Game Winner (The Penalty Kill Trilogy #3)

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Game Winner (The Penalty Kill Trilogy #3) Page 7

by Lindsay Paige

  Presley is full of determination as she says, “It will. You just have to follow the doctor’s orders.”

  Right. I have to rest and keep my stress levels low. Soon, with Presley’s magic hands, I’m able to fall asleep.


  What better way to rest and not get stressed than to lay on the couch and watch cartoons all day? Presley had an early class this morning, so she was already gone when I woke up. I actually slept in. So today, I’m stretched out on Presley’s couch, my feet hanging off at the other end with one arm behind my head.

  These cartoons sure are different than when I was younger, but one thing that hasn’t changed is Spongebob. I hate to say it, but this is probably the most relaxed I’ve been since my injury and I haven’t had a headache at all today. If this keeps up, I’ll be back in no time. It’s my first good day, giving me hopes that it’ll last.

  My phone rings in the afternoon and it’s my father.

  “Hey, Pops,” I answer.

  “Levi, how are you feeling?”

  “Really good, actually.” It feels awesome to say that.

  “That’s great, son. I was calling to see if you would like to come up and have supper with me tonight?” He asks.

  “Sure. I’m actually staying with Presley for a few days, so I’m already nearby.”

  Pops chuckles. “Thanks for letting me know. Bring Presley too. I’d love to see her as well. Be here between six and seven.”

  “Okay. We’ll be there.”

  After I’ve hung up with him and lay back down on the couch, Presley walks through the door. She drops her things in the kitchen before coming into the living room. Smarty straddles my lap, running her hands up and down my chest.

  “Well, hello to you too,” I grin.

  “I can’t help it. You look so hot laying here and my day sucked.” She leans down, kissing me hard. I grab her hips, about to pull her shirt up when she pulls away from me. “How do you feel today?”

  “Good. I’ve been right here all day and I’ve been watching cartoons.”

  As if noticing for the first time that the TV is on, Presley laughs when she sees the pink starfish falling down. “I’m happy you’ve had a good day. You know, you still haven’t told me why you were upset yesterday.” She leans down to lay her chest against mine, with her hands diving into my hair and her forehead on mine.

  “I wasn’t ready,” is all I say. When Trevor and I started yesterday, I got dizzy quickly, and I knew right then to not push it. So I sat around while he worked out. “Pops called,” I add.

  “Oh yeah?” She smiles.

  “He wants us to go eat dinner at his house. Are you coming with me?”

  “Of course. I miss Victor. Homework can wait until later.”

  I grip her hips tightly. “Your day sucked?” She nods. “Want God Levi to make it better?”

  Presley laughs, rolls her eyes, and slaps my shoulder. “You’re such a romantic, Levi. I’m happy to see that you really are feeling better though. Obviously.” Her hands lightly trail over my chest. “Am I going to get God Levi or Angry God Levi? I mean, it was hot and really good, but…” She trails softly.

  I have no words, only sorrow that I’ve scared her. “How about just Levi?” Leaning forward, I kiss her gently and soon, I’m taking her clothes off.


  Dinner with my father went great as usual. I spent the next two days doing absolutely nothing while Presley was in class. Once she was home, I still didn’t do anything. Today marks the fourth day without any headaches, being dizzy, or any other post concussion symptom. I’m hoping this means I can start playing soon. I’m not used to not playing, practicing, or doing something that relates to hockey. I’ve done nothing lately, and I miss it.

  Part of me feels bad that Presley was right. Hockey is my number one. She should be in that spot because I love her. But hockey has it and the fact that she knows it, knew it before I really did, bothers me a little. What can I say though? It is my life. It’s not just a game, a sport, or something I do for fun. I breathe hockey because I need it.

  That’s why I’m hoping for a good report from my evaluations today. When it’s all said and done, I have another week off. They don’t want to rush putting me back in, so if I can have another week symptom free, I’ll start back on the ice.

  “We’re taking this slow, Levi.”

