High Sticking (Puck Battle)

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High Sticking (Puck Battle) Page 6

by Kristen Echo

  “He doesn’t want a relationship. That’s a deal breaker. He sleeps with all the help and then drops them. That’s not a good sign. His life is crazy busy and what would be the point of kissing him again?” The first two points alone were valid reasons to keep her distance.

  “Cart before the horse my dear. Have you talked to him about a relationship? Maybe they’d agreed to those terms. Plenty of people do no strings sex. I mean, how do you know what he wants without asking. Did you become a mind reader since I moved?”

  Meagan could see her friend’s smile from the other side of the world. “Check the sarcasm. I need your help,” she snapped. Sometimes Lindy’s smart mouth did more harm than good.

  She giggled again. “I am helping. The point of kissing is to feel good and have fun. If done properly it gets all the blood flowing south. Seriously, didn’t you mention the lack of pleasure in your life? Don’t over think and analyze this to death. He’s a hot man and you’re sexy bitch. Enough said.”

  “It’s not that simple.” She rolled onto her stomach and buried her face in the pillows, keeping the phone glued to her ear.

  “It is. His life if complicated, and yours is boring and in need of shaking up. Perfect match. I love you Meags and I’m going to be your decision maker because I know how indecisive you are. If my wet dream on skates kisses you again, go with it. It doesn’t matter what comes next. Enjoy the ride. And I mean that literally. Don’t forget to call me after and tell me all about it.”

  “So, you’d make love to a man, knowing it was temporary? I don’t want my heart broken,” she admitted into the pillows.

  “You don’t want to live then. Life is full of heartbreak. Look at your family, your sister and all she’s been through. We survive and we thrive. Look, I’m meeting up with my study group for pints at a nearby pub so I have to jet, but without a doubt I would take a temporary man.”

  Meagan listened and let her friend’s opinion sink in. “I love you, and I miss you like crazy. Have fun tonight.”

  “You too. Does this mean you’ll give him a chance? I can’t hang up until you tell me.”

  “You are my decision maker. My answer is yes.” She hung up the phone before Lindy went ballistic.

  Her friend was right. A fling was better than an empty bed and she didn’t know for sure what he wanted. Meagan spent the next hour making calls and failed to find something to do. Her sister was happy to get Sylvie’s number and sounded like she was nursing a hangover which was unlike her. The rest of her friends were all busy too. The last call was to Connie Northcote. At the hockey game, she had invited her over for a swim. It wasn’t exciting plans, but at least it would get her out of the house. Once the plans were confirmed, she tossed her bathing suit in a bag. She changed into jeans and a sweater with a pink flamingo embroidered across the front.

  When she came out, she found the Smith’s doing a puzzle. She kneeled next to April and helped her put a corner piece into place. The 24-piece puzzle of a duck holding an umbrella made her smile. “I think you’re getting the hang of puzzles. What else are you guys up to today?”

  “I don’t know. What’s in the bag?” April asked, pointing at the backpack beside her. “Do you have another unicorn?”

  Meagan and Cameron laughed. “Not today. There are clothes in there; nothing exciting.”

  Her smile disappeared. “Are you not coming back?”

  She wrapped her in a hug to alleviate her worries. “I’ll be back. Yesterday, Connie invited me over for a swim, so I’ll only be gone for a few hours. They have a nice indoor pool.”

  “I swim too. I have a jacket.” She batted her lashes and scooted closer to Meagan.

  “If it’s okay with your dad, you can come with me.”

  “Daddy, can I go?” April dropped the puzzle piece and jumped onto her dad’s lap.

  “Let me think about it.” He rubbed the stubble on his chin. The short growth looked sexy on him. He peered at her and smiled. “Meagan, are you wearing a bikini or one of those thong bathing suits? I’m wondering what I’ll see when we get there.”

