Dead Ringer

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Dead Ringer Page 13

by Ken Douglas

  “It’s just like one of those Jack Priest scary stories you’re always reading,” Jasmine said.

  “Jack Priest?” Maggie said.

  “Writes horror stories, your big vice,” Gay said. “The kind of stories you want to write someday.”

  “Yeah, you love spooky stuff, don’t you remember?” Jazz said.

  “I do now.”

  “See how easy it’s going to be?” Gay said. “We just remind her and she remembers. It’s not going to be hard at all.”

  They spent the next couple of hours talking, Maggie gently probing, seeking information about her twin, but also seeking information about Jasmine. She wanted to know everything about the child, what she liked, disliked, friends, how she got on in school.

  Jasmine and Sonya told how Mrs. Roberts, their third grade teacher, wasn’t coming back after Spring break, because she got married. The girls were wondering what the new teacher was going to be like when Maggie started to feel faint. She touched the bruise on her forehead.

  “You okay, Margo?” Sonya said.

  “Call me Maggie.” Oops.

  “What?” Jasmine said.

  “It’s just something else I remember,” Maggie said, thinking fast. “When I was a little girl, one of my teachers at school thought Margo was short for Margaret and she called me Maggie for some reason and it stuck. That’s what everybody called me when I was growing up.” She was making it up on the fly and she hoped the girls were buying it.

  “Okay, girls, I want you to go next door and play,” Gay said. “Margo, I mean Maggie, and I have some things to talk about.”

  “Well,” Gaylen said after the girls left, “are you okay?”

  “Yeah, just a little tired.” She sighed. “Overwhelmed, too.”

  “So, you’re really going to do this?”

  “I think so. I don’t quite know how I’m going to pull if off though or how I’m going to earn a living.”

  “Margo had a little money,” Gaylen said.”

  “Margo had an awful lot of money and I mean a lot, over three million dollars, but it’s not mine.”

  “I had no idea. I knew she came into some when her father died,” Gaylen said, “but I didn’t think it was anywhere near that much.”

  “I don’t like the idea of spending any of it. By rights it belongs to Jasmine. However, it seems I don’t have much choice, at least in the short run, until I can start earning my own. I can’t exactly go to my old bank and make a withdrawal. I can’t get my car either. That’s a bummer, I really liked that car.”

  “What kind of car?”


  “You have a Porsche now, you’ll get over the Mustang. If you live to enjoy it.”

  “It’s just a matter of time before the killer gets caught,” Maggie said. “I got a good look at him. I’ll tell the cops what he looks like, maybe I’ll find him in those mug books you were talking about. Once they get him, it’ll be smooth sailing.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Gay got up, went to the window and looked out. “Oh shit.” She stepped back from the window. “It’s your significant other. And he’s walking like he’s got a hockey puck up his ass.” She laughed, “But then again he always walks that way.”

  “My what?”

  “Greg something or other. He’s like a fiance, but he hasn’t given you a ring yet. Too cheap.”

  There was a knock on the door.

  “What’s he like?”

  “A regular asshole, just as bad as your ex. Worse maybe. He’s a right wing gun nut, who thinks sex outside of marriage is evil and abortion is murder.”


  “You want me to get rid of him.”

  “No, I’ll handle it,” Maggie whispered. “You better get out of sight.”

  Another knock.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, it’s better this way. I know what to do.”

  “Okay.” Gay stepped into the hall, went into Jasmine’s room.

  Maggie opened the door. “Come in, Greg.”

  “What did you do to your hair?”

  “I felt like a change.” She closed the door after he came in.

  “I kind of like it,” he said.

  “We need to talk.” She sat in one of the rattan chairs, motioned for him to take the other.

  “Uh oh, I don’t like the sound of that.”

  “I’m pregnant.”

  “What?” He jumped out of the chair. “How could you? We’ve been saving ourselves for marriage. We’ve never-”

  “It was a kid at school. It didn’t mean anything. I could get an abortion if you want.”

