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Labyrinth Page 8

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  My wild imaginings flash before me in a split second then disappear as soon as the door slams shut behind us and a voice speaks. “I guess you’re the lucky ones,” the warden lady says, “You girls get a mattress for the night.”

  The three of us stare at the thing dumbfounded then Kathryn crawls forward and rolls across the bright white sheets. I can hear her giggle, although the sound of her voice is almost unearthly. I’m really getting creeped out. The walls of the room are painted with light every time the lightning hits the air. The sharp scent of ozone fills the air. Things appear out of this kind of pestilence—my mamaw in Alabama used to tell me stories about that. After a night in this attic, I might actually believe her.

  This is all too weird for me and I want to take off running. I’d even crawl back down those miserable steps. But suddenly I see two women kissing. Lana’s on the mattress with Kathryn, and I can’t stop myself from staring at all the naked white flesh writhing before me. After a time, Kathryn pauses and looks at me—I swear there’s something supernatural about that look. But when she crooks her index finger in my direction and her eyes light with a witch-like gleam, I can’t resist the invitation. I have to feel her lips, those pretty titties, and Lana’s too. I’m hardly on the mattress, and suddenly my crotch is locked against Kathryn’s and we’re humping like dogs. Meanwhile, Lana’s at my back with her smooth fingers moving into my ass. Sudden bliss like this, I’m not complaining anymore. We’re all arms and legs, lips and cumming pussies. Gasping for breath. Groaning because we’re afraid to speak. For a long time we don’t even see the others in the room. Maybe they’re ghosts, but they do have faces we’ve seen before—appearing, disappearing. You’d think we’d get spooked and stop making love, but it only seems to spur us on. I like playing the slut and I know that Kathryn does too. I don’t know Lana well—like I know anyone well that comes to these parties ‘cept Billy. (And how well do I really know him?”) Whatever Lana wants from this place is a mystery to me. Sometimes I think she just floats from place to place like one of my mamaw’s specters. But she’s sure real now, and she got no problem with making love to girls.

  Women are a whole lot easier than men. I love the comfort of a woman’s skin, their soft tits, and when Lana’s lips are on my clitty, drawing it into her mouth, my head’s thrown back and my mouth is wide open as the spasms come on fast. Do I scream? I have no idea. More groaning and moaning and flesh slapping, thighs smacking, breasts spanked—one great big beautiful noise gathers in that attic room.

  Then Kathryn’s at my pussy, drinking the juices like she’s a vampire sucking blood. I buck my hips. I cry like crazy. She reaches up and grabs my tits, squeezing them in her firm fingers, and my whole body is shaking to pieces, all hell’s broke loose. “Yes, yes, yes, bitch,” I hiss at her. I hear myself above the sound of another clap of summer thunder. “Give me more! Yes, yes, yes, baby, give me more!” I reach down and grab her head; I don’t want her to stop. She sucks harder with her teeth biting into my swollen clit. Suddenly, Lana’s groin descends to my face and her cunt is right on my mouth.

  Ooo, yes! I’m thinking as I take that wet snatch with my hungry mouth. Catching the raw sweet scent of Lana’s sex, my lips react instinctively and I begin to tease her pussy until I can tease no more. I bite, I suck, I go on until she’s moaning in the most delicious way.

  By then, Kathryn’s taking a breather away from me, although she doesn’t rest long. When Lana falls away from my mouth, we are all three in each other’s arms, kissing and caressing, that is…until we see through the murky shadows of the attic, Evie crawling.

  Three shocked faces greet her—like we never imagined she’d be into a scene like this. But the truth looks clear to me. There’s a hunger in her eyes I’ve never seen before.

  West stands above her, looming down over us all with a look that says something like, ‘You sweet fuckin’ sluts, I want to take you all’. We all know that’s not going to happen. He wants something, but what? Then I see that there’s something in his hand, something black he holds out toward Kathryn. She’s confused at first. Aren’t we all? Then with a big, broad smile beaming from her lips, she accepts the thing.

