High Sticking (Puck Battle)

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High Sticking (Puck Battle) Page 9

by Kristen Echo

  She patted the mattress, offering a seat beside her. “We should talk.”

  “Oh no, did I do something wrong already?” He jumped onto the bed and she bounced closer to the headboard.

  They both stretched their legs out. She laughed as he moved closer. He propped the pillows behind him, getting comfortable as if he planned to stay awhile. Seeing him, laying on her bed with his arms flexed behind his head, sent her naughty thoughts into a tailspin. She had to rein it in. As much as she wanted to strip him down and mount him, they needed to talk.

  “I’m not sure you can do any wrong.” She leaned her head back when his hand landed on her leg. “We should get to know each other better.”

  His fingers inched their ways up her thigh. The heat wasn’t helping to cool her jets. “I’m fully on board with getting familiar.” He pulled her body into a lying position then pressed his body against her side.

  “I meant talking; like sharing information.” Her voice wavered when his hand moved under her sweater and squeezed her bare breast. “I want to know you beyond the physical.”

  He rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, elongating the tip. “We can do both,” he said, lifting her sweater over her breasts. His breath heated her exposed skin. “What’s your favorite color? Mine’s blue, but I’m digging the pale pink of your breasts.” Cameron licked around her areola, teasing her.

  “Your kisses are distracting.” She ran her hands over his head, enjoying the feel of the soft strands. Their eyes met, and she was lost. “I was hoping to learn more meaningful stuff.”

  “We have to start somewhere. I like to start with the basics. So, color?” He sucked on her nipple and her body arched into his mouth.

  “Green. Don’t get a swelled head; not dark green like your eyes. I like bright neon greens like in April’s room. I’m partial to bright colors.”

  “Hmm,” he mumbled. His hands pressed her tits together, sandwiching his face. “April’s room is colorful. But you’re too late. My head is already swollen, Meagan. Feel for yourself.” He rubbed his erection against her hip.

  “Feels hard.” She moved her hand over his length, unable to stop herself. “Stop distracting me.”

  Cameron laughed. “What do you want to know?”

  “Where is April’s mother? Why isn’t she around?”

  He let go of her breasts and rested his chin on her chest. “She’s not in the picture. I’d rather not discuss her. All you need to know is I have sole custody. The rest of my dating history isn’t very interesting, or up for discussion.”

  “Mine is even less interesting, I assure you. Did you love her? I mean, have you ever been in love?” Meagan wasn’t sure why that mattered, but it did.

  “Yeah, I loved Nicole. We were high school sweethearts for fuck sakes. The sun and the moon set around her. Our love made April. That’s why her… it doesn’t matter.” He shook his head and caressed her erect nipple with the tip of his nose. “What else would you like to know about me, besides how horny I am?” His eyebrows raised and lowered, hinting at the direction he wanted to steer their conversation.

  “So, there’s no one in the picture right now?” She lowered the zipper of his jeans, reached inside his briefs and gripped his cock. The smooth skin filled her hand.

  “At the moment, we’re the only two people here.” He lowered his jeans, giving her full access. “You’re the only woman I want in my bed. Are you ready for me?” Cameron lowered her zipper and slipped his hand inside her panties.

  Her moisture greeted his fingers, telling him exactly how ready she was for him. She didn’t have the answers to all her questions, but they no longer mattered. Her desire overruled everything else. “Yes. I want you to make love to me.”

  They made quick work of their clothes, removing every barrier. Their naked bodies and their mouths pressed together. Cameron took his time, touching, licking and kissing her most intimate areas. This time they didn’t rush. As she ground her pelvis against his face, he refused to let her come. Each time she neared the edge, he slowed down. The slow seduction drove her crazy.

  “Cameron, I need to come,” she begged.

  He listened, plunging his fingers deep while flicking his tongue against her clit. The climax bubbled to the surface. She covered her face with a pillow. She came harder than she’d ever thought possible and she wanted more. Greed took over, and she wanted to have all of him.

