Pound (Hard Hit #10)

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Pound (Hard Hit #10) Page 12

by Charity Parkerson

  Brady and Luka took the loveseat.

  “What brings you by?” Von asked. Despite his steady voice and neutral expression, Justin could feel the tension rolling off the man’s body. His discomfort fed Justin’s.

  Luka leaned forward and set his elbows on his knees as he focused on Von. “I’m sure you heard that Reynolds broke a leg and will be out for the remainder of the season.”

  Von’s hands stilled. Justin didn’t know who Reynolds was, but it was apparent Von did. “No,” Von said. His voice sounded dead. “I’ve had more important things to do than follow the season.”

  Luka nodded. His closed expression never slipped. “I’d like to have you back. At thirty-eight, twenty-five, and eleven, we’re third in the western league. These last nine games could make us or break us. We need you. Not only for this year,” Luka said, obviously attempting to sweeten his deal.

  Von wasn’t looking at anyone.

  Justin was resigned. Von wouldn’t choose to stay. If roles were reversed, Justin wouldn’t choose him either. Millions or a man who had more bad days than good—there was no choice, really. Justin tried finding some anger or outrage to cling to, hoping to save himself from the impending heartache. He couldn’t find any. Von loved hockey. Justin loved Von. There was nothing to discuss.

  “It’s okay, Von,” Justin said, surprising even himself with the honesty in his voice. It was okay. Justin loved Von enough to set him free. “I know it’s what you love.”

  Von glanced over and smiled. A lump rose in Justin’s throat. He’d miss this man for the rest of his life, but Von deserved happiness too. “No,” Von said, still smiling. “This is what I love, being here with you.” His gaze moved back to Luka, leaving Justin shocked speechless. “Thank you for the offer, but I’ll have to pass.”

  Luka shook his head. “If this is about what happened at the beginning of the season—”

  Von made a slashing motion, cutting Luka off. “Not at all. As I told you before I left town, there’re no hard feelings. Hockey is a business for us. This isn’t about that. I’m done. All I want is to drive Justin crazy with my constant presence until he begs me to find something else to do.”

  Before Luka could respond, Justin butted in. “I’m afraid this is my fault. You see, I’ve been battling cancer for several months.” Justin pulled his stocking cap down lower, feeling self-conscious as he made the confession. “Von doesn’t want to leave me alone. Do you mind giving us a few minutes alone so we can discuss it?” Justin tried moving from the couch, determined to take things to the bedroom.

  Luka stood. “We’ll step outside so you don’t have to get up.”

  Justin flashed him a grateful smile. “You don’t have to do that, but I appreciate it.” Some people breezed through chemo. Justin thanked every deity listening that he only had two treatments left. They kicked his ass every single time. He’d hated the thought of moving from the couch. Luka and Brady stood and headed for the door, leaving Justin to relax. The moment the door closed behind them, Justin pounced. “You can’t give up hockey for me. Not only would I never ask that of you, I’ll never be able to live with myself if you’re sitting around here miserable instead of winning another championship.”

  One corner of Von’s mouth lifted, as if he found Justin’s claims ridiculous. “I don’t want another championship. It means nothing.”

  Exasperation rose inside Justin. “Von, I love you. You don’t have to do this to prove a point or win my affection. I already love you. You’re already everything to me. Go. Do what you love.”

  Von’s smile grew. “I’m not trying to prove a point, Justin. There’s nothing to discuss or think about. I don’t want it. When I retired, I didn’t do so lightly. I wanted to come back home to you. Being here with you—this is my biggest dream coming true. Don’t take it from me.”

  The front door reopened and Luka reappeared. “Sorry to burst back in,” he said as he came to stand over them. “Brady and I were discussing matters outside, and I’ve decided to temporarily withdraw my offer. It’s not that I don’t want you on my team,” Luka rushed to reassure Von. “But there’s nothing more important than the people we love. I gave up a lot of responsibility for the team when I married Brady because he takes precedence. I cannot, in good conscience, ask you to take on an end-of-the year race toward the championship when your man needs you here.” He handed Von a card. “I know you have my info, but this is Brady’s too, so there’s no chance you can’t get in touch with me should you change your mind about joining us next season.” He dipped his chin in Justin’s direction. “It was nice meeting you, Justin. I hope you win your fight soon.”

