Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3) Page 22

by Belle Winters


  “Go away.”

  “Get up”

  “I hate you”

  “You love me”

  “Nick leave me”


  “Nooooooooo” I groaned.

  “It’s time. I let your huge ass sleep as long as possible get up.”

  “Death Nick. I’ll kill you”

  “Lucy made strawberry Belgian waffles.”

  I sniffed the air and sure enough I smelled that with bacon and I think sausage. I groaned and rolled over slowly blinking my eyes open. “I hate you”

  “You don’t because I wouldn’t do this with your halitosis morning breath.”

  I opened my mouth to say something and he stuck his tongue in my mouth before his lips even touched mine. It was the sloppiest and wettest – and I would’ve said grossest had it been anyone but Nick – kiss that I’ve ever had in my life. He didn’t try to get a rhythm or get into it. He just moved his tongue all around the inside of my mouth before he proceeded to leave a spit trail on the outside of my mouth and even cheeks and chin. I couldn’t do anything to stop him because I enjoyed his silliness and when he pulled back I grabbed his face and rubbed my face against his transferring all of his spit that was possible back onto him.

  “Look at the mess you made Mel now we both need a shower. You know there is a drought so they are asking that we preserve water.”

  I rolled my eyes. “There is no damn drought fool.”

  His eyebrows raised in disbelief. “I’m not making this up so get naked and let’s get in the shower together.” He demanded.

  I crossed my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him as I sat up. “absolutely not. Stop trying to get my clothes off you freak. We have a lot to do today anyway… it’s our rehearsal this afternoon, we don’t have time for that.”

  “Oh so now you’re in a rush. The girl who didn’t want to wake up a second ago is now all business. You will do naughty things with me Mel and you will do it before you eat goddammit.” He demanded.

  I laughed as I stood up. “Who does that?! People don’t typically walk around demanding sex Nick.”

  “Who gives a shit and I’m not demanding it Mel I’m asking with force.” He explained.

  I didn’t even give him a response to his madness. I made my way to the bathroom to freshen myself up. After I took a leak I stood at the sink to brush my teeth and the door opened. Why didn’t I think to lock the door? Because I figured I would get privacy to do these things.

  “I already know how this is going to work Mel. We’re going to eat breakfast. Then we have rehearsal. Then we’re going to spend the day with the family and before we know it, it’s going to be that fancy dinner thingy and then Lucy and Erica are going to sweep you away for that whole ‘can’t see the bride before the wedding’ nonsense and then I won’t see you until you’re walking down the aisle. To make it worse I won’t even get you alone until after the reception and crap and we’re going to be here with a house full of family and kids so I can’t even make you scream properly. I need this before the madness because I may not think twice about bending you over a table in front of everyone if I get desperate.” He explained.

  By the time he was done, my mouth was hanging open because he was serious. Sure most of what he said was true, but I mean come on… he’s totally insane. “You do realize you just made our entire wedding seem like a bother and not to mention you sound like a sex fiend.”

  “What do I have to do to get some around here?” he asked exasperated.

  I tapped my chin, these types of opportunities don’t come around often. I have to make it worth it. truth be told I wanted him and a shower sounds amazing, I love it when he shows my body some serious TLC but if I can make him work for it… hell yes I will. “How about a little strip tease.”

  He scoffed. “What you want me to take my clothes off slowly or something?” Nick asked.

  I laughed. “Oh no. I want a show pretty boy, get some music and everything.”

  “If that’s what you want… then fine girl hurry your ass up.” He said and left the bathroom.

