” She studied Amelia, grateful for the opportunity to spend time with both the men of her desires but curious why Amelia wouldn’t jump at the chance to be courted by one of them herself.

  “Of course, I’m sure. Now don’t waste another moment of this beautiful sunshine concerning yourself with me.” She gave Olivia an almost imperceptible wink and a barely suppressed smile tugged the corners of her lips. “Mr. Lambert, please escort her from here before she turns into a mother hen before our very eyes.”

  Aaron Lambert chuckled. “As you wish, Miss Prescott. We’re terribly sorry you aren’t up for joining us today, but we will be sure your sister has plenty to tell you about when she returns.” He held his open palm to Olivia. “Miss Olivia Prescott, I would be honored.”

  Olivia took the hand Aaron offered and allowed him to help her to her feet.

  * * * *

  Seated between Aaron and Jack, Olivia shivered at the brush of their masculine arms against her shoulders. The wagon bounced along the uneven roads that led away from the business district of Port Steele and traveled north along the rocky coast. A canopy above their heads protected her skin from the sunlight and would offer some coverage in the event the rain returned, but even the most distinguished men in town did not travel by carriage as she had hoped they might. She realized she would soon have to relinquish some of her ideas of necessary comfort and give in to the virtues of practicality.

  Despite the harsh bounce of the wagon’s wheels against the uneven roads, a single journey had never been more divine. The scent of their masculine colognes blended with the fresh coastal air and swirled in her nose before filling her lungs and chest with a paradoxical mix of longings and contentment. She could drink them in all day, become drunk from their entertaining and intelligent conversation and positively swoon from their physical features.

  “Oh look!” Olivia pointed to a small hilltop ahead on their right away from the coast. Emerald grass covered the earth like a carpet, and compared to the towering firs that grew rampant in the area, the trees on this hill appeared almost miniature.

  Jack smiled. “You guessed our destination.”

  “We’re going there!” Olivia could barely contain her excitement. “It’s like a postcard from Ireland. I almost suspect the ground to be carpeted in clover and Leprechauns to be hiding behind the rock

  She grasped Aaron’s forearm. His taut muscles worked beneath her touch as he made a slight adjustment of the reins he held to guide the horses off the main road and onto a narrower trail that led toward the hill. “You had this planned all along?”

  He nodded. “We had a feeling you would like it.”

  Sunlight glinted off the bright green grass of the hill and puffy white clouds sailed across the pale blue sky that hung above it. The place was magical. She could feel it in her bones. Anything that happened on that hill would be a wish come true. A smile spread across her face. It was magical indeed and she was the luckiest woman in the world to be headed there with the two most intriguing men she’d ever encountered.

  Jack helped Olivia down from the wagon, steadying her waist with one broad hand and holding her fingers securely with the other. The soft grass sank beneath her boots. The hill wasn’t covered in clover as she’d imagined it to be, but the wide green blades of the native grass were no less beautiful than the moss and clover in any of the Irish fairytales she’d read. Perhaps she would still have the opportunity to make a wish come true today. She shivered at her own audacity. There wasn’t a single wish in her mind that wasn’t completely scandalous, and in Boston she would never have been allowed to go gallivanting about the countryside with two bachelors.

  “What is on that intriguing mind of yours?” Jack asked.


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