High Sticking (Puck Battle)

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High Sticking (Puck Battle) Page 11

by Kristen Echo

  “Whatever you believe is best. I trust you,” he said, adding insult to injury. “I am looking forward to meeting whoever you think is suitable.” He walked past her towards the bathroom, crushing her heart with every step.

  “Great.” She plastered on a fake smile. “I’ll set it up. If we’re lucky, we can find someone to start before Easter. Next weekend is the holiday.” She paused to catch her breath and compose herself. It was a losing battle. “Excuse me, while I pack up.”

  “No rush. We’ve got another two hours before we have to head for the airport.”

  Meagan returned to her room in time for the first tear to fall. The tears annoyed her. She knew what she was getting into, and this was all part of the plan. She didn’t intend to stay, but then she hadn’t intended on getting attached.

  She tried to find the positives about the situation, like once she wasn’t living and working there, they’d be free to date publicly. Who was she kidding? His life revolved around hockey and his daughter; there’d be no time for dating. Once she was out of his home, they’d never see each other. Her heart pounded faster at the thought of not seeing April every day. She’d grown to love her as much as Cameron.

  Forget crushing on the hockey superstar, she was full blown in love with him. She flopped down on the bed and screamed into the blankets. Cursing her inability to keep an emotional distance.

  All she’d wanted was a little fun, and he’d turned her world upside down. It was too late to change course. She wiped away the tears and packed her bag. Love or no love, she still had a job to do.

  After her pity party, she rejoined the Smith’s, and they went out for breakfast before checking out of the hotel. They traveled to the next city and the dark cloud loomed overhead. Several times through the flight Cameron asked if she was all right. Hiding her emotions had never been her strong suit. She assured him all was well and changed the subject. The temporary job and relationship bothered her more than she was willing to admit. A few times she came close to blurting it out, but she feared what he’d say and bit her lip instead.

  Once they arrived, Cameron had to be with the team. Her dream of spending the day with him was dashed shortly after they checked into another posh hotel. It was raining in Nashville which matched her mood. Meagan took April to the Science Center, and they explored while Cameron worked. Hockey kept him busy all day, and they didn’t see him again until after dinner.

  He arrived in time to tuck his daughter into bed. “Hey, no fair. You two put your jammies on without me.”

  “We ordered room service and finished a movie. April refused to get under the covers until you came back.” Meagan got off the bed and adjusted her shorts. His eyes followed her hands as she smoothed them over her hips. “How was your day?”

  “Read me a story, Daddy.” April bounced on the bed.

  He took off his raincoat and pulled his shirt over his head. “Busy. I missed my girls.” His body was ripped, and Meagan couldn’t take her eyes off him. He smiled at her as he continued to undress. Kicking off his shoes, he tore off his socks and dropped his pants. The dark red briefs hugged him perfectly.

  Sucking back the spittle, Meagan crossed her arms to cover her hardened nipples. “Enjoy your story and I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Cameron grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed with him. “Oh, no you don’t. You can stay for one story. Right, April?”

  “Yes, please,” she said, sliding under the covers.

  There was plenty of room on the king-sized bed, but it felt too cozy. Too much like something a family would do together. “Don’t you want to spend some alone time with your dad?”

  “Nope,” she responded.

  Her matter-of-fact response made her laugh and made it impossible for her to leave. “I’d love to hear a bedtime tale.”

  “Sweet. You ladies get comfortable because this will be a long story.” He lifted the covers and tucked April in. “It’s a little chilly in here. We should get under too,” he said eyeing her breasts.

  “Good idea.” Meagan pulled back the blankets and crawled in next to a half-naked heartthrob.

  The three of them cuddled in bed while Cameron regaled them with the adventures of the Napkin Man at the playoffs. April didn’t fall asleep right away, and Cameron rubbed her back until her eyes drifted shut. Meagan’s heart was near busting from spending moments like that with them. How could she leave with her heart still intact?

