Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4)

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Xavier FINAL (Men of Steel #4) Page 23

by Mj Fields

  “We got it Abe thanks.”

  “A shipment was delivered at five this morning. It’s all in the back.”

  “You were here at five this morning?”


  “Abe you need a fucking break man. Go get laid, sleep in, and surf. Man you just need to breathe.”

  “I have responsibilities.”

  “I’m sure we can handle things for a while.”

  “You two hash it out I’m gonna head back and check the shipment in.” Taelyn smiled.

  I bent down and gave her a kiss and patted her little ass when she walked away.

  Abe laughed and looked towards the door. “Uh oh.”

  I looked over just in time to see Momma Joe getting out of a town car.

  I walked to the door, opened it and she ran up to me and hugged me. “I have missed you so much.” She stood back and looked me up and down. “Tell me, what has changed with you? You look different.”

  Abe laughed and interrupted, “Momma Joe, welcome home.”

  “Abraham you need a vacation. I hear you are practically living here nowadays.” He kissed each of her cheeks. “I’m serious. You and Jase use to go on spring break in South Florida, you’ll do the same this year.”

  “Things are busy here.”

  “Don’t argue Abraham. Schedule it, all my boy’s will be home. How much could they possibly mess things up in two weeks?”

  Abe tried not to laugh and Momma winked. “Go. We will discuss this more on Sunday at dinner.”

  “Sure thing. Momma Joe?”

  “Yes, Abraham.”

  “Just so you know I tried my best to keep Xavier out of trouble.”

  “I see that on the internet. Shame on you Xavier. I warned you about all that. I hired that nice girl, where did she end up.”

  “In his bed,” Abe laughed as the elevator doors closed.

  “No?” Momma looked stunned.

  “She did. I won’t lie. I’m actually in a relationship with her now.”

  “A relationship? Oh please Xavier, don’t lie to your Momma.”

  “I am and get this, I’m in love.”

  “With Miss Patrick?” She looked shocked.

  “No one else.”

  “Xavier, you’re joking right?”

  “Swear to God above.”

  She looked at me and I thought any moment she was going to reach up and feel my forehead to make sure I wasn’t sick.

  “The redhead?”

  “Yes Momma.”

  “Okay dear.”

  She went and sat down. “You alright Momma?”

  “Of course I’m alright. I’m happy you have found someone to give your heart to.”

  I had to laugh and she looked up at me. “I knew it. You’re pulling my leg.”

  “You hired her. You must have known I’d fall for her.”

  “Xavier that is not at all why I hired her.”

  “I know why you hired her. You thought there was no way in hell I’d try to get into her panties.”

  “Whatever it is in those panties must be very special,” she mumbled.

  “Xavier?” Taelyn yelled.

  “I’m telling her you said that,” I whispered to Momma.

  “You wouldn’t dare hurt her feelings. Xavier she has a sweet voice, we don’t chose who we love it just happens--.”

  “Out here still.” I yelled back.

  “You don’t make her feel insecure Xavier. Don’t make this uncomfortable for us.”

  “You only ordered four guitars? I thought you’d have two for each.” She stopped and looked at a stunned Momma Joe.

  Chapter 26

  Meeting Momma

  “Oh, hello. I’m sorry to have interrupted.” I looked at the woman who looked like she may fall apart any moment and then at Xavier’s devilish grin.

  “You didn’t interrupt. Taelyn this is my mother, Josephina Steel. Momma, this is--.”

  “Taelyn Patrick?”

  “Nice to meet you finally Mrs. Steel.” I walked up and held out my hand.

  “I was just telling Momma that I’m glad she found you.”

  She shook my hand and she smiled at me. Xavier shared her smile. I couldn’t help but smile back. It should have been an awkward moment but it was far from. She and I stood still shaking hands and smiling when Xavier cleared his throat.

  “Momma you wanna tell her or should I?”

  “Xavier she’s beautiful. Taelyn you’re a stunning young woman.”

  “Thanks?” I giggled. “Xavier has your eyes, the shape anyway and your smile.”

