Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3) Page 16

by Belle Winters

  “You ready?” he asked and I nodded. We got up and went to leave and the dog began to whine like crazy. Nick turned back and gave her one last pet on the head. I couldn’t do it because I knew I would probably throw her under my arm and make a run for it. As we were walking out Nick looked down to me, “you know why she freaked out right?” he asked.

  I shook my head. “No I thought she was going to attack me.”

  He chuckled. “No she saw me and got defensive. She wasn’t barking at you she was barking at me from coming to you.”

  I smiled. “Yea because that’s my friend. If you fuck with me I’m going to get her to bite you in the ass so you better watch it.” I warned.

  He threw his hands up in defense. “Don’t worry I don’t want no problems with you two.”

  “How the heck are we going to sneak a dog in the house without her knowing?” I asked.

  He gave me a smug grin, “don’t worry babe I got it covered.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You better.”

  We spent the next few days getting everyone’s gifts. As normal it was going to be a full family affair, everyone was going to be here including our parents. I know James and Sam aren’t his real parents of course, but those are his guardians and they stepped in without a word or thought so I was comfortable enough to call them that although only in my head. I had an extremely hard time trying to figure out what to get for Nick. He was simple and yet he could have anything he wanted, what the hell do you get a person like that? I was losing my mind and it was two days before Christmas and I still didn’t know what to get. I got him some little things that I just wanted to pick up but I couldn’t find a real gift. I was walking through the mall when I passed a jewelry store. My eyes met the window and what I saw gave me the perfect idea, but it will probably be more for me than him. I instantly became excited and went inside.

  That night we stayed up making cookies and stuff pending our family’s arrival. Kira was really excited, she expressed to me that she couldn’t wait to have Christmas with her dad and I felt extremely horrible. There’s times when I look at the two of them and I feel like a monster for keeping them apart for so long since they are both so crazy about each other. That night Nick just held me and feathered kisses all over me and I only felt love. He didn’t try anything with me beyond cuddling and he just showed me how much this meant to him. I saw it all day in his basketball shaped cookies that looked more like aliens, and his hot chocolate that was a bit too sweet, and his singing off key to the Christmas songs. I smiled to myself as I remembered leaving Nick and Kira for a few minutes and coming back into the kitchen to see flour everywhere and mostly on them.

  “Nick, I love you.” I whispered.

  He turned his head to look at me and gave me a soft kiss. “I love you too baby.” With that I let myself find sleep.

  Everyone was expected to arrive today and Kira was over the top happy to see her family. Lucy and Landon arrived early since Dean was bugging them about getting here and he and Kira took off to her room to play with toys. Nick and Landon disappeared for a couple of hours and Lucy and I spent that time getting reacquainted. We both complained about how hard it was finding the perfect gift for them. When Erica arrived we made sandwiches and they had mimosas while I threw a lemon in my sparkling water so I felt like I was drinking along with them. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve become a fruit fanatic and I’ve been putting strawberries, melon, mango, you name it I’ve got it on my list, into my water and things. I wanted so bad to tell Lucy about my gift for Nick but I was afraid that she would tell me I’m losing my mind and I didn’t need any discouragement. That night the kids made more cookies with Sam and Lucy since they were so much better at it, and left those out with milk for Santa. I watched them happily as I drooled over the cookies, I was totally getting first dibs on these once the kids went to sleep. I mean I was pregnant there’s no way they would deny me.

  I woke up to hands massaging my neck. I heard squealing and I could tell Nick was awake by his breathing. I was stretched out across him as per usual and he was just lying there comfortably letting me sleep. I sat up and I felt the wetness on my cheek.

  “Gross Mel, you drooled on me? I’m never giving you cookies before bed again.” Nick fussed.

  I pouted. “I’m sorry. I can’t help what I do in my sleep, leave me alone.” I fussed.