  Her eyes must have widened, and he laughed. “We… what?” The prospect of seeing him wet and half naked left her tongue-tied. In the same breath, all her insecurities sent warning flags to avoid the situation. There’s no way she wanted to prance around in a skin-tight suit around Mr. Zero-Percent-Body-Fat. “It’s not a pool party.”

  “I’m sure the kids will have a blast and I’ll tag along to make sure she’s safe. I could use a soak in their hot tub. Mr. Northcote asked how things are going since you moved in and this will give me a chance to update him. I don’t see any downside to this. Meagan, may we join you?”

  Double crapola. She couldn’t say no. “Sure. Let’s go swimming. Perfect.”

  They cleaned up the puzzle and gathered their clothes for a day of swimming. Meagan wasn’t sure how she got roped into this mess, but she was glad the friction from the morning had disappeared. The flirting had resumed and her cheeks had a permanent pink tint.

  Once they arrived, Cameron and Mr. Northcote retreated to his den. Megan changed into her red one-piece and helped April into her bright blue suit with an attached tutu. Connie was an avid swimmer and didn’t need to wear a floatation device. Most of the time, swimming with Miss Northcote consisted of Meagan staying dry and resting on the side. She had a feeling that wouldn’t be the case today.

  “Last one in is a stinky shoe.” Connie dove into the water and had swam her first lap before Meagan secured April’s life jacket.

  “Why do I have to wear this? You’re not,” she complained.

  “When you learn how to swim, you won’t have to either. Until then, it’s the jacket or no water. You decide.” Meagan clipped the buckle.

  Connie pulled herself onto the side and smiled. “I wore one all the time too. Everybody does when they start. It’s cool.”

  “Cool,” April repeated, taking the spot closest to the shallow end of the pool.

  The girls sat along the edge, dangling their feet in the warm water. Meagan sat next to April and listened to their conversation. She held back her laughter as they conspired to push her into the water. They weren’t quiet either. When they reached out to grab her arms, she was ready for them and scrambled to her feet.


  “I’m too fast,” she teased. “You need to be faster than that to get me wet.”

  “I’ll make you wet.” Two strong arms wrapped around her waist and carried her into the water.

  They splashed and went under. Her body tangled with his, fighting to return to the surface. He let her go. She sputtered and coughed when she broke through the water. She kicked her legs to stay up and moved her hair from her face. “What the heck?” She pushed a wave of water at Cameron as he bobbed along.

  The girls giggled and clapped in the background. He snickered as he wiped the water from his face. “I told you I’d make you wet.” He swam closer, until his hand touched her thigh. “In more ways than one I hope.”

  Meagan pushed his hand away. “You did not say that.” She looked around; the girls missed the innuendo.

  “Throw me in next, Daddy.” April bounced from one bare foot to the next.

  “Okay, Meagan will catch you.” He swam towards the edge and climbed out.

  His long, lean muscles rippled. Her mouth fell open. She swallowed a mouthful and sputtered again. If she hadn’t been wet before, she was now. Damn. His shorts clung to his perfectly sculpted ass, and she knew how firm it felt. Water dripped from his body as he sauntered over to his daughter.

  “Are you ready?” He asked, and she nodded. Cameron scooped April into the air and tossed her towards Meagan. A splash followed, and she retrieved the laughing child.

  “Again! Again!”

  She swam them over to the edge and lifted her as Connie dove next to them.

  They played around in the water for hours. It was a blast, and she forgot to be self-conscious. The flirting was over the top, leaving not
hing to question. He wanted her and that helped her confidence soar. Once the girls were settled with a snack, he pulled her aside.

  As soon as the door closed on the change room, he pressed her against the wall. “I’m sorry about last night.” He ran his fingers over his scalp; his hair already dry.

  She leaned back with a towel wrapped around her waist. “What are you sorry about?”

  “Coming on too strong. When I see something I want, I go for it. My dad jokes about my one-track mind, but it serves me well. Look, I don’t have time for games or bullshit, so I’ll lay it out for you. I like you. The kiss was great, and I’d like to do it again and more; a fuck of a lot more. I—”

  “You shouldn’t say things like that,” she said, her voice breathless.

