The Search for Soaring Hawk

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The Search for Soaring Hawk Page 9

by Terry O'Reilly

  By late afternoon, the skeletal framework of the lodge was completed. The men stepped back and surveyed their work. Sam was beginning to see patterns in Nils’ behavior: standing with his hands on his hips, beginning sentences with “well,” smiling most of the time. Sam was enjoying making these observations.

  Nils turned to Sam. “Well, I’d make a pretty fine Indian, don’t you think?”

  Sam smiled back at him. “Yes, you would.”

  “Well, I should have an Indian name, ” he said. “You must’ve had one when you were back livin’ with them. What was it?”

  Sam suddenly felt a wave of homesickness wash over him as Nils’ question caused a flood of memories to break in his mind. He swallowed hard.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad,” Nils said, moving to Sam’s side and placing his hand on the back of his neck. He pulled him close, their bodies touched, their faces almost in contact. Sam looked into the deep blue eyes. He smiled.

  “Sometimes I do miss the life I had with the people,” he said wistfully. “When I was with them, they called me Soaring Hawk.”

  Nils released his hold on Sam and took a step back. “Soaring Hawk…I like that. What do you think my name would be?”

  Sam thought for a minute. He looked from Nils to the framework they had just completed.

  “Home Builder,” he said.

  “Home Builder,” Nils said thoughtfully. “Yeah, Home Builder. I like that.”

  He repeated the name several times as he walked around the partially finished structure.

  Sam watched him and reflected on the moment of intimacy that had just passed between them. He felt good.

  After eating the evening meal and taking care of the animals, the two men lounged by the fire. The autumn chill was descending as the last rays of the sun filtered through the trees. Molly waddled up and nestled in against Nils’ chest. He draped his arm across her.

  “She is getting close to her time,” Sam observed as he gently massaged her abdomen. “She is starting to fill with milk.”

  Nils looked down at the teats, which had begun to swell. His forehead creased. Sam could see his concern for her.

  “Sure hope she’s goin’ to be all right,” the big blond said. “She’s been my partner for the whole time I’ve been out here. Kept me from gettin’ lonely. Of course, now you’re here…” he said looking across the flames at Sam, his expression softening.

  Sam felt a stirring within him.

  “Still, she’s my family. I don’t want anything to happen to her.”

  “We’ll make sure she gets through this,” Sam said reassuringly.

  Nils nodded, then added, “I’m glad you’re here, very glad.”

  Sam smiled that agreement back to Nils. Yes, he was glad to be here, too.

  Sam was already lying on the matt when Nils came to bed. He had made one last check of the livestock. Sam looked up as he walked toward him. He wished he could just open his arms and welcome him into his embrace. But he hesitated. Despite all that had been said and demonstrated between them, he didn’t want to assume more than might be there. He would rather forego his desire for intimacy with Nils than lose the easy relationship that had established itself.

  He needn’t have worried. Nils lowered himself onto the mat and reached for Sam, drawing him close and pressing the full length of his body against him. Nils was already erect. Sam could feel the man’s organ pulsating against his own rapidly hardening cock through the layers of material that separated them.

  “I’m not makin’ a mistake, am I?” Nils said in a voice that was almost a whisper and was full of desire.

  Sam returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around Nils, mirroring the pressure of his body against him. “No, you’re not making a mistake,” he said reassuringly, leaning forward and brushing Nils’ lips with his own.

  Nils pulled back. “I’ve never done anything like this. I’ve never been with a woman…or a man. I’m not sure what to do.”

  Sam smiled at him. He was so innocent, so genuine. Years later, when Sam would look back on this time, it was at that moment he knew he loved Nils.

  “First, let’s get rid of these clothes,” Sam offered. “Then we just let happen what will. There’s no right or wrong. You just do what you feel inside.”

  They stood and peeled away their union suits, throwing them aside. Standing before each other, they reached out and embraced. Sam’s pounding heart reflected that of his partner as they stepped together. Sensations of skin on skin, muscle on muscle zipped to Sam’s brain and he felt his heart as well as his penis swell with love and desire.