  He gripped my chin and pulled me close. “I forgive you baby.” He kissed me lightly and smiled. “Let’s freshen up and get ourselves up. The kids are awake and I won’t be surprised if-“

  He was cut off by the door flying open and Shakira bounced in. She ran to the bed and jumped onto it. “Mommy, daddy wake up!” she announced.

  Nick laughed. “We’re up baby girl come here and give me a hug.” He extended his arm and she plopped down and snuggled into his other side. She threw her head on his chest so her forehead was touching mine. “Merry Christmas princess.”

  “Merry Christmas. Now we have to go see if Santa found us! I hope he got my letter and knows that we live with daddy now, do you think he got my letter mommy?” she asked.

  I smiled. “I’m positive he got the message.” I shifted and got myself up and headed to the bathroom. I freshened up and I laid with Shakira as Nick went to do the same. When he was done he scooped her up and we headed out of the room. We knocked on Landon and Lucy’s door and they joined us. The kids camped out downstairs last night in hopes of seeing Santa. It proved to be a challenge loading all the gifts under the tree without making noise. It appears they woke up and ran upstairs to wake us because Dean was with them and he seemed as excited as Kira. We went downstairs and started with the kids. They didn’t need any prodding; they tore the gifts open with enthusiasm. Once Kira and Dean were done and sated, we let Max go, followed by Erica then our parents. Lucy and Landon went next then it was my turn. I cracked up at the maternity wardrobe I got. Kira got me a really pretty sweater that I thanked her for and then I opened Nick’s gift. He got me some little pieces and then I opened up a jewelry box. I met his eyes in question and he gestured for me to continue. I opened the box and gasped. Inside was a diamond encrusted locket and inside was a picture of Nick and I from back in High School. It was a selfie that I took of us laying down and he stole my phone to send it to himself.

  “You kept this?” I asked and he nodded.

  “You wouldn’t believe the type of shit I put people through when I had to change phones to make sure that picture was transferred.” He told me.

  I felt tears prick my eyes but I was able to hold them in. I pecked him on his lips in thanks and smiled. The doorbell rang and I looked at Nick in confusion. He winked at me and went to answer it. “Merry Christmas!” we heard Phil scream from the door. I turned to look and I saw the dog we got for Shakira run through the house into the living rom.

  Kira squealed and jumped up. “Mommy that’s a dog!” she screamed racing to it. she kneeled on the floor and began petting him immediately. He was like putty in her hands he stretched out on the floor and let her have her way. I got down on the floor next to her and gave him a rub.

  “Yes, that’s from daddy.” I told her.

  “I love him! thank you daddy, this is the best gift EVER!” she told him.

  I heard him chuckle and went to get up when I was knocked down. I looked up startled to see the Akita from the shelter. Nick ran over and got the dog off of me. “We can’t have you on her like that girl.” He cooed as he stroked her. she leaned against his leg and submitted to his rubs. Dean came over hesitantly and I don’t blame him. she was pretty big and intimidating. Nick grabbed his hand and guided it over to let her sniff. When she was done she put her head down and let him rub her.

  “You got me a dog?” I asked him shocked.

  He nodded. “You two were in love with each other.”

  I got up and jumped into his arms. He caught me and I wrapped my legs around him and began covering his face with kisses. “Best gift EVER!” I mimicked Kira. He smiled and g
ave me one last kiss before setting me on my feet.

  “So what are you naming them?” he asked.

  “Marshmallow!” Kira announced and I laughed.

  Nick scoffed. “You’re going to name him marshmallow?” he questioned. When she nodded he shrugged. “and you?” he asked.

  I thought about it as I watched the dog scan the room. she was looking at everyone as if she was trying to determine if there was a threat. I looked to Nick and smiled. “Lucky.”

  His eyebrow went up. “Why Lucky?” he asked.

  “Because that’s how I feel to have her.” I told him simply.

  He grinned. “Lucky it is then.”

