Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3) Page 13

by Belle Winters

I chuckled. “Want to take a nap?” I asked and she nodded.

  “I want to go play please?” Shakira asked.

  “Sure, I’ll take you out in a minute.”

  “I’m going too, I want to say hi to the kids first then I’ll take a nap. Since my parents are coming as well as Erica, James, and Sam, Lucy said that all the kids are going to sleep in Ariel’s room. Erica said she’ll take the couch and our parents will take the other two rooms.” She told me.

  I arched an eyebrow, “and where are you sleeping?” I asked.

  Her eyebrows went up and she threw her hands on her hips. “Don’t mess with me.”

  I laughed. “Well Landon asked what was going on so I’m assuming they’re not sure. It’s weird that they would automatically say you’re staying with me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I stayed with you when they came out to LA didn’t I? Stop being a pain and let’s go. Sounds like they’re in the kitchen.”

  Shakira ran out the door first and I took that opportunity to snatch Mel. “Stop fussing at me babe.” I told her and pecked her lips.

  Her hands fell on my waist. “No.” she told me with a smile and closed the space between us. She leaned up for another kiss and I obliged. I pulled back and slapped her ass, “let’s go.”

  We found everyone in the kitchen area preparing to eat dinner. The scent of food hit my nose and my mouth watered. “What’s that Lucy?” I asked grabbing a stool and Mel took the seat next to me.

  “Food Nick. Does it really matter? You’re going to eat it regardless.” She said laughing.

  I shrugged. “Yes I will.”

  Lucy fed us all and the kids ran upstairs to play. Landon was being his normal annoying self and only let me have baby Ariel for a little while before he stole her back. We all relaxed in the family room before retiring to bed. Shakira surprisingly gave us no issues about sleeping with the kids. Thanksgiving was on a Sunday this year so we had all weekend. Besides us, everyone else was due tomorrow. When I closed the door behind us I smiled.

  “Melanie…” I sing songed.

  She laughed. “Yes Nick?”

  “We have the room to ourselves and Shakira is pretty far away. I think we can get some screaming in tonight.” I told her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Seriously?”

  I nodded. “Yep now strip girl, I’m tired of waiting.” Mel didn’t comply but instead threw herself down on the bed. I sighed and made my way over to her. It didn’t take much convincing for her to start begging, she should be happy I’m a nice guy because I didn’t make her beg much.

  Mel’s parents arrived last. I haven’t seen them since before Mel and I broke up. I loved her parents and all but it just didn’t feel right. I didn’t know how I could look and speak to them after what happened with us. When Shakira appeared to greet them they looked on stunned when she called me daddy when she asked for juice. Mel flushed in embarrassment and I kissed her forehead to tell her it was ok. I knew that she hadn’t told her parents that I was the father, nor that we were working and living together. She thought it was too big of news to deliver to them over the phone. No one said much but I caught Lucy’s smile and Sam’s smug grin. Lucy brought out some champagne while we all stood around catching up.

  “Nick, can I speak to you?” Aaron, Mel’s father asked.

  My eyebrows went up and I nodded. “Sure.”

  I decided to talk in my room to give us some privacy and I spent the whole walk thinking if we left any kind of incriminating evidence that might make her father give me one of his looks. I walked in first and he followed closing the door softly behind him. He took a seat in my desk chair and I sat down on the edge of my bed. I saw Mel’s lacy pink underwear peeking from under the cover and I gripped the back of my neck. I tried to discreetly cover them with the blanket and Aaron cleared his throat.

  I looked up and I felt a tinge of embarrassment, I knew he caught me. “You still trying to hide shit from me kid?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I have no idea what you mean.” I told him feigning innocence.

  “Yea right, I knew what the two of you kids were up to and I can’t say that I was happy about it…” he trailed off.

  I chuckled. “I know you only threatened to kill me or kick my ass about a million times if I closed the door when we were in the room.”

