Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3) Page 7

by Belle Winters

  We took my car but Mel drove, we moved the car seat into my car for Shakira. I still had on my brace but I was getting around a hell of a lot better. We’re going to start on the treadmill next week as long as we get good results on my x-rays tomorrow. Mel pulled into the mall parking lot and I snatched a hat and glasses out of the glove compartment. I know it’s shitty and cliché but I didn’t want to get bombarded by people my first time taking Kira out. I lifted her out of the car and she held my hand.

  “Do you want to redo the whole room?” I asked.

  She moved her head from side to side like she was considering it. “Can I have a princess bed?” she asked. I nodded even though I had no idea what the hell a princess bed is. Mel caught my eye over Shakira’s head and mouthed the word canopy and I nodded.

  Mel dragged us into Raymour and Flanigan where we picked out furniture for her bedroom. Mel and I argued about the size of the bed. I insisted on a queen size and she thought considering Shakira’s size and age she didn’t need a bed that big. I walked away from her mid argument and that was the end of that. After we put in the order for her furniture Mel took us to target. Apparently that’s one of Shakira’s favorite stores and our best bet on getting the type of designs that she wanted was there. After we had a shopping cart that was full of pink we went to where the toiletries and stuff were. I sent off Mel to collect all the body wash and shampoo and crap they would need. I picked Shakira up and she snatched my hat off of me and put it on.

  “Do I look like you now?” she asked.

  I laughed. “You always look like me.” I assured her. She gave me her signature smile and I put her back down on her feet. She ran down the aisle looking for Mel and I babysat the cart. Mel came back with arms full of stuff and dumped it into the cart.

  “Are you done yet?” I asked amused. I have no idea why girls needed so much crap.

  She shook her head and she put her hair up in a ponytail. “No, I need to get a hair dryer and barrettes and stuff to do her hair then I think we’re done.” She told me.

  I laughed. “Did you get a toothbrush or do you plan on sharing mine?” I asked.

  Her cheeks pinked. “Oh you know about that huh?” she asked.

  I nodded. “You’ve been using it since the first day you stayed. You didn’t think I would notice my toothbrush was being used?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been meaning to ask if you have spares, but in the moment I would need to have fresh breath to talk to you. I just never got around to it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yea uh huh.” If I were being honest I didn’t really care that she did it. I just wanted to call her out on it. When she disappeared again I checked the cart, she was full of shit. She didn’t forget to get one from me for Kira, and she didn’t forget to put a couple of the electronic ones in the cart for her. I kept searching through the toiletries and she didn’t pick any up for herself that made me laugh.

  Shakira found me before Mel got back and she looked exhausted. We had been out already for a few hours and she woke up early. I picked her up and settled her on my hip as I waited for Mel. She was knocked out in minutes. Thankfully Mel didn’t take too much longer before she decided she had everything and we could check out. After we were rung up she started digging through the duffle bag that she called a purse looking for her wallet. By the time she found it and looked up I had already paid for everything and was almost done loading the bags in the cart. She scowled but didn’t say anything. I was convinced that girl would fight with me all goddamn day if she could.

  Mel drove my car this morning to take me to the doctor. I teased her relentlessly about being my new chauffeur. When we got there she hopped out the car and I rolled down the window. “You’re forgetting something.”

  She spun around and arched an eyebrow. “What?” she asked.

  I gestured to the door. “You’re supposed to open my door for me, that’s what you get paid for.”

  She shook her head and turned back around and went inside the hospital. I chuckled the whole time as I let myself out and followed her in. “You’re an asshole you know that?” she asked when I caught up to her.

  “Nobody told me that was the new way of expressing endearments. I’m so out of touch these days.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yea, out of touch with reality.” She muttered and went to the front desk to check us in.

  I grabbed a seat and scooped up a magazine. I heard someone sit beside me and I began to turn towards her with a snarky comment on the tip of my tongue. It died away when I realized the person beside me wasn’t Mel. “You’re Nick Rivers aren’t you?” the blonde to my side asked me. I noted she was pushing her breast implants as far up as possible.