  It was Nick’s turn to open gifts and I made sure that I was the one to hand them over. He giggled at the snowman sweater that Kira picked out for him and promised to wear it all the time. My anxiety grew as his gifts dwindled down and then my actual gift was the last one standing. I swallowed hard before I handed it over. He watched me with wonder the entire time as he opened it. When he saw the small jewelry box he frowned and opened it slowly. He pulled out the piece of paper and read it. it didn’t say much so I got nervous when he didn’t respond for a while but only continued to stare at the paper.

  He looked up at me and I couldn’t read his expression. “Really?” he asked.

  I swallowed and nodded. “Yea, so what do you say?” I asked.

  He bit his lip and looked back down at the paper. When he met my eyes again he broke out into a picture perfect smile and I exhaled. “Yea baby.” He said and grabbed my hand pulling me off the floor. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed me. He bit my lip to open for him and I complied. We didn’t pull away until a throat cleared. I looked around the room and when I met my dad’s eyes I blushed.

  “So anyone want to fill us in on what just happened?” Erica asked. I smiled and looked at Nick. He grabbed the paper and passed it to her. Her reaction was instantaneous. “NO FUCKING WAY! Are you serious?” she asked.


  She leapt out her seat and Lucy laughed. “What is happening?” she asked.

  “Mel proposed to Nick!” she squealed.

  Landon choked. “Mel proposed… marriage?” he asked.

  “Yea man.” Nick confirmed.

  Landon laughed. “So um, she’s the man in this relationship then?” he asked.

  “I am not a man Landon, you take that back.”

  He held up his hands in defense. “It wasn’t an insult to you Mel don’t kill me.”

  “Fine, I forgive you.”

  “Where’s the ring?” Erica asked.

  I laughed. “It’s in the box.” I got down on one knee in front of him and slid the ring onto his finger. Everyone was laughing at the scene but I didn’t care fuck being conventional. I looked up at Nick, “you’re mine now.”

  “Damn straight.” He replied.

  “Mommy, why did you give daddy a ring?” Kira asked.

  “Me and your mommy are going to get married princess.” Nick told her.

  She frowned. “So she can’t be your girlfriend anymore?” she asked sadly.

  Nick laughed. “No she will be my wife. That’s even better and it means that she’s going to be mine forever.”

  Her eyes brightened. “So we’re never going to leave?” she asked.

  Nick frowned. “No, but we will probably need to get a bigger house.”

  “Can I still have my own room?” she asked.

  He nodded. “That’s the plan.”

  She was satisfied with that and went to play with the dogs. Sam got up and made her way over to Nick. “Let me see.”

  “Sexy Sam, my girl just proposed to me and you’re offering to be indecent now. There are kids in the room woman. But if you want we can take this upstairs.” He told her with an eyebrow wiggle.

  She rolled her eyes. “Why must you always?” she asked.

  He held out his hand like a girl. “Fine look at the size of my rock.” After everyone got over the whole engagement Sam and Lucy went to the kitchen to get dinner prepared.

  Marshmallow didn’t have any issues getting on with anyone. He went to anyone that would coddle him and rub him although Kira stayed close. Lucky however took a couple of hours to warm up to everyone, it only took a few minutes for her to get on with the kids which I was happy about. For a split second I was concerned about her and the baby on the way. Once she did she relaxed and began socializing comfortably with everyone. She frequently sought out Marshmallow when he was going to eat and things and made sure he followed. As the day progressed, Lucky relented to having the kids all over him and laid down on the floor for the most part and let them roll all over him. Kira was extremely sad to see everyone leave and she even cried a bit. Nick ended up getting slapped in his head for grabbing Lucy’s ass and he drove James crazy by bothering Sam. Lucy promised to check out their schedules when they got home and would let me know as soon as we can see each other again.

  We spent the next few days together before it was time to get back to life. We had a pretty sweet routine going on, Nick and I would drop Kira off at school, then he would drop me off at the gym where I was working with Chris. At the end of the day he would pick me up and then Kira and head home. Life was great, the past couple of months were going so great and to Nick’s happiness I was sporting a small baby bump. There was something that I needed to tell Nick and I was a bit concerned. The last thing I wanted was to rock the boat. I waited until we were in bed that night to broach the subject.