  He sighed. “And did you listen? No, if it weren’t for how crazy you truly were about her and I knew that if there was one other man in this world that would protect my daughter with everything he had was you then I probably would’ve gotten my shotgun.”

  “If you killed me you couldn’t have kept me away. It would’ve been even worse actually. I would’ve been sleeping with her every night.” I told him with an eyebrow waggle.

  He scoffed. “Didn’t you? You two don’t think that me and my wife knew you two would try sneaking in and out of your rooms thinking we were sleep? Plus Dean, James, and Sam spilled the beans I knew you two slept together when you weren’t at our home. You have to give us some credit.”

  I frowned. “So why didn’t you guys ever call us out on it. Sure I wanted to be with her but I wouldn’t be flat out disrespectful to you that way to completely ignore your rules.”

  “I knew you two weren’t actually having sex. It was more of the thought of any boy in my daughters bed. But I knew she wanted you there too. I knew it wasn’t until after the incident I noticed the change but by then you two were so shaken up I couldn’t take away your safety nets from each other. I understood and I trust my daughter she’s always been smart and she truly only disappointed me once in her life…”

  I felt a little angry at that, what the hell had she done to piss him off. “And what was that?”

  “Keeping Shakira a secret. Look Nick I wanted to bring you in here to apologize.”

  Now I was completely lost and shocked. “Why, you haven’t done anything to me.”

  He sighed. “I knew Nick. I knew the entire time. She didn’t tell me, of course she didn’t. But I knew she had come up here for that winter break and three months later we find out she’s three months pregnant. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Plus I met that character Roger she’s been engaged to and the way she interacted with him, it was like being in a room with her brother or something. I knew there was not a snowballs chance in hell that she got knocked up by that guy so it left only you. When Shakira was born there was no mistaken it and I’m sure that Mel knew I had figured it out. When I first held Shakira she opened up those big brown puppy dog eyes and smiled at me showing off her dimples everything I believed was confirmed. I didn’t actually say anything to her because I just didn’t understand and I really wanted to. I know you Nick, I know that you wouldn’t have just left her to raise a child by herself so I didn’t get it. I don’t even know what’s happened that now Shakira knows about you.”

  I blew out a long breath. “To make a long story short, she told me that when she got the courage to tell me she had found out I was entering the draft. We were already long distance and you see how that worked out so she was scared about what would happen if I ended up even further away. At the same time she knew if I had to choose I wouldn’t have chosen the team I would’ve chosen them and she didn’t want to be responsible for me giving up on my dreams. I could respect that but I don’t agree with it myself. When I fucked up my ankle my agent hired her to be my physical therapist. There was a night when the weather was really bad, similar to the night that Dean died and I kind of freaked. I was scared to death to let her out and drive in that weather when she really didn’t have to so I made her stay in the guest room at my place. Nothing happened but Roger got pissed about it and they had it out, which ended up with her and Shakira on my doorstep and him staking out my home. I got rid of him and made them stay and she confessed to me about Shakira when I questioned her about it and things didn’t add up. After that Landon and I packed them up and moved them in with me and well… they’ve been there ever since.”

happy she’s done with that loser. She was basically supporting him and I knew she didn’t love him. I just didn’t see the purpose of her being with him. If she would’ve married him I would have been devastated because he didn’t deserve her. But you Nick, she’s never had a boy in her life that made me want to hug and strangle him at once but if it were my choice, it would be you. Thank you for always taking care of my girl.”

  I nodded. “We can’t say always Mr. Smith. During those years since we broke up I wasn’t really there for her or around.”

  He shook his head. “Nick if that girl would’ve called you and said she needed help you wouldn’t have even asked what, you would’ve gotten on a plane and found out when you got there. You can’t pull that shit on me, and you know why? Because even though you were working together she showed up on your doorstep with a kid and I’m pretty sure it was you that made them stay there and you that moved them in and you that ran that bastard off.”

  I smiled. “Whatever.” I told him knowing he was right but I didn’t want to admit it.

