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Vigilante (Book 2): Into the Fray

Page 19

by Cliff Deane

  “Thanks so much for caring for her. I don’t know what I’d do if something bad happened to her.”

  Walt overheard the conversation and chimed in with, “Bill something bad did happen to her. A thug shot me and shot her twice in the chest. She would be dead now if not for the body armor. I would be dead if she didn't kill the scumbag that was robbing the gun store. We killed or wounded four thugs that our liberal judges keep releasing from jail.”

  “Walt, I don’t want to argue politics. I need to go to my wife’s side.”

  Bill walked away and went to Jo’s room. He walked into the room, and his wife was talking with the Captain of her precinct.

  “Hello Bill, I’m sorry that Jo had to go through this. Walt’s and her quick action saved the owner’s life and rid the world of some dangerous people.”

  Bill glared at the Captain and replied, “Tell that to the dead men’s mothers, wives, and children. Killing people isn’t always the solution.”

  Jo replied, “That was uncalled for. Apologize to the Captain.”

  The Captain was red in the face as he said, “Jo, I’ll leave now. Stay home the rest of the week and check in with me after the review board clears the shooting. Thank God, those assholes didn’t kill you. Goodbye Mr. Karr.”

  “Honey I was so….”

  “Bill what the hell is wrong with you. Those men killed a man in the store, shot Walt, and tried to kill me, and you spout that liberal bullshit to my Captain. Get the hell out of my room until you promise to apologize to my Captain.”

  “Honey I was so scared that you might not make it. I’ll tell him I’m sorry for yelling at him but not for what I said.”

  “So you’d rather see them alive and me dead.”

  “No, I want the guns off the street and out of everyone’s hands. Then there wouldn’t be all this killing and Cops wouldn’t have to execute so many people.”

  “I can’t believe you actually think that outlawing guns would stop criminals from having guns. I married an idiot. How are the kids doing? I don’t want them worried about me.”

  “I haven’t told them anything. They should be sleeping now. I didn’t want to call them until I knew how you were doing.”

  “Bill, please go home and stay with the kids. Now that you have been notified that I was shot they will release my name to the news. I don’t want them hearing their mom was shot on the news.”

  “I’m staying with you besides they’ll sleep in until late since it’s Friday night. Call your mom to come up and stay with them. She’s only a half hour away.”

  “Okay. I’ll call Mom while you call Will.”

  “Okay, I’ll call Will.

  “Mom, yes it’s me, Jo.”

  “Are you okay? Josephine, do you know the two policemen who were shot?”

  “Yes Mom, it was my partner and me. We are okay. My body armor stopped the bullets, and Walt only got a scratch.”

  “Oh, my God. Are you really okay?”

  “Yes, Mom. Can you go stay with the kids until I am released tomorrow?”

  “I thought you were okay.”

  “I just have some bruising. They are keeping me until tomorrow as a safety precaution.”

  “I’m a nurse, and that could mean a lot of things and several are bad.”

  “Mom, Bill is here and he agrees with what we were told. I’ll be home tomorrow and take a week off then go back to work. Bill is calling Will now to make sure they don’t hear it first on the news.”

  “How is Bill handling the situation?”

  “Not well. He thinks Walt and I executed some poor misdirected family men.”

  “Darling, I will keep my comments to myself. I’m not a conservative at all, but you know Bill is full of liberal crap. You knew it when you were dating him. Your Dad didn’t like him, and I can barely have a conversation with him. I’ll stay with the kids. I’ll gather some things and leave now.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m getting a little drowsy. I’ll try to call the kids later.”

  “Will, this is Dad.”

  “Dad I know who you are. Have you been watching the news? Dad, the Russians have invaded the Balkan countries and are racing into Poland. We are at war. Please come home and let’s go to Papaws.”

  “Son I need you to focus on what I am going to tell you. Your Mom is in the hospital, and she is okay. She only has some bruises. She is fine. I just wanted to make sure you all know she wasn’t hurt in the robbery.”

  “What robbery? I’ve had the TV on FOX news and haven’t seen the local news.”

  “Your Mom and partner broke up a robbery and were shot at by the robbers. Her body armor stopped the bullets. I need you to be calm when I ask you to get your brother and sister on the phone, and your Grandma is coming to stay with you tonight until we get home after lunch tomorrow.”

  “Wow, mom got shot. I’ll bring Missy and Jake to see Mom.”

  “No. Let them sleep. She is sleeping, and it’s not really a big deal. She has some pain, but we are just keeping her here overnight as a precaution per our rules.”

  “Dad, Missy, and I are awake and watching FOX News. Jake is asleep in his room. I’ll tell Missy and let Jake sleep.”

  “Your Grandma should be there in an hour or so to take care of you until we get home.”

  Jane arrived at her daughter’s home on the east side of Louisville, parked the car, and walked toward the front door.

  She walked up to the front door, rang the doorbell, and Will came to the door and gave her a hug.

  “Grandma, I’m glad to see you. Missy is taking this hard. She is worried about Mom. Thanks for comin’.”

  “Take me to her and place my bag in the guest room. Where’s Jake?”

  “He’s up in his room asleep.”

  Missy was glad to see her Grandma and was soon calmed down and talking rationally. Will went back to the family room and saw a breaking news report had just started.

  “FOX News has just learned that German and US main battle tanks are engaged in a desperate fight to stop the Russian tanks from rolling across Poland. British and French warplanes have joined the German and US aircraft in another major fight for air superiority over Polish skies.”

  OK, that is all you get, for now. I hope you enjoyed the free chapters, and, of course, hope you will read the novels we work so hard on.


  This section is a reference in case you get confused as to who is who.

  Primary Character List:

  Levi L. Levins – Retired U.S. Army, Sergeant First Class (SFC/E-7), Captain, then Colonel, Troop A, Defiance Militia

  Sarah C. Levins – Married to Levi, no children, Supervisory E.R. Nurse

  Ralph M. Basset - Owner Patriot Arms Gun Shop, Mayor of Defiance

  Ben Smith – Manager of Patriot Arms Gun Store, Levi’s Executive Officer (XO), a quintessential manager

  Bradley Cobb – Combat wounded in Berzerkistan and medically retired from Army as Staff Sergeant (SSgt/E-6), promoted to Troop A, First Sergeant (1st Sgt, Top)

  Mike Guyardo – Combat wounded in Kandahar, lost a foot, Sergeant (Sgt) / Lieutenant / Captain, Marine Force Recon assigned instructor duties for Afghanistan (Berzerkistan) Army.

  Scott Eldridge - Former Army Ranger Sergeant, Sgt / SSgt / Cpt / Major / Lt. Col. (whew), Walmart Store Manager

  The Doctors Monroe

  (Tom and Faith) – Defiance Medicos

  Jordan Daniels – Worshipful Master Masonic Lodge members of The Widow’s Sons motorcycle club…good guys.

  About the Author

  Cliff Deane grew up in South Charleston, West Virginia. At 17, he left school and joined the U.S. Cavalry, as a Private. 35 years later, he retired as a Lt. Colonel, spending 10 years Enlisted, and 25 years Commissioned.

  Cliff holds a High School G.E.D., a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education and English, a Master’s Degree in Education Administration and Management from West Virginia and is a graduate of the U.S. Army Command & General Staff Col

  After retirement, a love of the American West took Cliff to Prescott, Arizona, which he has called home for many years.

  Today, Cliff and his dog Katie reside full time in his 44’ Toy Hauler. He and Katie just go where the wind blows, as long as the wind blows them to Sturgis, SD in August.




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