  The longer she watched, the more she realized she wouldn’t. His hand stopped and his eyes closed. They both fell asleep. She should have left. Instead, she snuggled onto his chest and enjoyed the simple moment of bliss.

  A knocking on the door woke her. “Hold on,” she yelled, trying to focus. The sun was shining on her bag at the foot of the bed. At some point in the middle of the night, she’d returned to her room. She stretched and padded her way to the door.

  “Good morning.” April hugged her legs. “Daddy has to go to work. What are we doing today?”

  “Let me shower and change. Then we can grab breakfast and figure that out together. Okay?”

  “Okay. Can I color a picture for you and Daddy? He said I’d have to do it in here.”

  She touched April’s chubby cheek and smiled. “You bet. Set up on the desk over there and I’ll be ready in a jiffy.”

  Cameron poked his head in. “I hate to rush out, but Northcote called a meeting. When the owner says jump, you jump. Are you… we good?”

  “All good. Will you be gone all day again?” The disappointment colored her words.

  “Most likely. I’m expected to stick with the team for the most part. If you haven’t ventured too far, you could come meet us for lunch or dinner, or nap time?” He waggled his eyebrows and leaned against the door, propping it open.

  Damn, he looked good. Cameron wore a pair of tight jeans and a short sleeved, button-down shirt. The charcoal color set off the dark green in his eyes, making them smolder.

  Her eyes drifted down to her ragged, pink tank top and matching short shorts. The color had faded from years of wash. Her pajamas were comfortable but far from sexy. She hadn’t thought that through when she’d packed. Another mistake Lindy and her sister never would have made. They were always put together, making it seem effortless.

  She rolled her eyes at that thought. “We’ll find ways to occupy our time. Don’t worry about us,” she said, hoping to come across as chipper.

  “I’ll text you later, in case you change your mind. Give Dad a kiss, April.” He crouched down and embraced his daughter. A cordial nod was all Meagan got and then he left.

  Secret relationships sucked.

  Meagan refused to allow her personal life to affect her professional one. After she got ready, they spent the day exploring Nashville and everything cool it offered for kids. Which turned out to be a lot. Nashville was definitely a city she’d love to return to one day since they’d barely scratched the surface of fun things to do.

  While April played in a playground they’d stumbled upon, Meagan sat on the bench and returned emails and messages. She set up five interviews for when she returned to the city and she wasn’t looking forward to any of them.

  Cameron sent a message, interrupting her email. “Are you having fun?”

  She responded with pictures of April smiling and laughing at the different locations they’d visited. The one she liked the best was a selfie of the two of them, licking ice-cream cones in front of the Music Hall of Fame. “We’re rocking it!” She texted.

  The response came within seconds. “I won’t be back until after bedtime. Keep smiling.”

  Her smile faded and then disappeared when she listened to her father’s voice messages. He was furious that she’d left town with Cameron. He also wanted an answer about Easter dinner. She’d been avoiding that question because she wasn’t sure what to tell him. Cameron had the weekend off. He wouldn’t need her to stick around, but she wanted to make an Easter hunt for April. The few times she’d brought up t
he holidays he’d changed the subject.

  She wasn’t in the mood to talk with her father, so she sent a text to her sister instead. “Mark me down as tentative for Easter.”

  “You can’t hide from them. Be safe.” Hailey responded, making her laugh.

  Meagan put her phone away for the rest of the afternoon and spent it having fun with her favorite kid. They weren’t able to join Cameron for dinner, but they still had a good time. All the walking had tuckered April out, and she passed out two pages into a book. Meagan changed into her pajamas and walked into the room at the same time as Cameron.

  “She fell asleep like two seconds ago. Sorry, you missed story time,” she said, leaning against the door as he approached the bed.

  Cameron bent over, kissed his daughter and fixed her covers. “Sleep tight, beautiful girl. I love you.”