  I haven’t gotten laid since my injury, but this girl didn’t stir anything inside of me. She was so far from my type it was comical. “Yea.” I said with a nod.

  She smiled. “I’m Nancy, nice meeting you.” She said holding out her hand daintily. I shook it and turned back to my magazine. She cleared her throat. “Are you here about your injury?” she asked gesturing to my brace and I nodded.

  I didn’t need to look up to know Mel was standing there. I smelled her, strawberries and sugar. “Nick.”

  “Yes?” I responded without looking up from my magazine. I flipped the page but I wasn’t paying a bit of attention to it. I was too in focused on her.

  She huffed and I had to hold back a smile. “Nick.” She ground out again and I sighed in exasperation.

  I looked up at her. “Yes girl?”

  “Would you come on already?” she asked throwing her hands on her hips.

  “Where?” I asked. Now I was just pissing her off and she knew it.

  “Really?” she sneered and narrowed her eyes. “You want to play now?” she asked. I won’t lie, she was a bit intimidating right then but would I pass up a chance to see her all hot and feisty? Hell no.

  I feigned innocence. “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Get your ass up and come on.” She said fully put out with me.

  I sighed and stood up slowly tossing the magazine back on the counter. “Fine. By the way Crystal this is Bentley, Bentley this is Crystal.” I said introducing them.

  The blonde cleared her throat. “Actually it’s Nancy.” She gave Mel a confused look. “Your name is Bentley? Isn’t that a boy’s name?” she asked.

  Clearly she was a fucking airhead. Mel sighed and rolled her eyes. “No.” she said.

  I laughed. “Yes it is. You know like Mr. Bentley?” I told the blonde. She still looked totally confused and I sighed. She completely messed up the joke.

  Mel reached up and slapped me upside the head. “Bastard.” She grunted.

  I rubbed my head. “You know, it’s been a long damn time since someone did that to me and I don’t like it anymore now than I did back then. Stop that shit before you give me a concussion.”

  “Don’t refer to me as your damn chauffeur and I won’t hit you. Now move your ass.” She demanded pointing to the doors.

  I threw my hands up in surrender. “Fine. Why do you have to be so damn bossy?”

  She didn’t respond but instead followed me inside. I got checked out and the doctor praised her on the work she’s been doing to my ankle. Apparently the tear healed nicely but my ankle was still weak. I wasn’t ready to be on the court again I needed to build up strength. They explained the risks involved in moving straight into intensive work and movement on my ankle even though it’s healed. Given it’s weakness it would leave me at risk of getting a second injury really easy. Mel began talking about her next steps with my therapy and the doctor approved. When we left the blonde was still in the waiting room and sauntered up to me when we were passing through the front to leave. She slid a paper in my hand and I pulled my hand up and looked at it. She had written her name and number down on the paper and I shook my head.

  “Goodness woman, you just give me your number right in front of my fiancé?” I asked appalled.

  The blonde pale
d. “You’re engaged? I didn’t see that anywhere online. They always say how single you are and now you’re engaged?” she asked. Clearly the news pissed her off.

  I sighed and grabbed Mel tugging her to me. “It was a whirlwind romance. She came over to my house to clean and it was like love at first sight. She was leaning over the toilet, brush in hand cleaning it and I had to take a leak. I got one glimpse at those gray eyes and I knew she was the one.” I placed a kiss to Mel’s temple and she scowled.

  The blonde swooned and clutched her chest. “Oh my god. That is so sweet! You are just so romantic Nick.” She said batting her eyes and I had to fight the urge to roll mine. She jumped up and squealed holding out her hands clapping. “Show me the ring I must see this.” She demanded to Mel.

