Kelly Blake 3: Where the Stars Are Few and Far Between

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Kelly Blake 3: Where the Stars Are Few and Far Between Page 11

by Rodney Smith

  Admiral Chang looked over at Sue Thomas when Paolo answered and she gave him a head nod. She had not one, but two scout ships.

  Admiral Chang the said, “Ladies and gentlemen, all that’s left is to pick a date. I propose three weeks hence. Are there any problems with 10 October?”

  Heads shook back and forth around the table.

  “Admirals, plan your operations accordingly. D-Day is 10 October. Now I believe some of us have a wedding to go to. It’s a pity they won’t get much of a honeymoon.”

  * * * * *

  Kelly was only a tad nervous. 400 guests were assembled, including the President of the Republic. Despite all the moving pieces, the wedding was coming together smoothly.

  Edgar Timmons, Steven Maynard, and Alistair Bennett were keeping him company in the hallway off the Base Chapel’s sacristy, waiting for the call to move out to the front of the church.

  Edgar said, “This is the smartest thing you’ve done since I’ve known you. Janey told me to tell you, ‘It’s about time, jackass.’”

  The whole group broke up laughing. The chaplain stuck his head out into the hallway and glared at them. Kelly kept his thoughts to himself, but he agreed with Janey. He should have done this three years ago, not when he’d just gotten a deployment order for a week after their honeymoon.

  The chaplain came out and said it was time. Kelly led his groomsmen out into the massive chapel. They walked in front of the church and turned to face the crowd of friends, bosses, and well-wishers. Kelly saw the President and First Lady sitting on the aisle on the groom’s side, in the second row behind Moira. A coin toss had decided which side they sat on. The rest of the pew was filled in with cabinet heads and their wives. The row behind contained the overflow and presidential guards and aides.

  On both sides of the aisle he saw more braid than in a seamstress shop. Over 70 stars sat in the pews. Intermixed with the admirals were senators and representatives. Local officials and governors filled two rows of pews. Behind them and filling the rest of the chapel were the less illustrious guests, friends, and late arrivals.

  Then the organist played the introduction to the classical “Bridal Chorus” from Lohengrin, and all stood up to face the rear. Angie, Tammy and Connie walked up the aisle to take their places opposite the groomsmen. Candy and her father stood momentarily and then made the slow march up the aisle to the front of the chapel. He stopped, raised Candy’s veil, kissed her, and handed her off to Kelly. Kelly was thunderstruck – he had never seen Candy more beautiful. The rest of the ceremony was a blur to him. He vaguely remembered reciting his vows and placing the ring on her finger.

  He really didn’t snap out of it until the chaplain said, “You may kiss the bride.”

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  The chaplain turned them round and said, “Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, I present to you Commander and Mrs. Kelly Blake,” as the chapel broke out into cheers and applause. The clamor was noisiest from the rear seats, where the crew of the Orion sat.

  Mendelssohn’s Wedding March erupted from the organist’s talented fingers, as Kelly and Candy marched down the aisle. They reached the back of the church, where Carol ushered them into the changing room, to stay out of the way until the chapel emptied of guests.

  Kelly looked into Candy’s blue eyes and said, “You are more beautiful today than I have ever seen you.”

  She curtsied and said, “Why, thank you, sir. It’s good to see you earning husband points so early.”

  They began laughing just as the bridesmaids and groomsmen entered the room. Fifteen minutes later, they were posing in various groupings while the photographer took their pictures.

  The photographer asked Kelly and Candy if she could sell one of their pictures to the tabloids. If they allowed it, her cost for as many picture albums and videos as they wanted – up to ten – would be free. The two newlyweds agreed and pointed out one picture she could sell. Candy asked why the high price.

  The photographer told them because security around them was so tight, no other photographer had gotten a shot of them together.

