A Fox's Mate (American Kitsune Book 6)

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A Fox's Mate (American Kitsune Book 6) Page 16

by Brandon Varnell

  “Iris keeps calling me a dyke and yet here she is, swooning over her own sister,” Lindsay sniffled. “So not fair…”

  It was in that moment, at that time, that Christine realized every single person she knew was certifiably insane.

  She wanted to bang her head against the table.


  Christine, Iris, and Lindsay eventually switched from sitting inside of the bakery to outside when Lilian and Kevin left after getting their food.

  They sat several tables away, on the opposite end of the courtyard, watching as the redheaded fox-girl and her human mate talked and laughed about… something. They didn’t know what. Not even Iris had hearing good enough to hear that far.

  “They look like they’re getting along well,” Christine stated with a scowl. Iris noticed that despite saying otherwise, the pale-skinned girl was a lot more vested in Kevin and Lilian’s date than she let on.

  So I was right. She still loves the stud.

  It was obvious, of course. The girl was a freaking yuki-onna. They were obsessive when it came to the people they loved, even more so than kitsune. Chances were good that this girl would love the stud for the rest of her life.

  Maybe I should add her into my plans.

  The more she thought about it, the better the idea sounded. Adding a tsun-loli into the mix could prove to make her sex life really interesting. Imagining a hot foursome with her, Lily-pad, the stud, and Frosty struck an erotic image in her mind that refused to leave.

  I may have to alter my plans, but I’ll wait to do that. First, I need to find a way to insert myself into their relationship.

  Yes, Rome hadn’t been built in a day, and neither had harems. If she wanted to have her own harem, then Iris would need to put some effort into this.

  “Knowing those two, they’re probably talking about anime or manga,” Lindsay idly commented before going back to her drink, a mocha latte. Iris grabbed her own vanilla frappuccino and took a sip. Its coolness did wonders for her throat.

  They’d been forced to order drinks after the manager noticed them loafing around and said something to the effect of “if you’re not going to buy something, then get the hell out of my store.” While Iris could have just enchanted the crotchety old woman, that would have required, at the very least, eye contact.

  The eyes were the easiest place to channel youki into. This was due to how thin the film covering the eyes was. They didn’t have much protection, and the cornea wasn’t thick like skin, so it was easier for youki to travel through the eyes, all the way to the brain.

  Unfortunately, Iris was wearing sunglasses. She also couldn’t bring out her tails. That meant enchanting was out of the question.

  “As much as I would love to deny your words, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they were talking about the latest anime.” Iris set her drink down and sighed. “I love my sister very much, but even I sometimes wonder about her obsession for Japanese cartoons.”

  Several meters away, sitting in their seats, Lilian and Kevin froze.

  “Do you feel that, Kevin?”

  “I did. I sense a disturbance in the animu. Someone is making fun of anime right this very second.”

  “And I have this strange urge to punch my sister for some reason.”

  “That’s not very strange. Iris is always doing something to warrant you hitting her.”

  “Hmm… true.”

  “Well, you know, some of that anime stuff isn’t too bad.” Christine took a sip of her drink, black coffee, but then she paused. Suddenly. Abruptly. As if she had only now realized what she’d said, she looked over at Iris and Lindsay, who were giving her a pair of blank looks that made her feel awfully self-conscious. “W-what?”

  “You like anime,” Iris declared.

  “Please don’t tell me you’re becoming one of those otaku people, too,” Lindsay pleaded. “I’ve already lost Kevin to anime. I don’t want to lose you as well.”

  “That doesn’t sound dykish at all.”

  Once more, Lindsay slipped under the table and began rocking back and forth while muttering to herself.

  “I-I—shut up!” Christine hissed. She was grateful for her overcoat, hat, and sunglasses. It meant no one could see how blue her face was. “I am not turning into an otaku. I just… I wanted to see what it was all about and, well, some of the anime that I’ve watched aren’t that bad.”