  Nils’ eyes were wide. Sam knew he was experiencing the same feelings, probably for the first time. Sam reached up, placed his hand behind Nils’ head and pulled him forward. He kissed him. At first, Nils just pressed his lips against Sam’s. Then, as Sam massaged his lips with his tongue, Nils responded in kind, opening his mouth. Soon their tongues were engaged in a duel of passion.

  They sank onto the mat, never breaking their embrace. They stretched out together, bodies rubbing against each other, hands roaming, exploring, fondling. Mouths seeking, tasting, caressing.

  All too soon, Sam felt Nils’ body tense, cease all movement, then heave against him. Warm, moist sensations followed as Nils emptied himself onto Sam’s abdomen. His partner’s climax provoked Sam’s. Almost immediately, the seed of the two men was mingling between them.

  For a few moments, they lay together as their pounding pulses returned to normal and their heavy breathing subsided. Sam opened his eyes and looked into those of his lover. Nils gave a shuddering sigh.

  “I love you, Sam,” he said in a soft, trembling, almost hesitant voice.

  Sam responded by drawing him into a tighter embrace. This is what he had hoped for, longed for, envisioned. He had found it here, with this man, with this white man.

  “I love you, too, Nils,” he replied, “so very much.”

  * * * Morning saw the two men still locked in their embrace. Sam opened his eyes to find Nils already awake and looking at him as if he had been waiting for him to open his eyes.

  “’Morning,” he said, pulling Sam to him and kissing him. “I had the best dream last night.” He smiled broadly.

  “Oh?” enquired Sam, innocently. “Tell me about it.”

  “I’ll do better than that. I’ll show ya,” Nils replied. He drew Sam against him and began a gentle rhythm.

  Sam returned the cadence. After a short time, he rolled over onto his back, pulling Nils on top of him. Nils raised himself on his elbows and smiled down at his partner. He ground his tumescence into the groove between Sam’s leg and abdomen. As his breathing deepened, Sam stopped him.

  “Wait,” he said.

  Nils was breathing heavily. “Wait?”

  “I want to show you something.”

  “What’s that?”

  He pulled Nils up onto his knees until he was on all fours, his throbbing member above Sam’s face, strands of glistening fluid flowing from the tip.

  Sam looked up to see Nils staring down at him, wide eyed and panting. Sam reached up, placed his hands on Nils’ muscular buttocks and pressed him down. He opened his mouth and Nils slid inside. The man let out a gasp. He continued to ingest Nils’ cock until he buried his nose in the scant fringe of rusty blond hair surrounding its base. He could feel Nils’ heart pounding in the heavily veined shaft of the huge organ. He forced his captive to hold still.

  As soon as Sam felt Nils was not going to climax too quickly, he began to knead the muscular mounds he held in his hands. Nils followed the pace Sam dictated, and began to contract and relax his butt. This heightened Sam’s arousal.

  Three times he brought Nils to the brink, only to force him to back off and prolong the pleasure. Nils’ moans and strangled grunts testified to the intensity of his enjoyment, as well as the frustration of not being allowed to climax. Finally, when Sam tried to hold off the inevitable for the fourth time, Nils took charge. Bucki
ng like a wild stag in rut, he thrust deeply into Sam’s throat. Sam felt the organ throb and pulsate, and then experienced the first taste of his lover’s seed as it coursed into his mouth and down his gullet. After he had drained himself, Nils rocked back on his haunches, shuddering and twitching. He lowered his chest to Sam’s and lay there breathing heavily.

  “Wondrous!” he said over and over between deep tremulous breaths.

  Sam kissed the top of his head. “Happy to be able to please you.”

  Nils raised his head, gave Sam a quick peck on the nose and said, “I want to try to please you as well.”

  With that, Nils slid his body down until he was between Sam’s legs, holding his much- distended member tightly in his hand. He moved his hand up and down, causing the glistening head to disappear and reappear beneath the hood. Tentatively he licked the tip, then swirled his tongue around the crown. He seemed to gain confidence from what he was experiencing, so he thrust Sam into his mouth…and gagged. Pulling himself off, Nils looked up and sheepishly apologized to Sam, who was reclining on his elbows observing him. Sam chuckled and reached out to tousle Nils’ blond curls.