  Kelly and Candy boarded a limo and were whisked to the reception hall. There the bride and groom had a sumptuous meal courtesy of the famous Sally Halstead, drank a bit of wine, and danced together. Candy then danced with her father, his father, and the President, while Kelly danced with both moms and the First Lady.

  After the obligatory cake slicing, cake eating, garter and bouquet toss, Kelly and Candy retired. Before they changed, they visited the kitchen staff to thank Sally for the wondrous meal. They changed and returned a few moments later to make the dash for Candy’s air car through a raised arch of swords. Rice rained down on them as they dashed for the car. Candy climbed behind the wheel and that brought peals of laughter from the crowd.

  Candy fired it up and moved down the street past the multiple layers of security personnel. With special permission for this event, she climbed to 1,000 meters over the base and headed west to their home in the mountains.

  * * * * *

  Two days later a flitter landed on the meadow and Tammy and Angie climbed out.

  “Hello! Anybody home? Are you decent?”

  Kelly stuck his head out the door and said, “Get in here, you two. You’re late for breakfast as it is.”

  Tammy retorted, “Ah, you’re no fun any more, now that you’re an old married man,” and she and Angie dissolved into giggles and snorting laughter. Tammy then rummaged in the back of the flitter and produced two bottles of champagne, which she handed to Angie. She reached in again and pulled out two very hard to find this far from Earth liter bottles of orange juice. They carried them into the house.

  Kelly had gone upstairs. Candy was in the kitchen waiting for an egg casserole to finish baking. Angie and Tammy set the orange juice and champagne on the counter, pulled champagne flutes out of the cupboard, and made mimosas. Candy yelled for Kelly to come down, and when he entered the kitchen, handed him a mimosa.

  Tammy offered a toast, ”To the happy couple, may we always be friends.”

  The others said, “Hear, hear.”

  The mimosas and the casserole were finished at the same time. Tammy made more while Candy dished out the egg casserole.

  Tammy said, “Well, how is it? How’s married life?”

  Candy answered, “It’s so good, I don’t know why I didn’t try it sooner.”

  All the women giggled and laughed. Kelly just ate his casserole and smiled.

  After the dishes were put away, one last batch of mimosas was poured and they all retired to the pool and relaxed. The ladies went for a swim and Kelly looked at his friends and his wife. He liked Tammy and Angie, but loved his wife. The four of them would always be good friends.

  Chapter Seven

  Kelly sat at his conference table with his department heads, Ambassador Thorson, Alistair Bennett, and Chief Leon, discussing the best course to follow to safely navigate K’Rang space. Chief Leon took notes while the Ops officer worked the plotter, and the course plot took shape in the holographic viewer. After not too long, they had a rough course plot to follow.

  Kelly reviewed the course plot and made some changes to avoid K’Rang main worlds and known bases. After the plot was finalized, he went over their mission with his department heads. Chief Leon left to enter the course into the navigation system.

  Kelly went around the table and asked each department head his status. One by one they answered ready. Kelly read his orders again. It left the Orion’s departure date and time to captain’s discretion, but recommended departing after 10 October. This was believed to give them the best chance of navigating K’Rang space while the K’Rang were busy reacting to the two fleets’ incursion.

  Kelly weighed his risk versus the risk to the main operation if his travel through K’Rang space alerted too many K’Rang ships and they were ready for either or both fleets. Kelly felt his risk leaving after the operation had begun was equal either way, so chose
to enter K’Rang space 12 hours after the Fleet operations began.

  He ordered departure from Antares Base upon commencement of the operation, travel to their infiltration point, and start their run across K’Rang space. Now that he had decided, he kept the crew on board until their departure. As the clock ticked down, he waited for the signal from Fleet HQ that signified the operation had begun. At 0820, the signal came through and Kelly ordered departure in 30 minutes.

  A half hour later, Kelly requested permission to depart; the tower granted permission, then said, “Good luck and good hunting.”