  “I suppose you’re right. He looks like my Jonathon. He’s the only one with his eye color and skin tone.”

  “Momma tell her.”

  “Xavier that’s enough,” Josephina gave him a look.

  Xavier laughed.

  “Oh, oh I see. You saw the picture. It was Daniel, my ex-Daniel’s, doing. He thought it would be safer if I didn’t put up a current photo.”

  “Taelyn, she thought--.”

  “Xavier I am warning you,” Josephina stopped him.

  “She thought there was no way in hell I would--.”

  “Son,” she warned again.

  “She didn’t think I’d fall for the girl in the picture.”

  I was shocked. He had told her that he had fallen for me.

  “See Xavier now we have upset her.”

  “No. Not at all. It was one of the worst pictures I’ve seen.” I laughed and she visibly relaxed.

  Xavier took my hand and his mother smiled.

  “Taelyn, you and I should have lunch today. I’d like to get to know you before the others get in.”

  “The three of us can have lunch together Momma.”

  “I didn’t invite you.”

  I laughed and Xavier scowled, “This is all between her and me. I don’t need any help okay?”

  “I didn’t offer help.”


  “I would love to go to lunch with you Mrs. Steel.”

  “Taelyn I think--.”

  “I can do that for myself Xavier. I’m capable of--.”

  Mrs. Steel’s laughter stopped me. “Oh thank God I was worried I threw some poor little girl to the wolves.”

  “I have three brothers who act just like him.” I smiled.

  “And she likes how I act right Irish?”

  “Yes Xavier.”

  “Are you catholic Taelyn?” Mrs. Steel asked.

  “I am.”

  “Wonderful you’ll attend Mass with me?”

  “Momma, she and I--.”

  “That would be wonderful Xavier, she and you both. Oh I am so happy right now. I will leave you two alone for a bit. I will be back to fetch you around one?” Mrs. Steel hugged me and then kissed each of my cheeks.

  She got into the elevator and waved as the door closed.

  “She seems amazing.”

  “She’s taking over already.”

  “She’s being kind Xavier.”

  “Regardless. This is still a you and me thing. They don’t dictate how we live, or how we love.”

  “Of course not.” My head felt like it was in the clouds today, and I loved it.

  “You’re tired aren’t’ you?”

  “I’m happy. But you look upset. Why?”

  “I’m not ready to share you. I just got you and now.” He stopped. “They’re gonna stomp all over us and I’m not ready for that.”

  “They love you. They won’t stomp.”

  “Oh they’ll stomp, and meddle, and push so fucking hard it’s gonna drive me crazy. Then it’ll drive you crazy.”

  “That’s what makes this you and me thing so strong. I get it. I was raised the same way. By the way, I like you crazy.”

  He smiled, “You do huh?”

me explain, I like you crazy when we’re alone.”

  “We’re alone now.” He reached behind me and grabbed my ass.

  “We are aren’t we?”

  His mouth crashed onto mine. His kiss full of need and dominance. His tongue stroked mine and my hands found his hair. God I loved his hair. It was so silky and sexy.

  My skirt was moving up and his hands were kneading my ass. “I love you Taelyn.”

  “I love you.”

  “Say it again.”

  I laughed against his mouth, “I love you.”

  The elevator dinged alerting us the door was about to open.

  He growled and set me on my feet. “Stand in front of me. No way in hell to hide what I got for you.”

  The door opened and three men walked out laughing, they stopped when they saw me. There was no mistaking who they were.

  “That’s her?” One whispered.

  Xavier’s hands gripped my hips and pulled me harder against him.

  “She’s hot,” another said.

  “She’s fucking your brother for fuck sake Z.”

  I looked over my shoulder at Xavier. His lips formed a line and his stare was incredibly intense.

  “That’s Cyrus?”

  “That’s all of them.”

  I laughed and stepped forward and he held tighter.

  “Xavier, go say hello.”


  He let go and I grabbed his hand. His grip became stronger as we walked towards them.


  Cyrus?” I smiled.

