Hunted by Them: Witches of Rose Lake, Book Three

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Hunted by Them: Witches of Rose Lake, Book Three Page 4

by Lia Davis


  * * *

  The vampire crushed his mouth to mine and my emotions went wild. Need, desire, fear, and guilt made a dangerous cocktail. I wanted to push him way. Hell, I should push him away. Or zap him with magick. At the same time, I wanted more of him. Without a conscious thought of what I was doing, I deepened the kiss. Our tongues danced and twined together. Liquid heat filled my core.

  Mine. No.

  What was wrong with me? I claimed Eli. He was my mate. Not this vampire.

  The thought of my wolf lover snapped me out of the desire haze from the vampire’s kiss. I brought my knee up and hit him in the balls. He cursed and jerked away, bent at the waist and holding himself.

  Not wasting time, I yanked the door open and ran. There was no way I was the vampire’s mate. I had one and didn’t need another.

  Especially one I couldn’t trust and didn’t know.

  The house was surrounded by trees, which told me we were in a forest. At least I hoped I was. I had no idea if I was anywhere close to Eli’s safe house.

  Damn it. Stupid vampire. I should have searched his mind. But I hated using my abilities for personal gain. Looked like it was time for me to get out of that habit.

  Stretching out my senses through the mating bond with Eli, I called out to him, hoping he could hear me. That was when I noticed the damned vamp bit my bottom lip. I pressed my tongue to the cut on my lower lip. Fuck. The crazy fiend could track me anywhere.

  He had tracked me to Eli’s. How? I hadn’t a clue. Nor was I going to hang around and find out. I pushed my legs to run faster through the forest.

  Paranoia stirred within me. What if he did something to me when he knocked me out? I assessed my body inside and out with my Healer magick. Relief flooded me that the vampire didn’t rape me. But somehow I sensed he wasn’t the type to force himself on someone not willing…

  The kiss back at the house was…hot and I wanted it.

  I was about done with my self-check when I found a tiny thread, like a bond beginning to form. No! That damn vampire started a mating bond. Fear and guilt swirled inside my gut. Eli.

  How could I have two mates?


  I turned in the direction Eli’s voice came from. I’d never been so happy to see my Sentry in my life. That was considering less than twenty-four hours ago I wanted to be free from his hovering.

  Rushing to him, I jumped into his arms. He caught me with little effort and hugged me tight. I shook as I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried my nose into his neck. After several moments, I regained my composure and lowered my feet to the ground. “We need to leave here.”

  I didn’t sense the vampire chasing us. Odd. Where had he gone? Was he letting me go? I doubted it. After all he did start a bond with me. No, the vampire would follow us. Which meant I hadn’t a clue how long I had to figure out the mating mess.

  Eli worked his jaw but nodded. I picked up on his jealousy through our mating bond and my stomach soured. Guilt rose up and made me ill. I remained silent as Eli and I shifted and ran toward the safe house.



  The vampire’s place wasn’t as far from the safe house as I thought. I wondered if that was how he found me to begin with. As soon as Eli’s three-story lake house came into view, I scented another shifter. Correction. There were two. The scents weren’t familiar to me which meant more Hunters.

  I glanced at Eli. He growled. “The house has been compromised. Stay close.”

  I rolled my eyes but followed behind him. Whoever was there didn’t seem to be around at the moment. That didn’t mean they wouldn’t come back. I needed to get word to Lucian to let him know what was up and to have him check on my dad.

  I also needed to find out who the hell the vampire was and what loyalties he had to Harrison. And in order to do all that I had to confess to Eli what happened between the vamp and me.

  Dread slammed into my heart. I never wanted the complications of mating. Yet, I have two mates. What the fuck was I going to do about them? Okay, so the vamp needed to go.

  Eli climbed the stairs to the porch and tried the handle. It was still locked. That didn’t mean whoever was there didn’t go through the back door or one of the sliding glass doors on the second level. Grabbing ahold of Eli’s shirt, I moved with him as he dug his keys out of his pocket. After he opened the door, we entered and scented the air at the same time. I didn’t pick up on other scents besides Eli’s and my own. I released a sigh then and let go of Eli’s shirt to move farther into the living room. He slammed the door, drawing my attention to him, and glared at me for a moment before speaking. “Why the fuck do you smell like that vampire?”

