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Worlds Apart 2: Hunter's Revenge

Page 9

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  With her decision made, Amy once again focused on Hunter and his determination to capture the runaway Durling. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched him babbling to the black ball of fluff. After what seemed forever, the tiny creature slowly approached Hunter. She couldn’t make out any of the Durling’s features except for its bright orange eyes and tiny, white-tipped, pointed ears. As soon as Hunter cuddled it to his chest and rubbed its ears, it let out a rumbling purr. It sounded like a very contented feline.

  Amy smiled then cleared her throat. “Should we drop Delilah’s pet off at her cabin? I’m sure your niece must be frantic looking for it.”

  Hunter grinned then slowly stood. “That might be wise. You’ve not seen Delilah when she’s upset about something.” Hunter shuddered. “She has a roar that does the Lionese proud.”

  Within minutes they’d reached Eve and Taliff’s quarters and dropped off the Durling to the precocious toddler who’d misplaced it. Eve and Taliff were seated on the sofa, amusement plastered across their faces.

  “But Uncle Hunter, I only let Jazzy out of her cage for a minute so I could get her some water. I don’t know how she got out of the cabin.”

  “Any why didn’t you wait until your father could help you, little one?”

  With hips cocked to the side, Delilah stuck out her chin and crossed her arms. “I’m a big girl. I don’t need Daddy to do everything for me.”

  Hunter shook his head. “Well, be more careful next time. You wouldn’t want your pet to get lost and hurt aboard ship, would you?”

  The little blonde bit her bottom lip and shook her head. “No, Uncle Hunter. I promise that I’ll be more careful.”

  Hunter shook his head again. “The better promise would be to make sure your parents are around when you let her out again.”

  Delilah pursed her lips and let out a gusty sigh. “All right. I won’t let Jazzy out of the cage unless momma or daddy is there with me.”

  “Good.” After nodding once toward Eve and Taliff, Hunter turned toward Amy. “Now, are you ready to speak with Maryann?”

  “Yes. I want to make sure she’s okay. She probably suffered much more than any of the others the Black Rose captured. Being Human, her body would take longer to heal, the damage inflicted on her nearly impossible to survive. The fact that she’s still alive proves that her will to survive must have been tremendous.”

  Eve patted Taliff’s knee then stood and approached them. “If you’d like, I could accompany you.”

  Even though Amy would like nothing more than to fall back on Eve’s strength, she couldn’t do it. Amy shook her head, but reached out and squeezed Eve’s hand. “That’s okay, Eve. I can handle this. Maryann knows me, but she might not be willing to speak in front of strangers.”

  Eve swallowed then nodded. “Of course. But if you need anything, you know where to find me.”

  Amy stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Eve, embracing the woman for the first time since her rescue. “I know you’ll be there,” she whispered. Her voice cracked as she continued to speak. “Even in the frozen hell where I was imprisoned, I knew you wouldn’t give up looking for me. It’s probably the only thing that kept me going all those months.”

  As they each wiped tears from their eyes, Hunter cleared his throat and turned to face his brother. “We will bring the image of the planet to Chrissie after our visit with Maryann.”

  “Sounds good. If you need help interrogating the prisoner, call me. I haven’t forgotten what the Black Rose has done to our own family. I’d like a chance to learn exactly where that treacherous bitch calls home.”

  “Taliff,” Eve scolded. “Watch your language in front of your daughter.”

  “Yes, dear.” It was said with some humility and contriteness, Amy couldn’t help but laugh. If felt good to laugh, to be a part of something good and healthy, something happy for a change.

  “Well, on that note, I better get out of here. I’ve still got to see our prisoner and confirm the Black Rose’s home base. Only then, will I feel like I can relax. At least for a time,” she murmured.

  As Amy stepped toward the door, Hunter walked up behind her and placed his hand against her lower back. “Are you alright?” he asked, his voice just above a whisper so the others couldn’t overhear. She could love him for that alone.

