A Desirable Property

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A Desirable Property Page 5

by Nicole Dere

  And some of us gave cause for worry, particularly Nicky, who lay on her mattress in despairing silence for hours at a time. The unprovoked punishment in the shower room seemed to have a profound effect on her. The weals clearly bothered her, for she lay on her stomach and tossed off the blanket, complaining that she could not bear even its light pressure on her stinging flesh. ‘Let them look,’ she muttered apathetically when Anita protested that the guards could see.

  I obtained permission to go to the washroom and wrung out a towel, which I brought to dab gently at the enflamed bars on Nicky’s skin. ‘You’re not going to tie me again, are you?’ she asked unfairly; it seemed she found it hard to forgive me for my part in her ordeal, even though I explained how helpless I was.

  But my deepest shame was something I could not tell anyone about. As I stared at the naked bodies around me, I burned with shame at my reaction, for there was an undeniable frisson of sexual excitement deep within me. Krista’s abuse of my body in the darkness had stirred something in me I had never known existed. Could it be? Was it possible I was, after all, gay?

  It was with mixed emotions that I looked on her again when, after her lengthy absence, the German girl returned looking refreshed in the neatly pressed military shirt and slacks and the supple suede boots she wore. When her grey eyes met mine, I felt myself blushing ridiculously and I could not hold her look, although before I looked away I saw the dimples of a smile forming on her cheeks.

  ‘Right, ladies,’ she said. ‘Stand by your beds and let me have a look at you. Up, come on, up!’

  Awkwardly we stood, holding our blankets around us, and she laughed. ‘No, no, we must be military, I think. Blankets folded, and put them at the top of your beds.’ We complained sulkily, but did as we were told. We stood there with our hands crossed in front of us, keenly aware of the delighted stares of the two guards stationed by the door. Krista moved down the row, stopping before each one of us, standing uncomfortably close and staring pointedly at us until there were several sniffles and muffled weeping.

  When she paused in front of the athletic figure of Nicky, I held my breath and prayed. ‘Turn around,’ Krista ordered curtly. The toned shoulders seemed to droop, and the girl obeyed. I exhaled slowly with relief, and then heard her give a hiss of shock and discomfort as Krista traced the lines of welts running over her beaten buttocks. They hollowed and a shudder passed through the athletic frame as Krista stroked the firm rounds of flesh, following their contours, brushing her fingers lightly down the central divide, as she had with me.

  ‘Do not worry, my little slut,’ she said. ‘As long as you are an obedient girl, you will not be punished any more.’ The voice, deceptively gentle, as though addressing a child, added to the deep humiliation the girl was experiencing, and I was afraid again; we recognised the strength of Nicky’s sculptured physique, we knew what a good athlete she was and that she wanted to make her career in sports. She was still at college, and had been heading out to Africa to spend the long summer vacation working for an aid organisation.

  But the whipping had effectively curbed her natural ebullience. She stood, head bowed, the tears running down her face again, while Krista leisurely studied the evidence of her beating and then, with one last demonstrative tap on the marked bottom, moved away.

  It was the lovely Anita who was the next to feel Krista’s wrath. Although she looked scared, she bravely stood and faced the German after Krista had finished her inspection and was about to leave again. ‘Please,’ she said, her demeanour respectful. ‘Can you give us any news about what is happening, and about what is going to happen? Is anything being done to negotiate our release?’ She tumbled on, the words speeding up in her nervousness. ‘And the men – the male hostages. When can we see them? Are they all right?’

  Krista’s eyebrows lifted, and she smiled. ‘My, my, so many questions,’ she mused. ‘You sound like a politician, or a reporter. I’ll give you my answer in private. And you, Jane and Nicky, you come too.’ She strode off in the direction of the washroom, and we all three stared at one another in mute consternation. It was a tribute to Krista’s authority, and our own subservience, that we all turned and followed her while the others gazed worriedly after us.

  In the washroom Krista commanded me to turn on the showers. I was trembling, my legs once more feeling like jelly as I obeyed. There was a bench against the wall, a low wooden thing only a foot or so high such as you see in a school gym.