  “He teleported me to his house.” I turned to face him and hardened my stare on him. If Eli thought he was going to intimidate me, he was so wrong. “He handcuffed me to his bed.” A growl rumbled from Eli and I held up my hand. “I’m not done. I have telekinesis and broke out of them. We had words and I tried to leave. That was when he stopped me.”

  I paused and chose my next words very carefully. Eli wouldn’t hurt me. So I didn’t fear him. I feared the rejection that might come from him when I tell him I might be mated to the vamp as well. “He kissed me and somehow a bond started.”

  Eli’s blue eyes turned midnight. The muscles in his temples flexed and his hands fisted at his side. I stood my ground, not showing him any fear. All the while my heart broke and my wolf whimpered. Cracks formed in my soul. It was odd to want both of them. What if Eli made me choose? The vampire would be the one to go since Eli and I completed the mating bond. The thought of choosing made my heart hurt. I stood straighter to tell Eli just that. After all, mates couldn’t harm one another without harming themselves…

  Crap on toast. Was that why the vampire wouldn’t turn me in? “He wouldn’t turn me over to Harrison.”

  “What?” Eli was inches from me in a flash of movement. He lifted my chin, forcing me to make eye contact.

  “The vampire. He said he wouldn’t be taking me to Harrison. And that the councilman wants me alive.” I stepped away from Eli and paced the living room. “The vamp said I was his mate.” Eli growled and I ignored him. “He can’t turn me over because he would be sentencing his mate to death.” It didn’t matter what the vampire had said about Harrison wanting me alive because eventually the asshat would kill me.

  I stopped and faced Eli. Reese mated with five males. One of them being the Alpha Heir to Carter Moon Pack. If Zane could learn to share, then Eli could. In fact, witches used to mate with more than one man—many times it was three or more—as a way to balance their magic and protect their people. Was that what I was doing?

  Eli raised a brow. “What’s going on in that head of yours? I’m picking up on a plan.”

  “Hear me out before you say no.”

  He pursed his lips and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “Not making promises.”

  Good enough. “You know how Reese formed a family with her five guys, right?”


  “I said listen.”

  “I said I wasn’t making promises.”

  Ugh. I closed the distance between us and jabbed him in the chest. “Anyway. The vampire has staked a claim on me. If I truly am his mate he can’t harm me. He will have to work with us to ensure I’m free from Harrison’s radar. The three of us could take care of the other Hunters searching for me.”

  “I don’t like that plan. We don’t know who the hell the vampire is. Or if he is telling the truth. He could have bonded with you to track you and turn you in.” Eli shook his head and grabbed my hand and pulled me forward. “I will kill to keep you safe. That includes the vampire. Mate or not. And if he bites you again without your permission, he won’t see me coming.”

  I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my cheek to his chest. My wolf sighed at the contact. The beast accepted Eli as hers. She’d always known he was. The woman ignored the pulls to him for far too long. T
here was no doubt he was my mate and we were bound together. The vampire was a surprise and I didn’t know him enough to be sure I wanted the mating. “We’ll make sure what the vamp’s intentions are. I do feel he is a mate for me.”

  A nudge on my awareness put my wolf on alert. The vampire was trying to break through the shield I created to block him. He was searching for me. “He’ll be here soon.”

  Eli grunted but kissed the top of my head. Then he lifted my chin again. I stared into his blue eyes. He frowned. “I trust you in taking the lead on this. I agree we need help dealing with Harrison. I don’t have to like it.”

  I stood on my toes and kissed him. “I’m not sure I can trust him. I mean, I don’t know him but my intuition tells me otherwise. Plus, I do feel the pull to him.” I looked away. “Sorry.”

  “Hey.” Eli picked me up so I had to look down at him. “Don’t apologize. If the Fates want us to form a family like Zane and his female, then we’ll deal with it. I don’t have to like it and I know it’s not going to be easy, but I’m not giving you up. I might have to call Zane and ask for advice on dealing with it.”