  She stopped. Her heart stuttered. Love him? Could she love him? After only a few days and those spent most unconscious? She just didn’t know.

  “What is it, moya?”

  Amy shook her head. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” Pushing thoughts of love to the back of her mind, Amy left Eve’s family quarters, Hunter right behind her. “Computer?”

  “Yes, Amy Shi’Lan?” The computer’s answer gave her pause. Amy Shi’Lan. It was her name now that she was mated. She supposed she should get used to it. She took a deep breath and shook off the strangeness of it.

  “What are the current whereabouts of Maryann Wilson?”

  “Maryann Wilson is still in the Botanical Gardens.”

  “Thank you, Computer.”

  Amy glanced over at Hunter and found him staring at her. “What? What are you staring at?”

  “You, moya. I’m staring at you. In the last few days, the rate of healing, both mental and physical, that has taken place within you is phenomenal.”

  “I just want to be what I should have been all along, strong and secure in my own abilities.”

  “Then I will do all that I can to help you.”

  Amy turned toward her mate, reached up and lightly ran her hand down his cheek. “I believe you. I believe you’ll do whatever you need to, to make me both happy and healthy. That’s not something I could have even imagined a week ago.”

  Reaching up, Hunter grasped her hand and held it against his cheek. “Well, perhaps after we talk with Maryann and Chrissie, we can spend more time getting to know each other.”

  Chuckling, Amy pulled her hand away and started walking toward the nearest transport tube. “Perhaps we can. If you think you can sweet talk me into it.”

  “I’ll do my best to convince you.”

  “You do that.” Inside, Amy felt light and carefree for the first time in ages. That in itself was a miracle. Once they stepped inside the transport tube, Hunter punched a few buttons into the control panel.

  What did you just do?

  Input our destination.

  “Oh, I always just tell the computer aloud where I want to go and it takes me there.”

  Hunter shrugged. “Well, this way, if there are others around, they can’t overhear where you’re going. It’s safer this way.”

  “Will you show me how to use the interface?”

  “Sure. We’ll practice tomorrow while we tour the ship.”

  Before she could thank him, the transport tube stopped and the doors silently slid open, directly inside the botanical gardens. Hanging plants and climbing vines were everywhere. There were beautiful flowers of every hue everywhere you looked. One plant, a cross between a tulip and a long stemmed rose was a vibrant shade of orange. “What is this one?” she asked Hunter, pointing toward the beautiful orange bloom.

  “It’s a Tupa. It comes in shades of blue, red, orange, purple, white and yellow. Our scientists are trying to create a pink one now though through hybridization.”

  “Neat. Well, no matter how much I might want to look at the flowers, we’re here to find Maryann.”

  Hunter reached for her hand, squeezed it gently. “You’re right, moya. Let’s find your friend and see how she’s faring.”

  They found Maryann deep inside the garden, seated on a bench while she stared out into space through the large viewport opposite her. Amy made sure to shuffle her feet so she didn’t startle her friend. “Maryann?”

  Still, even with the warning, her friend tensed before slowly relaxing her posture after quickly double-checking who stood behind her. “Hi, Amy,” she whispered.

  Stay here, will you, Hunter? I think you make her nervous.

bsp; Of course. I’ll wait by the entrance. There is another bench just inside the door where I’ll wait for you.

  Thank you for understanding.

  I’d do anything for you, moya. I hope you know that.

  I’m beginning to. Amy turned away from her mate and made her way toward Maryann. After sitting on the bench beside Maryann, she decided to wait. She’d speak when she was ready to.

  “They have your mom and dad, even your sisters. I thought you should know that.”

  Amy swallowed past the lump in her throat, battled the tears that threatened to fall. “Do you know if they are still alive? Still being held captive and where?”

  “Your mother, the night before we were all taken she’d found out through our healers that she was pregnant. She never got a chance to tell your father.”

  “My mother’s pregnant?