  She tossed the pillow aside and pushed him down. His cock was throbbing and in desperate need of attention. Meagan wrapped her fingers around the base, gliding up and down his length as she moved into a better position.

  “I read parts of the books you gave me,” he said as he wiped her climax from his mouth.

  Meagan straddled his legs, rubbing her arousal over his cock. “Oh, yeah. Did you like them?” She positioned him at her entrance and sank down. Slowly, only taking in the tip. It was her turn to tease him.

  He gripped her ass and lifted his hips, but she rose in response, only allowing the tip inside. “Damn, you feel good. I want you to ride me so hard.”

  “Answer my question,” she said, raking her nails over his chest.

  “There were some fucking hot scenes in there. I shouldn’t have read it while getting massaged. You should have warned me.”

  She chuckled and lowered slowly, taking one inch and pausing. “Did you get turned on?”

  “Yeah and it was bloody inconvenient. The characters started going at it while my male masseuse worked out a kink in my hamstring. That was so not cool.”

  Meagan laughed and took him all the way. “Oh my god.” She swiveled her hips, unable to stop laughing. “That didn’t happen.”

  “It did. I need to erase that embarrassing moment from my memory. Turn around.” He helped her turn around into a reverse cowgirl position. “I love your ass. This is an excellent view.” He spread her cheeks as she gripped his ankles.

  The position was new for her, but it allowed her to take him deeper. She bounced up and down, sliding along his shaft. It didn’t take long for the next orgasm to find her. Meagan kept moving through the pleasure, riding the high. Her body squeezed and quivered, drawing his release. He lifted her at the last second before he erupted. His cream splashed between her cheeks and lower back.

  “This memory will replace that awkward one.” He bent over her and kissed her spine. “You are amazing. I’ll grab a cloth and be right back.”

  Meagan had no words to describe how she felt. Elated, sore, overjoyed, exhausted, and confused all seemed fitting. Her breathing had yet to return to normal when Cameron got out of bed. She shook her head and pinched herself as she stared at his ass. She’d just made love with Cameron Smith, again. It didn’t seem real, but the tenderness between her thighs proved it had happened.

  He returned with a wet cloth. He cleaned her with the rag and followed the wet trail with kisses. Once he was satisfied, he crawled under the covers. She settled against his chest. The gentle beat of his heart lulled her to sleep.


  S he woke up alone. An empty bed was an unpleasant and unexpected greeting. Meagan rolled over; the sheets were cold. He’d left a long time ago. Her mind raced to replace the used feeling that came over her. Deep down, his departure made sense because if April woke up and found her and Cameron together, she’d be confused. Regardless of his reason, she was hurt.

  Covering her naked body with the covers provided little comfort. She should never have expected more than sex. She blamed the cuddle and sweet talk for confusing her. He’d gotten what he wanted. A quick and easy fuck. She pounded her head against the pillows. She was an idiot. Hailey and her family believed she was naïve, and her actions proved them all right. She’d been giving him her heart when all he wanted was an orgasm. He’d told her as much, but she hadn’t been listening.

  “Stupid girl!” She screamed into the pillows.

  A cheeky smile and the best buns on the planet had clouded her judgment. They hadn’t even
known each other a week, and she’d opened her legs. She wished it was her day off, but she had to face him. The pillows smelled like him. The musky scent of sex lingered in the air and on her skin. Meagan rolled out of bed to escape the memories. She needed a shower.

  Wrapping the blankets around her torso, she walked to the closet to retrieve her robe. Her thighs ached from overuse and the muscles in her arms and quads burned from her workout. An entire body reminder of their time together. She padded her way to the washroom and turned on the shower. The warm water soothed her muscles but did little to calm her mind.

  She sat down and let the water wash away her sins. It was dumb to get so worked up over his absence. They weren’t a couple. Yet it bothered her because she was falling for him. Her efforts to remain aloof had failed. She loved every minute of his company.