  “Thank you,” Justin said, since he was too shocked to think of anything else.

  “Thanks,” Von said, setting the card on the end table. “I’m sorry you came all this way for nothing.”

  Luka smiled, making Justin’s stomach churn with jealousy as he realized exactly what Von had seen in the man. His glasses did nothing to hide his gorgeous green eyes, but that smile; it was sexy and sweet. “I never do anything for nothing. It was good seeing you again.” He switched his attention Justin’s way. “Thank you for allowing us to invade your home. Von is a lucky man.”

  Heat rushed to Justin’s cheeks. He had no idea why he was blushing. All Justin could think was it must’ve been Luka’s power and money bleeding from his pores, making Justin feel overwhelmed and flattered.

  “Good evening to you both,” Luka said as he headed for the door, seeing himself out.

  “You should go after him,” Justin said the instant the door closed behind Luka. “If you ask, I’m sure his offer will still stand. You should be on the ice.”

  To Justin’s surprise, Von chuckled. It was a low sound that curled around his heart and squeezed. Justin couldn’t look away from Von’s sexy smile. “It amazes me you still think I’m making some huge sacrifice to be with you. This, right here with you, is the only life I want. Leaving here would be the sacrifice, and for what? More money? I don’t need that. All I need is right here in this apartment.”

  Even though Von’s claims caused Justin’s heart to beat a little faster—in a good way—Justin tried one last argument. “But you’re so sexy on the ice.”

  Von sprang, ripping the blanket from Justin’s body before settling on top of him. They were nose to nose and Justin couldn’t look anywhere but at Von’s sexy blue eyes. They flashed with lust, fire, and love. “I bet I’m even sexier between your thighs,” Von said, practically growling each word. After going up on his knees, Von reached over his head and pulled his shirt off, baring his delicious hard chest. He popped the button on his jeans, drawing Justin’s gaze to the trail of hair that disappeared inside his jeans. Justin’s mouth went dry. His palms itched with the need to rip open Von’s jeans and play with the body that belonged to him. That thought gave Justin pause. Von did belong to him. He couldn’t deny it any longer. Von wasn’t finished making his point, and Justin was happy to let him undress to prove himself. “Are you telling me you’d rather watch me on TV than have me right here?” Von asked, taking Justin’s hand and flattening it against his chest. Von’s eyes fell closed, as if Justin had been the one to reach out and touch him, and the pleasure was too much.

  Von’s expression broke Justin. He couldn’t hide the way he felt with Von being so real. “If you’re asking me if I’d rather rip out my heart than see you unhappy, then yes. Haven’t you figured that out yet in the years I’ve been right here? I’ve watched you go with a smile on my face, because you had a smile on yours. If you’re asking if I’d do it again—yes, I would. I’d do anything for you, because I love you.”

  The way Von watched him with such intensity should’ve warned Justin. Nothing could’ve prepared him for Von’s next words. “If you’d do anything to make me smile, then marry me. That’s the one dream I have that hasn’t come true.”

  Justin couldn’t speak. He could barely breathe. The vulnerability written on Von’s face let Justin know h
e meant it. Von wanted to marry him. This wasn’t him trying to make things right. Things were already right. Justin had forgiven Von a long time ago. Not because of some grand gesture that blew Justin away. He’d earned Justin’s forgiveness with a steady hand that wiped the past clean.

  Von’s expression shifted in the face of Justin’s silence, as if he braced himself to get shut down. “I guess I screwed you out of a good story—one where I got down on one knee and had a ring.”

  “No,” Justin choked out past his swollen throat.

  Pain flashed in Von’s eyes. “I get that. It’s not like I’ve done anything to make you want to keep me.”