  “Yes, and because of it, she was able to convince her captors early on that their job was done and they left her alone. Your father though, they’ve enjoyed tormenting your father with the knowledge that she’s carrying another man’s seed.”

  “And because they can’t speak telepathically she has no way to tell him.”

  “No, because the women and men are kept completely separate in opposite sides of the camp.”

  “How long ago were you all taken?”

  “Not too long ago. Maybe a year, a little longer maybe. It’s hard to keep track of the days, the weeks, the months, when you’re a prisoner.” Amy nodded, understanding Maryann completely.

  Amy reached out, desperate for answers and squeezed Maryann’s hand. “And you’ve seen the camp? Seen the planet they’re held on?”

  “Yes. I’d know that planet anywhere. You get me close enough to it and I can point it out.”

  ”I can do one better.” Hunter, bring that compu-pad. Maryann knows what the planet looks like as well and would like a chance to identify it. “Hunter will be here shortly with an image. Just let us know if it’s the planet you remember being held on.”

  Within moments Hunter arrived, compu-pad in hand. “Is this the place where they kept my parents? Is this the place they’re being held captive?”

  Amy held her breath and waited. Finally, Maryann raised tear-filled eyes. “This isn’t it. This isn’t the place. We did stay here yes, for a time, but afterward we were moved again. I’m sorry, this isn’t where your family is, but Taliff Shi’Lan’s mate—her family is here, or was the last I heard.”

  “Then where is my family? Where are my parents, my siblings?”

  As Hunter gathered Amy into his arms, she wondered if she’d ever see her parents again.

  Chapter Nine

  Hunter tensed. He could feel Amy’s fear, her worry, through their bond. “Do you know anything about the world you were held on?”

  “I would know that planet anywhere. One side was light the other dark. I was kept on the light side. Do you have any idea what it's like to never know when it's day or night, never to have any darkness to help you sleep, to block out the demons? I think I would rather have been kept on the dark side where I could at least escape my nightmares and the monsters who kept entering my room, in the darkness.”

  “And where was Amy’s brother kept?”

  “I never saw Ryan once we left the ringed planet, so I can only assume he’s still there. The sisters were spilt apart. Tyra had a cell near mine, and Brenna was sent to the dark side of the planet.”

  “Why wasn’t Ryan moved?” Amy asked, her voice more subdued than he’d ever heard it. She feared for his life. He could feel it.

  Maryann grimaced then looked away. She was silent for a moment, her fingers twisting in the front of her gown. “They began force-feeding him some drug. They used his body, primed him so he’d fuck whoever, or whatever they put in front of him. He had no free will, no will at all. It was as though he wasn’t Ryan anymore. Like all of the human, caring tendencies had been bled out of him. He just became a rutting animal.”

  “But why?” Amy cried out. “Why would they do such a thing?”

  “They weren't sure if it was the females who would produce the females or the males’ genes who produced them. They weren't taking any chances. They would use us all. It’s like we’re all a part of some sick experiment.”

  Amy screeched, tried to wrench herself out of his arms. He wouldn’t have it. Right now she needed him, needed his comfort, his sense of control. With his arms sheltering Amy, Hunter began to plot aloud. “So, we need to plan a three-prong attack, sending raiding teams to not only the camps on both the light and dark side of the moon, but the camp she has set up on the ringed planet, as well.”

  Maryann frowned. “I don’t understand why you would need to attack the other planet. It seems that attacking one planet at a time would work better.”

  Hunter nodded. “And you’re right, if they were far apart. But all three of these planets are in the same system and only the element of surprise will have the effect we want.” He tapped the pocket that held the picture on the pad. “This planet with the rings,” he met Maryann’s gaze. “It seems it’s only visible from the dark side of the planet.” He smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Yes, Maryann, had you been on the dark side of the planet you would have seen this above you. But you would have been treated so much worse than you already were. Apparently, the dark side is where those the Black Rose wants brutalized and tortured without mercy to be taken. As a human, you would have never survived.”

