The Italian Inheritance

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The Italian Inheritance Page 10

by Louise Rose-Innes

  She glanced at a price tag and nearly collapsed. “I can’t afford this. I barely have enough money to cover the hotel, let alone buy a designer gown. You’re out of your mind. Let’s go somewhere else.”

  “Can I help you?” asked a sales assistant politely.

  “Si,” said Rafael, taking charge. He dished out some instructions in Italian, ignoring Anna’s pointed looks and furiously shaking head.


  “Shh...,” he told her gently. “Don’t worry about the money. This is on me. After all, you’re doing me a favour tonight and it was my suggestion that we come here.” He raised a hand at her feeble protests. “And I have an idea which will help you save some money on the hotel until we get the DNA results back.”

  “What idea?” Anna frowned at the glint in his eye. Somehow she didn’t completely trust his motives. When Rafael took charge like this she suddenly felt very out of control. Not good.

  The sales assistant returned with a soft, floor-length silk gown in the palest yellow. It had tiny spaghetti straps and was gently ruched over the bust. Anna loved it at once.

  “It’s beautiful,” she gasped, fingering the delicate material.

  “Go and try it on,” he commanded. Anna flashed him a smile and disappeared into the changing room. She didn’t need to be told twice.

  “Don’t forget to show me,” he called after her.

  As Anna slipped the gorgeous dress over her head, she reasoned that if Rafael wanted to buy her clothing in which to do his evil deeds, who was she to argue?

  Rafael gave a low whistle when she emerged moments later. “I am already jealous of Mancini getting you all to himself tonight.” He walked slowly around her to get a better view.

  Anna felt her insides tighten. There was a low gleam in Rafael’s appreciative gaze that was not unlike a predator circling his prey.

  “I hope it will do the trick,” she replied, keeping her voice steady. The last time his eyes glowed like that was before he kissed her.

  “He will be powerless to resist you.” Then clearing his throat, Rafael turned to the sales assistant. “Si. We’ll take it.”

  “So what is your great idea?” asked Anna as they left the boutique. The dress was neatly folded in a carrier bag, and Rafael had thrown in a pair of gold and diamante heels, as well as an amber pashmina in case she got cold, which in this heat was a ridiculous notion. Still, it completed the outfit. Now she just had to find somewhere to change.

  “Let’s go to my apartment and I’ll tell you,” said Rafael.

  “You have an apartment here?” That was a surprise.

  “Of course,” he said as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He hailed a taxi and gave the driver an address.

  “Of course,” echoed Anna. At least she could get ready there.

  “Wow,” she mouthed a moment later as Rafael unlocked the door to a wide, open-plan, state-of-the-art apartment. It had a semi-industrial feel to it, with unfinished brick walls, warm strip-wooden flooring and high ceilings.

  “The bedroom is upstairs.” Rafael pointed to a suspended staircase in light wood and metal that rose inconspicuously to the second floor. “Why don’t you go and get changed.”

  Anna ascended the staircase as if in a trance. All this style and glamour was new to her. She compared his apartment to her one bed basement flat in London and had to laugh. They couldn’t be more different.

  She paused at the entrance to his bedroom and looked around his domain feeling almost like she was intruding. The room was neat and minimalistic. A huge, steel framed bed stood in the middle of the room facing the ceiling-to-floor windows. It looked comfy with plumped up pillows and a woollen throw over the bedding. Matching pedestals on either side had low reading lamps on them, but nothing else. A Persian rug lay on the floor, the intricate pattern of woven human forms strangely erotic. The whole room was tasteful, yet intimate.

  So this was where Rafael brought his Napoli conquests when he was in town. Surprised by the direction of her thoughts, Anna gave herself a mental shake and focused on finding the bathroom. It wasn’t hard. Entering she was delighted to find it was large and bright, with a powerful walk-in shower, heated towel rack and all the mod-cons a girl could want, including a hair dryer.

