The Dragon’s Mage dm-1

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The Dragon’s Mage dm-1 Page 5

by Kelly Lucille

  There was no room for argument, or discussion, they could all feel his utter refusal to have his mate enter such a place, even at his side. He would let the world burn around them before he allowed that. Ladon was in complete agreement.

  Morgan wanted to argue, but she felt their resolve and she would not waste the time. Instead, she pulled away from Ladon and stepped back. “Go. Hurry please; get them out of that place. I'll stay here. Just bring them back quickly.” Ladon pulled her back into his arms for a hard kiss then carried her back so that she was closer to the rock face and under an overhang, as safe as they could make her. He held her face against his briefly.

  “Be safe.” He whispered against her cheek. Then he stepped to the ledge.

  Eben came next. He ran a hand down her neck until his thumb caressed the mark on her neck. “Be good.” His voice was a command that required an answer, so she nodded her agreement. Then he too was at the ledge. She watched them change in a swirl of magic that fluttered her new dress about her ankles. Ladon had conjured it for her that morning to match her eyes. He had been so pleased by his new powers, and the thought made her smile. The happy thought fled even as she held the skirt in place. She bit her lip as she watched them arch across the sky.

  If either of you get hurt I’ll be coming in after you. Just keep that in mind and don’t take chances.

  The response from both dragons was immediate:

  You step one foot off that rock and I’ll blister your ass. Ladon

  The thought alone is enough to get you punished. When we reach your new home, we will see to that. Ebens voice went very soft but the feeling behind them were hard as steel. There is no one in these walls I will not sacrifice to see you safe. Do not force me to make such a choice. None of us will be happy with it.

  I would never put you in that position, I said I will stay here and I will, but I meant what I said too: Be careful, because once you both arrive, everything I love will be in that place, and you understand this, I won’t leave anybody behind here. Not any of you.

  The first attack hit them in the air before they could do more than curse her stubbornness.

  The dark magic fireballs reigned through the sky. From where Morgan stood, she could see the entire valley. It looked as if the sky itself had exploded. She lifted the lid on her magic thinking to help but Ebens voice roared through her mind.

  DO NOT! The Mage will be able to follow the magic back to its source!

  Then Ladon was laughing in her head. There is nothing here to harm us little Falcon, it is all just pretty sparkles.

  Morgan closed the lid on her magic, and sealed it tight. Then stop playing around and get in there.

  As my lady commands.

  As one, the dragons turned and dived at the dark mage’s Fortress. They didn't bother with doors but crashed through the walls as if it was indeed the black glass it resembled, instead of rock. Morgan lost sight of them but she felt Eben and Ladon merge thoroughly with her until she was in the castle with them. She could feel her family. Melisande was somewhere above, while Clare and Rhune were below. The dragons split up. Ladon headed down, crashing through floors and magic until he came to the dungeons of the blood mage.

  Careful Ladon. You don’t want to hurt anyone trapped there.

  Ladon shifted in a swirl of magic until he stood there as a man with armor the color of a burning sun. When the dark mage soldiers came, they found him in all his shining glory with a sword of fire ready in his hands. Most of them ran as soon as they saw what they were up against. The few who fought died. Each cell he passed opened with a flick of dragon magic but there were none brave enough to try escape until he was long past. That was, no one brave enough until he reached the last cell anyway.

  He saw Rhune first. The child stood before his taller sister as if he was a warrior grown. He had Morgan’s fiery green eyes and a mop of dark auburn hair. Stubborn determination was in every line of his little face. The girl behind him had the same eyes. She looked like a smaller, skinny version of Morgan up to the firm set of the lips and stubborn jaw.

  I definitely see the resemblance, and I’m not talking about the eyes and hair.

  They are unhurt?

  No one would dare hurt these two.

  Bring them to me. Please, Ladon. He could feel her worry and relief and he sent her a wave of reassurance.

  “Morgan is waiting beyond the walls for you both. If we keep her waiting much longer she will probably storm the gates herself.”