  “Taelyn. Nice to put a face to a name.” His voice was thick like Xavier’s when he was, oh wow.

  “Sure is,” the one with kink written all over his face walked up and hugged me.


  “How did you know?”

  “You got dirty written all over you that’s how. You can let go of her now.” Xavier sneered.

  “He’s doing it to get you going.” The man in the suit who must have been Jase smirked at me and then gave Xavier a quick hug. “We owe you big time.” I heard him whisper.

  Zandor laughed and let go of me and then hugged Xavier and kissed his cheek, “Hey pretty boy. Nothing to say? What’s wrong cat got your tongue, no wait that’s not it, kitty got your balls?”

  “Keep your shit up and you’ll have my balls, smacking your girls.” He stopped and looked at me and shook his head. “Sorry Taelyn.”

  “It’s called shit talk Xavier. I can handle it. These three are much easier to handle than my three brothers.” I winked at him and he chuckled silently.

  “Was that a dare?” Zandor asked.

  “Nope. Just a statement Zandor. I can hang with the best.”

  “So she literally has your balls?” Zandor looked at Xavier.

  “I have balls of my own, there just bigger than yours and higher up.”

  Cyrus and Jase laughed out loud and Zandor’s eyebrow raised. “I don’t believe you. So how about you show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”

  “Okay that’s enough.” Xavier took my hand.

  “Damn you got it bad.” Zandor laughed.

  “What we have is between us, end of subject.”

  It was quiet for too long and I knew he was upset.

  “Cyrus can you come look at something with me?” He squeezed my hand. “For the wedding.”

  “That okay with you X? I swear I’ll be gentle.” Cyrus winked at him.

  He dropped my hand. “Whatever.”

  Jase looked at me and smiled a soft smile. “X, show us around here would ya?”

  He ran his hands through his hair, “Yeah, sure.”

  And he walked away.

  “Lead the way girl.”

  We sat at my desk.

  “I found some pretty interesting things online. I know you want it small but thought you may be interested in a few things that can make it even more special for the two of you.”

  “Sounds good let’s see what you got.”

  I clicked on a link, “This is a man in Tarrytown who has birds. Homing pigeons to be exact. They look exactly like doves. He comes to the event and releases them at a specified time. You call her Birdie. You said you wanted birds. I think that these would add a nice touch.”

  He smiled and nodded, “It would be perfect actually. You got his number.”

  “Yep I’ll email it to you. I also found these nests. I don’t know how many people you’ll have in attendance but these would make beautiful centerpieces for the tables.”


  “All will fit in the house?”

  “No but they’ll fit in the addition that Falcon is finishing.” His smile was full of pride.

  “She doesn’t know?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Will you be selling the beach house?”

  “No. But when we have little birdies we’ll be spending a lot of time there. It’s the house she was raised in. Her parents died when she was five. I wanna make sure she always feels close to them. She went through a lot of rough years. It won’t happen again, ever.”

  The way he talked about her made my whole body tingle.

  “She’s a lucky girl.”

  “Not as lucky as I am.” He smiled as he looked down. “So the nest, is there a website?”

  “No, I thought maybe your niece and Mrs. Steel could make them.”

  “Momma cooks, she isn’t the craftiest. You wanna help?”

  I felt like I should say no. Xavier might have an issue with it. “I can teach them how.”

  I looked up when Xavier, Jase, and Zandor walked in. “This is Taelyns’ office.”

  “The place is great X.” Jase patted his back and Xavier looked pleased, but didn’t want them to see it.

  “Falcon did good work.”

  “Xavier was here every step of it. He even helped paint the space.”

  “Cool,” Cyrus smiled.

  “He works hard. He’s going to be amazing.”

  Xavier looked at me and his head tilted slightly to the side. I couldn’t read what he was thinking. Had I done something wrong?

  “Lunch at one?” Jase patted Xavier on the back.

  “Wouldn’t miss it.”

  “You coming to dinner Sunday Taelyn?”

  “I, uh--.”

  “She is.” Xavier nodded to Jase.

  They all said goodbye and Xavier walked them out of my office.