  Justin shook his head. “I mean no, you didn’t screw me out of those things. Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Von’s expression went blank. He blinked as if Justin’s words were slow to sink in. A chuckle escaped Justin as a burst of excitement hit him. The sound seemed to jar something loose inside Von’s head. A smile stretched his lips. “You said yes.”

  Justin nodded. “I did.”

  Von covered Justin’s body with his once more. “Oh my god. I get to keep you.”

  Justin snorted as Von pressed kisses along his jaw. “You’ve always had me. Never once have I locked my door against you, even when I’ve slammed it in your face. All you’ve ever had to do was turn the knob to find me waiting on the other side.” Von met Justin’s gaze. The confessions kept coming. “I’ve just been angry and hurt, but I’ve never stopped loving you. I could never stop loving you.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t had the words to make it better. Thank you for hearing them anyhow. I’ll make you a proud husband. No one will love you better.” Von touched his lips to Justin’s, as if sealing his vow with a kiss. “I really want to make love to you,” Von whispered against the corner of Justin’s mouth. “But I know you don’t feel good.”

  Justin hands slipped down Von’s body. “I never feel too bad for you,” he said as he shoved his hands inside Von’s loosened jeans.

  Von sat back on his heels and set his erection free. “I’ve got a plan,” he said, wearing the sweetest smile Justin had ever seen. Justin’s body lit with need at the sight. There’d never been another smile he’d ever seen that screamed he was about to get fucked the way Von’s did. Von snagged the blanket from the floor and covered them both as he lowered himself onto Justin’s body. Working magic with his fingers, he released Justin’s throbbing cock. Their dicks brushed, stealing a gasp from Justin. With his weight braced on one elbow and his hand wrapped around both their erections, Von stroked. Justin’s hips left the couch.

  Von shushed him. “Be still, baby. I’ve got you. You don’t have to do anything but enjoy.”

  Jesus, he loved this man. Justin couldn’t tear his eyes away from the way Von’s face mimicked Justin’s every emotion. It was hard to hold still as Von worked his cock, but he knew if he moved too much, he’d regret it later. But damn, Von rocked his world. Tiny shivers ran through Justin’s body. With every pull of skin on skin, Von brought him closer to the edge. A flush pinkened Von’s cheeks. His lips parted slightly and his eyes were unfocused. He was the picture of lust.

  Twisted images rose in Justin’s mind. He couldn’t stop them from falling from his lips. “Goddamn, Von. I want to do everything to you right now. I want to suck your dick and play between your knees. When you give in and let me shove my fingers inside your ass, you have no clue how sexy you look in those moments. You’re mush and surrender. Sometimes I think you’d let me do anything if I have you turned on.” Von twisted, tearing a moan from Justin. He knew he was pushing Von too far, making him fear he’d come before Justin. Justin wanted it. “Damn, I wish I had your knees shoved high and my tongue in your ass. The way you squirm beneath me is so fucking hot.” Von’s grip tightened. His movements quickened. Justin saw stars. Sweat broke out on Justin’s skin, mixing with Von’s. Pressure beat at the head of his cock. “When your salty thick cum covers my tongue—fuck,” Justin cried as Von exploded. Hot cum hit the over-sensitized nerve endings in Justin’s crown, stealing his orgasm without warning. He gasped and strained, trying desperately to cling to every last sensation before it disappeared.

  Von, being perfect, kissed Justin’s neck instead of his mouth, because he knew Justin had trouble catching breath after they made love. Each brush of the man’s tongue against his throat had Justin panting.

  “I love you,” Von gasped against Justin’s skin. “We’ll have a beautiful life,” he promised, making the glow of Justin’s orgasm seem dim in comparison to their future.

  “I know we will,” Justin agreed, because it was Von. If anyone would give him their all and never let him down, it was the man in his arms.


  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Von scoffed at Jamie’s question. It was just a baby. He might be a little rough and tumble at times, but he trusted he was intelligent enough to hold a baby without crushing it. “I’m sure I can figure it out.”