  Hunter watched as Maryann swallowed convulsively, then shuddered. Amy reached out and pulled the frail woman into her arms. “It’s going to be all right. We got you out of there and you’ll never suffer at her hands or the hands of her followers again.”

  With the woman distracted by Amy, Hunter moved to sit next to the traumatized Human. “And what happened to your parents, your family, Maryann?”

  She shook her head, whimpering as she burrowed her face deeper into the crook of Amy’s neck. “Dead. My parents are dead. They never made it aboard the ship the morning her people arrived. They fought and fought to save me and in the end they died and I was still taken.”

  “Oh, sweetheart,” Amy murmured.

  “I’m alone. All alone,” she cried.

  “Never,” Hunter and Amy vowed together. “You’ll never be alone again.”

  After a few minutes, Maryann seemed to pull herself together and the three of them found themselves staring out into the blackness of space. It was Maryann who first broke the silence. “So, why don’t the three of us go speak with Chrissie? We were taken together, formed a close bond those first few weeks of our kidnapping. I might be able to get some more answers out of her than you two.”

  What do you think, Amy?

  I think she needs this. She needs to take back her life, to feel like she can contribute something to the coming battle. She has to know that as a Human she won’t be able to do much physically against her captors. Let her help in this, at least.

  You are very wise, moya. It will be as you suggest. “Good idea, Maryann. Let’s head on over to her cell now. Afterwards, I thought I’d take you lovely ladies to dinner.”

  Maryann gave him a shy smile and Amy blushed to the roots of her red blonde hair. Rather than read Amy’s mind, he’d rather imagine just what thoughts were running around in there. Maybe, once they were alone, he could convince her to tell him just what she’d imagined that had her blushing so prettily.

  She reached out and took his hand. “Let’s all go see what she has to say.”

  Her face said she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do, but her determination to find her family and the families of the others in her community shone through her eyes. His mate wanted retribution for the atrocities levied against her people. Hunter’s only fear was what the retribution would be for the part he played in the nightmare her life had become.

  * * * *

  Chrissie sat in her cell, her knees to her chest, her head buried beneath her arms, rocking back and forth. Amy tried to
feel sorry for her. She wanted to understand the reasons Chrissie had done everything she had. For a moment, she tried to put herself in the other woman’s situation. What would she have done to protect her family? Would she have given the information they required of her or would she have refused and watched her family die? Would their death be preferable to the torment they found themselves enduring now? The woman before her had been her best friend. Could she ever forgive her for her duplicity? What would she have done? The question kept dancing around inside her head, making her crazy. Did she have so many friends that she could allow herself to just throw them away like this? One thought led to another, until she felt she’d go crazy with unanswered questions.

  Finally, with her decision made, she moved to sit on one end of the bed. She could say one thing for Hunter’s people. The cell was clean. The food that sat untouched on the tray in the corner at least looked edible. And the cell smelled fresh—uncontaminated by the horrible scent of the semen and sweat of the rebels. But Amy couldn’t blame Chrissie for not trusting the food placed in front of her. From her viewpoint, she was a prisoner again, just with another set of captors.

  Maryann moved to kneel in front of the bed, at Chrissie’s feet and Hunter stood guard at the door. They’d surrounded Chrissie, and it would remain this way until all their questions were answered.

  “Chrissie, do you know how many rebels follow the Black Rose? How many men make up…” she grimaced, “…The New Hope”? Maryann asked. Her voice was soft, soothing, as though they were talking about the latest gossip, not life or death issues.

  Chrissie shook her head, but she did scrunch her eyes closed and bite her bottom lip. After what seemed ages, she whispered, “Hundreds. Each planet had at least three dozen guards that rotated shifts.

  Plus, that didn’t count the Black Rose’s personal bodyguards or Myra’s. There had to be at least two dozen between them. Then there are the ones who went off world and raided other planets of their women. There could be thousands. I’m sorry,” she said, twisting the sheets between her fingers. “I haven’t been much help to you.”


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