Nightshift Bundle with Wolf Tales & Embrace The Night

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Nightshift Bundle with Wolf Tales & Embrace The Night Page 9

by Kate Douglas

  He cocked one eyebrow, then opened both eyes wide as she slipped to her knees in front of him and brushed her knuckles across the fly of his slacks.

  The fabric immediately bulged outward.

  “Um, Xandi, don’t. We need to get down to the dining room. Aren’t you hungry yet?”

  “Oh yeah,” she whispered. “I’m real hungry.” She leaned closer and blew a draft of hot breath against the fabric, then reached up and undid just the zipper on his slacks. No underwear. Grinning, she slipped her fingers in through the opening and wrapped them around the solid length of his cock.

  His very human cock. She hadn’t been able to take him in her mouth until now, not with the risk of his huge cock choking her when the canine knot formed. Now, though…now he was totally human, his penis, though large, not so large she needed to worry about the size.

  She licked the tip. He jerked his hips and laughed, but it was a strangled, half-sobbing sound. She tasted him again, wrapping her tongue around the silky tip, then following the thick vein all the way to his testicles. She felt his tesicles draw up close to his body, all the incentive she needed to take him fully into her mouth, to suckle him deep and hard, using her tongue and lips, strong cheek muscles, even her teeth.

  He groaned again, and this time his hands fisted in her thick hair, as if he anchored himself against her. She found a rhythm, sliding his hot length in and out of her sucking mouth, tonguing him, nipping at the tip, then holding him hard inside, exerting all the pressure she could. He tried…she knew he tried to maintain, to keep from coming in her mouth, but she took that control, took it away with her mouth, her hands, stroking his balls, the sensitive flesh between his testicles and anus, all through the zippered opening in his slacks.

  Stefan choked off a strangled moan. His body stiffened, his hips thrust forward. His cock was hard and hot inside her mouth, and she clamped down on him with teeth and lips, sucking hard, harder, swallowing the thick jets of semen as he gave himself up to her.

  Long after he’d finished, long after the last drops of come had spilled from the tip of his penis, long after that huge erection had softened, only then did she stop her licking and kissing, her gentle suckling, as she brought him down. Using her tongue to remove every trace of his seed, she gently tucked him back inside his slacks and carefully pulled the zipper up.

  Stefan stared down at her, his expression shell-shocked. She smiled up at him and took his answering smile as the gift she’d expected. Then she rose to her feet and looped her hand casually over his forearm. Together they walked to the large dining room, their secret safe between them.

  Anton rose immediately when they entered the room. He set down the glass of red wine he was holding and walked forward to greet them, his hands outstretched.

  She heard the low growl beside her and smiled to herself. She and Stefan had already had this conversation. He would start no fights this evening. She would not switch, and neither would he. As long as she remained human, the allure of her scent would not be overwhelming to the men. If they became wolves, nothing would stop them.

  The quiet growl made her feel protected, desired.

  Anton acknowledged it as well. He dropped his hands and leaned forward to give Xandi a quick kiss on the cheek. He paused there a moment, and she heard him inhale a long, slow breath. When he stepped back, his eyes glinted with amber fire beneath the subtle overhead light. He glanced quickly at Stefan, then back to Xandi, with a fixed smile on his face. His nostrils flared.

  “Dinner’s ready,” he said, breaking into the charged silence. “You’re right on time.” Anton turned and walked back toward the table, but Xandi thought his usually fluid movements looked almost stiff, as if he forced himself to walk away from her. He pulled a chair out and nodded at Xandi, then turned toward the kitchen. “Oliver, our guests have arrived. You may serve.”

  Xandi found herself seated next to Anton and across from Stefan. The comfortable camaraderie from the night before was gone. An ominous silence hung over the large dining room. Oliver quietly served their steaks and a quiche. The meat was, as usual, blood rare. Xandi knew the quiche contained the grasses and other nutrients their bodies needed.

  She cut into the meat just as Oliver turned on the CD player. The soft strains of a Johann Strauss waltz took some of the edge off the tension building among the three of them. Anton ate almost mechanically, a far different host than the urbane wizard to whom she’d grown accustomed. Xandi glanced at Stefan, but the question was in her eyes, not in her mind. She didn’t know how to converse mentally with one man without the other hearing.