  He said the word so freely, it made her wonder how he felt about her. Would he ever say those three little words? She wanted to shower him with kisses and tell him she loved him, but kept her mouth shut. It was too soon. He glanced at her over his shoulder and nodded towards her room. The heated look he sent her, had the word riding on the tip of her tongue.

  “Did you eat?” She asked with a shaky voice.

  “Good idea. Let’s go in the other room.” He stalked into the adjoining room and closed the door.

  Meagan expected another night of cuddles, kissing and intimacy. She wasn’t expecting to turn around and find Cameron naked from the waist down. His semi-hard shaft, growing by the second.

  “What are you… oh my.” She looked around the room. Another hotel room, similar to any other with nothing distinguishable other than different paintings.

  “Take your clothes off. I’m in the mood for something sweet. You will have to be extra quiet though. That is, if you still want me?”

  “Of course I still want you. Why would you ask that?”

  He pulled off his shirt and added it to the pile on the leather chair by the desk. “Because I woke up without you. Because you’ve been standoff-ish all day. You’ve been acting different since I told you about my past. I don’t know what to think, but I get hard every time I see you. By the way, I really liked that ice-cream picture. So, can you be completely silent while I lick your pussy and make you come so hard your legs shake?”

  “I can be quiet. Can you?” She teased him, lifting her top over one breast and then lowering it.

  “Your tongue on the cone has been tormenting me all day. I can’t handle any more teasing.” His long stride devoured the distance between them. He yanked down her shorts and panties. “Were you avoiding me today?”

  She wanted to say no, but she had been. “A little,” she admitted as she lifted off her shirt.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. “Why?” Cameron set her down in the middle and crawled between her legs. He spread her wide open and his face was inches from her wet mound. He blew cold air over the sensitive area and she shivered from head to toe.

  “I’m getting too attached. I like you more than I should.” She covered her face with her hands.

  His tongue slid through her folds from back to front. “That makes me happy. I fucking thought all that shit with Nicole had turned you off. I like this scenario much better.” He nuzzled his face between her open legs and sucked on her clit.

  The scruff on his chin tickled her thighs. Her back arched and her fingers gripped his head. “Oh my… oh!” She chewed her lip to stop from screaming and ground her body against his mouth.

  “Those books you read make it seem like eating pussy is some chore. As if men don’t like it. I fucking love licking you.” He wiggled his tongue in deep, slurping her moisture as she grabbed a pillow to silence her moans. “You taste so sweet, Meagan.”

  She covered her face as he pushed two fingers inside her. He pumped his hand and flicked her pleasure center back and forth. He repeated those actions until her legs buckled. The orgasm shot through her like a tidal wave, soaking both of them.

  He pushed her onto her side and lifted her leg over his hip. “Why do you read those things? The guys are all jerks who think they’re hot shit. Being rich and making a woman come doesn’t make them heroes,” he said, pushing inside her.

  “I never expected you to read them,” she moaned the last word as he pinched her hard nipple and licked her neck. She adjusted her leg to take him deeper. “The books paint a fantasy. Not all the leading men are assholes. They’re dominant, sexy and commanding. It’s a distraction from the nine-to-five average life.”

  He thrust and moved his hand over her ass. “You can be in charge without being a controlling douche. No one should settle for average. Especially, average sex.”

  She pulled his head towards her and they kissed. There was nothing average about him or the way they made love. It was deep, sensual and made her feel alive. They moved together as one and he pushed them both past the boiling point. She never wanted to look back.


  S he fell asleep in his arms again and woke up alone. Again. That feeling was getting old fast.

  The game day excitement soothed the sting. It was impossible not to get caught up in the hype, especially when surrounded by an entire hockey team. At breakfast, Cameron introduced her as his friend. Not his nanny or employee, not his girlfriend either, but his friend. It was progress she figured. The title mattered little when they sat together and shared their lives.

  Meagan’s cheeks hurt from smiling. The hockey fan in her was on cloud nine. She sat in a room with smoking hot athletes and somehow managed to not combust. Her rambling exploded out of control, causing her companions to laugh. April finished her meal and walked around the room, winning the hearts of everyone she spoke with.