  What I couldn’t quite make out before becomes clear as the black thing passes from hand to hand. Eager to see what’s going to happen next, I hang back and wait as Kathryn makes herself ready. A minute later, she rises up from the mattress on her knees and shows off the new equipment. The big black cock jutting from her groin has got to be eight fat inches long and it’s going into Evie’s ass. At least that’s what the man tells us.

  Though the girl looks as scared as I’ve ever seen her, there are no tears, just that hunger, that hungry animal wide-eyed look of lust. Impulse strikes, and I’m leaning forward, planting a wet kiss on Evie’s mouth. I think West is going to jerk me away, but no—so I just keep kissing, making her mouth open to accept my tongue and the tease me back. If I can’t violate the beauty’s ass, I’ll take her mouth, then maybe she’ll get to suck my cunt like a good slut should. There’s something innocent about the girl, like she’s just a girl and much too young to understand what making love really means, or what sex is all about. And lil’ ole me? I’ve just become her teacher. It’s tender, arousing and damned erotic. It’s also bringing out desires in me to dominate the girl, although I doubt I’ll ever get the chance.

  When I’ve finally had enough, I back off, wearing my triumph like a big badge across my tits.

  The scene moves fast from there. Evie’s pushed down, her ass forced up, and Kathryn, with her big black cock, is nestling in behind her like a guy would, thumping the fat prick on that lily white skin. I know a man, a big black man, who could do the moment justice with his own fat prick but for the time being our Kathryn will do just fine.

  Jus’ fine, honey. Kath’s not the only female who has it in her to fuck a woman’s ass, but she’s one the big boys know won’t hesitate. You shoulda seen the look on her pretty face as she’s making her moves. All dark and steamy like I’ve never seen it. Her eyes smolder like a feral cat’s—and not some mouse-hunting alley cat but a cougar, straight from the Alabama wilds. I seen that ferocious thing enough times to know you respect that kind of untamed pride.

  Thank god there’s lots of lube to soothe the way. Even me, who’s had plenty of cock up my behind, would shy away from that big black mother. But little Evie doesn’t seem all that scared. She’s wiggling her ass end, moving like a mama cougar, taunting Kath and her vicious prick. I watch, betting she has no idea what she’s getting. If it were me getting reamed, I’d much rather take a man than a fake prick, even if there is a female behind it. A man’s prick can conform to a woman’s insides, ease their way in and shift things so the fit’s real comfortable. Fake pricks just jab hard and ride mean. There’s just no other way.

  I’m loving Evie more for the way she’s handling herself now than all the other times I seen her whimpering and crying and looking like a wounded dove. She may have been tricked into this, but I see the fire in her eyes, like nothin’s gonna stop her.

  Kathryn’s awful nice, teasing her, testing the waters, then inching her way inside that tight rosebud. Two inches in, and I think I’m going to have to take back all the nice things I’ve been thinking about Evie. When she starts that whimpering crap—I want to slap her. But then she looks at me and I say right out loud—in a nice quiet whisper like nobody’s going to care. “Yeah, you can do it, girl.” My words are as unbending as Kath’s prick, and they seem to give her some hope. Then there’s Lana on her other side, her hand running lightly down her back and whispering something in her ear in a trampy sort of whisper. Wish I could make it out cause it seems to have the girl soothed.

  Kathryn eases her way in, still moving slowly, though she refuses to stop this time no matter what comes out of Evie’s pretty mouth. The girl’s lips open wide like she’s about to bellow; I can almost hear the scream, but then Lana’s still whispering and her body adjusts, the muscles ease, and her face tak
es on a softer look. I can almost see how her mind works, all that frantic self-talk stuff we do when things really matter and we have to hold on. The kind of thing I do all the time in my real life cause it’s so miserable. I’d sure rather do it for sex like Evie is now. I’d like to have Lana whispering sweet-nothings in my ear, melting my body with that sensuous voice.