  Stefan’s eyes held a warning. He ate steadily as well, but his demeanor, while watchful, was much more relaxed. Xandi sipped her wine, studying Anton over the rim of the crystal goblet. He focused all his attention on his food, but she noticed his breathing appeared somewhat labored. There was a noticeable tremor in his large hands.

  Without warning, Anton shoved his chair back from the table. He ripped at his shirt, tearing it down the front of his chest, sending buttons in all directions. Xandi slapped her hand over her mouth to stifle a scream as Anton tore away the rest of his clothing and shifted, his body writhing through the change from man to wolf in less than a heartbeat.

  Xandi shoved her chair back from the table as Anton leapt in her direction, snarling and snapping his jaws. Before she could throw up her hands in protection, Stefan was there, shifting before her eyes, blocking the attacking wolf, shoving him back with hands that were paws, with sharp teeth and strong jaws clamped just beneath the larger wolf’s throat.

  Afraid to shift, Xandi backed out of the way. She should have stayed in their room, not allowed the two males to scent her while they were together, not during her time, when instinctive lust could override their civilized minds.

  Anton struggled to gain the upper hand, but Stefan was quicker, his emotions under control. Like viewing a nightmare in replay, Xandi watched as Stefan, his shredded clothes falling away from his body in tatters, forced Anton beneath him. He held Anton down with slavering jaws gripping his neck and both forelegs wrapped around his upper body.

  Both wolves were aroused by the battle, their huge cocks glistening red and swollen, but it was Stefan this time who had the strength, Stefan who drove into Anton, forcing entrance despite the other wolf’s struggles. At the moment of penetration, Anton yelped and snarled, but he quickly dipped his head in acceptance and acknowledgment of Stefan’s superior strength.

  Stefan’s hips thrust forward, at first making sharp, jabbing strokes, then easing back and slowing his pace once he seemed to realize Anton had truly yielded. The shift of the two men was almost simultaneous. As Xandi watched, one wolf dominating another became two men, almost identical in appearance, their bodies lean and beautiful, their long hair swinging with the rhythm of their joining. Stefan knelt behind the wizard, his eyes closed, a look of pure pleasure on his face, as he stroked in and out of the other man. Anton held himself up, knees spread wide, arms outstretched, his body sliding forward with each powerful thrust of Stefan’s hips.

  Stefan reached around Anton’s waist and grabbed the wizard’s swollen cock, massaging it in time with his slow, steady strokes. Xandi slowly peeled her dress down over her hips and stripped off the tiny bikini panties. She rubbed her palm across her rigid nipples with one hand, pressed hard between her legs with the middle finger of her other hand. It wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough.

  She knelt beside Anton, her fingers still buried inside her streaming pussy. Anton’s eyes were closed, his lips parted in what might have been pain, but was more likely pleasure. She leaned over and kissed the corner of his mouth. Anton’s eyes flew open. Xandi took the opportunity of surprise to kiss him again, this time slipping her tongue deep inside his mouth.

  Anton reached up with his left arm and wrapped it around her neck, holding her closer for their shared kiss. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry…I…”

  “I know.” She trailed kisses
along his shoulder, kissed the line of taut muscles along the side of his ribs, then sat back on her heels to watch. She was barely conscious of her fingers slowly circling her clitoris, dipping into her wet pussy, then stroking her clit once again. She caught the rhythm the men shared, stroking herself in time with Stefan’s deep penetration of Anton.

  They were beautiful to watch, the two men, their lean bodies glistening with sweat, their muscles straining with each thrust and draw. Anton’s eyes were closed, his mouth twisted in a tight grimace of pain and pleasure as Stefan’s thighs slapped against his buttocks. Stefan’s eyes were mere slits, his mouth slightly open, his fingers now grasping Anton’s hips, his long hair swinging across his shoulders with each powerful thrust.