  I sensed the vamp a moment before he pounded on the door. Eli set me on my feet. “Don’t invite him in.”

  I laughed. “That’s a myth made up for the movies.”

  I opened the front door and said, “First, I don’t know your name. Second, I don’t appreciate you starting the mating link without buying me dinner first.”

  One blond brow raised as the corners of his lips lifted. “I offered you soup. The name is Gunner. I’m not sorry for the mating.”

  I crossed my arms and watched him. “I don’t know you, but I’m willing to make a deal. I know vampires mate for life like wolves. And that for a vampire finding a true mate you can form a bond with is very rare. Especially if that mate is outside your species.”

  He glanced to Eli standing behind me then back to me. “What about him?”

  “He’s my mate. Our bond formed instantly. Also a rare occurrence for wolves.” I motioned to go outside. Gunner stepped back to allow me to exit the house. Eli wasn’t far behind me.

  Instant mating for wolves wasn’t really all that rare. I added that little lie for Gunner’s sake. The way his nostrils flared told me he scented the lie, yet he didn’t comment. Good. I wouldn’t put up with growly, jealous, alpha males. Eli was still on edge and might challenge Gunner. Or vice versa. “Eli and I have known each other for about two years. I’ve spent most of that time trying to escape his attention so I could work…without my sentry hanging over me all the time. Even though when he wasn’t around, I missed him.”

  I wasn’t ready for Gunner to know I worked for Sunshine Lives. The less Harrison knew about the movement the better. There was still a chance Gunner would turn on me. It would be like suicide by death of his mate, but it’d been done before.

  “I know you work for Lucian and Sunshine Lives. Harrison knows too.” Gunner frowned and averted my gaze to scan our surroundings beyond the front porch.

  “What?” Dread settled in my stomach like a boulder. I wrapped my arms around my middle and stepped back. “How?”

  Gunner gently gripped my elbow. Eli growled but we ignored him. “He doesn’t know very much. He knows Lucian is helping to relocate hybrids but can’t get a lock on the details of the movement. I think there are a couple of council members that keep blocking his efforts. Although it’s getting harder to cover the tracks.”

  I glanced to Eli then back to Gunner. Dad had to be one of them to be covering up things. I didn’t know anyone else on the council. “What else do you know about me? How did you find me the first time?”

  Gunner turned away from me to lean against the railing of the porch and stared out into the forest. “Harrison has samples of your blood. I’m not sure how or why he has them. I don’t think your father knows. But Harrison is not as clueless as he lets others believe.”

  I sucked in a breath and lifted my hand to my throat. How could the council get my blood? And why? Realization hit me. The guilt that rolled from Gunner teased my senses and I growled at him. “He gave you my blood. That’s how vampires track people.” Un-fucking-believable. “Did you know before finding me I was your mate?”

  Gunner nodded without looking at me. Fury swirled inside me but before I could hit him like I wanted, Eli tackled him, breaking the railing. My heart beat wildly as the two males rolled on the ground taking swings at each other. Eli got the advantage by rolling Gunner onto his back. Eli punched the vampire in the face. Once, twice… I screamed for them to stop but they didn’t hear me.

  Descending the stairs, I marched to where they were. “Stop! This isn’t helping.”

  My senses picked up on another shifter nearby. “Guys, we have company.” I scanned the area but didn’t see anyone. But he was definitely out there, watching. “Eli! Damnit, listen to me!”

  Eli snapped his head in my direction. Our gazes locked briefly before his darted to the right of me as if noticing something over my shoulder. The next moments happened too fast for me to register. Someone grabbed me from behind and took off. He ran a hell of a lot faster than a normal shifter. Trees blurred by and my fear took over. My magick turned wild. I’d be damned if I was going to be kidnapped twice in a twenty-four-hour period. I sank my nails into the asshat’s back and my wolf fangs into his shoulder while pushing my power into him.