  Mel’s cheeks flamed up I’m sure from embarrassment. When we went to pick up her stuff she left the engagement ring there so her hand was bare. I masked my chuckle with a cough. “You see I’m poor so I can’t afford to get her a ring, but she loves me anyway. I made her a makeshift ring with some toilet tissue paper to commemorate how we met but it got wet.” I told her with a shrug.

  “You are just so lucky to have him. He is so thoughtful.” Blondie gushed.

  Mel scoffed. “Yea, really romantic making me an engagement ring from toilet tissue. Now this has been fun and all but we need to go.” She tugged on my arm and when I didn’t move she met my eyes. “NOW.” She demanded and this time I let her drag me out. She waited until we got in the car before she started abusing me by swatting at me furiously. “That was not funny Nick that was so embarrassing. Don’t bring me into your shit!”

  I laughed and grab her hands to stop her attack and pulled her closer. “Aw you’re going to be a baby about this? It was just fun relax.” I told her.

  She rolled her eyes and huffed. It was then I realized that her breasts were crushed against my chest and her face was so close to mine it would be nothing to lean in and kiss her. She must’ve realized it too because her head tilted down and she stared at the spot where we were touching. She jumped back as if I slapped her and started up the car. “I’m not playing with you Nick.” She threatened before pulling out.

  When we got to the house we went straight to work in the gym. I’m sure she was taking out some of her previous anger on me when we were working. I must’ve really got under her skin earlier but it didn’t really bother me. We took a break to go pick up Shakira from school together. She chatted the entire way back to the house and did her homework at the breakfast bar while Essie cooked. We put in a couple more hours in the gym before calling it a day. I washed up afterwards and came down for dinner.

  That night Kira requested that both me and Mel read to her for bed so after she had her bath Mel called me upstairs. She picked out her book – Cinderella – and got into bed. Her new stuff was supposed to arrive tomorrow so we would be busy putting together her room while she was at school. Since they were staying here, Mel and I could get our workout at different times now. Before she fell asleep she asked me to buy her a jersey just like mine and I smiled. I would have Phil drop one off tomorrow.

  I got into bed and was watching TV when Mel walked in. Ever since the weekend when they slept in here, she’s foregone knocking altogether. One day she’s going to walk in here and catch me naked or something not that I minded. She had on some small sleep shorts and my t-shirt that I recognized from the last night we had together and she took with her. It was well worn and I spotted two holes in it. I wonder how many times she wore it.

  “Mel I could give you some newer t-shirts for bed. You don’t have to wear that old one.” I told her.

  She crawled onto the bed and sat next to me Indian style. She looked down at the shirt and shrugged. “I took some of your t-shirts already but I like this one it’s comfortable.”

  I only nodded. To me all my shirts felt pretty much the same but I wasn’t going to pry. She would tell me more if there was anything more to tell or if she wanted me to know. “What’s up?” I asked putting my arm behind my head.

  She shrugged. “I can’t sleep and I couldn’t stare at the walls anymore. I heard your TV on so I assumed you were awake.”

  “You want to watch TV?” I asked and she nodded. She sat down next to me and leaned up against the headboard.

  “What are you watching?” she asked.

  “Family guy.”

  She grunted. “You seriously still watch this show?”

  My eyebrows flew up. “Are you judging me? If I remember correctly someone used to sit with me and laugh harder than I did at this show.”

  She waved me off. “That was forever ago, I’ve probably already seen them all before and I doubt it’s still funny.”

  I laughed. “Alright, you want to watch a movie?”

  She shrugged and I turned on Netflix. She made me put on Fifty Shades of Grey and fell right into the movie. It was still in the beginning of the movie when they were talking in the guy’s office and she shivered. I turned to face her. “You cold?” I asked.

  She nodded and I moved the covers back so she could get under. She put her legs under slowly and pulled the cover up to her waist. I was dozing off when I felt her leg against mine. My eye cracked open and I saw that she had shifted her position. She was lying down in the bed now cradling the pillow under her head. I turned to the TV to see that it was on a sex scene – like that’s what I needed right now – and I closed my eyes.