  Xandi felt her desire growing, knew her climax was mere seconds away. Stefan picked up the pace, slamming his cock into Anton, his hands holding Anton in place as he filled him. Anton threw his head back and cried out, his shout turning to a long, low howl of pleasure, the sound of the wolf. His erect cock seemed to swell, to beckon Xandi. She reached out and grabbed him, held on tightly, squeezing the hard flesh, pumping Anton’s cock in time to Stefan’s deep, penetrating thrusts, while her left hand stayed buried in her own hot pussy.

  Anton stiffened, just as Stefan cried out and drove forward, almost knocking Anton over. Xandi watched the thick spurts of semen spatter the carpet in front of Anton as he climaxed, knew Stefan filled the other man with his own ejaculate. She sobbed with her own orgasm, felt the muscles clenching her fingers and wished it had been Anton’s cock, Stefan’s, that of either of the men she loved.

  Panting, arms trembling, Anton carefully lowered himself to the floor, rolling away from Xandi. And in a heartbeat, it all made perfect sense. Why hadn’t she figured this out before? She shook her head and smiled, first at Stefan, then at Anton. She let her gaze linger on the wizard. “Okay,” she said, with enough force that both men looked up. “It’s bullshit. That’s enough. I have finally figured it out, you know? This is the last time. No more.”

  Anton squinted and stared at her. Stefan still looked a bit dazed. “You don’t get it, do you?” she said, rocking back on her heels. “All this domination crap. You, Anton, jumping on Stefan when he already wanted you. Now Stefan saving me from Anton’s wild impulse. It’s all bullshit.” She wiped her damp fingers on the thick carpet. “You’re both so damned afraid to admit what you really want. Don’t you get it?” She glared at Stefan and then at Anton. “You love each other. You desire each other. That doesn’t make you less manly or any less than what you are. It makes you more. Quit hiding behind all this macho shit and make love to each other the way you want to.”

  Xandi stood up and planted both hands on her hips. “You both need to bathe. Together might be a good way to start. Then you need to spend some time together, getting past your hang-ups. Learn to touch one another with love, not under the guise of doing battle. In the meantime, I’m going to run. Alone. I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

  She shifted before they had time to react, taking her lupine form with all its musky scent and powerful pheromones, well aware neither man had the energy to pursue her now. With a sharp yip, she raced down the long hallway and through an open door, out into the freedom of the dark forest beyond.

  She returned around midnight, when the quarter moon hung high in the sky and light spilled from the huge bay windows in the den. Anton and Stefan must be awake. Shifting into her human form, Xandi went directly to the room she shared with Stefan. The huge bed was empty. She had expected as much.

  She was smiling, humming to herself, when she stepped into the shower. There was still one more thing she needed to do before this night could end. One more thing before the beginning of a new day.

  Chapter 10

  Xandi dried her hair and wrapped herself in a light silk robe. She let out a short sigh of regret for the lovely dress she’d worn earlier, the care she’d taken preparing for her role of seductress. Anton’s unexpected response to her scent while she was still in human form had shocked but not completely surprised her.

  He’d admitted earlier in the week he had been years without a woman. Not until he’d taken Stefan, in what was more a show of dominance than lust, had Anton broken his celibacy. She wondered if Stefan realized she’d orchestrated their lovemaking this evening as much to ease his sexual tensions before dinner with Anton as to share their love?

  Things could so easily have gotten out of hand at dinner. As it was, everything had been perfect, though not entirely planned. Smiling, Xandi tightened the belt to her robe and padded barefoot down the long hallway. Her life had certainly taken some odd turns in the past few weeks.

  The image of Stefan’s powerful body pressed up against Anton’s equally strong male form filled her mind. Her nipples peaked, and she was aware of the charge of heat and moisture in her pussy. A perfect example. She’d never thought watching two men having sex would arouse her. Tonight she’d practically come without even touching herself at the moment Stefan had penetrated Anton.

  Xandi stopped just a few feet from the closed dining room door and opened her thoughts. She sensed both men just beyond, sensed the subtle shift in power. Stefan maintained his newly won dominance over Anton. Their night of sexual discovery obviously had not ended when she left the room, but it had left Stefan in control. Smiling, Xandi pushed the door open. Did Anton realize his night of exploration was far from ending?