  My intent was to get him to slow down and release me. And it worked. He cried out in pain and dropped to his knees. “Fuck.” He released me and I rolled a good distance before scrambling to my feet to run back to the lake house, ignoring my wolf’s whimper. I glanced back at the shifter I bit, a tiger. Confusion put me off balance at the attraction and growing connection to him.

  Not another.

  I whirled around and ran only come to a halt when another shifter stepped into my path. This one was a bear and just as big as one in his human form. His muscled, tattooed arms were as big as my thighs. I held up my hands and formed an energy ball between them.

  He hesitated and cocked his head to the side. His gold eyes narrowed on me. After a few moments, he advanced toward me and deflected my energy ball like it was a kid’s toy. Then he wrapped his arm around my waist too tight for me to escape. “Von get up. We need to get out of here.”

  And for the second time that day, I was being kidnapped. This shit really needed to stop. Sure I could knock the guy carrying me on his ass with my magick, but my intuition was telling me I needed to find out who they were. There was something in the bear’s gold depths that made me hesitate. “Where are we going?”

  “Somewhere safe for now.” He tossed me into the backseat of a car and slammed the door shut. That was when I noticed we were on the main road a few feet from the lake house’s driveway.

  I jiggled the handle but it was locked. Figured. “I can unlock the door you know.”

  The one I bit, Von, glanced at me with a snarl as he settled into driver’s seat. “But you won’t.”

  I narrowed my gaze. “I might.” To prove my point, I willed the doors to unlock.

  The shifter who carried me to the car glared at me from the passenger seat. I glared back, mimicking his look. Turning straight in his seat, he pointed to the road. “Go.”

  I watched the trees disappear as we took the highway and headed north, according to the exit sign. So they weren’t taking me to Harrison or his lab. The council leader lived about half way between Carson City and Rose Lake. That was about forty-five minutes from Eli’s lake house.

  Staring at the backs of their heads, I stayed quiet. For now. Because when we got wherever they were taking me, they’d answer a few questions. One being why the hell did I find them attractive? And how in the hell did I have a connection to Von growing inside me?

  I stared at the bear and it didn’t take my wolf long to start nudging me to get closer to him. Damn it. I must be under a love spell. Someone’s sick joke to make me mate with every male I saw. Well I wasn’t laughing. And I damn
sure didn’t need four fucking mates!



  “Eli! Damnit, listen to me!”

  The sound of Cassia’s pissed-off tone cut through the jealous haze and the need to beat the fuck out of Gunner. I snapped my head up and met Cassia’s glare. She had her hands on her hips and lips pursed. Her green eyes lit up with wild magick. Something that happened when she was emotional.

  Movement from behind her caught my attention. My heart skipped several beats as I realized it was a Hunter moving in way faster than he should. Time slowed. The Hunter grabbed her, threw her over his shoulder, and ran. I shoved Gunner as I stood and gave chase.

  Pounding of boots on the ground behind me said Gunner was closing in. The Hunter ahead of us moved too fast to be a normal shifter. Defeat settled in my chest and my wolf growled. We’d never catch up to him. He had my fucking mate.

  “You’re not going to catch him,” Gunner said when he closed the distance between us.

  With a feral growl, I stopped and got into the vamp’s face. “Why is he so fast?”

  “Von and his best friend are a new breed of Hunters. Harrison enhanced their abilities to be the strongest and fastest. I’m not sure how much of their humanity is left.” Gunner ran a hand through his long blond hair and pulled the ends. Raw anger rolled from him and it was no longer directed at me. I studied him and worked my jaw. “What about you?”

  Gunner fisted his hands at his side and rocked from foot to foot. His anxiousness flowed around like thick fog. It was so close to what I felt in that moment. Worried what the bastard Hunters would do to Cassia and furious with myself for letting my dick control my emotions.

  The vamp paced in front of me. “I was born with my enhanced speed and telekinetic abilities. I think that is what captured Harrison’s attention. I’d only been a Hunter for a year before I was sent after Brooke and Cassia. When Brooke fell off the radar, Harrison started giving me their blood. I told Harrison I couldn’t trace Brooke but knew where Cassia was.”


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