  ‘Bring it,’ Krista ordered, and again we moved to obey. ‘Lie down,’ she said pleasantly, smiling at Anita, who stared as though hypnotised. ‘You heard me – lie down. On your front.’ After some hesitation, Anita moved gingerly to obey the instruction, stretching carefully along the narrow bench. ‘Now, you two; Jane, you hold her wrists, and Nicky, you are strong, so you hold her ankles.’

  ‘No,’ Nicky said defiantly, shaking her head, for she knew, as we all did now, what was to happen.

  But surprisingly Krista showed no sign of anger. ‘Look,’ she said, as though explaining something to fractious children, ‘we have been discussing our mission, and some of us are quite convinced that it is time we showed that we mean business. And that means killing one or two of you. Some of my comrades are very keen to do it. Now, I would rather it was not any of you.’ She chuckled. ‘Yes, I admit I am being selfish,’ she nodded at Nicky and me, ‘because I would far prefer them to pick on the men.’

  My heart turned over as my selfish terror was replaced by fear for Carl. As though reading my mind, Krista chuckled again and looked directly at me. ‘And I can even put in a word for your man, Jane. As long as you are all good girls,’ she added pointedly, pulling the belt from her slacks as she spoke. ‘And as for you,’ she turned her attention back to Anita, ‘I cannot have you speaking to me disrespectfully like that in front of the others. I must have obedience and respect at all times. So, no more nonsense. Let us get on, shall we?’

  We were all three crying by now. Nicky and I straddled the wooden bench and captured Anita’s wrists and ankles. We gripped her tightly, for we knew that the harder her struggles, the worse the punishment would be.

  Perhaps Krista was in a good mood after her period away from us, presumably giving her time for sleep and refreshment. Perhaps our submission had pleased her. Whatever the reason, her thrashing of Anita, though painful enough, was nowhere near as venomous as that which Nicky or I had received.

  She controlled her strokes carefully, bringing the belt cracking down across the girl’s lovely upturned buttocks. They flexed and jerked, and red lines, which darkened rapidly, marred their smoothness. Anita’s body jerked and twisted on the narrow wood, and I had to hold on tight to prevent her from pulling free. I could see the muscles tense on Nicky’s arms as she also held the girl tightly in place.

  As the blows fell, leaving vivid parallel lines to match the first, Anita turned her head and shrieked in torment. Krista waited after each stroke until the anguished heaving had subsided. This allowed her victim to savour the full burning throb of each lash before the next descended with a sickening thwack. Anita’s bottom was cruelly aflame with the overlaid weals when the whipping was finally terminated.

  My own body was coated in perspiration; it was running down between my breasts, trickling down the curve of my belly to catch in my pubes. Tears were streaming down Anita’s uncomprehending features, and the angry imprints of our grip marked her wrists and ankles. When we released her, she remained where she was, her body shaking and her hands hovering behind her as she sought to alleviate the sting of her livid flesh but could not bear even her own light touch.

  ‘Towel,’ Krista commanded casually, and I moved quickly to soak the cloth in cold water and dab tenderly at the flinching buttocks. We had to help the sobbing figure upright. You could see the indentations where the bench had pressed into her breasts and her inner thighs. Nicky stooped, held her around the waist, helped her stand, and then we all moved back towards the other room.

Jane, stay here,’ Krista said.

  When the others had gone, I turned and faced her, my tears still gliding down my cheeks. I was shaking, and Krista smiled at my distress. She came close, and I forced myself not to cower away from her when her palm caressed my cheek. ‘I think you have learnt your lesson, Jane,’ she whispered.

  I nodded, and my voice would scarcely come. ‘Yes, we all have,’ I said truthfully. ‘We don’t want any trouble. The last thing we want to do is upset you.’

  She gave a triumphant laugh, and then shook her head in amusement. ‘No, of course you do not. You are my little chickens, are you not? But I have to teach you a lesson. I have to keep you obedient.’

  ‘But we are obedient,’ I protested. ‘We’ll do whatever you tell us. Please, you don’t have to keep punishing us,’ I ended with a sob, afraid that my very words might spark her anger off.

