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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Belle Winters

  I frowned. “What are you so happy about?” I asked.

  Her eyebrows flew up. “Oh nothing.” She said a bit too cheery. My curiosity was definitely peaked. She never got frazzled by any of the clients that’s one of the things I loved about her, she was a professional through and through. Even though I can tell something was up with this one she still wasn’t going fan girl on me so I could appreciate that.

  I made my way to my office and went inside. I saw a husky guy with graying hair sitting in the chair closest to my desk. I walked over and removed my jacket and took a seat. “Good Morning, I’m Melanie Smith.” I introduced myself.

  He stuck out a hand. “I’m Carter Rodriguez and this here is my client.” He said gesturing behind him. It was then that I noticed the massive man standing by the windows with his back to us. He turned around and I gaped, it was Christian Clove the star football player for the New York Giants.

  “You’re Christian Clove.” I announced stupidly.

  He gave me a panty melting smile and I took him in, he looked even better in person. He was well known in the tabloids as a ladies man. He was at all the hottest events and always with a model or celebrity on his arm. He definitely had the looks for it and I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that I had the usual fan girl crush on him, he was a sight. He was tall and tan with a breathtaking smile with all hard muscles and lines… I’ve seen them enough in photos. He was in a Calvin Klein ad and I must admit that I hope there wasn’t a sock in there, I’ve gotten through sex with Roger imagining him.

  “You can call me Chris, Melanie.” He offered and took a seat.

  I nodded and went back into professional mode. “So what can I do for you two?” I asked.

  “Well Chris has a fractured shoulder from a tackle and we need to get him up and running. We know how you helped Nick Rivers and well, you seem like the best in the business. We came all the way out here for your services, if we can agree he will be taking up temporary residence throughout the course of his therapy.” Carter told me.

  I nodded. “I will need to contact your primary care doctor and get information on the injury so I would know how it needs to be treated. Can I ask why aren’t you wearing a sling or something for support?”

  “Those things drive me crazy.” Chris admitted.

  I sighed and put down the pen I’ve been using to take notes. “Ok, I need to get this out there before we go any further. I do my job and I do it well, however I don’t deal with cocky know it all’s. I’m not being hired to babysit you or to work for you. I’ll be working with you so in order for this to work you’re going to have to be able to do what you’re told unless there can be serious consequences and they will ultimately only affect you. So first thing is if we end this meeting on a good note, you’re going to have on a sling before the end of the night, ok?” I asked making sure that I held his eyes the entire time.

  He grinned and Carter cursed. “I like her.” Chris said in response and Carter gaped. “She tells it how it is and I was worried that I may not get someone who knows what they’re doing. She just told my ass off and we haven’t even agreed to anything yet. It seems like she knows how to help and I’ll wear the damn sling if it means anything.”

  I nodded. “Good to hear. In that case, I just finished working with Nick so I’m pretty available. How old is the injury?”

  “Three weeks.” Carter told me.

  “Well boys it sounds like we’re in business here. if you can provide the information from the doctor and tell me when we should be starting treatment and the location then we can begin the process and close this out.”

  “Can I have a pen and paper to write this for you?” Carter asked. I handed him what he asked for and he scribbled down a personal phone number and name for the doctor as well as their contact information.

  I nodded and stood. “It was great meeting you two I’ll be in touch.”

  “Do you have an ETA?” Carter asked.

  “I could most likely gather all the details I need by the end of the day, the question is when do you want to start, given the doctor confirms he’s approved therapy.”

  “As soon as possible.”

  I nodded. “Ok, I’ll contact you later today and we can work on the details.” I stood and grabbed my jacket. I walked around the front of the desk and both men stood. I shook hands with Carter first and he gave me a grateful smile. I turned to Chris and he gave me a smile before holding out his hand. I shook it and he held onto my hand.

  “I can’t wait for you to work on me.” He said and trailed his eyes over me. I blushed and released his hand.