  Jamie eyed Von before switching his gaze to Luna. She smiled. Von couldn’t look away. Jamie sighed. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” he said, passing Luna over. “Once you hold her, you’ll want one.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” Von said, settling Luna against his chest. Jesus, she had dimples. It was the smallest warmth huddled against him—innocent and in need of protection from the world. Her tiny heart beat against him. The barest puffs of breath brushed his collarbone. Von couldn’t stop staring at her. She was amazing. Before he could stop himself, Von worked her tiny fist open so he could inspect her minuscule hands. He’d never been more amazed.

  Hawke chuckled. “You called it, baby.”

  “Yep,” Jamie said, sounding entirely too proud of himself.

  “Called what?” Justin asked, appearing from the kitchen with drinks in hand for their guests.

  “You have to hold this baby,” Von said before Jamie could open his mouth again and ruin the moment. The instant Justin settled in beside him, Von passed Luna over—not because he wanted to give her up, but he needed to see the love of his life holding a baby.

  “Awww,” Justin cooed as he cuddled Luna. Von watched as Justin brushed his jaw on Luna’s hair. “She’s so soft.” Von’s throat tightened at the sight. Justin was meant to have a baby in his arms.

  “Von wants one,” Jamie said as if he couldn’t contain it a second longer.

  Justin’s gaze shot to Von’s. He winked, leaving Von wondering what the hell that meant.

  “How are you feeling, by the way?” Hawke asked, interrupting their moment.

  Justin flashed Hawke a smile. “I’m good. The chemo did its job. I’m in remission and my hair is slowly growing back,” Justin said, pointing at his head. “All is good.”

  “I see all is good here too,” Jamie said, motioning between Justin and him.

  Justin shifted Luna higher, freeing his left hand. He flashed his wedding ring. “Very good. Thanks.”

  Jamie huffed, pulling off a damned good injured teenage girl look. “You got married and didn’t call me. I thought I was your bestie. I thought, when you got married, we’d braid each other’s hair, and I’d catch the bouquet.”

  Justin’s laugh made putting up with Jamie’s obnoxiousness worthwhile. “I don’t have enough hair to braid and you’re already married.”

  Jamie’s shoulders fell, and he toed the carpet like a two year old. “I know, but I could’ve gone all diva and made sure you had the bestest wedding of all time.”

  Justin leaned back and openly smelled Luna’s neck. “I had the bestest wedding of all time because Von was there.” He sniffed Luna again. “Okay, I really need one of these. She’s so sweet.”

  A smile exploded across Von’s face. Jamie might’ve missed out on giving Justin the bestest wedding ever, but Von would make sure Justin had the bestest life of all time. They were meant to be. He’d never doubted it for a second. Justin had been wrong. They did have what Jamie and Hawke did. They were loyal to each
other above all others. They were happy and always would be.

  The End

  Author Note: At this point in time, I’m unsure if there will be any more Hard Hit books. I still have ideas, but we’ll see. Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this story, please consider leaving a review.

  Additionally, if you’re interested in reading Hawke and Jamie’s story, their book is called Heart’s Strum. You can find it here:


  About the Author

  Charity Parkerson is an award winning and multi-published author with several companies. Born with no filter from her brain to her mouth, she decided to take this odd quirk and insert it in her characters.

  *2015 Readers' Favorite Award Winner

  *Winner of 2, 2014 Readers' Favorite Awards

  *2015 Passionate Plume Award Finalist

  *2013 Readers' Favorite Award Winner

  *2013 Reviewers' Choice Award Winner

  *2012 ARRA Finalist for Favorite Paranormal Romance

  *Five-time winner of The Mistress of the Darkpath

  Connect with her online:

  --Join my street team: facebook.com/TeamCharityParkerson

  --Sign up for my newsletter: http://bit.ly/CharityNews

  --Website: charityparkerson.com

  --Facebook: facebook.com/authorCharityParkerson


  --Twitter: twitter.com/CharityParkerso





  [email protected]


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