  Clare stepped in front of the boy, her eyes hopeful but suspicious.

  “Morgan is here? Where is she? We thought she was taken. Who are you? Where’s Morgan?”

  “Yes. She’s waiting for you outside the valley. It’s a long story, but once I get you to Morgan all will be explained.”

  “How do we know this isn’t a trick?” This from the suspicious eight year old.

  “Would you rather stay here?”

  Then Clare raised that stubborn chin. “We aren’t leaving without Melly.”

  “Melly is being extracted, even as we speak.” He hoped.

  Eben had been strangely cut off for the last bit of time. He shook that off; if anyone could take care of himself, it was Eben Kinkaid.

  Before he could say anything else, a great dragon roar trumpeted above them. Eben in a rage could not be a good thing.

  “Time to go.” He said all humor gone.

  He expanded out with his power until the walls bulged outward and he shimmered into his dragon form, whipping the kids up into his clawed arms and wrapping his tail around them. He didn't give them a chance to do anything but squeak and he was flying, hunched low to protect them from the debris.

  He met blue sky and saw Eben exploding forth from the highest tower. The sight of the fiery red tresses shining from within his arms had Ladon breathing a sigh of relief. But Eben was still mad about something because he turned mid air and blasted the falling towers with a wave of dragon fire. If anyone had survived his exit, they were dead now.

  Ladon, Eben is closed to me. What is happening?

  He’s fine, little Falcon and I have your hatchlings. Eben is in a rage but we are clear and heading your way.


  Eben has her.

  By then Ladon was clear of the city. Eben took a few more flybys spitting fire at any soldiers he could find. Whatever had set off his temper was still riding him. Ladon was careful to keep Morgan out of his thoughts. He was sure that whatever was making Eben kill as many as he could, it had to do with the fiery haired wind talker he was cradling in his scaled arms. He hoped he was wrong.

  Ladon reached the cliff where Morgan waited first. He placed his small wiggling burdens at her feet and watched as they squealed and threw themselves into Morgans waiting arms. This, come to think of it, was what Ladon wanted to do too.

  They all started talking at once.

  “Did they hurt you? Are you well?”

  “We thought you were taken.”

  “We came to rescue you.” That from Rhune.

  “You did what?! “

  He looked from her to the Dragon. “Well, we didn’t know you had a dragon did we?”

  Before they could get into that Eben landed. He didn't set his burden down, but changed back to his man shape with her still in his arms. His face was as blank as Morgan had ever seen it. She swallowed hard, leaving her suddenly quiet siblings behind her she reached Eben, her hand brushing back a fall of titanium hair to show a bruised and beaten face.

  “Melly.” She said her voice a whisper of pain. As quiet as she was the girl heard it and opened the eye not swollen shut.

  “Morgan?” The voice was a whimper of hope. Ladon wanted to break something. Go back and level the fortress to the ground and burn the ashes. The little face that looked so much like his mate smiled, her abused lips broke open and bled at the movement. Morgan took the hand she reached out to her.

  “It’s me Melly.” Then her voice broke. “I came for you.”

nbsp; “Knew you would. Told him you would.” She coughed and the sound was like glass breaking. “I kept them safe, hid their powers. I made sure he couldn’t touch them. He...” She started crying, great sobs of pain that had Morgan wrapping herself around her in Ebens arms.

  Rhune buried his face in Clare’s stomach. They were both crying.

  “Shh, Melly,” Morgan was crying so hard herself she could barely get the words out. Eben looked up at Ladon, and the rage firing behind dragon gold eyes matched his own. There would be a reckoning for this, but for now…

  “We must fly little heart. We have healers among our people who are unparalleled. In the meantime,” Morgan felt his dragon magic wrap around them, and then Melly slipped away, unconscious. “She will feel no pain.”

  Morgan shuddered one more time, wiping her eyes and stepping back. “All right.”