  I took my time brushing my teeth, washing my face and stuff excited about what was going to happen. When I left the bathroom I jumped in fright when Nick extended his hand because I didn’t expect him to be leaning casually against the wall next to the suite bathroom. I placed my hand in his and he led me over to the bed and I sat down gently. Now before I tell you what happened next I need to tell you something about Nick. He was super sexy and man his body is like a damn god. I’m convinced he was sculpted and why he is with me I have no idea. My man plays hard but he trains harder. His body is all solid planes and lines and I will tell you something, I will never tire of looking at it day in and day out. He’s marrying me in two fucking days. If he even thinks he has a chance of divorcing me he has another thing coming. When we were younger, he was sexy as fuck but to look at him now… sweet baby Jesus. I can’t even put into words how fucking hot he is; he thinks girls just want him for money. I know they would be on him with or without it. He doesn’t need the cash for the groupies, I’m sure a lot of woman don’t know who he is when we’re out but it doesn’t stop them from breaking their necks and I get that… in my bed EVERY FUCKING NIGHT.

  Once I sat down, Nick walked over to the door and once he caught my eye he locked it. He walked over to his speaker system and turned the volume up before pressing play on his attached iPhone. LMFAO Sexy and I Know It came on and I laughed. Did I mention my man had moves? Oh fuck yeah he could dance his ass off. He gave me his smug grin, you know the one I watched in magazines and online over the years that he gave to the camera’s and the groupies when he was being super full of himself. I instantly rubbed my legs together in anticipation, I knew he was going to show his ass.

  He walked over my way slowly. His hands went to the hem of his shirt and he teased me with that fucking amazing six pack just giving me a hint of what was underneath. When the chorus dropped his hands went to the neckline of his shirt. I licked my lips in anticipation of him pulling his shirt off. But he shocked the shit out of me and clutched his shirt and pulled ripping a line down the middle of his white t-shirt. He bit his lip as he shed his shirt and my mouth went dry. My fingers twitched in want and don’t judge me because you would want to run your fingers along every line of his amazing chest and stomach. He put his hands to the line of his sweat pants and rubbed along them slowly. I arched an eyebrow in question and his answering smirk was enough to have me on the edge of my seat. He got rid of his sweats slower than I would’ve loved and he began moving his hips in this totally erotic way in just his gray briefs. He rolled his body and I had to refrain from releasing the words dying to come out watching him. Why was he in basketball and not stripping again? Better yet, why haven’t I made him do this before? He came over and gave me a lap dance and I couldn’t stop myself from groping him wherever I could. Magic Mike who? When the chorus dropped for the third time he didn’t stop dancing as he took his boxers off and tossed them into my face. He was completely and totally naked and holy hot damn I may have just came a little. Now there’s a part of the song towards the end where they start repeating the word wiggle. Right before that began he walked towards me and I thought he was going to call it quits and jump me. Boy was I fucking wrong. He stopped just out of arm reach and put his hands behind his head and shocked the shit out of me by doing the helicopter. Yes, he swung his huge cock around in the helicopter motion and I think I almost died. I couldn’t take anymore and I lunged forward and grabbed a hold of him bringing him down. He laid down next to me and I saw his dick instantly go from flabby to rock hard. He must’ve broken a record then… it took probably all of five seconds.

  “Ok, Nick… I think you’ve earned this.” I told him before I slammed my lips on his.

  When he came up for breath he made sure to reassure me. “Damn right I did, only for you woman.” And we both got what we wanted.


sp; I got my fill of Mel and we barely made it on time to the rehearsal after we finished eating. You wouldn’t imagine how amazing it is to make love to the woman that is pregnant with your child. That night I couldn’t sleep to save my life. First my woman wasn’t here for me to hold and secondly I was excited to put a ring on her finger. There was a very long time when I thought this was no longer a possibility. When we were first together this was something that I looked forward to. She was the only woman that I have ever seen myself marrying and knowing that tomorrow she was going to be Melanie Rivers and our kids would both bear my name made my heart do all types of girly shit. This is life, this is what I’ve been missing, wanting in my life. When I first entered the draft I knew something was missing and I’ve been spending the last few years trying to figure out what the fuck it was and it was in my face the whole time. I needed Mel and I know deep down I’ve always known that. Fucking Sam damn near kicked my ass over her and I dreaded having to admit to her that she was right all along. She called it when we broke up, I remember her words ‘You kids and your drama…. You say that now but I’ve been around the block a few times… That isn’t the end of it mark my words.’ we weren’t done and damn was she ever right. I guess she realized that the obsession that I had with this woman wasn’t normal and you couldn’t just give it up easily. I, however, was apparently in denial.

