Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3)

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Needing Her (The Lexington Series Book 3) Page 24

by Belle Winters

  Chris was all set within a month and a half and I had to pat myself on the back. He insisted that we come out and visit him, he was going to miss us all, Nick included. I promised that we would and Carter reassured me only a million times that he was going to spread the word about me and my work. I was enjoying my time off from work, although my assistant wasn’t. We were getting a ton of calls and while the business would be great for me, I felt I needed this time home with Trent.


  I couldn’t believe life could be like this. I had a wife, kids, and dogs now… things I never thought I would’ve had not too long ago. I was loving my life and for the first time in a very long time I felt full. I still had Landon, Lucy, Erica, and Max who were the brothers and sisters I always wanted. On top of that there’s Ariel and Dean who I love with everything. It’s something truly amazing to watch children, especially those who belong to the closest people to me, grow up. To top it off now I have my own Kira and Trent. Kira and Trent are like day and night in the looks department. Where Kira had Mel’s beautiful red hair and my eyes and dimples, Trent had dark hair like me with gray eyes and my dimples. Then there’s Mel, the person that I never knew I needed. I don’t think she understands what I would do for her. I would move mountains, break laws, break people. Hell, I’ll find a way to walk on water and talk to elephants. She means everything to me and that is an understatement.

  Knowing that I had to leave I let my nerves get the best of me and I decided we needed to install an alarm system. We weren’t in a gated community with security anymore because I wanted my kids to have an actual home and normal life. Coach let me leave early once I contacted the best security company I could find and made my way over to meet them. It didn’t take much prodding but they agreed to get us setup that night. That made me feel only a tiny bit better, but it was better than nothing.

  I picked up Shakira and made my way home. Essie had Trent and was playing with him in the living room while Mel was busy making us some shrimp alfredo with steak and salad for dinner. This bitch knew the way to my heart, surf and turf was awesome. We had just finished eating dinner and I was drying the last pan when the doorbell rang. I practically skipped to the door knowing that it was the security company here to secure my damn family.

  I opened the door and welcomed the two gentleman in. I had gotten their biggest package and it included to whole nine yards. When it came to them there wasn’t any questions about it.


  I watched as Nick let in two men in confusion. He seemed almost happy for their appearance. I watched on warily because I don’t remember anything being broken or needing fixing. He showed them the way upstairs and I shrugged and smiled. Maybe he’s getting something renovated and wants to surprise me. Nothing here really needs updating but who am I to tell him not to put a private pool in our room?

  They made their way back downstairs and I watched as they went to the door. They were upstairs for a while and I was itching to be nosey to see what they did or was going to do. That indoor pool started to sound really good in my head. Deep down I knew that wasn’t it, but you can’t knock a girl for dreaming. They left out their truck and came back in with more cases and I decided I would wait until they were finished to inspect. It took about two hours but Nick’s call had me moving.



  “Get your ass over here woman.”

  “NO!” I screamed getting up. Normally I wouldn’t have responded to his ridiculous call but this time my curiosity won out.

  When I made my way out towards the entryway Nick was standing there with one of the guys with their backs to me. I cleared my throat to get their attention and they both spun around. When my eyes met mystery man my eyebrow arched. He had tattoos covering his arm and peeking out of his shirt. He had piercing blue eyes that seemed to hold many secrets and he was muscular. Not in the same way as Nick he was a little thicker. Like he may have had some weight on him and turned it into rock hard muscle. To summarize he was yummy and looked far from your boy next door. He gave me a small smile and I blushed. Whatever, go ahead and judge me but the man looked like a sex on a stick biker.

  His arm reached out and when he spoke I felt it vibrate through the house. Holy shit batman his voice even sounded sexy. “Ramsey.”

  I returned his smile and took his proffered hand. “Mel. Nice to –“

  “My wife Mel who is two seconds away from getting herself drowned tonight or smothered with a pillow when she goes to sleep if she doesn’t stop with the googley eyes.” Nick threatened.

  My eyes swung to him and narrowed. “Oh shut up.” I said even more embarrassed that he caught me having a girly moment. When he opened his mouth to speak again I raised a hand and told him “later”. This was not the right time to have this discussion.

  I edged closer to Nick and waved a hand around in the general facility. “What’s all this?” I asked.

  “This, you little harlot, is a new security system.” Nick said with a challenging look in his eye.

  My eyebrow rose but I didn’t comment. I felt reprimanded like I had been caught checking out the cable guy but I can’t blame Nick. Not that I feel he should blame me, the guy was attractive. It wasn’t like I was going to jump his bones but I did think about taking his information to pass onto Nancy or even Naiyla. I mean, come on, there is no reason to just waste that kind of hotness. Knowing Nick’s jealous ass, there is no way he’d let me get the man’s number so I had to push the thoughts to the back of my head.

  “Why, pray tell, do we need a security system?” I asked.

  He rolled his eyes. “Because we don’t have actual security anymore so we need something.”

  I scoffed. “Is this your way of trying to monitor us?”

  “Mel, I’m going to have away games and I won’t always be here. I need to make sure that there’s some layers of protection for you guys.” Nick said throwing his hands on his hips.