  “That’s murder.” He said it with murder in his eyes.

  I’m sorry.” Maggie couldn’t believe her luck, it was going to be easier than she thought.

  His eyes turned to slits. “You tramp.”

  “It was only one time.”

  “So, what do you want me to do?”

  “We could get married right away,” she said. “No one has to know.”

  “What, me raise someone else’s kid? Not even for all your money.”

  “You don’t mean it. Think about what you’re saying. We’d have lots of time for more children. All our lives.” She was out of her chair now.

  “You ignorant slut.” He raised a hand.

  “Better not,” she said.

  “I’m gone.” He dropped the hand, went out, slammed the door after himself.

  “Are you alright?” Gay said, coming out of Jasmine’s room.


  “Boy, you sure know how to end a relationship.” Gay shook her head. “We could get married right away,” she imitated Maggie. “No one has to know.” She laughed.

  “I don’t think he was a nice man,” Maggie said.

  “Really?” Gaylen smiled.

  “Seems clothes weren’t the only thing Margo had bad taste in.” Then, “You think he’s gone for good?”

  “He won’t be back. You said the A word like you were actually thinking about it.”

  “Yeah, I’ve seen enough of his kind to know that would set him off.” She rubbed her tummy, faced Gay. “Well like it or not, a woman’s got a right to choose. And I choose to keep this child.”

  “Good for you,” Gay said. Then, “What child?”

  Maggie told her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Maggie got up at 4:30, started the coffee. She sighed as she waited for the machine to do its magic. It was still too much to believe, one day she was Maggie Nesbitt, pregnant with no hope, the next she was Margo Kenyon with an eight-year-old daughter and a future for her unborn baby.

  She went to the cupboard, got a cup. Then she decided to check on Jasmine. Peeking in her room, she saw the girl was sleeping the sleep of the just, but she’d thrown her covers off during the night. Eight, what a perfect age. Maggie had a perfect life when she was eight. The only problem she had then was boys and how icky they were. She entered the room, pulled the covers up over the child.

  A lump welled up in her throat. Maggie willed the tears away. Margo was gone, she was here. She was going to have to do the best she could for herself and Jasmine. The child moaned in her sleep. A dream maybe. Maggie wondered if she could ever tell her the truth about her mother, the truth about herself. If she did, would the child hate her? Could she do anything but? Maggie backed out of the room. She didn’t want to think about it anymore.

  Back in the kitchen, the coffee maker buzzed and she poured herself a cup. Black and strong. After a hot sip, she went bedroom and started in on the papers in the nightstand. She found a broker’s number, a list of stocks, an owner’s manual and insurance papers for a Porsche 911 Cabriolet. Also insured were a pair of diamond earrings, a diamond pendant, a pearl necklace and a Rolex. And she found a birth certificate. Same DOB as on the license. Parents Gilbert and Debra Murrant. How could that be?

  She found the watch, the diamonds and pearls in a jewelry box on the bureau. A diamond solitaire, about hal
f a carat, an elegant pearl necklace. Diamond earrings, about a quarter carat. She took out the Rolex, put it on, a part of Margo. Then she closed the box, sat down on the bed, took a sip of the coffee, warm now.

  Margo had a lot of money, but still dunned the ex for child support, lived in a small condo and was starting college. She had inexpensive rattan furniture, Hawaiian prints and ordinary flatware in the kitchen. True, she had some jewelry, but it was simple, not showy. There was the car, but who wouldn’t splurge on a new car if they’d suddenly come into money?

  Maggie flipped through Margo’s checkbook and found no really extravagant expenses. For the most part Margo had been pretty frugal.

  Coffee cold now, Maggie went to the kitchen to warm it up.

  Next, she went to the breakfast table with a fist full of canceled checks and started practicing Margo’s signature. It wasn’t hard, a flowery M followed by a K and a kind of squirrelly slash which dipped for the Y in Kenyon. Obviously Margo had been left handed as she was. After an hour, Maggie was convinced the signature would pass even the closest scrutiny. She had it down perfectly. Probably because they were twins.