  “And that is why I put up with your crazy ass, I’m just happy you don’t have a thing for my wife like James. I would’ve had to get rid of you if it were my wife and my daughter.” He said with a chuckle.

  “Ah no, I couldn’t do that to Mel. That’s pushing it, and Sam is just this sexy soccer mom that flirts with me. I love that woman.” I said wistfully.

  Aaron laughed again. “So what’s going on? Are you two just living together now…?” he asked.

  I grinned. “We’re living together…” I thought for a second and shrugged, he deserved to know and I knew he wouldn’t spill the beans. “And we found out this morning we’re having another baby.” I told him.

  His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. “What the fuck? Between you and Landon you guys need just one shot. You better teach Max and Dean that your family has super sperm so they know to protect themselves. I need a scotch…” he trailed off standing. I was snickering as I followed him out and back into the family room. He looked at Mel and shook his head with a smile before grabbing Landon to fetch the good stuff.

  I plopped down next to Mel and threw my arm around her. “What was that about?” she asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Mind your business, if we wanted you to know we would have invited you.” She elbowed me and I laughed.



  “Spill girl, what is up with you and Nick?” Lucy asked and I smiled. Me, Lucy, and Erica were in Lucy and Landon’s room. The boys were babysitting and Sam and my mother went out to go grocery shopping. They took Lucy’s list as well to pick up what she needed.

  “Why does everyone keep asking that?” I asked.

  “Why do you think? Because we’re fucking nosy and we’re entitled to this information, now spill.” Erica demanded.

  I sighed. “No you’re impossible actually.” When she glared at me I threw my hands up in defeat. “Fine! We’re together again… it took a lot of fighting and stuff but it happened. We took our time. I was working with him for seven months to fix his ankle and we didn’t get together until after he was healed.”

  Lucy sighed. “I knew it! I just knew you two were going to be back together.”

  I scoffed. “Yea right, wasn’t you all Roger made me swoon he’s so romantic?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Sure he did give an awesome proposal and after a few years I thought you wanted to be with him because of Shakira. But let’s be serious, none of us believed either of your bullshit about being over each other. I knew more than you think I did I just didn’t say anything because I didn’t have details.” She pointed out.

  I arched an eyebrow in disbelief. “I call bullshit.”

  Lucy sighed. “Ok you asked for it. Naturally you both fessed up that you were broken up. Nick told Landon that he thought there was someone else. Then when you visited I knew you were both outside, I could hear Nick’s voice but I thought he was on the phone. After that, Landon and I were still up we had just finished…” she cleared her throat as her cheeks flamed bright red. “Anyway we knew that Nick had come upstairs for you and you guys left together. You were staying right there in Dean’s room. There were a few other instances when the two of you were both around and I could see him watching you, and you him when you thought no one was paying attention. You guys would always get caught looking all sad and exchanging words every time. Then I remember my wedding, you and Nick dancing together you couldn’t possibly hate each other. Even when you two started working together you two would call up me and Landon and just bitch and moan about the other one. That’s all we seemed to talk about after a while, and then all of a sudden it stopped. When we visited you two anyone could sense the sparks. The bitterness wasn’t there anymore and Kira dimed you two out.”

  I cut her off. “We did not kiss, she didn’t see that!” I argued.

  “Anyways to end this whole thing I saw the press conference and you two absolutely looked pretty cozy. And I’m sure you weren’t just sharing a bed last night.”

  I don’t think I could’ve gotten anymore red than I was at that moment. I pressed my hands to my cheeks in an attempt to cool off. “Lucy….”

  Erica snickered. “Oh please, it’s no secret woman. Didn’t you all get caught in compromising positions in high school? We all knew you two were being naughty behind closed doors so quit it. Besides you do have a daughter it’s not like there’s any way you could hide your history of being intimate.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Apparently I didn’t learn my lesson the first time.” I muttered picking up my cup of sparkling water.

