Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge

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Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge Page 4

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  “You’re pregnant,” she said, though how she hadn’t noticed it at first she’d never know.

  Eve chuckled. “Yes, and not for the first time either.” Eve’s smile disappeared and her gaze grew somber as she reached for her hand. After lacing their fingers together, Eve looked her straight in the eye. “Nearly six years, Amy. The Black Rose attacked Taliff’s ship, kidnapping you and the others nearly six years ago.”

  Amy swallowed, looked away. She fisted her hands in the sheets as rage filled her. Six years of her life stolen with no way to ever get them back. Six fucking years. If she ever got her hands on the Black Rose, nothing and no one would stop her from hacking the woman into bits with her claws.

  She licked her lips then turned back to Eve, letting her see all the hatred and rage inside her. “How many women were rescued besides me?”

  Eve stood, running her palms over her belly as she did. “Counting you, we brought nearly three dozen women on board.”

  Amy heard the sadness in the woman’s voice and knew whatever Eve said next would not be pleasant. “One woman died before she could get to the medical bay for help. Several more are in critical condition.”

  “And those sent down to the surface? How did they fare?”

  Eve grimaced, rubbed her belly before returning to her seat. “Two, as you know, died protecting Maryann. There was nothing we could do for them, but—“

  Amy pushed herself to her elbows before slowly sitting up. Gripping the sheet beneath her arms, she scooted back until she rested against the headboard. Even that much movement wore her out. She didn’t have time for weakness, not now, maybe not ever.

  “What aren’t you telling me?”

  Eve stood again, paced from one end of the small room to the other and back again, rubbing her lower back the entire time.

  “But what, Eve?” she asked again. “Don’t stall. I’m obviously not the girl I once was.” She cast her gaze around the room thinking. God, how old was she now? Twenty-five, Twenty-six? Shaking her head, she turned her thoughts back to what was important. Her age didn’t matter anymore. “I can handle whatever you have to say.”

  Eve winced then nodded before turning to face her once again. “Myra wasn’t with the others. Somehow, she managed to find a hole to crawl into before we sent the guards to retrieve the fallen men.”

  Amy snarled, not even bothering to control the furious lioness that raged within. She should have made sure the treacherous bitch died before they headed to the rendezvous point.

  Eve nodded. “I had the same reaction when I heard that piece of information. The good news is we have one of the Black Rose’s followers in a cell for questioning. Perhaps we can finally learn where she keeps her headquarters.”

  “I want to be there. When you question the rebel, I want to be there.”

  “I figured you’d feel that way.” She stood and made her way to the door, then stopped and turned giving her a thoughtful look on her face. “You’re right, you know. You’re not the same girl I knew. Now you’re a strong, courageous woman. You’ve grown in the last years. You’ve become stronger, more sure of yourself and you’ve become a woman who has and can face anything, and don’t you forget it.” Eve waved as the door slid open then stopped on the threshold. “I imagine Hunter will be here shortly. I’d take this time to shore up your defenses. It’s never wise to let a man—any man—see you at your most vulnerable. It always has a way of coming back to bite you on the ass when they do.” She turned to go then stopped herself once again. “He’s a good man, Amy. He deserves a chance. At least give him that.”

  “I’ll remember that,” Amy whispered, but Eve was already gone leaving her alone with her thoughts.

  Chapter Four

  By the time Hunter managed to clean in the public bathing pool and grab a quick meal in the ship’s refectory, more than one standard hour had passed. He hated leaving Amy, even for that long, no matter the reason. He couldn’t fault Eve’s wisdom, though. He did feel better, rejuvenated, after the small respite. But he’d been gone long enough, he needed to return to his mate.

  How much longer would she sleep, he wondered. If she slept much longer, he’d contact his father’s personal physician on Chantrea. Perhaps, he’d have some advice, something to suggest that the Manruvian healer may have missed because of the difference between the Lionese and Manruvian physiologies. Briefly, he wondered if she would be upset or relieved by the news she must be told.