  That taken care of, she went through Margo’s notes for her creative writing class. The handwriting was remarkably like hers, a little more flourish on the loopy letters, the Ls and Ts above the line and the Ps and Ys below it. Maggie tended not to loop as much above and she didn’t loop at all below.

  Finished, she scooped up the evidence of her work and dumped it in the trash under the sink.

  “Mom?” It was Jasmine.


  “What are you doing?” Jasmine was wearing flannel pajamas, white with pink and yellow flowers.

  “Just sitting here thinking.” Maggie wanted to hug her, but would Margo have done that? She resisted the urge.

  Jazz opened the refrigerator, pulled out the milk. She opened the carton, sniffed and made a face. “Yuck, sour. No Tony the Tiger today.”

  “You have Frosted Flakes every morning?”

  “It’s my fave,” Jasmine said. “What are we gonna do for breakfast?”

  “We could go to Denny’s.”


  “Yeah, I feel like a treat. How about you?”

  “Yeah! I’ll get my school stuff, you can drop me after we eat.”

  “Do I drive you everyday?”

  “Is this one of the things you don’t remember?”


  “You drive me, then after you go to your school.”

  “Thanks, kiddo.” But she was talking to air, because Jasmine had flown to her room to get ready.

  Alone in the kitchen, Maggie rinsed out the coffee cup, dried it. She was surprised at how steady her hands were, because she was more nervous than she’d ever been on a first date. Very soon she was going to be stepping into Margo’s life, meeting her classmates. Did she have special friends at school? Favorite professors? Someone she flirted with? There were so many ways she could be tripped up, so many mistakes she could make. And on top of all that, there was the killer to worry about.

  “I’m ready.” Jasmine came into the kitchen wearing a pink jumpsuit and pink tennis shoes.

  “What, you don’t wear jeans to school?”

  “You wanted me to dress like a little lady, remember?”

  “That’s one of the things I think’s gonna stay forgotten. What do you say we go shopping this weekend for some new stuff for you? Jeans, T-shirts, running shoes, stuff like that?”

  “You mean it?”


  “Can I borrow some stuff from Sonya till then?”


  “Be right back.” Jasmine flew from the kitchen.

  Maggie put away the cup, plucked what looked like car keys off a key holder by the refrigerator. She studied them. Probably the last thing Margo had done in this kitchen was to put the keys on that key holder.

  She went out to the living room to wait for Jazz. She was wearing the Levi’s and sweatshirt she’d worn yesterday. She was going to cut Margo’s first two classes and go by the police station in Long Beach, but she was going to school after and no way was she going to college dressed for the boardroom.

  Jasmine burst in the front door. “How do I look?” She was wearing brown shorts and a faded Avatar tee shirt with white sneakers.



  “You’re my girl. Let’s go.”

  “You forgot the clicker.”

  “The what?”

  “You know the clicker for the top.” Jasmine picked up a small remote from the top of the bookcase. “Oh, I get it, this is one of those things you don’t remember. Well, you need this to put down the top before we get to the car.”

  “A remote control for the top?” Maggie smiled. She couldn’t help herself.

  “Yeah, neat, huh?”

  “Neat,” Maggie said.

  But a minute later, as they approached the car, Jasmine said, “Mom, you left the top down.”

  “I must have forgot.” Maggie shivered. The killer must have grabbed Margo right here. How’d he get by the security guard?

  “And look, you forgot to bring in a bag.”

  Maggie looked at the bag of groceries in the passenger seat. That was the proof of it all. Margo had brought in two bags. The killer must have followed her in and snatched her when she came out for the last one.

  “Good thing it’s only cans.” Jasmine stuffed it behind her seat as if she were used to her mother being a scatterbrain, then got in.