  Erica stood. “We need to get Mel wasted so that she can give all the dirt. You two are the best with some liquid encouragement, although you do sometimes overshare your stories with me. I mean come on they are my brothers!”

  I choked on my water. “Oh no thank you.” I told her.

  She picked up her cup and waved it in my face. “You know you want to…” she urged.

  “You’re right I would have loved to… but I can’t.” I confessed. We normally have a really good time together and we don’t really get this girl time like we used to.

  Lucy’s eyebrows went up. “Why?” she asked but I saw a twinkle in her eye.

  I sighed I might as well get it out right? “I’m pregnant.”

  Erica jumped up off of the bed and began dancing and Lucy fist pumped the air letting out a loud whoop. I guess they were making way too much noise because Landon’s head popped into the room. “What the fuck Lucy?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “Get out.”

  “No, what the hell is going on? I heard stomping and yelling I didn’t know what the shit to expect.” He argued.

  “Mel is pregnant and we’re happy, now leave.” She demanded.

  He looked at me. “yea?” he asked seeking confirmation. I nodded and he came into the room and pulled me into a tight hug. He pressed a kiss to my temple before pulling away. “Congrats Mel.” He walked back to the door to leave and turned back to me. “If Nick is missing that’s because I kicked his ass for not saying anything.”

  I laughed. “Don’t be so hard on him, we just found out the morning before we left to come.”

  When the door closed Erica swung her arms around me. “I’m so happy! I can’t believe it! Are you two having a boy, you need a boy now.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why are you always trying to dictate the sex of everyone’s babies? Why don’t you start having some?” I asked.

  Lucy smiled. “Because she’s too much of a punk to admit who she likes.”

  My eyebrows flew up as my eyes ping ponged between them. Erica was avoiding eye contact and Lucy looked plain smug. “What am I missing here?” I asked.

  Lucy looked at Erica, “do you want to spill?” she asked. When Erica didn’t respond Lucy shrugged. “She likes Teddy!” she said.

  Erica’s cheeks pinked and I gasped. Erica was never embarrassed. “I do not and he’s younger
than me Lucy. Would you quit it with that already?” she asked.

  Lucy shrugged. “He’s coming over today and he’ll be here tomorrow to celebrate thanksgiving with us.”

  Erica threw back her glass of wine. “You totally like him E!” there was no denying it her reaction was giving it all away. “I think he’s an awesome guy if that means anything although Lucy knows him a lot better than I do.” He’s a very quiet guy and really only speaks to people he’s comfortable with. He talks to me, sure but he’s not as comfortable with me as he is with Lucy. Plus when I see him there are usually more people around so he doesn’t speak much either way. When it’s just us and family he lets himself relax and he is really nice, cool, and funny.

  “Whatever, I am not going to argue with the two of you. I do not like him and I haven’t met any guy that I’m willing to be in a relationship with let alone have a baby. No thanks dear.” She said with a wave of her hand. Lucy scoffed in disbelief but didn’t comment.

  Thanksgiving flew by and we had a ton of fun. I didn’t realize until now how much I missed this, all of us being together without any stress or tension it was great like old times. Shakira was sad to go but we promised that we would make sure that we spent a lot more time together and making sure that the kids saw each other frequently. They grew close fast and they accepted Shakira with open arms. It was a long trip home but we made it and it wasn’t long before we were all passed out. My assistant contacted me that I have a potential new client and she scheduled a meeting for us tomorrow. Nick was none too happy that I wouldn’t be at his practice the next day but he got over it quickly. I got up at the same time as Nick and I jumped in the shower first. I put on one of my business suits and hopped into my car.

  “Good Morning Kelly.” I greeted my assistant placing a cup of coffee on her desk.

  She picked it up and inhaled deeply. “You are a God do you know that?” she asked then took a sip. She handed me some paperwork and I shuffled through it quickly. “They’re already here I escorted them to your office.” She told me with a bright smile.


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