  He licked his lips as his fingers played along the edge of her towel. “Let me get this out and then shoot me down. If that’s what you want? My life is complicated as you can see. I’m too busy to meet women and I have a tough time trusting them. Northcote vouches for you and that means something. I think the attraction is mutual, and I’d like to touch you without feeling like a heel after. I can’t figure out if you want me or want me to fuck off. Help me out.”

  “I… it’s complicated.”

  He pressed his forehead against hers. “Isn’t everything. Let’s simplify. Answer my questions with a yes or no. For the record, my answer is yes to everything.”


  “Already deviating. Yes or no, only. Are you attracted to me?”


  His hand moved up over her navel. “Did you like the kiss?”


  He smiled and inched his hand towards her ribs. His thumb caressed under her breast and her heart beat frantically. “Do you like me?”


  Cameron squeezed her breast and circled her nipple with his fingertip. “Good. Do you want me to kiss you again?”

  Her shallow breaths made it tough to answer. She licked her lips, buying time because once she said yes, it would change everything. Lindy’s decision flashed in her mind and she nodded. “Yes.”

  Their mouths crashed together in a hungry kiss. He pinched her nipple, and she gasped from the pleasure. His tongue invaded as his stubble scratched her face.

  “It doesn’t need to be complicated,” he said, plucking at her hardened tip.

  The sensation shot straight to her core. In that moment she’d say yes to everything he offered as long as he kept his hands on her. A knock at the door jolted her from her aroused state. Her spine stiffened and Cameron backed away.

  “Meagan, are you in there? April’s not feeling well,” Connie announced.

  “I’ll be right out. Thanks for telling me.” She caressed her swollen lips with the tips of her fingers. The interruption brought her back to reality.

  “Our timing sucks,” he said, adjusting his shorts. Cameron opened the door and stepped back into the pool room. He was right about bad timing and wrong about it not being complicated. She shrugged her shoulders. Being with Cameron wouldn’t be easy, and she was still on the fence if he was worth the effort. Only time together would give her those answers.


  T hey zoomed through several red lights on the way home. April complained of a sore tummy and Meagan sat in the back with her, holding a bag nearby on the off chance her late afternoon snack made a reappearance. On the last block, the precautionary measure came in handy.

  He called his mother and left a message as soon as they walked in the door while Meagan put April on the toilet. She suspected the girl had overdone it in the water.

  “Do you think there’s something we can give her? I’m not good with seeing her pale and lethargic. She’s usually so energetic.”

  “Like her dad,” Meagan joked as she leaned against the bathroom door.

  “I can’t sit around and do nothing. Should I take her to the doctor? April has a strong stomach like me, and she never vomits.”

  Meagan understood his need to help his daughter, but she wasn’t a parent and didn’t want to overstep her role. “Do you want my opinion or are you spit balling?”

  He peered into the washroom and April sat there with her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. “Give it to me. Any suggestions are welcome.”

  “Give it time and see how things go. Once she’s done, we can take her temperature and give her plenty of fluids. If she continues to be sick, then consider taking her to the doctor. My guess is she swallowed lots of water in the pool and over exerted herself. I’m not a doctor, but I’ve been around plenty of kids.”

  He leaned his head against the door beside her, staring at his daughter. “Do you have younger siblings? How do you know so much about children?”

  “I did a ton of babysitting. Military families are always looking for help, and it was an easy way to make money. I’m the baby in my family. I have two siblings.” She exhaled as pain spread across her chest. “Sorry, I had two. My brother, Denis, was killed by friendly fire while serving our country two years ago.”

  Cameron squeezed her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  Saying his name was tough, but it felt good. She never wanted to forget him. Most days, she pretended he was deployed instead of permanently gone. It hurt less to think that way. It wasn’t fair he wasn’t coming home, and she’d lost the most amazing big brother.

  Denis always knew he’d join the forces and his decision got him killed. Since then, Meagan had become more indecisive about her future. She blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over.