  The sex was mind-blowing, but she loved the times when they were playing with April the most. That made it all worse. If it was only the sex, she could cut that part out and not do it again, but it was everything. He was the complete package. She loved the way he laughed, the way he joked around with his daughter and doted on her. She loved his smiles and how he said inappropriate things. He had so many remarkable attributes, not to mention the hockey star status.

  What the heck was she supposed to do?

  “Meagan, I have to go potty.” April knocked on the door.

  She turned off the water and wrapped a towel around her body. “Sorry,” she said, unlocking the door and opening it.

  April rushed in, pulled her panties down and sat on the toilet. “Ahhh.”

  She laughed and left to give the girl some privacy. The house was quiet, except for the banging in the kitchen. She tightened the towel and raced to her room. The last thing she wanted was to see him while she was half naked and wet. She chuckled at her own foolishness as she closed the door to her room. He’d seen her fully naked and wet already. A good laugh helped ease her inner turmoil.

  Once dressed, she made her way to the kitchen. Cameron wasn’t there. It was for the best, but disappointment followed. She wasn’t sure what they’d say to each other, but she wanted to see him. April sat at the table, coloring in her book with a bowl of half-eaten cereal beside her.

  “Where’s your dad?”

  “He left for a run while you were getting dressed,” she said.

  Meagan poured a cup of coffee and eyed the schedule. Travel day was circled in red and double underlined. She expected to be watching April for the next few days, but it would depend on whether he trusted her. His decision would have a major impact on their relationship moving forward. No matter how much she liked him and wanted to make love again if he didn’t trust her then she wouldn’t do it. It would be like a smack in the face after all they’d done.

  She joined April at the table and helped her finish her breakfast. Once the picture was complete, they taped it to the wall and got her ready for the day. April sat on the floor completely still while Meagan tied her hair in a French braid.

  “Do I look like a princess?”

  “Not at all. I’d say super hero ready for her next mission. Is that okay?” Meagan sat back and admired her work as April zoomed around the room. “You know your dad’s hockey team is playing away from home tomorrow.”

  Her arms lowered, and she shrugged her tiny shoulders. “I know. I go to all his games. He says I’m his good luck girl.” Her smile filled her entire face.

  “You’ll always be my good luck girl.” Cameron leaned against the doorway. His head was covered with a toque and his cheeks were reddened from the cold.

  “How was the run?” The question was inconsequential, but better than blurting out her emotions. The sting from his cut and run routine was still too fresh.

  “Great. I’m ready to take on the world.” He batted his fists against his chest like a gorilla and April giggled. “I need to get out of these wet clothes.” He left and Meagan exhaled the breath she’d been holding in.

  They’d made love more than once, he’d seen her naked and he still made her nervous. She ran her sweaty palms on her jeans. She hated that she couldn’t school her emotions like her sister. One look at her and everyone could tell she was a love-struck fool.

  “You are all set for whatever the day has in store for you,” she said. She returned to the kitchen to check the schedule for the millionth time.

  Cameron was bent over, rummaging through the fridge. Her steps halted and drool formed at the corner of her mouth. Her new obsession, his ass, was on display. She sucked back her spit just as he turned around.

  “Good morning.”

  “Yeah.” Her cheeks flushed as he stared at her. “So, about the schedule. I don’t see what you have planned for April. Is she going with you? Is she going to daycare?”

  “She’s been coming with me. I assumed we’d do the same. It will give you a chance to go through the resumes and start interviewing.”

  His words confirmed his lack of trust and that he wanted her gone. Yesterday, he’d told her not to rush and now he couldn’t get rid of her fast enough. A blow to the stomach would have winded her less.

  He moved towards her and she backed up. The island prevented her escape. He touched her arm, and she flinched. “What’s wrong?”

  “You don’t trust me.” She straightened her spine and looked him right in the eyes. “How am I supposed to feel about that?”

  Cameron closed his eyes and exhaled. “It’s not you.” He caressed her chin, and she pushed his hand away, refusing his playful touches. “Is this about last night?”