  I cleared my throat. “We’ll get that shoulder better.” I told him and opened the door. He grabbed it to hold it open and I walked past him and headed out. I decided to go home since I just needed to make a few phone calls and draft up a preliminary regiment for his treatment. When I got home I fixed a sandwich and then called his doctor. Carter must’ve contacted him directly after the meeting because he appeared to be ready. He had all the information that I needed on hand and emailed it while over the phone. He cleared Chris for therapy so I thanked him and hung up. I reviewed his x-rays and the notes on his injury. I had a clear view of what we would most likely need to do, but it could definitely change once I get a look at it and see what shape he really is in. the one thing I learned is that the x-rays and such don’t always tell the full story. Plus depending on what the person is doing in the meantime to care for it, it may be more sensitive than it appears to be. Considering he wasn’t wearing any protective gear to care for it I could only assume there may be some type of complications.

  I rang Carter. “Melanie?”

  “Hey Carter, I took a look through his documentation and he should be good to begin. Everything is currently pending, actually seeing the injury, but where would you like to begin?” I asked.

  “Well right now we’re staying at a hotel. I might not secure a place until later this week. I’m not sure what kind of equipment you may need for this to know where to go.” Carter admitted.

  I thought about it for a second then sighed. “Well tomorrow is just the first day and to be honest I don’t expect to need equipment for a while. We’re going to be mainly doing stretches and testing the strength and mobility of the injured area. How about for now we can work here at my place?” I suggested.

  Carter cleared his throat. “I appreciate that offer, but I just don’t know. No offense Melanie but that’s a setup that normally ends up with him in bed with someone he has no business being with and I can’t afford to lose you as his therapist.”

  I laughed. “Well I don’t really see that being an issue. I’m actually surprised that you don’t know who I am, considering you know my work history.” I told him.

  “What did I miss? I knew you worked for Nick and must’ve been around when news got out about his child and such… but besides his injury and that there hasn’t been anything else.”

  I scoffed. “Carter I had his child. We were together when we were younger and ended up with a daughter and we’re together now. We live here with our daughter. Trust me if you want to keep him as a client he won’t even know how to find a bedroom in this place or else Nick will kill us both. Nothing at all to worry about there.”

  He sighed. “Holy shit, that’s the best news I ever heard.”

  I giggled. “Surely it can’t be that bad.”

  “You have no idea. I mean I jump down his back all the time but I know I can’t fully blame him. He’s only a man at the end of the day and you wouldn’t believe how these women throw themselves at him. I should’ve known something was up with Nick too because there hasn’t been anything at all on him other than the whole daughter thing and his return. I look forward to doing business with you Ms. Smith.”

  “Mel, and that sounds like a plan. I’ll text you the address how does 10am sound?” I asked.

  “Perfect, thanks!” Carter replied before hanging up. I stared at the phone and dropped my head into my hand.
How the hell was I going to tell Nick? He was going to lose his shit, I know it. I kept myself occupied until I had to pick up Shakira. When we got home I helped her with her homework and she chatted away about school. Esmeralda was making a pot roast today and the house smelled amazing. Nick got home and came straight into the kitchen.

  “I’m hungry is dinner ready?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “You’re always hungry.” I told him.

  He sauntered over to me and grabbed the back of my neck. “Give me some love baby.” He whispered bringing his lips down to mine.

  “Ewwwwww” Shakira said and he rolled his eyes.

  Nick stood up and walked over to Kira. He kissed her on the top of her head and kneeled down next to her. “Princess I know that you think me and mommy kissing is gross but you shouldn’t do that anymore. It’s ok for me to kiss mommy because I love her and that’s what adults do when they are in love with each other.”

  “Is mommy your girlfriend now?” Kira asked and he nodded. She smiled large and then asked, “are you getting married so we can be together forever?” she asked.

  Nick picked his head up and met my eyes as he answered her. “Not today baby girl but maybe someday your mom will marry me. Is it ok if I move her into my room though since she’s my girlfriend?” he asked.