  As he moved closer to their quarters, Hunter’s connection with his mate strengthened. He knew before he reached their suite that she was awake. Awake and agitated. When he reached their cabin, he braced himself before entering the security code that would allow him access to the suite. He just prayed that whatever his mate needed to heal, to move forward in her life, he had the power or the resources to give it to her.

  He closed his eyes and prayed to the Goddess Alana that he would also have the patience. His body raged at him, his inner beast demanded he claim his mate but he knew she needed time. He just hoped he had the strength to give her the time she needed. The last thing he wanted was to become the monster she now thought every male to be. Taking a deep breath, he forced his raging libido under control and waited for the door to open.

  Tucking his fear and nervousness into the farthest corner of his mind, Hunter stepped into his quarters. He immediately looked toward the bed, expecting to find his mate huddled beneath the covers. Instead, he found her bent over one of his storage chests, rummaging through its contents. Pride surged through him as he realized just how strong his mate was. She was one to take action when the situation warranted it. She stepped up and took charge of her life, instead of sitting back and waiting for things to happen. Those were wonderful and almost required qualities for a queen.

  His cock jerked, pulsed with need as he glimpsed the pale cheeks of her rounded bottom as she bent over. She hadn’t heard his approach yet, so for just this moment he could watch her while her guard was down. She managed to locate one of his tunics to cover herself in his absence, but that didn’t prevent him from remembering exactly how she looked unclothed while in the healing chamber.

  Her skin had been as soft as a dream, her complexion creamy and flawless. Her golden-red hair hung long and thick, nearly to her waist. Her breasts—her breasts were perfect, high and firm and would completely fill his hands. He closed his eyes for a moment and swallowed thickly at the memory. Her waist was narrow, her hips and bottom lush. His breath hitched when he glanced at her legs. They seemed to go on forever. Her entire body had a lushness to it that absolutely fascinated him.

  The healers had thought him out of his mind when he demanded that every cut, every bruise be healed before she awoke. It was bad enough she would have her memories of her time with those animals. She didn’t need the visual reminders of her abuse.

  He’d give anything to have the right to touch her right now, to bind her to him using the Manruvian Mate Bonds stored in the trunk she was busy ransacking. He wanted to sink his cock into her wet heat, to merge their bodies as he bound their souls together. But no matter what his body wanted, his soul craved, her needs came first, would always come first. He would not take away her choices, would not force such a bond on her. She’d suffered at the hands of others enough. He refused to act like all the others, taking away her choices for his own selfish needs.

  Knowing she’d hate being caught unawares, Hunter silently stepped back out into the hallway. As soon as the door silently slid closed in front of him, he pressed the button for the suite’s intercom system. He hoped in announcing himself to her before meeting him face to face, she might feel more in control, thus more comfortable in his presence. That was the plan anyway.


  Hunter shook his head when Amy’s voice cut through his thoughts surprised to be caught daydreaming. I wonder how many times she responded to my call while my worries played through my mind? He cleared his throat then spoke as gently as he could. “Good morrow,
Amy. My name is Hunter Shi’Lan. Do you mind if I come inside and speak with you for a few minutes. I’m sure you have many questions you’d like answered.”

  Several moments passed without an answer. Just as he began to believe she’d deny his request, he heard a breathy sigh through the intercom.

  “Are you alone?” she asked, her voice sounding both wary and resigned.

  “Yes, moya. I’m alone. If you’d like to have Eve here with you, if you’d feel more comfortable with another woman with you, I can arrange it for you. I live only to please you, moya.”

  Another pause, this one shorter, then, “No. No, you can come in.”

  Hunter shrugged his shoulders and rolled his neck, trying to ease the tension that gathered there as he awaited her answer. After once again entering his access code into the security keypad, Hunter slowly entered their quarters, keeping his hands by his sides in full view. He would do nothing to alarm her if he could help it. Though, by the confident way she held his sword in front of her, maybe he should be worried about his own safety. Both pride and humor swept through him at the thought of his very willful mate brandishing his own sword at him in his own quarters. It struck him as very ironic.