  “Nick, I have something to tell you.”

  “Yes baby?” he answered rubbing circles on my belly.

  “So um, Chris has to head back to New York in a couple of days for a conference to give an update on his injury.”

  Nick frowned. “Yea, so?”

  “Well Carter asked me to go. He said it would be good publicity for me and well he can’t afford to have to stop or postpone therapy again if he wants to be eligible to play next season.” I explained.

  “So you want to go?” he asked searching my eyes.

  I sighed. “I don’t know Nick. No I don’t want to go and be away from home but this is work and it’s like when you have to play an away game. You have to suck it up and get the work done. I just want to make sure that you’re ok with this Nick.”

  “I’m not happy about it but I won’t give you a hard time either. You’re right about it being work so I don’t expect you to tell them no because I’m going to miss you. How long is it for?” he asked.

  I let out the breath I’d been holding. “It’s only for about four days with commuting time.”

  He nodded. “When do you leave?”

  “Friday.” He sighed and pulled me into him.

  “Woman you are going to be the death of me you know that?” he asked.

  I frowned. “How?”

  “Because I’m severely addicted to you because the thought of you leaving days from now is already making me crazy and you’re still in my arms. Don’t worry we’ll go over the rules before you leave.”

  I scoffed. “Rules? Are you serious Nick?”

  “Absolutely, we can go over them now if you prefer.” He suggested with a shrug.

  I sat up. “Fine, let’s hear it then.”

  He pulled his body up and leaned against the headboard. “Ok. 1. No looking at anyone else. 2. No thinking about anyone else. 3. No touching anyone else. 4. You will call me every hour to check in and you will let me talk to my baby. 5. You will send me text messages all day telling me how much you love me. 6. You promise to call me if you have any issues or if anything happens. 7. You tell me if someone does something that makes you even the least bit uncomfortable.”

  I chuckled. “Those are your rules?” I asked.

  He nodded and looked at me seriously. “Damn right woman, now do you have any issues?”

  I smiled. “Oh yeah I have a bunch of issues. What if I want to look at someone else?” I asked just messing with him.

  His eyebrows flew up. “S
o you want to look at other people Melanie? Do you want me to poke your eyes out of your goddamn head?”

  I threw my hands up. “It was a rhetorical question and I like my eyes where they are thank you very much.”

  “Thought so, now quit your shit and come over here so I can touch on you.” Nick said as he reached for me. I laughed and dodged his hand and fell onto my back. “You running from me girl? Don’t make me come and get you.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him and he threw back the covers and stood. When he began walking around the bed to my side I giggled and tried to crawl across the bed but I wasn’t fast enough. I felt his hands clamp down on my ankles and I exploded into more giggles. He dragged me back down the bed towards him and gripped my waist. He stretched his body over me and placed a kiss on my neck.

  “Nick…” I started.

  “What Mel?” he asked.

  “What are you doing?” I asked as I squirmed underneath him. His hands were lightly gliding over my body and everywhere he passed felt like it was on fire.

  “You just told me you were leaving me for a few days, I need my fix.”

  I laughed. “You sound like an addict.”

  He brought his face up so he was looking into my eyes. “I am.” He whispered before he covered my lips with his. When he broke the kiss to breathe he gave me a smug grin. “You ready baby?” he asked and I nodded. I would take anything he wanted to give me right about now and he did not disappoint.



  Throughout the rest of the week Nick stayed close and I could only laugh. You would think I was going backpacking through Europe for the next three months the way he was acting. I would never admit it to him but I was secretly basking in all of the attention. He helped me pack and I declined Chris’s offer to pick me up to head to the airport and let Nick drive me. When we arrived Carter and Chris was already there and waiting and Nick threw him a death glare. I knew it was more of a warning but Chris simply smiled at him and greeted him like he wasn’t fazed.


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