  I eventually found sleep and when I woke up I had to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. This was all about to happen I was marrying Mel. Then just like that I got nervous, anxious, excited, and extremely happy all at once. My palms became sweaty and my heart was basically beating out of my damn chest. I got up and went downstairs where I found Lucy making breakfast.

  “Morning doll face.”

  She turned and looked at me over her shoulder. “Nick… hey. I’m so excited!” she squealed and I laughed.

  “You’re supposed to be sad Lucy. You could’ve had this if you would’ve just chose me over Landon all those years ago… all of this could’ve been yours.” I said gesturing to my body.

  She rolled her eyes. “Yea, if you wanted to die. Do you not remember his reaction to your flirting?”

  I shook my head. “I guess there is that. You’re beautiful and all but are you really worth my life?” I asked her.

  She threw a piece of bacon at my head and I walked over to her. I wrapped my arms around her from the back and planted a kiss to her forehead. “You know I still love you.”

  “Stop touching my woman Nick.” I heard Landon growl from somewhere behind me. I pulled Lucy closer so that her back was plastered to my front and began rocking to no music.

  “She loves this. It’s not my fault that you don’t please her the way you’re supposed to so she always comes back to me.” I teased Landon.

  I didn’t need to look at him to know he rolled his eyes. I gave Lucy a big wet kiss on her cheek and released her smacking her ass as I went to the fridge she yelped and I turned back to see her rubbing the spot. “Where’s my girl?” I asked Lucy.

  “I’m not telling you.” She huffed.

  I frowned. “Why the hell not?”

  “Because I know you and if I tell you where we hid her you’re going to go find her and ruin everything.”

  I threw my hand on my chest feigning hurt. “You think that little of me?” I gasped.

  “Yes Nick, yes I do.”

  Landon snickered and I flipped him off. “whatever.” I grumbled as I left the kitchen.

  I stood by the alter with my palms sweating. I just wanted her to be my wife already. James was standing in the middle and gently patted my back, when I met his eyes he gave me a soft smile. I turned my head to the other side where Landon was standing and I sighed. He tapped me on the shoulder when I began fidgeting.

  “It’s going to be fine, it’ll be official before you know it.” he reassured me. I nodded in thanks and that’s when the music started. Kira was the flower girl and she looked beautiful. She had a huge smile on her face as she literally threw the flowers out to her sides mainly hitting the guests. When she ran out of flowers she stopped walking almost halfway down the aisle and searched the basket before turning it upside down like she couldn’t believe there were no more. She was tossing huge handfuls out so it was totally believable.

  She looked up at me. “There’s no more daddy.” She said.

  I shrugged, “that’s ok.” So she tossed the basket to the side and ran forward jumping to me and I caught her. I settled her on my hip and kissed her forehead. She laid her head down on my shoulder and wrapped her arms around my neck. Before I knew it Lucy and Erica were coming out and walking down the aisle and settled on Mel’s side. The song changed to the wedding march and my head flew up. I saw Aaron first and then Mel came into my line of vision. The sun was shining off her red curls creating what looked like a halo. She was clutching onto her father and when I saw her wringing her hands I knew she was nervous. I wanted to run and snatch her away to ease her worries, but I couldn’t do that I had to wait. She met my eyes and gave me a tentative smile but I was way too mesmerized to do anything but stare like an idiot. When Aaron gave me her hand he took Kira from my arms and took his seat. I smiled at her and her answering smile was so open and genuine and beautiful my heart rate picked up speed.