  “Is there a reason that you feel the need of a sword in your hands, moya?” he asked, trying to keep the smile from his face. If she only knew how much more enticing she looked standing there, her hair still in wild disarray as she held his sword pointed at his chest.

  “I hear you have a prisoner aboard this ship.”

  She kept looking at the door behind him as though she expected an army to follow him through. Hunter reached back and pressed the button to close the door, perhaps that would settle her nerves a bit. Then again perhaps not.

  “Yes, moya, we have a prisoner here. We are waiting for the healers to announce that the rebel is well enough for interrogation.” He frowned, wondering what her interest was. He wouldn’t blame her if she wanted the rebel dead, but they needed information. With luck, they would find at least one more of the Black Rose’s outposts.

  “I want to talk to the prisoner.” She licked her lips, her gaze darting around the room. “I need to talk to the prisoner.” Tears began to trickle down her face. “I have to see him. I have to know why they’re doing this.” Her breath hitched on a sob and the sword wavered in her hands. It grew heavy, no doubt, she was still weak from her injuries and malnutrition.

  Hunter glanced over at the tray of food next to the bed. It was untouched, even the glass of water was still full.

  “Is there a reason you haven’t eaten, moya?”

  She stiffened at that, as though his words made her wary. “What does it matter? Will you beat me if I don’t eat? Will you force your drugs on me, your potions, to ensure I’ll want to do as you say?”

  Hunter moved over to the tray. The disappointment he felt was sharp. He’d hoped that Eve’s visit would have proven to her that they had no intention of harming her.

  Picking up a slice of the meat on her tray, he took a bite and drank down a good portion of the water. “See? Nothing in there that will harm you.” Turning back, he gave her a sad smile. “I’m sorry for what you suffered, moya. I cannot change what they have done to you. I can only show you that you will never be treated that way here. I wish there was some way to prove to you that you can trust us.”

  She thinned her lips. “Then take me to your prisoner. I want to talk to the rebel. I need to talk to the rebel.”

  He thought it was more that she needed to take the sword she held and run the rebel through with it, but he kept his thoughts to himself.

  “If that is what it takes to begin your healing, moya, I will gladly take you to the rebel we captured. But, be forewarned. You will not find any satisfaction in revenge upon this one. This one is merely a pawn. One that, when healed, will see the harm they caused.”

  “You’ll take me now? Before I eat. Before I do anything you wish of me?”

  “If that is your wish, moya. I only want your happiness.”

  “Then take me to the rebel scum. I can’t wait to show him my wrath.”

  * * * *

  The only thing that could have surprised Amy more when they walked into the prisoner’s cell was if her father materialized in front of her.

  “Why?” she asked, her heart breaking as she watched the woman pace the cell they’d put her in. Tears streamed down Amy’s face as she stared at her best friend. Or, at least, the woman she’d though was her best friend. “You told them when I didn’t eat, Chrissie. You told them when I cycled so they would better know when to come to me.” She slammed her fists against the nearest wall. “Only you knew I could mask the scent of my cycle. I should have known when they allowed you to visit those first few weeks after I woke up in that frozen hellhole.”

  Amy stared coldly at the woman she once called friend. How could she face this betrayal? How would she ever know who spoke her the truth and who didn’t? If she couldn’t trust her best friend, someone from her own pride back home on earth, whom could she trust? No matter the circumstances, she would never have sold herself out for another. She’d die before putting another woman through what she’d been through—through the pain, the humiliation, the shame.

  She continued to stare at the woman with hate-filled eyes, rage filling her mind as the need for revenge filled her heart. Behind her, she could feel Hunter’s surprise then his anger as she’d spelled out Chrissie’s crimes against her.

  Tired of waiting for Chrissie’s answer, Amy turned toward Hunter. “If she refuses to answer your questions, terminate her. I have no desire to waste my time or anyone else’s on someone who refuses to answer for her crimes.”