  The girl hangs on until that huge prick is all the way inside her ass and the command comes down from West like another clap of thunder. “Fuck her, Kathryn.”

  Kath looks like she’s not so sure, then she gets started, slowly drawing her fake prick in and out, gaining speed with every thrust. She thrusts like a man, so hard that I think the girl’s going to split apart. In her eyes, the lust burns fierce; dammit, if she hasn’t taken command. And suddenly she can’t stop herself, trying to be so careful just don’t work when you’re all keyed up.

  The hunger is still in her eyes, even when I see the pain, which is pretty obvious by now. Hooded eyes, and a gasping breath, muscles taut like springs. She looks like she’s going to leap forward, but she stays right there, her cute butt in the air, while behind her Kathryn’s hanging on to her small round buttocks and plowing forward.

  Grunting, groaning, the sound is delicious, the flesh like fruit, the air so tense you could cut it with a dull knife. I’m almost groaning myself, in fact, my hand is in my crotch; and suddenly I’m feeling Lana snuggling against my rear end, humping it as if she had a cock inside me. Where the hell did she come from? I wonder.

  The crashing sounds are all around us, lightning strikes the air and I think the whole asylum has been lit on fire, but it’s just the cry from Kathryn as she starts to cum. Then Evie’s crying. I can tell she’s hurt, but the cry comes from her gut, from right between her legs and inside her ass, where she’s getting a first taste of what it’s like to cum from a place so deep. If I could have my fingers in her cunt they’d be squeezed down to nothing.

  As Kathryn eases off, she starts smacking the girl’s behind, hard like she means it. Maybe she’s missed her calling, may be she’s not one of us after all.

  But Kathryn’s strange turnaround doesn’t last long. It’s like a spell’s been cast over that attic and we were all part of some demonic rite. When suddenly the spell is broken, all that magic disappears. Everything eases in the room and outside the asylum. Even heaven cooperates with the plan. If I’m guessing right, the storm is moving on, the thunder dying, the lightning burning itself out as that awful fury dies away.

  I’m starting to breathe again, Lana stops humping my ass, and there’s a lot of restless movement inside the attic—like maybe it’s time to leave is what I’m thinking. Leave us be, I want to tell that murky audience of eyes. We’ll take care of your Evie, West. Let her stay with us and cuddle for the rest of the night. Let her be. We’ll hold her close and keep her safe.

  But fat chance.

  Bodies part and fall away. And West wants the girl back.

  By then it no longer matters to me since I’m too sleepy to care.

  With the exception of Evie, who gets led out on the rope lasso, we get to stay. No shackles, no dark and moldy basement. Just the mattress, Kathryn, Lana and me in that attic where we lay like lovers for the next few hours. It’s a damn fine way to end the hours of sexual madness in an insane asylum. And not one of us is about to send up even a faint protest.


  So, you asked me to tell my story, and that’s it, least all I have to tell for now. If Billy an’ me could go on forever, I sure would. He’s like hard candy, sweet, but a little vicious inside my mouth. The flavor’s strong, but it never lasts. It’s tough to say goodbye, tough to go back to the sorry life I have. There are long hours at that sewing machine, making shirts and jeans for someone’s kids, numbing labor, then there’s the kids and the house and the husband from hell. What keeps me sane is thinking of my weekends with Billy, and the raging cock that bangs away in me, and Kathryn and Lana and West and yes, Evie. They all run through my mind like pieces of dreams I’ll never get to live again. Who knows when it’ll happen next time, if it happens at all. But even as high a time as I had in that weird asylum, I know the next time won’t be the same. Everything changes: the mood, the light, the players, the sex, the kink, and what it does to me. Even my memories of the previous times take odd twists and turns so I’m not sure I’ve even told my story the way it should be told. I did my best to lay it out as I saw it, but maybe tomorrow if I told my tale again, it would sound like a whole different story.