  I needn’t have worried. ‘I know,’ she mused. ‘I am wicked, no?’ Her voice dripped with sensuality. ‘But I will tell you something.’ Her voice dropped to the softest of whispers and her grey eyes danced with mischief. ‘It gives me such a thrill to punish you. You do not know how excited it makes me, my little darling.’ She sniggered like a mischievous schoolgirl. ‘And now…’ she put her hand lewdly over her crotch, ‘my panties are so wet, my little darling.’

  I dropped my gaze, shocked and thrilled by her confession. ‘Come,’ she whispered, her lips brushing my ear. ‘You have not forgotten our little rendezvous under the plane, have you? I am sure you have not. I am sure you have been thinking about that night quite a lot.’

  I could barely catch my breath my heart was hammering so hard. She flicked my right nipple, which was standing erect from its puckered surround, as was its twin. ‘Yes, I see you have not forgotten out little rendezvous, my little slut,’ she murmured, and gave a throaty giggle. Then she left me abruptly and went to the doorway. ‘No one is to come in here until I tell you!’ she called out, and I felt a red tide of shame engulf me. Now everyone would know for sure what was going on.

  Krista led me to the showers. Her eyes never leaving mine, she began to undress slowly, tantalisingly, as part of her relentless seduction of me. She undid the buttons of her shirt, slipped it out from her slacks, and let it fall from her shoulders. She was wearing a khaki sleeveless vest beneath it. I should not have been surprised, yet somehow I had expected something more feminine. Underneath the light cotton, I could see the shape of her breasts, the nipples thrusting against the cloth a clear sign of her arousal. She squatted awkwardly and unlaced her boots, still staring at me. I stood motionless, except for my involuntary trembling. I could not take my eyes from her.

  The boots off, she stood and shrugged down her slacks and stepped out of them. Her briefs were plain, and though cut high on the leg, they were the same drab colour as her vest. The short grey socks were thick and ugly, and yet, paradoxically, she looked extremely sexy in the graceless clothing. She pulled her vest swiftly off over her head, and shrugged down her briefs. The socks were the last to go. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed and short, and noticeably darker than the blonde hair on her head. ‘You like what you see?’ she asked levelly, standing close to me but making no effort to touch me. I nodded wordlessly. ‘Come, we get in the shower together,’ she said.

  She made me stand while she took a tablet of white soap and washed me thoroughly, all over, from my neck down to my feet, until I was coated in a lather of slippery bubbles. She took her time, her hands lingering on my breasts, and then on my tummy and my buttocks and my thighs, moving downwards. I shivered at her touch on my calves, and leaned against the cold wet tiles while she lifted first one of my feet and then the other, washing each one carefully, even parting my toes with her thumb and forefinger.

  My whole body was alive with an urgent need now, so that when her hands came slowly up again, up the insides of my thighs, to move in on my curl-capped mound and the moist cleft of my sex, I ground myself against them with a whimpered cry of pleading. Our open mouths locked together and we sank down together, our limbs and bodies coiled in a fusion of lust, to writhe on the hard wet floor. Her fingers found their way into the slippery passage of my vagina, and her thumb stroked at my beating clitoris until I sobbed, begging for the release that came, surging through me with such force that my feet kicked and splashed on the wet floor, and I shuddered at the terrifying, wonderful force of the orgasm that seared through me.

  ‘Ohhhh…’ I wept, jerking against her and clinging to her as though I could force our bodies to join as one, until I was utterly spent and collapsed in her embrace. She held me to her breasts, and I felt her shiver as I suckled her nipple while she sat and rocked me back and forth with comforting tenderness, like a mother with her baby.

  Chapter 6

  I felt like a different person when I walked out of that shower room. For a start, Krista led me out, holding me by the hand. To me, it was a blazing proclamation of our relationship. I stared down at my bare feet, my toes curling with embarrassment. The fact that I was naked and she was dressed seemed somehow to make it worse. I blinked back the tears and crept to my space between Anita and Nicky. The dark-haired girl was lying on her stomach, her back bare and her breasts hidden by the mattress. The blanket was folded loosely about her hips, barely concealing the red marks of her beating. She was sniffling quietly. I could feel all their eyes on me, and I wished the floor would open up beneath me.

  ‘Now you will all be good girls, you hear?’ Krista announced, with a broad smile. ‘That is all you have to worry about. And no more silly questions, okay?’ Then she murmured something to the guards, and left.