  I decided to create an inventory spreadsheet and went through the shipment list and entered everything in. I looked at my watch it was twelve thirty. I stood up and stretched. My stomach cramped and I knew this past couple days of spotting was about to change.

  I walked out of my office and looked into Xavier’s. His door was shut and he was on the phone. I tapped lightly on the window and he held up a finger telling me to give him a minute. I pointed to my wrist and he looked at his wall clock and nodded.

  I went out and grabbed a cup of water and looked around admiring the reception area. I snapped a few pictures wishing I had taken more of the place before construction started. In three weeks this place was transformed into something beautiful.

  I snapped a picture as Xavier walked out of the hallway.

  I walked up to meet him and hugged him. I was taken aback by the lack of enthusiasm in his return embrace.

  I stepped back and looked up. “Everything alright?”


  That was it, just one ice cold syllable of a response.

  He walked past me and grabbed a glass of water. He stood looking out the window and I could feel the tension building around him.



  “What did I do wrong?”

  He didn’t reply.

  “Alright then.”

  I walked back into my office and grabbed my ba
g, the stupid pink one, and walked out. He hadn’t moved. I didn’t want to walk past him because I couldn’t handle a fight right now and I couldn’t handle it if he didn’t put up a fight either. I quietly walked to the elevator and pushed the button.

  The door opened and I was ready to step inside when Josephina Steel stepped out.

  “Were you coming to meet me?”

  I looked back hoping he hadn’t heard her and he did. Of course he did.

  “Yes.” I forced a smile.

  “Xavier, you could have ridden up with her. That would be the gentlemanly thing to do you know.”

  Xavier’s eyes narrowed as he looked at me and I stood tall. I couldn’t let him try to intimidate me.

  “Well Momma, you know how I am.”

  “Well let’s get going shall we. We’re going to meet Carly, Tara, Bekah, and Bella out to lunch.”

  “Do you really have to push that down her throat already? We had a day left, one day before this shit started and you guys showed up.”

  “Xavier I’m okay--.”

  “Well I’m not. This is fucking--.”

  “In my presence you will not speak like that.”

  “This wasn’t about--.” I reached out to him and he recoiled. The look he gave me made my stomach turn. I was sure I was going to throw up.

  “Xavier, you get it together right this minute.”

  He stormed past us and slammed his office door. I looked at Josephina Steel and she looked at me.

  “I’m not feeling all that well. If you don’t mind I would like to pass on lunch.”

  “We’ll discuss it in the car. Let’s leave him to pout.”

  When we sat in the car she reached over and held my hand. “My sons are very hard to deal with. Xavier has always been the one to push away when things get uncomfortable for him. When Steel Incorporated came to be he felt it was a betrayal to his father. He toured around Europe for a year making me crazy. We moved a lot when he was young; my husband was in the military. I believe that and the fact that I was such a young mother and Jonathon was away most of the time is why Xavier is the way he is.”

  “He’s not a bad man.” I managed to say without spilling tears.

  “Of course he isn’t. All of my boys know what they want as soon as they see it. But Xavier being the youngest has watched his brothers’ mistakes and that has made him the toughest of them. Jase and Cyrus made mistakes very young. Zandor is well Zandor is a lot like me. Xavier is, for lack of better words, fierce. He is fighting a lifetime of living in the shadows of three brothers who also helped to raise him. Much of the things he holds tightly on to are misguided information he obtained from his brothers. They have changed and he doesn’t want to. When Jonathon died he was the most affected. He wanted to be with them the day of the accident and Cyrus told him no. He did this to keep him safe of course but Xavier felt it was because they treated him like a baby. He won’t admit this even to me but he had nightmares for over a year that would have him sleep walking. He would come in my room and ask where Jonathan was. He was always half asleep and far too old and large to be held but for a longtime I had to tell him almost every night that his father was gone. He would argue that he saved him. Then he would fall asleep trembling but never crying. He had no recollection of this. Typical of his brothers they poked fun at him thinking he was some hero. They did this once and never again.”


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