  “He was only twenty-five. It hit us all hard. My dad retired shortly before it happened and he considers rejoining all the time. My mom’s still working for the Department of National Defense, but she’s been extra clingy since. Hailey, my sister, just finished an overseas peace-keeping mission and decided not to re-muster. We are an army family; except me.”

  “You don’t want to serve?” His fingers ran the length of her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

  “No, and not because of what happened to Denis. I never wanted that life. It’s too hard and I want something simple and easy.”

  He chuckled. “Stay away from professional sports then. It’s a gong show ninety percent of the time. I wouldn’t change a thing, but it’s tough. Poor April has to feel the brunt of it too, but she’s a trooper. She rarely complains about the flights or the hotels. She’s racked more miles in her short life than most people ever will.”

  “I done!” April held her stomach as she walked towards them. “Can we watch a show?”

  “Anything you want, baby. Do you feel better?”

  “A tiny bit. A show will make me better.”

  Meagan went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water for her. When she returned to the hall, Cameron was on his knees hugging his daughter. “Here.” She handed the cup to April. “You should take a couple of sips, but not too fast.”

  April swallowed a mouthful and handed her back the cup. “Thank you. Showtime?” She took her dad’s hand and pulled him down the hall towards the basement stairs.

  Obviously, she was feeling better. Meagan was surprised how quickly she’d bounced back, but kids were resilient. They still spent the next few hours doting on her and watching cartoons. It was the perfect way to spend her day off.

  Once April was tucked into bed and sound asleep, Cameron joined her in the living room. Meagan had turned on the fireplace and snuggled up with a new book. Another steamy romance that sent her imagination into overdrive. She set the book on her lap and smiled as he approached.

  “She passed out fast.” Meagan patted the cushion next to her.

  “Yeah, she was worn out. What are you reading?” He sat close, pulling her legs onto his lap.

  Their position implied a level of familiarity she would have thought took weeks or months to create. He rubbed her legs lazily. It was comfortable even if her body temperature was rising by the second.

  She blushed a
nd showed him the cover. The bare-chested man, holding a firehose should have given him a clue. “A contemporary romance. This one is about a billionaire firefighter who lost his dog and finds love after his loss.”

  “You’re kidding. Let me see that.” He ripped the paperback from her hands.

  They struggled. Cameron held the book high above his head and she ended up straddling his lap to get it back. Her breasts pressed against his face as she reached for it. The attempt to reach the book failed, but she wasn’t too upset.

  They were both laughing and breathing heavy. “You can keep it.” She moved to return to her seat, but he pulled her closer.

  “I don’t mind you this close. In fact, let’s get comfortable.” He held her against his chest as he put his feet on the couch. They wiggled into a comfortable horizontal position. He had his back propped against the side with her wedged between his legs, lying on her stomach and resting her head on his chest. “So why do you read this stuff?”

  “It’s an easy read, and I love the happily ever after parts. I read a couple a week.” She snuggled against his chest and watched the flames dance around the logs. “They are so romantic.”

  He massaged her scalp and her eyes fluttered closed. “It’s books like this that make it impossible for men to have good relationships. Real men belch, fart and snore. We say and do inappropriate shit.”

  “Like burping, farting and snoring,” she teased.

  “I guess. Life isn’t like the movies, at least not for me.”

  That was a good segue into his life. She needed to know more about him. “When was your last relationship and why did it end?”

  His chuckle made her head bounce. “Are we playing twenty questions? I am really good at that game.”

  She peered up at him and smiled. “I want to get to know you better, it’s not a game.”

  “Fair enough. I dated a woman for a couple of months before my mom moved out. Once she left, I didn’t have time to sneak away and see her. She got pissed, and I ended things. It wasn’t serious, and I never introduced her to my family. No one I’ve slept with has met my kid. She doesn’t need more relationship drama in her life. April comes first always,” he said as he continued rubbing her head. “How about you?”


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