  “Either you trust me or you don’t. This is not complicated. I’m here to take care of April, not massage your ego. If you have a flight to catch, then I’ll go pack her bags.” She turned and marched away.

  “Meagan. Meagan, wait!”

  She was too angry and hurt to stay there. Making love hadn’t brought them closer. It was just sex. She’d been a fool to think it had been anything else. Meagan entered April’s room and headed for the closet. At the top of a shelf she couldn’t reach, she found the luggage. When she came out of the closet Cameron was kneeling next to his daughter.

  “I will take you to daycare in a bit, and I won’t see you for a couple of days. It’s time for you to stay home, baby.”

  “No. I don’t want to be away from you,” April cried.

  The waterworks followed. Cameron tried to ease her fears, and he had a great answer for everything, but April wouldn’t listen to reason. Her arms wrapped around his neck and Meagan could tell she never wanted to let go.

  “You’ll have way more fun here with Meagan. Traveling with Dad and the team is no place for little girls.” He wiped away her tears and used a tissue on her runny nose.

  “But I’m your good luck girl. You need me.” She sniffled again and rested her head against her dad’s shoulder.

  “I love you, April. You will always be needed and loved no matter where I am. Damn, this is hard.” He hugged her close.

  “You know I have a special surprise waiting for you after daycare today. I wasn’t going to tell you about it until your dad left, but maybe I’ll spill the beans now. Do you want to know now or later, April?”

  April perked up at the mention of surprise. “Now. I want to know now, please.”

  “It involves your favorite food in the whole wide world.” She stretched her arms wide.

  “Ice-cream!” She let go of her dad and jumped up and down. “Can we have some now?”

  Meagan laughed. “Not until later. It’s a special treat on travel days only. Do you think you’d like that after daycare?”

  “Yes.” April launched herself into Meagan’s arms.

  She cradled the little girl and smiled. Her eyes landed on Cameron.

  “Thank you,” he mouthed, but she snubbed him.

  This wasn’t about him. She had said those things for April. Meagan couldn’t stand to see the little girl cry. He’d made it clear he didn’t trust her. Changing his mind, hadn’t changed his in
itial reaction or lessened her pain.

  The next hour, Cameron played with his daughter. His travel gear was ready to go; he only added a few clean clothes. She offered to drive April to daycare, but he turned down her offer. He left, and she opened her laptop. Working from the kitchen table, she opened the emails from the agencies. He wanted a new nanny, and he’d have one sooner than later.

  She sorted the resumes into various piles, narrowing down the list of potential candidates. She created a questionnaire and emailed it to the ten most qualified individuals. With any luck, she’d have her replacement within the week. All he’d have to do would be to interview her top picks, and she’d be out of his hair forever.

  Cameron returned and slammed the door. He looked livid. “What the hell is with the cold shoulder?”

  “Have a good trip,” she said, returning her focus to the screen.

  The laptop lid closed, and he gripped her chin, tilting her face towards him. “I missed something major here, and I need you to fill in the blanks. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. There is nothing going on. Not anymore.” She removed his hand and stood. “I can’t be with someone who doesn’t trust me.”

  “Shit.” He removed his toque and tossed it on the table. “I’m trying. I am fucking trying, Meagan. Cut me some slack.” Cameron shrugged off his jacket and hung it on the back of a chair.

  She didn’t answer. She stood there incapable of moving as if concrete had been poured over her feet. Her heart shattered as he paced the room.

  “I have a hard time trusting women. It’s even worse when it involves my kid. It’s not personal.”

  She snickered. “We shouldn’t have slept together. It was a mistake that won’t happen again.”

  “I want it to happen again,” he said, closing the gap between them.

  “I’m not the person you want. You were clear about no expectations and no relationship. That’s not me. We’re better off stopping before anyone gets hurt.” Before she got hurt.

  His fingers wrapped around her arms. “You’re the woman I want. I told you that already.”


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