  Maggie ran her hands over the driver’s door. It was red, like her Mustang. It was beautiful. She opened the door, slid into beige leather seats. The car still smelled new. Maggie closed her eyes. Her Mustang was only six or seven months old. She must have bought it about the same time Margo got the Porsche. They were both sports cars. They were both red. Had there been some kind of psychic connection between them?

  “Come on!” Jasmine said.

  “Okay.” Maggie started the car, felt a charge ripple through her as the engine sprang to life. Did Margo feel that same charge?

  “Let’s go!”

  “You don’t have to say that twice.” Maggie put the car in gear.

  “So, can I have strawberry waffles?” Jasmine said.


  “You know, at Denny’s. Strawberry waffles. It’s my fave.”

  “I thought Tony the Tiger was your fave,” Maggie said.

  “At home it is, but in a restaurant it’s strawberry waffles.”

  “If that’s what you want, then that’s what you get.”

  “You’re not gonna make me eat oatmeal? Lately whenever we go out for breakfast you make me eat oatmeal. Oops, maybe I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “That’s okay,” Maggie said. Then, “Do we go out to breakfast a lot?”

  “Only on the weekends.”

  “Ah. Well, we’ll still do that, but no more oatmeal, you can have whatever you want.” Going out to eat was supposed to be special and oatmeal was anything but that. Maggie shook her head. Why would Margo take her daughter out to eat, then spoil it by not letting her have what she wanted?

  Jasmine bubbled all through breakfast. Maggie doubted she’d ever seen anyone so happy. She almost wished she didn’t have to take her to school. It would have been nice if she could have spent the whole day just getting to know her. But she’d have time for that later, now it was important for her to get on with Margo’s life.

  Maggie had promised Gay she’d go straight to the police station after she dropped Jasmine off at school and describe Ferret Face to the cops, but she wasn’t ready. Besides, nobody was going to kill her in class and by the end of the day she’d have her story down pat.

  She found a spot in student parking, found the bookstore and got a map of the campus. Margo’s first class, Creative Writing, started at 10:00. American Government at 11:00. An hour for lunch, then Psych 1A at 1:00, Spanish at 2:00 and Biology at 3:00. A very fu
ll load.

  She settled into the writing class. She may have come in at the middle of the semester, but she’d have no problem in the class. She spent the time listening to the professor drone on without taking notes. He wasn’t very good. Maggie thought back to when she had been in college, remembered her creative writing professor. He’d made fiction come alive, not like this guy. As an instructor, he was a wet noodle.

  She gasped when she walked into the next class. The redhead she’d seen with Nick at the Lounge was talking to the professor at the front of the classroom. How could that be? What were the odds? Then she remembered Nick said she was a student at Cal State.

  The girl looked up as Maggie took a seat at the back. They locked eyes for a second, then the redhead turned back to the professor, a smallish man in a cord jacket and slacks. She hadn’t recognized her. Didn’t have a clue. And she was a journalism student. What kind of reporter could she ever turn out to be? Maybe it was the new hair, or head job as Gay called it.

  Maggie wondered if Nick spent the night with her, wondered what Nick was thinking right now. Did he have to go to the morgue to identify the body? Was he grieving? Could she find out from the redhead how he was handling it? Would that be smart? Probably not.

  She saw the albino on her way to her third class.

  “Mrs. Kenyon.”

  “Officer — ,” she let it linger.

  “Norton,” he said.

  “That’s right.” She had to play it cool. It was a good thing Gay told her about the cops.

  “We’ve missed you this last week.”

  “Sorry.” She couldn’t think of what else to say. “Where’s your partner?” She remembered Gay saying he had a partner.

  “He’s on his way to England.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “He put in for a transfer a couple of years ago, kind of a cop exchange program. He found out he got accepted this morning. He’s on his way to the airport as we speak.”

  “That sounds kind of fast.”

  “Apparently he’d been approved weeks ago, but there was some slip up when it came to notifying him.”

  “Sounds like he was lucky he got the news at all,” Maggie said, feeling her way around the conversation.

  “Sounds like.” Then, “You cut it off, dyed it.”


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