  “Hm, I guess I’ll cut you some slack with this one,” Iris said, even as she reached under the table, grabbed Lindsay by the back of her overcoat, and yanked the downtrodden girl into her seat. “I’ll admit that I’ve watched a lot of anime with Lily-pad and the stud. Some of it can be pretty good, though I really only like the fanservice.”

  “Of course you do,” Christine grumbled. “Why am I not surprised that the only anime you like are the ones with too much T and A?”

  “Heh, because you love me?”

  “Oh, shut up! I do not love you! There is absolutely no love between us!”

  As Christine and Iris bickered, Lindsay took the time afforded her to recover, which was why she was the first to notice something. “Hey, you two, Lilian and Kevin are on the move.”

  Christine and Iris looked up to see that, indeed, Kevin and Lilian were already walking off hand in hand.

  “So they are.” Iris stood up. “Well, don’t just sit there you two. Let’s follow them.”

  The trio crept along behind the duo, following them from a distance. Several times they had to scramble to find cover, as there were a number of instances where either Kevin or Lilian would look back, but, for the most part, the pair appeared too engrossed in their conversation to pay attention to anything else.

  They couldn’t follow the two into any of the stores they went to. Most of the places they stopped at were small venues, tiny even. There was no place for even one of them to hide, much less all three of them. During these moments, the group of overcoat-wearing females would stand by a window, their faces nearly plastered to the glass as they stared in—much to the customer service rep or shopkeeper’s chagrin. Several times they were even chased away by an irate manager.

  It was beginning to get pretty late as Kevin and Lilian walked into another store. The sun had started to set, and the sky was becoming overcast with color.

  Lindsay groaned as she leaned against the window, pressing her face into the glass and creating an imprint of her nose and left cheek. “So… tired… Iris, can we stop following them… please?”

  “No way.” Iris was pretty worn out, too, but there was no way she could stop now. “I haven’t even learned anything new yet. I can’t stop until I discover a way to seduce Lily-pad and the stud into letting me join them in bed.”

  “I’m not sure why you even think following them around like some kind of creeper is going to reveal something like that,” Christine said. While Iris and Lindsay were sweating bullets, with their clothes practically caking to their skin, the yuki-onna seemed perfectly comfortable in her steaming hot overcoat. “Seriously, what kind of secret information are you expecting them to reveal here that you can’t figure out at home?”

  “I don’t know. That’s why I have to follow them,” Iris determined, her eyes blazing like twin balls of fire. “I’ve tried everything I can think of to get in their good graces and nothing has worked.”

  Christine was afraid to ask, but she did anyway. “And what, exactly, have you tried?”

  “I’ve snuck into bed with them after they fell asleep, tried to wash their backs while they were taking a shower, allowed them to see me naked, and attempted to bring both of them to multiple orgasms. That last one didn’t work out so well,” Iris admitted. “The stud complained to Lily-pad, and you know how protective she is of him.”

  The last time she’d tried pleasing the stud, Lilian had given her a tail smack so powerful that she had slammed headfirst into the ceiling. She swore there was still a lump on her head.

  Christine’s right eye began twitching violently. “Are
you stupid?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “What makes you think any of that crap would work on them?”

  “Oh, it works.” Iris’s eyes gleamed. “Lily-pad has never been resistant to my charms until the stud showed up, and the stud is definitely not immune to my seduction techniques. Believe me, I’ve seen it.”

  Christine blushed at the vixen’s words, but she quickly shook her embarrassment off and replaced it with annoyance. “Even if that’s the case, what you’re doing now is never going to work. Did you ever think that maybe the reason you’re not getting anywhere with them is because you’re being so overbearing? I doubt Lilian and Kevin want you crowding around them like that. They’re probably annoyed by the shit you pull and are just too nice to say anything about it.”

  “Tch, you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.” Iris crossed her arms under her chest, annoying Christine, who witnessed firsthand how the vixen’s breasts were pushed together. Damn kitsune and their stupidly large tits. “My seduction techniques are flawless.”

  “Then how come you haven’t managed to get in Kevin and Lilian’s good graces yet?”

  “I just haven’t found the right technique that works on them,” Iris said.