  She moved her head side to side as if she was thinking it over until she finally nodded. “Yes, that’s ok.” She told him and he smiled.

  He looked over at me. “You going to change rooms?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “And do all of that packing and moving?” I asked.

  He chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes, I’ll move your shit for you.” Nick placed one more kiss to Shakira’s head before he made his way upstairs I’m assuming to wash his stink away. He was gone for a while before he came back down to eat. When we went upstairs for bed I went to my room to get dressed and noticed my stuff was gone. He seriously moved my stuff into his room that must be what he was up to when he disappeared earlier. I made my way over to his room and stood in the doorway watching him.

  “You sure don’t waste anytime do you?” I asked.

  He turned around and smiled at me. “Come on Mel… you should know by now.”

  I sighed and shook my head as I went into the room. I grabbed one of his t-shirts and changed for bed. I joined him and he turned on the TV. I couldn’t focus on what was on because I was trying to figure out how to tell him about my new client. I knew I needed to tell him, there was no way around it. I sighed and decided to just get it over with. “Nick?”

  “Yea?” he said turning to face me. I sat up and moved out of the crook of his arm.

  “I have a new client.” I told him.

  He smiled and grabbed my hand. “Of course you do, you’re great babe. Who is it?” he asked.

  “Christian Clove” I told him hesitantly.

  He frowned. “From the Giants?” he asked and I nodded. “He came all the way out here for therapy?” he asked and I nodded again.

  “And that’s the other thing. They haven’t found him a place yet to stay for the duration of his treatment, he’s in a hotel.” Nick scowled but I continued on. “We didn’t think it was a good idea or very professional for me to do it there, so I offered to do it here.” I told him and held my breath.

  He sat up straight and shook his head. “No Mel.”

  I sighed. “Nick, we don’t really have a lot of options, he starts tomorrow. Surely you wouldn’t prefer me in his hotel room.”

  He sighed. “Can’t you go to a gym or something where there are people around?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be ridiculous Nick. Plus I think this is the best place for us.”

  He searched my eyes and didn’t comment for a while and I held my breath. Finally he expelled a long breath and said, “Fine Mel, but any funny business and you tell me.” He said.

  I scowled. “Nick this isn’t a date, this is work. There isn’t going to be any funny business, plus I’m with you so stop it ok?” I asked softly.

  He grabbed my hand and tugged me to him. “Come here baby.” When I conceded and fell into him he ran his hands through my hair. He let out a long breath before he continued. “It’s not you Mel, I just don’t want any guys around you ok?”

  “Ok.” I told him.

  “What time is it over? We need to get you to a doctor I want you to be seen this week. I have a game coming up but I can get a day off to go see what’s going on. I’ll run it by coach tomorrow. The worst case scenario is I get out for a few hours for the appointment.”

  I nodded. “That sounds perfect, thank you.” I told him. I wasn’t just thanking him for thinking about the doctor, but for not giving me too hard of a time about Chris.

  He leaned down and kissed me. “Anything for you babe.” He told me. The kiss deepened and soon Chris and all else was forgotten as Nick reminded why he’s the only one I needed.


  I was pissed as hell when I left the house this morning. Sure I told Mel that everything was ok but I’d be damned if it really was. Ok, so here’s the thing… I’m not being a crazy jealous bastard for no reason. I know Chris, like know him and well let’s just say we’ve partied together in the past. He’s exactly the type of guy I was when I didn’t have Mel, only worse. He didn’t have any qualms about voyeurism and wasn’t one to hide any secrets. If he wanted you he went for you with no questions. I even had my own limits, like I would never fuck a married woman if I knew she was, I won’t say it never happened unknowingly. In any event, Chris will fuck a married woman and then tell her husband all about it. Mel is well… Mel. She’s exactly his type especially now that she’s all curvy. I was totally into her in school but she was kind of a little thing especially compared to Lucy. Shakira did her well because she’s done put on the pounds perfectly. I can tell that she keeps herself in shape because she’s also toned so in other words she was hot and her fiery attitude is enough to waken any man’s cock so do you see what I’m worried about? I mean seriously any single male to see her in those tight ass yoga pants and loose t-shirts that lets her sports bra peek out is going to want her. Shit, if it weren’t for me being so goddamn aggravated I would be extremely uncomfortable right now picturing her. I just really would hate to have to break his fucking face for going after her and I would hate to kill her if she let him. This was one of the very few times where I wished I didn’t have an upcoming game so I could skip practice without any of coaches shit.