  The Orion lifted off and made course for the Antares ring. They transported through the Antares ring to the Altair ring and infiltrated K’Rang space in the Aquarius sector 12 hours later. Once in K’Rang space, they fed in the course and started their high-speed run.

  * * * * *

  Admiral Haddock-Halloway’s 1st Combined Fleet led with the 1st Battle Cruiser Group. The 14th Battle Fleet and the 19th Battle Fleet followed them. The 3rd and 10th Battle Cruiser Groups moved along on the flanks of the two battle fleets. The 3rd, 6th, and 12th Assault Landing Groups followed in trail, providing security to the Fleet’s ten support ships, including the ring ship.

  A squadron of fighters flew in front of the cruiser group. The Combined Fleet’s three scout ships ran the flanks and point of the column, searching for K’Rang forces. The first day went by with no contact.

  * * * * *

  Admiral Levi led with the 16th Battle Fleet. The 4th Battle Cruiser Group followed the 16th Battle Fleet. The 3rd Battle Fleet followed the 4th Battle Cruiser Group. The 2nd and 7th Battle Cruiser Groups provided flank security for the Fleet’s support ships, including the ring ship, and preceded the 2nd, 4th, and 10th Assault Landing Groups, which brought up the rear. The three scout ships moved ahead of the fleet and provided advance security.

  The 2nd Combined Fleet met K’Rang resistance almost immediately. A small K’Rang task force consisting of two light cruisers, two destroyers, and three Frigates blundered into the 2nd Combined Fleet. Six squadrons of A-76's made short work of the surprised K’Rang task force. The immensity of the Human fleet froze the K’Rang commander’s decision making ability and delayed a response until hundreds of missiles were inbound. Missiles tore into their formation, chewing away at the task force, and scant minutes later the K’Rang task force was no more.

  The 2nd Combined Fleet pressed on, aiming at the K’Rang home world. It would be another twelve hours before they made contact again and 36 hours before they met a coordinated K’Rang defense.

  * * * * *

  Admiral Thomas moved her 15th Battle Fleet cautiously forward. She wanted to move within 50,000,000km of the picket line to monitor what the K’Rang were up to, but out of range of their sensors. Her two scout ships, the Vigilant and Vengeful, were disposed ahead and 3,000,000km to the left and right of the start and end of the K’Rang picket line. Eventually they would infiltrate behind the picket line, but for now their mission was to gather intelligence on the enemy fleet. The 15th Battle Fleet ring ship would normally be deployed in the center of her formation, but she would be using it in a few hours to confuse the K’Rang fleet commander. She had permission from Admiral Chang to use the reserve for a little demonstration for the K’Rang’s benefit.

  The ring ship, GRS Regal, was speeding to a position 200,000,000km to the left of the K’Rang picket line. Upon reaching that position, it opened its ring and the reserve battle fleet came through. After orienting themselves on the picket line, they launched their entire compliment of A-76's and a fighter cover from five carriers. Simultaneously, the 15th Battle Fleet launched their A-76's and fighter covers from their five carriers.

  The A-76's flew to just outside max range for the K’Rang defensive missiles and let loose almost 500 missiles from two directions. Two squadrons of A-120's flew in from the reserve battle fleet’s ring ship. Three squadrons of A-120's flew in through the 15th Battle Fleet’s ring ship, the Resolute.

  While the K’Rang were dealing with the missiles from the two battle fleets, the A-120's flew around and behind the picket line. They launched their missiles at the three fighter defense cruisers at the rear of the K’Rang line. The effect was to saturate the K’Rang missile defense and exhaust their supply of missiles before all or most of the inbound missiles could be targeted. Missile after missile flew through the smaller and smaller cloud of K’Rang defensive missiles and struck the picket line ships.

  Two of the three fighter defense cruisers exploded into bright orange fireballs. A frigate took three missiles and ceased to exist. The picket line flagship took a missile to its stern and lost two engines, drifting free. A light cruiser took two missiles amidships and broke in half, spinning away through space. A fighter defense destroyer received four missiles and nothing was left but debris where its position in line used to be. Three squadrons of T’Pok fighters went up in flames as they ran into eight squadrons of F-53's.