  Mel had asked James to get all the proper documentation and stuff done so that he could marry us and I thought that was a great idea. This man became my parent for all intents and purposes overnight without a question or second thought, and he did a hell of a job. Shit if I were being honest he was a parent in my eyes since we met him and he’s done anything possible to help. When I had started playing basketball in my senior year he brought all the right people around to my games and such to get me a chance at doing what I love. He conducted the ceremony flawlessly and we finally, finally were married. Before he could finish the sentence saying that I could kiss her I already had her pinned to me and I was exploring her mouth.

  “Well if I didn’t know any better I’d say you seem pretty happy there mister.” Mel teased when I released her.

  I chuckled. “I don’t know when I’ve been happier.” I admitted.


  When Nick grabbed my hand for our first dance I laughed. “Do you think you’ll be able to get through this with all your clothes still on?” I asked.

  He rolled his eyes. “That will be the last time I ever give you a show.” He said as he spun me in a circle.

  I pouted. “Oh come on. You can’t just give me a show like that then take away all my privileges. That is such a tease!” I fussed.

  He grabbed my hands and tugged me close. He put one arm around his neck and brought the other one up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on my knuckles before placing our joined hands against his chest. I placed my head down next to our hands and let him sway us to the music. “Baby I’ll do anything you want me to do all you have to do is ask.”

  I smiled feeling totally elated. I finally got married and it’s to a man I truly love. I was giddy and I felt like I was going to burst at any moment, “Nick I love you.”

  He gave my hand a squeeze and I took in our surroundings midway through the next song. People had joined us on the dance floor and I noted that Ted and Erica were dancing. She had her head on his chest and she was facing me and she was pink in the face and the corners of her mouth were tilted up, hmm. I also noticed that Kevin was dancing with Nancy – Chris’s housekeeper – I had saw him eyeing her earlier. I invited her to the ceremony and even helped her get an outfit and she looked amazing by the way. The girl cleaned up very, very well. I searched for Chris, and when I found him he was with Carter and he was scowling and draining his glass of what looked like scotch while his eyes were glued to Nancy and Kevin. His frown deepened when he drew her in closer and whispered in her ear and she laughed. He stormed off then and got a refill while Carter only chuckled lightly to himself.

  I shook my head at everything that I was seeing and three things happened at once. 1. I felt like
there was no one on the planet that was even close to how happy I was. 2. A cramp suddenly tore through my stomach causing me to squeeze the holy shit out of Nick’s hands so I didn’t collapse. 3. I felt the inside of my thighs wetting. Nick cringed from the pain and frowned. “What’s wrong?” he asked concerned.

  I smiled warily at him. “I’m about 95% sure I’m in labor.”

  I saw the panic almost instantly. “What is it with you girls and leaking fluids at all the wrong times? I guess this means I’m not getting any tonight.”

  I growled at him. “Can we focus on the matter at hand? We need to get to a hospital stat.”

  He nodded and jogged off the next thing I know I heard his voice booming through the speakers. “Ok everyone, Mel and I will need to get the hell out of here. She decided that she wants to have the baby now so we need to get to the damn hospital. Please enjoy the rest of the festivities on our behalf.”

  I saw Lucy bee lining for me with Landon in tow. My parents beat them to me. “Mel the traffic is crazy right now, do you know how long you have?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No mom, but we have to try.”

  We ended up taking two jeeps. I rode in one with Nick, Landon, and Lucy, while my parents drove with Erica, James, and Shakira. Sam stayed back to help Maggie with Dean, Max, and Ariel as well as the rest of the party. Nick ran into some serious traffic and tried to take some backstreets to the hospital. The problem was that the pile up accident that was the cause of all this mess was pretty close to the hospital so there was no way around it. We found ourselves in wall to wall traffic and it wasn’t moving. My contractions were getting closer and closer together and the fear hit in hard. We weren’t going to make it, I just knew it. I would probably be ready to deliver within a few minutes but I was still hoping for a small miracle. Nick called 911 and told them the situation to see if we could get an EMS to us or have the cops clear up some path for us to get there. Nick’s face was drenched with sweat and I could feel that he was shaking with his hands in mine.


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