  That’s what they told me exactly. Basically, I’m not having symptoms, which is good, but I’m not doing much of anything either. The true test will be when I start working out and start practicing again. The question now is what am I going to do for the next week? Staying with Presley will probably be the best as far as resting and staying stress free. I give her a call.

  “Am I the only person in the world who doesn’t want to take another week off to relax?” I ask when she answers.

  She laughs. “Probably. Is that what they want you to do?”

  “Yeah. Hopefully by doing this, when I start working out and practicing again, my symptoms won’t come back. This means you have me for another week. Excited?”

  “Eh. I guess,” she giggles.

  “I love your enthusiasm,” I deadpan and she laughs again. “I’m on my way back once I stop by the house to grab a few things.”

  “Okay. I probably won’t be there when you get back. Mom called and she wants to meet for dinner, but I’ll see you after?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Have fun.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  One more week of Levi in my apartment? Sure, I can handle that. I have a smile on my face as I walk to my academic advisor building. I told Levi that I was going to have dinner with my mother because I don’t know why my advisor is calling me into her office.

  “Ms. Jones?” I lightly knock on her open door.

  She smiles at me and motions me to come in. “Presley, how are you?”

  “I’m well, but a little nervous on why you called me down.” I sit across from Ms. Jones’ desk. The woman has always scared me ever since the first time I met her. Even though she has helped me so much, she still makes me nervous. I think it’s because she always looks above her wire-rimmed glasses at me, making her face look stern.

  “There is no need to be nervous. I actually have good news.” She shuffles some paperwork around her desk before grabbing the file that she was hunting. “This is your school record.” She holds it up for me to see. “And a mistake has been made.” She slams the thick folder onto her desk and opens it.

  “A mistake?” My mouth goes dry. What does she mean a mistake has been made? That’s impossible. I have decent grades. I take all my required classes. I even took a heavy load of classes the past couple semesters to ensure I would have enough credits.

  Ms. Jones purses her lips and stares at me. “The last three semesters you took an overload of classes and passed them all, is that correct?”

  I nod because I’m unable to speak.

  She hums while flipping through a few sheets of paper. I’m not sure what to do or what’s going on. Is there something wrong with my classes? Am I not going to graduate in May? What will happen to my acceptance into law school? What will happen with Levi and me? I don’t think I can handle being apart from him for much longer. I clasp my hands together to keep them from shaking. I have the urge to scream at Ms. Jones to tell me what the hell is going on. Instead, I just stare at her.

  “So, I have good news and bad news.” She closes the file and looks up at me. “Which do you want first?”

  “The bad,” I choke out.

  “You won’t be graduating when you thought you were.”

  I can feel the tears building up behind my eyes, as my anger boils through me. What the fuck? I have done nothing, but bust my ass to get through college, and now I won’t be graduating. “So, what possibly could be the good news?” I hiss at her, my jaw clenched.

  “Let me get this all out before you say anything, okay?”

  I nod.

  “First, dro
p the attitude. This isn’t the bad news. Second.” She reaches for a sticky note that is on her office phone. She hands it to me and there’s a name and number on it. “The reason you’re not graduating in May is because you’re going to in December. You’ve taken all the classes that’s required of you. That number is very important because it’s your new academic advisor in Pittsburgh. She is aware of the situation. You will need to contact her right away, so they can get your classes in order for the spring semester.”

  “What?” I breathe out. “Are you kidding me?” I look down at the number in my hand, then back at Ms. Jones. “I’m going to PA in December?”

  “Well, if everything works out right, you should be.” For the first time ever, Ms. Jones smiles at me. “Now, run along, and don’t let your grades slip because of this.”

  The tears that are about to fall are because I’m happy. I nod and head out of her office. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I stop and prop myself against the wall. I can hardly breathe from the happiness, excitement, and the feeling of accomplishment running through me. I did it. I’m officially going to law school and sooner than I had hoped. I’ll be just a few hours from Levi, and I’m closer to starting my career.