  With a squeak of glee, Anna stripped and hopped into the shower. There were even two shower heads, presumably so Rafael could shower with his lover in the morning. The thought of showering next to Rafael’s taut, toned body began to turn her on so she hastily scrubbed herself from head to foot and emerged pink and steamy a few minutes later.

  “What do you think?” Anna descended the stairs in her new frock and did a slow twirl in front of Rafael.

  “Belissimo,” he whispered, coming forward and taking her hand. “I’m not sure I want to let you go now.”

  “I’m glad you like it,” said Anna, quivering as his fingers caressed the back of her hand. “Now, what is this idea you told me about?”

  “I want you to come and stay with me at the villa, until your business in Capri is finished,” he said softly.

  “Are you sure that’s wise?” asked Anna breathlessly. Staying with Rafael opened up a whole range of possibilities that Anna was not ready to explore. But by the intimate glow in his eyes, he was.

  “I’ve thought it over and I’m convinced it’s the best decision for you,” he said softly, drawing her closer to him.

  “For me... or for you?” she asked hesitantly taking a step back, breaking contact. Rafael let go of her hand.

  “I was thinking of you,” he said steadily. “The DNA tests will take some time. The wheels move slowly in this part of the world. Then once we get the results back, the will needs to be executed and the legal aspects taken care of. You’re looking at another week at least.”

  Another week! Would her meagre finances stretch that far? Possibly, but only just. Capri was hugely expensive. It would leave her very little for spending money. Originally she’d planned to be here a week. After the expected confrontation with her father, her plan was to return to London. Now, with the discovery of Giovanni’s death and his will, everything had changed. “Perhaps I should consider it,” she muttered slowly.

  Of course, if she inherited, money would be the least of her problems, but she didn’t want to tempt fate by splurging on her credit card. Not that there was any doubt in her mind that she was Giovanni’s heir, but one never knew what was going to happen. If life had taught her anything it was that it was unpredictable.

  Also, if she was living with Rafael, she’d have an opportunity to find out more about her father. He had known Giovanni better than anyone. It was a win-win situation. Anna knew she should accept his offer. So why did she feel so uneasy?

  Because if he tries to seduce you, you won’t be able to resist...Because when he touches you, you turn to mush...Because even standing here right now you want to rip his clothes off...

  That was closer to the truth. By moving in with him Anna risked losing all self-control. That kiss they’d shared was proof enough that when he touched her, she was lost. If he tried that again, and of course he would, she would be powerless to resist him.

  Pathetic. That’s what she was. Where had her willpower gone? She had turned down inappropriate men before, so why couldn’t she say no to this one? Sure, the sexual attraction between them was hard to ignore, but it was only lust. Surely if she tried hard enough she’d be able to hold him, and her feminine urges, at bay.

  “So that’s a yes, then?”

  Unable to speak, Anna nodded. The decision was made. Her head had over-ruled her heart in this matter. Moving in with him made financial and logical sense. What about her emotions? Well, she’d just have to learn to exercise some serious self-control if she didn’t want to end up in his bed. That was a place she had no intention of being. Sex with Rafael Vialli had no place in her long term plan. No place at all.

  So why did she break out in goose bumps just thinking about it?

��Molto bene! I’ll arrange to get your things sent to the villa, but for tonight, you can stay here at my apartment. It will be too late to sail back to Capri after dinner.”

  “Stay here?” Anna looked around wildly.

  “Yes, why not?”

  It was all happening too quickly. She looked around wide-eyed, panicked by the thought of coming back here, to his apartment, after dinner and being alone with him.

  “Mancini was going to give me a lift in his boat,” Anna spluttered, remembering their prior arrangements.

  “I’ll bet he was,” grimaced Rafael. “Now you can tell him there is no need. He can put you in a taxi instead.”

  His authoritative tone did nothing to calm her edginess. He was just looking out for her and by the sounds of things, Mancini was a shark.

  But what did that make Rafael?

  Rafael dropped Anna at Bellavista just before eight o’clock. It was a stiflingly hot evening. The kind of hot that made you break into a sweat five minutes after you’ve taken a shower.