  Well, she was doing it for the health of the pack, wasn’t she? Grinning even wider, Xandi stepped into the dining room.

  Anton and Stefan sat near the fire, each with a glass of cognac. Both men were casually dressed, their shirts unbuttoned and hanging out at the waist. Stefan had chosen a leather wingback chair. Anton sat alone on one end of the long black leather couch. Xandi noticed bites on Stefan’s throat, red marks such as he had often left on her neck during lovemaking. The comfort level between the two men was high, the pervasive sexuality between them both sensual and seductive.

  Thank goodness she’d had the few hours’ long run to sort things out. It was so much easier to make decisions as a wolf. Her civilized upbringing and middle-class mores faded into the pure, elemental world of a creature of the night.

  Stefan noticed her first, stopping in mid-sip, his crystal goblet of cognac tilted against his full bottom lip. He smiled. “You’re back. Anton and I were just wondering if we should go search for you.” There was no condemnation in his voice.

  “Actually, we were going to flip a coin. The winner would be the one who searched.” There was such a look of longing in Anton’s eyes that Xandi’s stomach did a quick flip.

  Later. There was time for that later.

  Stefan poured a glass of the amber liquor and handed it to her. Xandi sat next to Anton, facing Stefan. “I needed to think,” she said, taking a sip. The cognac went down her throat like golden fire. Suddenly, her thoughts were even clearer than they’d been earlier.

  “This has been a most amazing week.” She stared into the liquid depths of her drink. “I came here with Stefan, looking for answers for him. Instead, I’ve found answers to questions that have plagued me all my life. Questions about my desires, my wants…my basic nature. I’ve also realized many things I held as truths went against my innermost feelings.”

  She looked up then, smiling at both Anton and Stefan. “I’ve learned, most graphically, that love, the abiding emotional and sexual love we all need and want, isn’t always just between a man and a woman. It can be just as strong between two men.” She paused, hoping she was putting her thoughts into the right words. “Or, a woman and two men.”

  Stefan nodded, urging her on. She turned toward Anton and saw the hope in his eyes. “I’ve known you only a week, Anton, but the bond between us is strong. Instinctive, almost. I imagine it’s the wolf in me that understands this. The human woman certainly couldn’t figure it out, though I felt a bond with Stefan the very first night we met, even before I’d seen his face.” She smiled and ti
lted her head toward her lover. “By the way, have I told you what a handsome face it is?”

  His soft chuckle warmed the atmosphere even more. “If anyone had told me I would be aroused by the sight of two men making love, and that’s exactly what you two have done, for all the dominance and power plays, I would have denied it. If anyone had even suggested I would want to be part of that love, I would have thought they were crazy. I was so wrong.”

  She sighed and shook her head, her heart almost bursting with the overwhelming emotions, hers and theirs. “I love both of you. I realize I need both of you. The time may come, as our pack increases, that I will want another mate as well. As might you. Whether it’s the wolf in me or just who I am, I realize this is my new reality. I hope you can accept it…accept me.”

  Stefan set his empty glass down, stood up and leaned over Xandi. “I love you,” he said, kissing her very gently on the lips. He turned then to Anton and ran his palm in a caressing stroke from the wizard’s brow, along the smooth fall of his hair, to his shoulder. “I love you as well. Both of you, in equal measure. But it’s been a long day for me, and I imagine the two of you have much to—” he paused and winked at Xandi—discuss. Good night. I’ll see you in the morning, if not before.” Without any sign of self-consciousness, Stefan leaned over and kissed Anton on the mouth, gave him a last squeeze on his shoulder and left the room.

  Anton’s expression was one of pure disbelief when he looked up and stared at Xandi. She almost laughed out loud, but instead, she took one last sip of her cognac and reached for Anton. “For the good of the pack?” she asked, taking his hand. “That was the reason you gave me for polyandrous relationships within a wolven pack. It’s more than that, Anton. I do love you. You have made it possible for me—and Stefan—to finally know our true natures. You have given us our lives. That is a gift without price.”


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