  I remember the sticky note in my hand and that I need to call my new advisor. I slide down the wall and sit down. I grab my phone, a notebook, and a pen from my bag. I tell myself to calm down as I dial the number. I even say a silent prayer that she is in the office now. When the voice on the other line picks up, my heart skips a beat. I quickly tell her who I am and the purpose of my call.

  “Oh, Ms. McCarthy, I’m so glad that you called.”

  The smile on my face is actually hurting my cheeks because I can’t believe this is really happening to me. My new advisor is Mrs. Leigh. She’s a professor of domestic law at the school. She told me that my situation is unique, but it won’t be a problem for me to start in January. The one thing she wants me to make sure of is that my tuition is handled.

  “That’s not a problem. I can call the financial aid department and handle that.”

  “Well then, all you need to worry about is searching for an apartment. I will see you in January.”

  I hold back my desire to jump up and down and squeal in happiness. “See you then.” I end the call and sit there for another moment.

  All my hard work, my late night studying, and paper cuts from the law library have come down to this moment. I’m going to be a lawyer. Levi will be so proud. I gasp. Levi? I need to tell Levi! I quickly gather my things and race to my car.

  I make it to my apartment in record time. I’m so excited and scared to tell Levi. Scared because I don’t want to cause him any more stress and excited because I’m going to be closer to him sooner than we thought. I take a deep breath, unlock the door, and walk in.

  “What are you doing home?” Levi is still laying on the couch.

  “Um.” I drop my bags onto the floor and walk over to him.

  “How was dinner?” He asks.

  “Um.” I sit down next to him and look down at the ground.

  “Smarty, you’re worrying me. What’s wrong?” He rubs my back.

  “I didn’t have dinner with Mom. I lied.” I look up at him as he sits up.

  “Why?” Levi’s face grows angry. He crosses his arms.

  “I actually went and saw my advisor. She told me something very interesting.” I bite down on my lip to hold back the smile.

  “First, why would you not tell me that you’re seeing your advisor? Second, what was it?” His voice is not as stern as before.

  “I didn’t want you to worry, that’s why I didn’t tell you. The second thing is,” I trail off my sentence and stand up. My mouth is dry, and I need something to drink. I head to the kitchen. I hear Levi get off the couch and follow me.

  “Smarty, what did she say?” I don’t look at him as I chug the bottle of water I got from the fridge.

  “She told me about the overload of classes that I’ve been taking.”


  I look at him. I take a deep breath and blurt it out. “I graduate in December. I can start law school in January. I’ve already talked to them. I just need to pay for the tuition.”

  Levi’s eyes grow wide, and he scoops me up in his arms. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

  I shake my head. I’m a little unsure if he’s happy or not. Levi grabs the back of my neck and kisses me hard. He gently bites my lip, and I instinctively moan. When our kiss finally breaks, I’m out of breath and my lips are swollen.

  “Are you happy about this?” I ask as he sits me back on the ground.

  “Smarty, I don’t think I’ve been this happy for a while. You’re going to be in Pittsburgh in a couple months, instead of seven months. Hell yeah, I’m ecstatic.” He kisses me again. “Wait,” he pulls back, “did you think I wouldn’t be?”

  “I wasn’t sure.” I step back from him.

  “Presley Marie McCarthy.” Levi steps closer to me, cupping my face. Levi has never said my full name. Ever. “I love you. I love you more than anything else in this world. Please don’t ever doubt that. This is just the universe telling us that we can’t stand to be apart for long.”

  I feel the tears on the brim of my eyes. He’s right. How could I have doubted him? “Thank you, Levi, for loving me.”

  He leans down and kisses me again. “We need to celebrate.”

  “Does it involve us being naked and some biting?” I tease him.

  “Nope,” he smirks at me. I pout my lips at him. “Stop that, Smarty. We’ll do our celebrating later, but you haven’t spent much time with Trevor or Marley, have you?”