  Heads turned as Anna entered the restaurant. She felt wonderful in the long, yellow gown which clung alluringly to her slender figure.

  “I’m meeting Signore Mancini,” she told the young man at the door whose eyes were out on stalks. “I think he has a reservation.”

  “Si. Si.” The young man ushered her into the restaurant and towards a table at the back. As she walked the men stared at her with lust, the women with envy.

  Their table was set in an alcove, one of only a few tables to do so, which afforded relative privacy. Anna sat down and ordered a glass of Frascati while she waited. She had yet to take a sip when her host arrived, wife in tow. Tanya looked very glamorous in floor-length scarlet taffeta and Anna was immensely relieved Rafael had taken her shopping. Her Capri trousers, sandals and tank-top would have left her feeling desperately inadequate and Anna hated to be unprepared.

  Adriano Mancini nearly fell over himself to embrace her. He kissed her fervently on both cheeks and gazed into her eyes for an inappropriately long time. “You look exquisite, Signorina. I am so sorry to have kept you waiting,” he gushed, sitting down next to her. Anna smiled demurely and battered her eyelids.

  “Not at all,” she replied politely and then turned to greet Tanya, who Anna thought was looking a little pale tonight.

  “How is Serena?”

  “She is much recovered. Thank you for asking,” Tanya replied, smiling briefly. They all sat down.

  “Are you enjoying your stay in Capri?” asked Mancini, giving her his full attention.

  Anna nodded and gave him a vague run down of her activities. “Sun bathing, shopping, that sort of thing,” she laughed.

  They made small talk for the better part of half an hour, then ordered. Mancini pointed out the best dishes to Anna and so she let him order for her. Such was his ego that he wasn’t going to be dissuaded.

  They started with crusty Italian bread and a light seafood linguini pasta. Secondi consisted of tender osso bucco, practically falling off the bone, partnered with a flavoursome red wine.

  It was during desert, tiramisu and coffee that Mancini brought up the drowning incident.

  “My wife and I would like to thank you again for your quick response in rescuing our daughter yesterday.”

  “It was nothing,” mumbled Anna, her mouth full of the most delicious tiramisu she’d ever tasted.

  “It was very brave and we will never forget your kindness,” said Tanya, who had refused desert and was savouring her glass of red.

  “It was my pleasure,” smiled Anna.

  Mancini had ignored his wife all evening. Anna felt quite embarrassed to be the centre of his abject attention. She felt sorry for the woman. Knowing that Mancini wasn’t faithful to her made her feel even worse. In fact, even now he was accidently touching her calf with his fat leg under the table.

  Anna gritted her teeth and smiled harder. She had to milk the guy for all he was worth, for Rafael’s sake. Sensing the time was right, Anna moved her leg ever so gently against his. The result was profound. Mancini’s eyes lit up and his face took on a lustful glare. Moving his arm slightly, he knocked his wife’s glass of wine all over her lap.

  “Oh my God,” she screamed, standing up and frantically swiping at the delicate fabric. “You’ve ruined my dress.”

  In front of a restaurant full of horrified onlookers, Tanya stormed off to the ladies, which was precisely the effect Mancini wanted.

  “I hope her dress is okay,” whispered Anna, forcing herself to stare into Mancini’s eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he told her. “I’ll buy her another one tomorrow. She’ll soon forget about it.”

  “Of course,” replied Anna. What a bastard he was. She suppressed a shiver.

  “Now that we are alone, I wanted to ask you if you’ve had a chance to explored the Amalfi coast? I would love to take you for a cruise on my yacht. Sorrento, Positano, Amalfi, they are all so beautiful that anyone travelling to Capri should not miss visiting them.”

  In your dreams, thought Anna. “That sounds lovely,” she purred.

  “Excellente!” Mancini clapped his hands together in undisguised delight. “Now because you saved my darling girl’s life yesterday, it is my duty to ask you if there is anything you need in return. My wife and I would love to repay your kindness.”