  “Right. Sure, the right technique.” Christine rolled her eyes. “I bet you couldn’t seduce your way out of a wet paper bag.”

  “Oh, you wanna bet, huh?”

  Iris’s carmine eyes gained a brilliant luster as she stalked toward Christine, who suddenly found her body frozen in place. The snow maiden would have tried to move, but the moment she looked into Iris’s eyes, she’d been ensnared, captured by those alluring, mysterious orbs.

  The two-tailed kitsune walked toward her. Christine’s pupils dilated as all of her focus was directed to her vision, which blotted out everything until all that was left was Iris; of the alluring sway of her hips, the enticing jiggle of her breasts, and the sensual nature of her eyes. Nothing except this impossibly sexy girl remained.

  Iris stopped in front of Christine, reaching up and cupping the yuki-onna’s face. Delicate fingers stroked intricate patterns along her cheeks. Christine knew that she should have done something, that she should have pushed this vixen away, but she couldn’t. Her mind and body, it seemed, were bound by the strange charm that the other girl possessed.

  Iris’s condescending chuckle caused warm breath to wash over Christine’s ear, making her shudder. Christine rubbed her thighs together, her butt cheeks clenching as unfathomably wonderful sensations shot through her groin.

  “You see?” Iris said, her voice soft and gentle, the caressing lull of a dark and twisted lullaby that whispered sweet nothings in one’s ear. “My techniques do work.”

  Then Iris stepped back.

  And the strange spell that had held Christine vanished.

  “E… enchantment,” Christine muttered weakly, her cheeks blue and frosty. Her shoulders heaved as she gasped for air. She felt like a marathon runner who’d run without sleep for several days.

  “Ha!” Iris barked. “Do you really think I’d stoop so low as to use an enchantment on you? Really? I might have used one on the stud when I was angry at him for stealing Lily-pad from me, but I don’t use enchantments to capture my prey. I don’t need to.”

  Christine covered her face with a hand. This girl hadn’t used an enchantment on her? How shameful. She’d never felt so ashamed of herself in her life. How could she fall for another woman’s allure? And what did that say about her? She’d just been swayed by a woman! A woman had made her aroused! She felt disgusted with herself.

  “What’s this? Iris? Christine? What are you two doing here?” a voice asked.

  Christine and Iris turned around. Heather Grant was standing before them, her hands on her hips and a grin on her face. She was wearing a pair of jean bell bottoms, a light spaghetti strap shirt, and a pair of basic sandals. She looked a lot different when not wearing her coach outfit.

  Christine found herself inexplicably drawn to the woman’s breasts. While a part of this was undoubtedly due to envy, another part felt oddly drawn to them.

  Then she realized she was ogling another woman’s boobs and her face turned into an ice pop.

  Damn that Iris!

  Christine was straight. She knew that she was straight, but that damn vixen’s previous actions were putting thoughts and ideas into her head.

  I’m so going to smack her in the face for this! I’ll eviscerate her!

  “We’re spying on the stud and Lily-pad’s date,” Iris said.

  “Don’t say that so proudly!” Christine embraced her role as the tsukkomi.

  “Kevin and Lilian are on a date? Oh, my.” Heather placed her hands on her cheeks and began to blush. “Young love is so romantic! And hot. I wonder how their date has been going so far? You know how teenagers are these days, don’t you? Two young people go out together, enjoying the time they spend with each other, getting closer to each other until their passions overflow and they become brimming with lust before they start ripping each other’s clothes off and… ah! That sounds like a great idea for a story!”

  Christine and Iris were then witness to a blushing Heather as she pulled a notebook and pen from between her cleavage, crouched down, and began writing. Odd giggles emerged from her mouth, which reminded Christine of a perverted old man.

  It was the most disturbing thing that Christine had ever seen. Iris didn’t seem that bothered, however.

  “So, what exactly are you doing here… Ms. Grant?” Was it wrong of Christine that the thought of calling Heather by such a proper and respectful title felt erroneous? Probably.