  “I’ve been busy.” The truth is, I’ve been depressed like a lovesick puppy since the beginning of the semester.

  “Liar,” Levi calls me out on my lie, as he reaches for his phone from his pocket. “I’ve got an idea, so go put on my favorite boots of yours and get ready for a night on the town.”

  “Fine,” I sigh. I really wanted to spend the night alone with Levi, but he hasn’t been out much since everything has happened, and I understand that. Plus, it’s been forever since the four of us hung out together.

  I slip my boots on, the ones that Levi loves, and then go into the bathroom to fix my hair and makeup. I can hear him talking, to who I assume is Trevor, and then he comes into the bathroom with me.

  He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. “Ready?” He whispers, and his hot breath sends a shiver down my spine.

  I turn in his arms and peck his lips. “I’m ready to be naked with you,” I say honestly.

  “Later. Come on, everyone is waiting.” He grabs my hand, guiding me towards the door. I pick up my purse and phone on the way out.

  Levi drives us downtown, and for a moment, I don’t know where we’re going. Until I figure out that we’re going to a bar. He parks the SUV and holds my hand as we cross the street.

  The bar isn’t busy, which surprises me, but I scan the room to see if I know anyone. I thought I’m just going to see Marley and Trevor, but to my amazement, along with them, I see my parents and Victor. I’m in shock as I notice that my parents are in casual clothing. I didn’t think my dad even owned a pair of jeans. All five of them are laughing at something as we approach them.

  “Presley.” Marley wraps me in a big hug, then I’m passed around to everyone else for hugs.

  “Okay, why are we here? Levi wouldn’t tell us,” Victor inquires.

  “Um.” I shift uncomfortably.

  “Oh God,” I hear my mother whisper, and I know she’s thinking that I‘m pregnant or we’re about to run off and elope. Levi grabs my hand and squeezes. I know that I can say it then. “I’m graduating in December and starting law school in January.”

  All at once everyone starts to congratulate me. It’s a huge group hug with everyone, and I truly feel the love. Except from one person, Trevor. When I step back, I see that he is still standing by the pool table, and he just gives me a s
ad smile. I know instantly that something is wrong.

  Levi hands me a beer, then slaps Victor on the shoulder. “How about a game, Dad?”

  “Levi, how about Trevor and me against you two?” My dad asks. Levi nods, and the guys go to play pool.

  My mom, Marley, and I sit on the stools and begin planning. Mom told me that next weekend all three of us will go up and check out the apartments. Marley’s so excited, but I keep catching Trevor staring at me, and I know that I will have to talk to him and find out what is going on. I figured out of everyone, he would have been the happiest for me.

  Mom and Marley go on about shopping and apartment hunting as I watch the guys finish their game. I watch as Trevor puts the stick down and walks out of the bar. I sit my beer down and follow him.

  The air is cold, and I know snow would fall soon. I look to my left, not seeing Trevor, but when I turn right, I see him at the corner. Standing there, not moving at all. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m hoping that it isn’t something bad.

  “Trev, are you okay?” I ask softly. He nods, but doesn’t turn to look at me, and then I know it’s bad. “Hey.” I lay my hand on his shoulder, making him face me. When he looks at me, I can’t see anything but sadness in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  He shakes his head. “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not a very good liar.” I put my hands on my hips. He just stares at me, I thought he was going to cry. “Trevor, tell me.”

  He doesn’t say anything for a moment, only looking at me. “You’re leaving.” He looks down at the ground. “It feels like we’re being separated again.” His voice is so low, I almost don’t hear him. He walks past me, as if to go back into the bar, and I grab his wrist, making him face me.

  “Trev.” I want him to talk about this, but he jerks his hand from me.

  “No, Pres, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well, you’re going to,” I announced to him loudly. “And you’re going to do it right now.” I soften my tone. “Trevor, I’m your twin. Talk to me.”

  “I thought,” his voice cracks a little. “Deep down, I thought you wouldn’t leave me.”


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