  Admiral Thomas signaled the reserve fleet commander and the two A-120 wing commanders’ her thanks as they left through the GRS Regal. She turned to her Ops chief and said, “That should convince them we’re serious.”

  * * * * *

  Shadow Leader G’Motta thanked the Great Sky Hunter that he was no longer commanding the picket line. Five ships destroyed, one damaged, and 36 T’Pok destroyed were their worst losses yet. The Humans were finally counterattacking in force. Reports were coming in from K’Rang space that two Human fleets of enormous size were attacking into K’Rang space. That was totally unexpected. G’Motta expected a recall order to pull them back from the Eridanus sector to add to the defense of K’Rang space. If the damage inflicted today was any indication, they faced a superior force and would be pushed back into K’Rang space soon.

  G’Motta read the initial reports from G’Durin and estimated that each of the two fleets attacking into K’Rang space were the equal or greater than this armada. He looked for the best place and time to attack one of the Human fleets. If they picked the right time and place, they might be able to defeat these Human invaders, but only if they massed their forces. It was apparent to him that the Humans had made this occupation of the Eridanus sector moot.

  * * * * *

  Baron N’Gana and his one scribe were quite uncomfortable as they monitored today’s deliberation by the Elders. There was much rancor in their interaction today. He had never seen them so hostile with each other.

  The youngest Elder was on the attack. “When you proposed this risky endeavor months back, I questioned what would happen if the Humans did not respond as we expected. Well, they have responded in a way totally unexpected. Instead of counterattacking in their own space they have launched two daggers at us. They also have increased their forces opposite the Eridanus sector and appear to be preparing to eject us from their space. So, fellow Elders, how do you propose to extract us from this situation?”

  The eldest took several deep, calming breaths. In twenty years as an Elder, he had never been addressed in this manner. The invasion of the Eridanus sector had been his idea. The Humans should have bargained to free their populations on the four worlds. He considered reprisals against the Human worlds to get their invasion forces to turn around, but one does not assemble such a massive force and stop them because a few thousand civilians die. No, this would require a military solution.

  He looked up and summoned Baron N’Gana. “Baron, bring the Chief of the Fleet here to brief us on his ability to prosecute this war against the Humans.”

  Baron N’Gana left to summon the Fleet Commander.

  The eldest spoke to no one in particular, “We cannot defeat both Human fleets simultaneously. If we trade space for time, we may be able to apply all our force against one arm of their attack at a time. We may defeat them both in turn. The two fleets are far apart and cannot support each other. We may have a path to victory here.”

  * * * * *

  The Orion sped through K’Rang space. Occasional K’R
ang ships reacted to their passage, but were unable to catch the speedy scout ship. Even at their maximum speed, it would take a further two and a half weeks to cross K’Rang space. Of course, once they entered A’Ngarii space they didn’t know where to go, as they had no map of A’Ngarii space. They would have to blunder around a bit and hope they didn’t trigger a hostile A’Ngarii response.

  Kelly had Ambassador Thorson and Alistair in his conference room.

  “Do either of you have any idea what to do once we leave K’Rang space?”

  Alistair shook his head and said, “The best advice I can suggest is to try and steer away from any A’Ngarii vessels or worlds initially and suck in as much information as we can on them before we try and contact them. It would be helpful if we could have some information on their culture, language, history, and relationship with the K’Rang. It might save us a great deal of trouble.”

  Kelly said, “Language? Ambassador, what language do you plan to use with them?”

  Thorson said, “We will use Galactic Standard initially, so they will know we are a different race then switch to K’Rang. I have the two best K’Rang translators in the GR with me. They learn languages like other people learn songs. The trick will be convincing them we are not some K’Rang subterfuge.”


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