  Bingo. Rafael was right. Anna hesitated, unsure as how to broach the subject.

  “Please, I insist. Anything your heart desires, it is yours.”

  Anna leant forward, giving Mancini a long look down her cleavage. When his mouth started to water she said, “Well, there is a little something you can help me with...”


  The taxi dropped Anna at Rafael’s apartment shortly before midnight. Quietly she made her way up the stairs and let herself into his apartment. It was fairly late and she couldn’t be sure Rafael would still be awake.

  He jumped up the moment she entered, a look of relief on his face. He’d been reading on the sofa.

  Throwing the magazine on the floor he announced, “Thank goodness. I was beginning to think you may have fallen for Mancini’s charms after all.”

  “What charms?” Anna grimaced. “The man’s a pig.”

  After smiling into Mancini’s puffy, sweating face all evening she feasted her eyes on Rafael’s smooth chiselled cheekbones and slanting bronze eyes. There was no comparison. His hair was messy from lying on the couch, which gave him an indolent, roguish look. He wore a pair of cotton drawstrings, with a casual t-shirt. His feet were bare. Anna had never seen him quite like this before. The effect was both cute, and very, very sexy.

  Anna took a deep breath and tried to ignore the fluttering in the pit of her stomach. He was so perfectly put together it defied belief. What woman wouldn’t be attracted to that, she thought, in her own defence?

  “So do you want to hear my news?” Anna forced her mind back to the purpose of her dinner with Mancini. She curled up on one of the smooth leather sofas and kicked off her heels.

  Rafael sat down opposite her. He was focused on her face. His body taut with anticipation. “Tell me,” he said eagerly.

  “Mancini was exactly like you said,” Anna told him wiggling her toes. “He was egotistical, arrogant and mean to his wife. By the way he tried to chat me up it’s obvious he’s not faithful to her.”

  “Really?” said Rafael softly, his eyes never leaving her face.

  “Really. Apparently he wants to show me the delights of the Amalfi Coast—by boat.”

  “Interesting. And you said...?”

  “I was suitably vague,” she smiled, pleased by Rafael’s smug expression.

  “And what of the shelter? Did you manage to talk to him about that?”

  “I did. And you will be happy to know that he agreed to give you a two month respite.”

  Anna smiled as Rafael jumped out of his seat and fisted the air. “Yes!” Secretly she was over the moon that she’d managed to make him so ha

  “Fantastico! Thank you, but how did you do it?”

  “I made him feel special, stroked his ego a bit and he didn’t even try to resist.” The truth was she’d lead Mancini on terribly. He’d been so caught up with lust and the promise of a romantic three day sex romp down the Amalfi coast, that he’d scarcely battered an eyelid when Anna had requested he wait two months before demolishing the shelter.

  “Really?” A suspicious gleam came into Rafael’s eyes, but he didn’t press it. “Well, whatever you did, I can’t thank you enough. This delay will help us to relocate the shelter without disrupting the kids.”

  “I even got it in writing.” Anna fished in her bag and pulled out a napkin covered with black ink.

  “You what?” Rafael stared at her incredulously.

  Anna shrugged. “I don’t trust anybody when it comes to things like this, so I had him write it down for me and sign it.” She’d told Mancini it was insurance for their little rendezvous next week. Little did Mancini know that the rendezvous was never going to take place. But having the agreement in writing meant that Mancini’s hands were now tied.

  “You’re amazing, did you know that?” Rafael pulled her off the couch and gave her an impromptu and very out of character hug. There was nothing sexual about the contact, yet Anna, encased in his warm embrace, found she couldn’t move a muscle. Closing her eyes she held still as his spicy scent and warm energy enveloped her.

  Rafael was ecstatic. Anna had single-handedly given him Mancini on a plate. Now the bastard couldn’t deny he’d granted a delay. Rafael had him by the balls. If he tried to renege, which he probably would, given his unscrupulous character, he would tie the industrialist up in court proceedings for as long as it took to relocate the shelter permanently. No judge would allow him to continue with a written agreement in place.


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