  Nils returned to his ministrations and, with Sam’s guidance, set up a rhythm that soon brought Sam to climax. Sam tried to warn Nils. He was waved off, and, although he choked a bit, Nils was able to swallow Sam’s offering. He held Sam captive until his member softened. Only then did he release him.

  Nils bear-crawled up beside his partner. With a hopeful look on his face, he asked, “Did I do it right?”

  “Wondrous,” Sam replied. “Wondrous.”

  They lay together for some time.

  “I never thought it would be as good as this,” Nils mused as he lay with his head on Sam’s shoulder, running his hands through his luxuriant chest hair.

  “It gets better,” Sam replied, smoothing his hand over Nils’ muscular back and running it down to the top of the crevice between his muscular buttocks.

  “Well, how can it get better than this?” Nils queried.

  “You’ll see,” Sam said, thinking of the ultimate union yet to come. “You’ll see.”

  * * * It was difficult for the men to pry themselves out of bed that morning, but the lowing of the cow pleading to be milked and the pressure of their bladders convinced them they needed to be up and about the business of the day.

  After breakfast and the usual morning chores, they began the task of enclosing the lodge in deerskin. They punctuated this with several sessions of lovemaking, during which Nils perfected his skill at giving Sam pleasure. Sometimes these times were passionate and lusty; others were tender and gentle. It was clear to Sam that he and Nils had both found something they had wanted for a long time. Tiring of disrobing and dressing again, they finally worked naked so as to have easier access to each other as the need arose.

  “Well, we didn’t get much done today,” Nils commented as they lay on the ground inside the semi-completed lodge. Sam stretched out on his back with Nils curled against him. Sam could see the sky turning orange through the framework of the unfinished structure.

  “Oh, I’d say we accomplished quite a lot,” Sam replied, giving Nils a kiss and running his hand from his chest over his rippled abdomen, massaging his testicles. Nils pressed into the stimulation and reciprocated. “I mean on the lodge.” He bent to lick Sam’s nipple.

  “No matter,” said Sam, squaring his shoulders and raising his chest, giving Nils freer access. “We need more skins to complete the job anyway.”

  Nils continued his ministrations to Sam’s hair shrouded nub, while Sam stroked his now fully erect member.

  “That’ll take a long time if we have to hunt some deer, skin ’em and dry the hides.”

  “No need. We can ride to the post tomorrow and buy what we need.”

  Nils stopped what he was doing, raised his head and said, “Well, I don’t have much money. I don’t know I can afford that. I usually get what I need by tradin’ skins and food from the garden. Garden’s all but dead now.”

  “I have money,” Sam said.

  “Oh, no, I can’t do that. You’re the one helpin’ me out here.”

  “Let’s just say it’s an investment in our future,” Sam replied. An image of a faceless white woman floated across his consciousness.

  “Well, I don’t know,” said Nils, still sounding skeptical.

  “Look,” Sam said, lifting Nils face to his and looking him in the eye. “After what we’ve found together, I’m happy to help in any way I can. Done. We’ll go to the post tomorrow.”

  Nils gave him a reluctant smile, leaned forward and kissed him. Then he went back to the business of pleasuring the man he had professed to love.

  When night fell, the two crawled into bed. This time they didn’t bother with their union suits. However, due to the numerous times during the day they had made love, their immediate needs were well satiated. Instead of passionate lovemaking, they were happy to hold and kiss each other to sleep.

  * * * Sam was awake before dawn. Despite the satisfaction of the previous day, sleep and love had reawakened his desires. He wanted to take Nils to another level in their relationship. He was already erect and the clear liquid of arousal was dripping from the tip of his organ.

  Nils was in the crook of his arm, sound asleep. Sam turned on his side and repositioned his thigh, so he could place it between Nils’ legs. He began to massage the man’s scrotum with his knee. He felt Nils respond.