  She turned to Clare and Rhune. Her chin rising as she found her inner strength. “You think you can become a dragon for the flight?”

  Clare was shaking her head. “We can’t change; we haven’t been able to since we were caught.”

  “Then you shall ride a dragon and we will leave this dead valley behind.” Ladon said switching back and reaching for the little ones, proving beyond a doubt that the argument about having to carry too much was ridiculous. Morgan waited for Eben to change and then stepped up, taking the unconscious Melisande in her arms and feeling Ebens dragon tail wrap around them both. Even the feel of the wind in dragon flight was not enough to distract her from her sister’s battered face.

  Chapter 8

  The Dragons spared no time in play. Eventually they passed the North Gate as a blur and were swooping into the majestic fortress growing out of the Forsaken Mountain.

  The dragons placed their passengers down gently. Eben had put out the call for the healer as soon as they passed into dragon territory and she was fast on their heels, her protective mate by her side. Both flashed into their human bodies as soon as they landed. Both were incredibly beautiful in both forms, and clearly surprised at the human/dragon gathering. Then they caught sight of Ladon.

  “Prince Ladon.” The healer squawked, before continuing in more disapproving tones. “Your family has been frantic since you disappeared.”

  Morgan narrowed her eyes at the dragon healers tone and just managed to bite back a heated response at her obvious judgment when she saw how Ladon stiffened at the censure, his eyes flashing an angry dragon gold. But it was Eben who spoke.

  “Prince Ladon does not answer to you Shehar.” He said with bite, his voice a powerful boom that had the healer cringing and her mate bristling. “Here is your patient.” Eben gestured to the woman still held in his mates caring arms.

  Despite the obvious fear Eben inspired in the other dragons one look at Morgan kneeling on the floor with her sister across her lap had the dragon healer sneering. “I do not waste my talent on humans.”

  “They are mage.” Eben snapped, “And mine to protect. Refuse them and you refuse me.”

  The healer paled, no small thing since she was already so pale, if her eyes had not been silver Morgan would have thought she was an Albino. Without more than a brief worried look at her mate, she stepped up and placed her hands above where Melly and Morgan waited.

  Morgan felt the dragon magic as it shimmered around her. She held Melly protectively close, not quite trusting the beautiful healer. Though she could feel through the bond that while Eben and Ladon were angry at her attitude they didn't worry she would do aught else but what she'd been commanded.

  The bruises and cuts disappeared even as Morgan watched. She had always been able to heal herself with her own fire but this was something greater. To be able to heal others in such a way was a truly wondrous gift. One her mother had carried, but none of the children had inherited.

  Too bad it was in the hands of such a self-righteous bitch. Ladon snorted at her thoughts, part in agreement and part in amusement.

  Shehar is one of the oldest of us and set in her ways. Eben’s voice whispered through her head to join Ladons even as the healer faltered, her eyes flashed sorrow as the magic intensified around Melisande. Finally, with a sad huff she stepped away just as Melly opened her eyes. She didn’t have a scratch on her.

  “Are you all right?” Morgan asked pushing Mellys hair back from her face.

  “I feel...Fine.” Melly said, then smiled. Morgan laughed in relief. Rhune barreled into his sister’s arms with a happy whoop as Clare followed. Soon they were all laughing. Morgan among them until she looked up and caught the pitying eyes of the healer. She pulled out from beneath the others and left them laughing behind her.

  She went to the healer who stood a whole foot taller. “What is it?” She whispered so the children would not hear. It was not until Eben stepped behind her in obvious support that she was answered.

  “There was much to be healed and not all of it physical.” She said her haughty voice dropping to a low octave. “I have blocked the memories but she has much power that is still growing. Eventually she will remember...and she has been marked.” The dragon looked to Eben when she said that.

  “Impossible.” Eben said immediately as Morgan felt her blood turn cold. “Mages cannot mark as dragons do.”

  “He used dragon’s blood and magic to do it.”