  ‘What is it with you and that Kraut bitch?’ Nicky asked, her eyes boring into me resentfully.

  ‘We know what it is,’ someone further down sneered. ‘Some people will stoop to anything, eh girls? And I mean stoop,’ she added significantly.

  The tears brimming in my eyes spilled over and I looked around me desperately. I could hardly get the words out. ‘You think I want that?’ I sobbed. ‘Being touched up by that – that perv? I had to let her do it! You know I can’t…’ my shoulders heaved and I flung myself down wearily, my head cradled in my arms. There was an uneasy silence, except for the sound of my harsh sobbing. There were no more comments, but I felt their glances on me all the time after that, mistrusting and uncertain, wondering if I was telling the truth, or whether they had a traitor in their midst.

  To add to my agony of shame, Krista now singled me out every time she came, beaming smiles of proprietary affection at me, ruffling my hair and throwing a casual arm over my shoulder. I wasn’t totally shunned, though; I think most of them were too scared to do that, which was saddening in itself. But there were plenty of snide remarks and jokes about ‘Krista’s lover’.

  I was touched by the way Moira Kinsella, the lovely redhead, stuck up for me. ‘Look, she can’t help it,’ she argued vehemently one day. ‘If that vicious sadist has picked on her, well…’ she shrugged eloquently.

  We were allowed to shower more or less whenever we wanted now. Sometimes one of the guards would poke his head in, but we had become inured to that. We found that if we just stopped and stared at them pointedly, they would usually grin sheepishly and turn away.

  I found myself sharing the shower stall with Moira one hot afternoon. ‘Don’t take any notice of those bitches out there,’ she scowled. Then she gave a dirty little snigger. ‘I bet they’re just jealous, don’t you think?’ We were standing close together, our shoulders brushing under the tepid stream. ‘I don’t think it’s that bad, anyway,’ she went on. ‘I mean, girls making out with each other. I’ve often thought, well, that I wouldn’t mind trying it…’ she let her voice trail away and ran her fingers down my arm from my shoulder to my elbow, letting her nails scratch softly over my skin. I shivered responsively.

  She turned around, away from me, but she stayed so close that I felt her bottom brush against the tops of my thighs. ‘Do my back for me,’ she murmured, holdin
g the piece of rag that served as a washcloth over her shoulder. Having the sexy little creature so close to me, so temptingly close, I found it increasingly hard to catch my breath.

  ‘But, um, they’ll all gossip about us,’ I managed to protest shakily.

  She gave that salacious little chuckle again. ‘Let them,’ she shrugged with a delightfully carefree innocence. ‘And if they’re going to gossip anyway, let’s give them something to really talk about.’

  So I caressed her with the soap, beginning gingerly to move the cloth over her dainty shoulders and then down the hollow of her slim back to that little divided bottom, no bigger than a boy’s. Then suddenly she seized my wrist and stepped back into me, so that my front was pressed against her. She moved my hand under her right arm, and placed it over one of her breasts. I passed the cloth over it and felt her clenching bottom rubbing intimately at my belly and thighs. My knuckles brushed against her tiny nipple, and I could feel that it was rubbery, fully erect. Then somebody bustled in and I reluctantly sprang back guiltily. But the newcomer headed straight for one of the toilets. ‘Sorry,’ she called, ‘but I’ve got another dose of the shits!’

  Moira was facing me now, leaning back impishly against the tiles. She lifted her head, and her darkened red hair streamed like seaweed about her pale face and shoulders. Her violet eyes held me with an unspoken message I was, for some reason, frightened to read. So instead I hastened away from her, grabbing my towel and wrapping it tightly around me.

  But later, in the oppressively humid darkness, lying with the rough blanket down to my waist, my thoughts were a riotous tumble. I relived the feel of that pale breast under my hand, the brush of its tiny nipple… and the feel of that other nipple, scarcely any bigger, in my mouth as I suckled in the arms of Krista.

  I relived every touch until I was shaking, and I couldn’t keep my fingers from straying down to my tufted loins to stroke and tease that moist crevice which flowered, opening, its lips engorged until I was running with my need.


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