  The court was exactly what I needed. By the time practice was done I was all sweaty and stink proving that I kicked ass today. As we were exiting the court coach waved me over.

  “What’s up?”

  “Nothing, you worked hard today… is everything ok?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yea I’m good.”

  He frowned. “Not that I don’t appreciate the hard work, but you were unusually aggressive out there today.”

  I sighed. “It’s nothing, I was a bit pissed off but I’ll get over it. I’ll check myself next time coach.” I conceded.

  He nodded. “Alright, go get washed up and I’ll see you tomorrow Rivers.” I saluted him and washed up and headed home. When I got home Essie was cooking and Mel was doing homework with Shakira. I dropped my bag and walked over to them. I pressed a kiss to Kira’s temple and she grinned up at me.

  “Hi daddy.”

  “Hey sweet girl, how was school?” I asked.

  “It was fine, I learned some new words today.”

  I nodded. “Good, you can tell me them later ok?” when she nodded I was appeased because I knew she would follow through and I really did want to know. I went to Mel and gave her a kiss. “Hi babe.” I said softly.

  She gave me a bright inviting smile. “Hey Nick.”

  “I called the hospital when we were on break, we go in tomorrow at 3pm, does that work?” I asked.

  She nodded. “That’s perfect, thank you.” I kissed her again and headed upstairs to drop off my

  That night in bed I decided to broach the subject of Chris. It’s been bugging me all day and I needed to know. “So how was work today?” I asked acting uninterested.

  She shrugged. “It was ok, it was mainly me looking over the injury analyzing how swollen and such it was. It would’ve been in better condition had he followed through with his doctors instructions all the way but what can you do? It’s going to take some time but it’ll heal I’m sure.”

  I nodded. “that’s cool, so anything else happen?” I asked.

  She sighed. “Nick I know what you’re getting at and no nothing happened. We just worked and that is all. We may have taken a break and had sandwiches that I ordered, I didn’t even cook for him. Do you feel better?” she asked.

  I nodded because I did. “Yes, I was just checking Mel is all.”

  She curled into me. “I know Nick.” It was only a few minutes but Mel was out quickly, I let myself pass out right after her.

  I woke up an hour early and Mel was plastered against me. My reaction to her must’ve woken me up because I was in pain from need. I kissed her forehead and continued until my lips covered hers. She shifted but didn’t wake and I groaned. I gently rolled her onto her back and took the covers off of her. I let myself get a long leisurely look at my beautiful girl, I really wished that her eyes were open and looking at me because I loved her grey eyes. I ran my hands lightly up the inside of her legs and thighs until I reached her panties. I feathered a touch against her and her body shifted, I smiled. I considered tugging her underwear down but I was afraid of startling her awake so instead I tore them apart and threw the piece in my hand on the floor. There wasn’t enough space for me to fit so I leaned over her and licked the inside of her thigh dangerously close to her sweet spot. Her body complied to my question and her legs parted for me. I fit myself comfortably in between her legs and gave her a long slow lick. Her moan spurred me on and there was no holding back. I kept my eyes on her face and her body arched before she let out another moan and her hands found my hair. I suckled on her the way she loved and liked. I didn’t stop until she was a quivering mess and I removed my clothes before mounting her. I pushed my way slowly inside of her and I felt a shiver break out in my body. Every time I was with her felt like the first time I swear, it’s like her body was made only for me.


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