  Chapter Five


  I found Jewel in the attic with two other women. A real sight for sore eyes, as my daddy would say. I took her right there. I mean, the girl was practically begging me for it when I walked in. So while the other two were still sleeping I raped her ass, grabbing onto the two most perfect mounds of flesh that God gave a girl. I’m such a sucker for Jewel’s ass. And hell, that’s what the bitch asked for. Who am I to deny what we both want? I see the other men in West’s labyrinth game playing teasing games with their girls. I do that too at the start, but by the end I need sex. I need to let off steam. I need Jewel’s hot body under me doing what she does best.

  If I could take her away from that disaster of a husband, I would, but I have a few mouths of my own to feed, and I figure we’d just start hating each other if we tried to make something permanent. She don’t know that. I suppose someday I should tell her the truth. But then what good would that do? She likes the fantasy and so do I. If keeping that up makes her happy, why not lie a bit? I mean, the truth be told, I wouldn’t have even hooked up with Jewel if I hadn’t needed a hot chick like her to take to West’s parties. The whole thing turned out to be a real wild ride. I mean, man, what guy wouldn’t die to have chicks as hot as these groveling on their knees, all hot an’ bothered by rough sex and some pretty nasty pain? West said he could hook me up with a girl if I needed one, but that’s sort of a personal thing. I wanted my own. And Jewel’s the best.

  So, while I enjoy the fun, I do my job and come out when it’s over with a fat check for my time. Couldn’t get any better than that. What West does with the information I feed him about his party guests, I have no clue. I don’t ask questions, I just do my job. If every once and a while one of the girls slips off the radar, well, I can honestly say that I don’t know a fucking thing about how that happens. I think I know who it will be next, though. After three years, you get a feeling about these things. It’ll be the little blonde. West calls her the ballerina. I’d place money on that fainting beauty. But I have been wrong before, so I’ll just keep my money safe inside my wallet.

  Chapter Six


  He has a key to my apartment, so when the door rattles in the night and the soft swooshing slam arouses me from sleep I can be relatively sure that it’s him needing me, not a prowler about to steal my treasure. A prowler might be more thrilling, not that I court that kind of danger, or that Dominick is not an exciting man. He’s thrilled many women and he still thrills me…but after ten years? Passion transforms itself a hundred times over, just as ours has done.

  I hear the familiar shuffling of feet on the hardwood, the sound of metal on wood as he drops the keys on the hall table. He runs water in the kitchen, takes a drink, then apparently changes his mind and mixes himself a cocktail at the bar. Meanwhile I wait.

  I smile and sigh as I keep listening, wondering if I should get up and greet him or wait for him to greet me in bed. He knows I’m listening, he knows I wait, and sometimes he draws the game out until I utterly can’t stand myself a moment longer, especially the tingling anticipation I’m feeling in my gut. Sometimes I clutch my hand to my crotch and writhe my way to a sensuous first orgasm even before he arrives. Sometimes I just wait as the expectation burns inside my gut and moves outward in every direction. All of this is familiar, all well-rehearsed. One would think to hear my monologue that we’re an old married couple who know everything about the other, every thought, every feeling, every
well-worn habit.

  The first fact to understand is that we’re not married. The second, we’re not even a couple. But, that said, this lovely man will be entering my bedroom soon. He’ll be slipping off his clothes and into my bed, his erection hard and on its way to a long vigorous ride to heaven’s front gates. The experience of him is so real that I can close my eyes any time of day and feel his large hands comb my flesh, his fingers tease my nipples before that exquisite moment when he bears down on them, squeezing till I let out a gasping breath. With my head thrown back exposing the long white line of my throat, he’ll begin to kiss the milky softness, and nibble his way down to my breasts. I once hypothesized that he was half vampire, and any minute would, without warning, sink his teeth into my flesh and quench his unquenchable thirst. In ten years, he’s not yet proven that hypothesis true, but I still have time.

  Dominick owns me, and I’m going nowhere.

  Yes, I understand that men can ‘own’ women in the metaphorical sense—just the way women can do the same with men. My relationship with Dominick is not like that. He quite literally owns me; with the right to use me, mold me and dictate my life.


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