  Heather heard the question and paused in her odd writing to stare at the two. She blinked once, twice, thrice.

  “What am I doing here?” she parroted the question. “I’m training my apprentice, of course.”

  “Your… apprentice…?” Christine and Iris looked at each other, then back at Heather. Christine would be the one to speak up. “You still call that lecherous monkey your apprentice?”

  “Of course I do,” Heather said, sounding insulted that she would call Eric anything other than apprentice. “I’m teaching him, aren’t I? That makes him my apprentice, so the title of apprentice is what I call him. It’s only right,” she finished, nodding to herself.

  “So, what are you teaching him today?” asked an honestly curious Iris.

  “How to grope women in public.”

  … Silence. Christine and Iris stared at the woman. A lot.

  “How to grope women in public?” Christine repeated in a dull tone.

  Was this woman really a teacher? Christine could only wonder how the hell that had happened… at least until she remembered that the principal of her school was Eric’s dad. Then it all made sense.

  “It’s a very important skill for any pervert to have,” Heather said in a very serious tone that was at complete odds with what she was talking about. “The ability to grope a woman in public without them being the wiser is something of an art form these days. I myself have worked hard to learn this skill.”

  Christine twitched. “You grope women in public?”

  “That’s pretty impressive,” Iris said. Christine gawked at the other girl.

  “Isn’t it, though?” Heather looked awfully pleased to find someone who appreciated her stealth groping skills. Her smile stretched from ear to ear. “I learned how to do this from some of the H-games I’ve played. It takes incredible dexterity of the fingers and the ability to move around your prey unseen. It took me years of practice to truly master, but now I can proudly say that I can grope any female within my sights and they would never know it.”

  While Christine looked like she was just barely restraining herself from freezing the woman solid, Iris appeared thoughtful. “That does sound like an amazing skill. I’d love to learn it.”

  She could only imagine how useful such a skill like that would be. She could picture it now, using her legendary groping skills to assaul
t her dear sister, coming up behind the redhead and grabbing handfuls of her darling Lily-pad’s plentiful rear end, grasping and squeezing and caressing to her heart’s content. And then… and then…

  “Hee hee hee…”

  Christine and Heather watched as Iris became a drooling, nosebleeding mass of flesh as her mind became filled with images of increasingly mature rating.

  “Ugh, I can’t believe I actually hang out with this girl,” Christine muttered. “Why am I surrounded by perverts?”

  “Speaking of perverts…” Heather pointed over to the glass window of the store that they stood in front of. “You may want to do something about Lindsay. She looks like she’s lost an awful lot of blood.”

  Christine turned around to see what the woman meant. She began twitching when confronted by the sight of her tomboyish friend passed out cold, on the ground, her eyes swirling around inside of her eye sockets, with blood seeping out of her nose like a broken faucet.

  “Beboop! Beboop!”

  A pair of paramedics suddenly arrived on the scene. They were holding a stretcher between them, and the one in front was making siren-like sound effects. The two paramedics dressed in the white outfit of, well, paramedics, scooped up the nosebleeding girl and put her on the stretcher. Then they proceeded to rush out of the area.

  “Beboop! Beboop! Beboop!”

  They soon disappeared around a corner.

  “What. The fuck. Was that?” Christine asked of no one in particular.

  “Who knows,” Heather said, shrugging.


  Just then, another strange sound penetrated their eardrums. The blond human and the snow maiden cocked their heads to the side, listening. Even Iris snapped out of her hentai-induced fantasy upon hearing the strange noise.

  “What is that?” she asked. “It sounds kind of like yelling.”

  “... ssssss…”

  “I think it is yelling,” Heather said.

  “... teeeeEEERRRR!!!”

  As the noise grew louder, the group turned to where the source was coming from.

  Eric was running toward them, his arms pumping frantically, his legs taking great strides. Tears poured from his eyes in mass quantities, creating streamers that trailed behind him like odd, watery tentacles. Behind him, a horde of angry women chased after the boy. All of them were brandishing sharp and pointy objects, which they waved about furiously as they shouted death threats.


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