  There was a great silence; even the healer’s mate looked shell-shocked. Morgan tried to get through the block that was erected in Ebens head but he was too determined to keep her out. When that didn’t work, she turned to Ladon.

  His thoughts were full of both horror and anger. But the problem was suddenly crystal clear. The dark mage had been drinking dragon blood and he had fed his dragon-fuelled blood to Melisande to bind her, sexually. Morgan lost the feeling in her legs and would have fallen if Eben had not picked her up into his arms. “Was she raped?” She whispered the abomination so that only the dragons would hear.

  “No. I believe his intent was to breed her.”

  “And you can’t force a mage to bear children.” She buried her face in Ebens neck and held on tight. Whatever the blood mage had intended to do to Melly it was more than physical if he needed her consent to breed.

  “Do you know whose blood was used?” Eben asked, his voice a cold northern wind.

  “Not the specific dragon but the house. Yes.” She looked pointedly at Ladon. “It was blood from the royal house of fire.”

  Ladon choked on his shock, even as he prepared to roar his innocence.

  Easy young one. You forget that we are bound. You could not keep such from me.

  But someone from my house? I can’t believe any would do this thing.

  We already know you were betrayed to the humans. Perhaps that is not the end of the traitor’s crimes.

  Then the rest of my family could be in danger.

  “Ryall.” Eben said finally. “You will call the Council together. There is much to be disclosed and they must hear it first.”

  Ryall saluted a fist against his chest and then the ever-silent warrior dragon was pulling his mate behind him as they departed in a hurry.

  “What is it?” Melly said in an unsure voice behind them, Clare and Rhune both looking at Morgan who was holding onto Eben like a child scared of the dark. “What’s happening?”

  Pulling herself together Morgan stepped from Ebens arms and took a deep breath. She turned to her brother and sisters. “This is Eben Kinkaid and Prince Ladon. They have offered us sanctuary in Dracon away from the blood mages and the nullmags.” She drew another deep breath. “They are my mates.”

  It was Rhune with awe in his young voice that finally broke the shocked silence. “You have two dragons?”

  Chapter 9

  After spending their whole lives in a place where magic was seen as an abomination, to suddenly be in a place where the very air they breathed sparkled with it, was heady stuff. Within half an hour, everyone was enchanted clean, with a new wardrobe and their own rooms in a dragons Forsaken castle.

ally, Morgan felt like she could breathe. Her family was as safe as they could be. If not for the blood mage mark on Melly, the upcoming dragon council meeting to decide the fate of mage kind and the still undiscovered traitor in Ladons family, it would be perfect.

  Both Clare and Rhune had decided to sleep in Melly’s room for the night so they were all cuddled up in a giant bed that was softer than anything they had ever slept on before. Morgan sat beside them her arm around Clares shoulder.

  “Can we really stay here?” Clare asked, her eyes going around the vast room in awe. Everywhere she looked her eyes hit on something beautiful from the lush rugs to the silk drapes blowing at the open terrace. Even the walls cut directly from the mountain glowed with embedded jewels and precious metals.

  “Yes. We really can.” Morgan said, pulling her tightly against her side. “I have to leave for a little while, but I’ll be back before you wake up in the morning.”

  “You’re going to talk to the dragon council.” Rhune said jumping up excitedly. “Can I come?” It made Morgan laugh and Melly had to grab him and pull him back down to the bed.

  “No.” Morgan said leaning over Clare to buss him on the cheek. “And don’t even think about changing shape and flying out of this castle unless one of us is with you.”

  He huffed, wiping off her kiss and looking belligerent.

  “I mean it.” She stated firmly. “It’s magical here, better, but we need to be careful until we know what to expect. For now, you have a whole enchanted castle to explore. How about you stick with that for now?” At the reminder that they were now living in an enchanted castle Rhune perked right up. “Do you think there’s a real dragon treasure here? Like in the stories.”

  “You’ll have to find out won’t you?”

  He smiled happily, snuggling back down between Clare and Melly.


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