  As the room thinned, Cameron leaned over. “I like that you wore my jersey today,” he whispered in her ear.

  “No one else’s I’d rather wear,” she replied as her leg bounced under the table. There was too much testosterone in the room not to get light-headed.

  “I like your tight pants too.” He sat back in his chair. “Do you want to go see your ol’ buddy Joe? He showed up late, as usual.” Cameron squeezed her knee under the table, stopping her nervous twitch.

  “No. That’s okay.” If she got any more turned on, she was liable to rip Cameron’s clothes off in front of his buddies and ride him until the ache went away. Which she suspected might be never ending.

  “Are you sure? I thought you had a crush on him?” His hand wiggled between her closed legs and cupped her sex. “Are you only hot for me now?”

  Her eyes rolled back in her head. The man tortured her for his own enjoyment. “It’s only you. I thought you said you weren’t like the assholes in my books. Teasing and sadistic.”

  “Your cheeks are so pink, Meagan, I’d have to spank your ass for hours to get them to match. I’ve told you I’m only into pleasure.” He rubbed her harder as she squirmed. “Sit still.”

  “Cam…” Her words faded as he slipped inside her pants and panties and entered her. Her legs opened on their own, giving him better access. She leaned forward and buried her face in her hands.

  He fingered her in a room packed with his colleagues. “Great meal wasn’t it?” He asked, pumping his fingers into her slick center.

  “Hmm,” she moaned when his hand moved so fast she couldn’t keep it in. Her core tightened, and she was so close.

  “Hey Cam!” Joe Larson approached across the table with a giggling April on his back. “Did you lose something?”

  “More like found it,” he replied as he pressed deeper, hitting her G-Spot.

  “Yeah!” Meagan yelped as the climax exploded. She peeked through her fingers, mortified by her outburst.

  Joe looked between the two and smiled. A knowing smile that prevented her from lowering her hands. “April, let’s check out the desserts before it’s game time.”

  “Giddy up, horsie!” She cried, kicking against his sides and hugging his neck.

sp; They left and Meagan dropped her head onto the table. Cameron removed his hand and chuckled. “Dessert was exactly what I was after too.”

  She glanced at him as he licked his fingers. “You’re insane. You know that, right?”

  “Crazy for you.” He winked and stood as Mr. Northcote entered the room. “I’ll catch you and April after the game. I need to talk with him.”

  Meagan couldn’t believe what they’d done, but she had to admit her nerves had lessened. The orgasm had an instant calming effect. She straightened in her seat and smiled at Mr. Northcote when he nodded in her direction. The chair scraped across the wooden floors as she got up from the table. Making her way over, April cut her off. She’d ditched her pony and plowed into Meagan. They almost toppled over.

  “Sorry,” she said, wrapping her arms around Meagan’s legs and spinning them in a circle.

  “What’s the rush, little Miss?”

  “Uncle Joe told me a secret and I want to share it.”

  She laughed. “If it’s a secret you’re not supposed to share it.”

  “Oh.” Her face fell and Meagan knew the feeling.

  Suddenly, friend and secret lover wasn’t as appealing as it had been an hour ago. When she looked around the room, Cameron and Mr. Northcote were gone. She glanced at her watch, it was nearing game time.

  “Let’s go back to the room, grab all our stuff and finish packing. Pretty soon we’ll head to the arena and watch your daddy play some hockey.” She took April’s hand, and they smiled at each other.

  “I love hockey,” she said, skipping towards the door.

  “Me too.”

  They managed to pack and have everything ready with minutes to spare. But unfortunately, they didn’t make it to the game until after the first period. April had had a minor meltdown over which stuffed animals to bring to the arena. Her tantrum wasn’t the worst Meagan had dealt with, but it took the wind out of April’s sails. The little girl fell asleep right after and had napped for well over an hour.


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