  Hunter nodded. “If that’s your wish, moya, I’ll see it done.”

  Amy forced herself to walk away from her one time friend and toward the cell door. She put one foot in front of the other, praying she wouldn’t collapse until after she’d made it off this level of the ship. She wanted no one to witness her breakdown. As Hunter stepped away from the door to let her pass, Chrissie’s shaky voice echoed through the cell. “Please,” she whispered. “Please, wait.”

  Amy stopped, keeping her back toward the woman. She couldn’t look her in the eye, not knowing how she’d betrayed her to her captors. Fisting her hands by her sides, Amy kept her voice even as she said, “Answer my question, Chrissie. Why would you betray me this way? Why?”

  Behind her, Chrissie sobbed and Amy stiffened her back in reaction. “I had no choice. They have my baby brother. Unless I do as they say, report to them, they’ll kill Donny.”

  Amy whipped around, needing to see Chrissie’s face, gauge her truthfulness. “They have Donny? How long ago did they take him? How did they get him? Get you? I just assumed Taliff took you and I just never ran into you on the ship before we were attacked.”

  Chrissie shook her head then dropped onto the metal bunk. With head down and shoulders sagging, she whispered, “No, I guess about a year ago was when two women showed up at the Pride. One called herself Myra.”

  Hunter eased away from the wall and headed toward the rebel. “And the other?” he asked. He remembered Taliff telling him that his sister had taken Myra when she took Amy and the others. His brother had been happy when that troublemaker disappeared.

  “Haeda. At the time, she went by Haeda. They said they’d been banished by their pride and needed sanctuary.”

  Hunter gasped and turned away, leaving Amy to finish questioning the traitor. When Chrissie didn’t say anything more, Amy walked over toward her, stopping directly in front of her. “And the Elders gave them sanctuary?” Amy prodded.

  Nodding, Chrissie lifted her head, finally meeting Amy’s gaze. “Yes,” she whispered. “We took Myra into our home, while Haeda spent the night with your parents. The next morning, the village was overrun with men. Several of the women were taken while they slept. The villagers that fought back were killed. When we refused to cooperate, they rounded up all the children and told us they’d kil
l them if we didn’t come willingly.”

  With tears trailing down her cheeks and her shoulders slumped in defeat, Chrissie looked completely broken. She didn’t look like the carefree girl she’d grown up with any longer. What could Amy say? That it was all right? It wasn’t. That she forgave her? Right now, when the memories of her captivity were so fresh, she couldn’t. That she understood? Maybe.

  Then something the other woman said occurred to her. “Did you just say the other woman spent the night with my parents?”

  Chrissie bit her lip then lowered her head, nodding. “Yes, she stayed with your family.”

  Amy’s gut tightened. Her hands started to shake and her legs began to quiver. Oh, Goddess. Amy shook her head. She couldn’t take any more bad news.

  Hunter must have sensed her unease because he moved behind her, placing his hand against her back. Terrified of what Chrissie might say, she didn’t have the strength to worry about the fact that a male had his hand on her. “What happened to my family, Chrissie? What happened to my parents, my siblings?”

  With head still bowed, Chrissie lifted her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs as she began to rock back and forth atop the bunk. “They took them. They took them all. They took them all,” she repeated.

  “Where, Chrissie? Where did they take them?” So worried about her family, she barely noticed when the hand on her back started to move in soothing circles, warming her there, when the cold fear slipped past her defenses and gripped her heart.

  “It was so dark there. Always dark there.”

  Amy’s heart pounded against her chest. Her stomach clenched in fear. A part of her wanted to shake the information out of the other woman.

  Chrissie snapped her head up, finally met her gaze. “To the Black Rose’s home base, of course. Where else could she keep an eye on them?” She looked away, staring at the far wall. “She knew that’s where she needed to keep anyone who was of importance to her cause. She wanted leverage against the House of Chantrea. That’s all I know.”


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