  Nils stirred, stretched and rolled away from him. Reaching down, Sam took Nils in hand and began to stroke his semitumescent penis. He looked down at the recumbent figure. A slight smile played on Nil’s lips.

  Without opening his eyes, Nils asked, “Do we have to go to the post today?”

  “Not for a while. First I want to be with you again.”

  Nils’ eyes opened. Sam leaned down and kissed him. Reviving their pattern of kissing and fondling, both men soon were experiencing a full state of arousal. When Nils attempted to position himself so they could both take the other orally, Sam stopped him.

  Without a word, Sam lay down on his back and directed Nils to kneel between his legs. Using spit and the copious clear liquids flowing from their swollen members, Sam readied himself. He raised his hips and guided Nils to his entrance.

  Nils looked questioningly at Sam, who smiled up at his lover and said, “I’ll show you.”

  Nils scooted forward until Sam’s legs were resting on his thighs. Nils took hold of himself and pressed the end of his organ against Sam’s waiting hole. There was some resistance at first, but Sam’s experience enabled him to relax, and Nils, with a sob, entered his body.

  “I am yours, Nils. I love you.”

  Nils’ response was to begin a gentle pumping motion, while tears formed in his eyes. As his rhythm increased, each stroke took him deeper into Sam’s body. Sam could feel Nils contacting the place within him that made him see spots of light and feel small shocks. He took hold of himself and stroked in time to Nils’ rhythm.

  Sooner than either wanted, the wave began to crest. Sam erupted with spurts of his seed coating both his and Nils’ stomachs. Nils soon followed. Sam could feel Nils’ member throb within him and knew the issue of his lover’s body was now spreading through him. As Nils slowly lowered himself until he was prostrate on top of him, Sam had the feeling of loss as Nils slipped from the confines of his body. Neither spoke. The beating of their hearts and the intensity of their embrace spoke for them.

  * * * “You take care of things while we’re gone,” Nils said to Molly as she sat before him, cocking her head to one side, looking as if she understood every word he said. Her tail wagged back and forth in the dust.

  Sam was already mounted, watching as Nils stroked the dog’s golden head. He looked up at Sam.

  “You think she’ll be all right while we’re gone? She looks like she’s about to pop.”

  Sam looked at the sweet dog that sat patiently at Nils’ feet. She did look like she was about ready, b
ut he was reasonably sure the whelping was not going to happen that day.

  “I think she’ll be all right,” he said. “But if you’d rather stay here, I can go to the post alone.”

  “No,” Nils replied somewhat hesitantly. “Well, I wouldn’t know what to do if anything did happen anyway.”

  He mounted his horse and the men, ponying Sam’s pack animal, headed down the trail toward the trading post.

  As they rode along in the pleasant October sunshine, Sam took a deep, contented breath. He glanced sideways at his partner, who, upon seeing him, turned and gave him a dazzling smile.

  “Wanna stop and play?” he asked with a wink.

  Sam laughed. He wouldn’t mind stopping, but if they were to get to the post and back by nightfall, they should keep going. He was just concerned enough about Molly that his desire to make love to Nils was overridden.

  “Let’s save it. It’ll be that much better when we get back tonight.”

  Nils chuckled and said, “Then let’s move it along. Sooner we get there, the sooner we’ll be home.” He clucked his mount into a trot.

  Home, Sam thought, as he, too, urged his horse forward. The word sounded good to him. He had a home. There was still the specter of Sally, but that was in the future. For now, he would be going home with Nils.

  * * *

  The men reached the post just before noon. Dexter looked up from his work of sorting skins as they walked in. Tanner was just coming out from the kitchen area. Both men broke into smiles, came to embrace Sam and greeted Nils warmly as well.

  “What brings you two here?” Dexter asked.

  Sam went on to explain their needs, while Nils followed Tanner out the back door to the sheds where they kept skins. “And I might as well buy a can of coffee while I’m here.” Dexter laughed, ribbing Sam about how he knew he’d get

  hooked on the stuff. He then asked, “So, things is goin’ well fer ya with Nils?”

  “Yes, really well,” Sam replied.

  “In every way?” Dexter said with a look that belied what was behind the question.


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