  I sighed. “is that what this is all about? You having an away game. Don’t you think this is a bit extreme?”

  “How can you say that and you haven’t even seen it yet?!” he argued.

  “Fine,” I conceded. “Let’s take a look at this mess.”

  They spent the next thirty minutes going into detail about all of the features and I’m pretty sure I was completely ashen by the time Ramsey left. Nick looked like a scared animal and he had the right idea. I was going to kill his ass for this.

  “Nick, what do you think with this Fort Knox security? You aren’t stashing the countries gold and most prized possessions in here. Why do you think we need all of this? It’s a bit extreme and although you guys just explained it to me I still don’t get all of this.” I confessed.

  He tugged me close to him and held me. “No baby I don’t have the countries most prized possessions here… I have mine. You deserve better protection than Fort Knox because you guys are fucking irreplaceable and worth a hell of a lot more than some damn gold.” He said with so much conviction that no one on this planet could question his sincerity.

  Call me a sap, but really how could you argue with that? There was no way he could’ve said it better and truly I wouldn’t change a thing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a kiss to his chest over his heart. “When did this get so large?” I asked.

  He smiled. “Oh baby, I just had fifty jokes float through my head just now.” I rolled my eyes and kissed him lightly.

  The next day while Nick was at practice, I ran out to do some grocery shopping while Trent slept under Essie’s supervision. My arms were loaded down with bags and I struggled to get into the house. I practically ran to the kitchen to try to avoid breaking any of the bottles and dropped them down gently. As I began unpacking the bags a loud shrill sounded in the air and my hands flew to my ears. I heard Trent wail, no doubt the noise woke him as I looked around the kitchen panicking. What the Fuck?

  Essie found me in the kitchen a minute later with a very irate looking Tren
t in her arms. “I think that’s the security alarm.” She advised nervously.

  I sighed, of course it would be. I made my way over and began pressing buttons. I couldn’t remember the code or any instructions they gave me. I was beyond flustered and agitated with this whole mess. I searched for my phone and began scrolling through looking for the number they gave me to call if there were issues. Just as I hit the call button there was banging on the door. I stomped over and swung the door open to be greeted by three uniformed cops. I cursed my life in my head.

  “Ma’am, we received an alert about a security breach?” one of the officers stated.

  I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. “Look I’m really sorry –“

  I was cut off by tires squealing and a frantic Nick emerged. The car was left running and the door was open. He didn’t even think to park he just stopped and hopped out. He ran over to us at the door and gripped me into his chest. “Are you ok? What happened?” he rushed out while he ran his hands over my body.

  I frowned confused. “This stupid ass military style thing you call a security system went off and now you’re all here.”

  “I got an alert at practice and came straight home.” He told me as if I was an idiot.

  I scoffed. “Are you serious? You have that thing connected to your phone?” I asked in disbelief.

  “It’s how I make sure you guys are alright.” He said.

  We heard a throat clear and directed our attention back to the officers. “I take it everything is ok here?” he asked watching Nick carefully. He visibly swallowed and I snickered.

  Nick nodded slowly and I counted down from 10 in my head. I knew what was going to happen. Once it registered that there was no danger, as I expected they went fan girl on him. Nick seemed exasperated no doubt trying to calm down his frantic thoughts. When he first pulled me to him I felt the heavy erratic beats of his heart. When he got rid of them he fixed up the system and crossed his arms scowling at me.

  “How did that happen?” he asked.

  I shrugged putting on my most innocent face. “I have no idea. I came in with the groceries and was putting them away when all of a sudden it started screaming at me.”

  He crossed his eyes. “Did you put in the code when you came in?” he asked.

  I shook my head in defeat. “Look I didn’t. I forgot the damn thing was even there and then when it reminded me I couldn’t remember what to do with it. This is stupid, we don’t need this… and we don’t need you losing your shit every other minute when I mess the damn thing up.”

  “This is not for discussion. It’s staying so suck it up. I’m going back to practice so bring your sweet ass over here and give me some lips so I can go.”

  I pouted and stomped over to him like a two year old and pecked him on the lips. When I tried to step back he tsk’d me with a shake of his head before wrapping his arm around my waist and forcibly pulled me back into him. He kissed me and probed at my lips demanding entrance and I kept them shut tight. He sighed and pulled back to meet my eyes. He leaned back down and bit my bottom lip until I gasped in pain and stole what he wanted. When I was well and thoroughly kissed he slapped my ass and sauntered out of the house without another word. I waited until the door was shut and locked before I sighed in contentment against the door. Sure, I was acting sour but that was one hell of a kiss and I’d be the biggest damn liar if I said that I didn’t want more.


  I had an away game coming up in a couple of days. This would be the first since Trent was born and I was overly anxious. I didn’t want to leave them and there was no way I could miss this game. I sighed in frustration as I packed up my stuff and headed off to pick up Kira. When she got into the car with her bright smile my day instantly got brighter, her smile does that to me. When we got home I instinctively sought out Mel. I found her in the nursery putting Trent into his crib. I walked up behind her when she stood and wrapped my arms around her placing a kiss on the back of her neck.