  “This is a weird question…” she began.

  I sighed. “What girl?”

  “Can I lay on you?” she asked.

  I blew out a breath and unfolded the arm on her side from underneath my head and laid it out flat so she could curl into my side. She didn’t hesitate and scooted over. She put her head in the crook of my arm and shortly after her breathing evened out. I turned off the TV and fell asleep.

  I woke up with a soft warm body fitted perfectly against mine. I took in a deep breath and smelled strawberries. My arm was draped around her and my hand was resting on her breast. Her ass was tucked snugly against my rock hard cock and her head was right under my chin. She stirred and her ass wiggled against me. I groaned and she let out a deep breath. I knew she was awake now and she stretched her arms and legs out like a cat. When she did that, her entire body pressed against me in all the best ways. My hand on her breast flexed instinctively and she froze. She relaxed her arms and legs slowly and stayed completely still. After a moment she tried to shift herself and she rubbed against me again.

  “Stay still.” I muttered.

  She gasped, I guess surprised I was awake. “Nick?”


  “Why are you on me?”

  I laughed. “I just woke up like this.”

  “Are you going to um… move your hand and stuff?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “Maybe,” and she sighed. “Stop moving and you’ll stop rubbing against me.”

  “Nick…” she groaned and I sighed rolling onto my back and closed my eyes tight.

  “Mel, what the hell?” I asked.

  She grunted. “What did I do?”

  “You slept in here!” I accused.

  I felt her shift and I turned my head towards her. “You’re really going to blame me for why I just woke up with you groping me?”

  I nodded. “You came in here so it’s your fault.”

  She rolled her eyes and went to get out of bed. “You’re out of your damn mind I tell you.”

  I grabbed her arm and tugged making her fall back down. “I’m totally sane and the bathroom is mine first.” I began to hop over her to try to get off the bed first when she tugged on me. I tripped and tried to catch my balance but instead I dropped down right on top of her. I felt all the air leave her body on contact and she wiggled.

  “Get off of me you giant beast.” She managed completely out of breath. I smiled and pushed my weight onto my elbows.

  “That was your fault. You pulled me
on top of you.” I pointed out.

  She growled. “You were supposed to fall… but not on me.”

  I laughed. “You did this on purpose. You wanted to feel all of this sexiness? It’s alright I get it I’d want to if I were you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Right, this is what dreams are made of.”

  I smiled. “I see how you ended up all over me last night.” I winked at her and got up and went to the bathroom. She was standing right outside the door hopping from one foot to the other when I came out. I barely made it out the door and she pushed past me and was peeing before I had the door closed. “That’s just gross Mel!” I shouted threw the closed door.

  I threw on some clothes and made my way to Shakira’s room. She was already up and was picking out clothes. She let me pick her dress out for her and I went downstairs. I was just starting up the coffee when Mel came downstairs. She stuck her tongue out at me before fixing herself some coffee. Shakira came down not too long after and I fixed her a bowl of cereal. We dropped her off at school together and headed back home. The furniture was delivered early afternoon which gave us enough time to switch everything out for her. When Mel started putting up all the girly stuff I called it quits. Phil dropped off Kira’s jersey and got an update on my ankle. He told me he was planning on making an official statement on me when I was almost ready to hit the courts up again.

  We got in a few hours of therapy before we went to pick up Shakira. She seemed almost sad and withdrawn when we got her and it put me on alert. She was always brimming with energy. I asked what was wrong but she only said nothing.

  It wasn’t until dinner that she spilled. “Some of the kids were mean to me today. I told them that my daddy was getting me a jersey and they said I didn’t have one. I told them I did and they made fun of me saying I would never have a daddy.”

  Her eyes watered and my anger escalated. I never thought there would be a day in my life when I wanted to hurt a kid. I mean I wasn’t the friendliest kid in the sandbox but I never considered teasing another kid about their lack of family. I gave her an assuring smile. “I’ll take care of it ok?” I told her and she nodded.


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