  “Hey Nick.” She said turning to face me.

  I bent down and kissed her lightly. “Hey baby, how did things go today?”

  She grabbed my hand and led me out of the room. “Same as usual, Essie is spoiling him rotten and I’m going to have to hurt her. She keeps sneaking him out and carrying him around. He’s going to be so damn spoiled.” She told me shaking her head but she couldn’t keep the smile off her face.

  I chuckled. “You should be one to talk woman.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever”

  “Are you sure you don’t want to bring the kids and come with me to my game?” I asked for the millionth time since I found out.

  “No Nick, plus Kira has school. We can’t go. You’ll be fine, you’re only going to be gone for like two days.”

  I groaned and tugged her into the room and tossed her onto the bed. “That’s way too long for me. If I have to go you need to start giving it up to me starting now nonstop so that I could be sated while I’m gone.”

  She shook her head. “No way in hell.”

  I sighed and dropped my body on top of her and her breath left in an oomph. I started trailing kisses from her chin down her neck to the collar of her shirt. “you sure?” I asked and she squirmed underneath me. When she let out a soft moan I smiled and began lifting her shirt. I was just about to get a nice close up of her breast when I heard Kira.

  “Daddy…” my head dropped down onto Mel’s stomach and I felt her body shake in silent laughter.

  “Shut it Mel” I said peeling myself up. I pinned her with a scorching look before delivering my promise. “I will have you tonight… a few times. She’s going to go to sleep eventually.” Her breathing picked up and her cheeks flushed and I knew I had her. With that I walked out of the room to see what Kira needed.

  I tried faking sick, oversleeping, forgetting to pack, and dragging my feet all so that I wouldn’t have to go. What does Mel do? She gets an ass thermometer that I didn’t let anywhere near me… I would need to question her later on why we even own one. Then she woke my ass up, packed my bag for me, and rushed me out of the house. If I didn’t know any better I would think she wanted to get rid of me. I knew that couldn’t have been the case since I would break her fucking legs if that was true. Our game would be tomorrow early afternoon and we would be headed back the following day. I called Mel about three times already and I headed straight to the airport from the house and we only just deplaned and hopped in the waiting bus. Mind you, I was only in Houston and it’s only about three and a half hours away.

  When we touched down the team had dinner together in the restaurant at the hotel and by the time I made it back to my room I was ready to pass out. It was only 9:30pm back in LA but I felt like it was 11:30pm like it was here. There was no way I was going to go to bed without checking in with my family. I hopped in the shower to wash off the flight and hopped into the bed and dialed Mel. She answered and her red hair was up in a bun and she was sporting one of my t-shirts and I could tell there was nothing underneath and my cock stirred. Shit. When it came to her my body would react no matter what. I stared into her grey eyes as I watched her check out my uncovered chest.


  “Yes Nick?” she said holding back a smile.

  My eyebrow arched. “Is that the way you greet me now?” I asked.

  She laughed and I couldn’t help but stare at how her eyes squinted when she gave me a full smile. “I thought you would’ve just been tired of calling me by now.”

  I laughed now. “Never, baby girl. How’s my kids?” I asked.

  I let her go on and give me updates on them. Trent was with her and I spoke to him and he made gurgling noises and laughed at the phone. Next she called Kira in her room – who was in bed already, but I made her get her up – and I spoke to her for a few minutes before having her go back to lay down. When we were done I spoke to Mel and tried to convince her to have phone sex but she was having none of that. I ended up hanging up not at all even remotel
y disappointed that she disagreed and went to sleep with a smile on my face.

  Mel called me the next morning to check on me. She said she wanted to make sure I didn’t do anything drastic since as she put it I was acting suicidal and was suffering from severe separation anxiety. Her eyes turned all fiery when she gave me a glare for advising her that she was in fact not a licensed doctor and she didn’t know what the shit she was talking about. I loved it when she got all mad and feisty, call me a bastard but that turns me the fuck on that’s why I make it a point to fuck with her. Ne-yo had something when he made that song Mad. I spoke to her for about thirty minutes before I had to get my ass up to get ready and get to practice.

  Right before I was leaving the locker room my phone buzzed. It was a text from Mel.

  Sweet Cheeks: Get your ass out there and win for me or I’m changing the locks.

  I chuckled.

  Me: When do I ever let you down honey bun? You want a win you got it.

  Sweet Cheeks: PLUS I want you to make the most points.

  Me: Anymore requests? You’re going to get me in trouble baby girl.

  Sweet Cheeks: Yes. Kick ass, we’re watching this.

  Me: yes dear.

  Sweet Cheeks: I L♥VE YOU!

  Me: I love you more Mel.

  I took my ass out there and played one hell of a game I’ll tell you that. And at Mel’s request not only did I win but I did in fact score the most points. I couldn’t wait to talk to her because I was going to make her promise to do all types of filthy things in exchange for me doing exactly as she asked. By the time I was done with her I knew she was just as ready for me as I was for her and I’ll be a lying bastard if I said that I didn’t jerk off to the thoughts of what I was going to do to her and passed out after that massive release.


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