Louisiana Moon

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Louisiana Moon Page 9

by Rhea, Lani

  After a few moments, he met her gaze again. “I need to look at the wounds on your back. May I?”

  The question was simple enough. She eyed him, looking for an ounce of disinguity. Nothing showed but worry. Rolling onto her stomach, she set her sight on the desk and waited for his hands. His fingers were light when he lifted her shirt.

  “This does not look good, Kris. Not good at all.”

  “How bad is it?”

  “You’ll need stitches. I could call for my medic to come stitch you.”

  “Well, why don’t you?”

  Ryant cleared his throat. “Right now, he’s missing part of his cheek.”

  Oops. She swallowed. “I’m sure I’ll be fine.”

  “I have another member who might help, but I don’t know if Zeke will since you two almost had it out a couple of times.”

  “Are the cuts really that bad?”

  “Yes. I can see bone.”

  The two men who might be able to help her would want to tear out her throat. “How good are you with a needle and thread?”

  “Patch work.” He paused. “I could heal you. My saliva…you remember,” he finished awkwardly.

  Kris envisioned her back like a quilt of many colors if he stitched her and she didn’t want Zeke or Shade near her. She inhaled. “Do what you must.”

  His cold tongue traced the wound from her armpit up, turning warmer the longer he lingered. As he lapped at the wound, his fingers fluttered against her ribs then grazed along the outer edges of her breasts. Contentment swept and rapture flared, making her core pulse with pleasure.

  “Stop using your powers on me.”

  He lifted his mouth. “I’m not. Why would you say that?”

  “Because you’re making me feel tingly.” She lay there with her eyes half-open and fought the urge to roll over and thread her fingers through his hair to drag him down for a kiss.

  He laughed. “I’m not using my powers. What you feel is natural. It is to me, anyway.”

  His tongue slid along the long lines of claw marks. The gashes stretched and closed near the nape of her neck. Each prickle cut dissipated with every loving sweep. His fingertips glided up her arm, disappearing down her spine, sending more heat to penetrate between her thighs.

  With his lips close to her ear, he whispered, “There is no use in fighting the natural attraction we have for one another, Kristina. Your yearning sings to me. As mine does to you, love.” As much as she wanted to protest, she slipped into a deep sleep with his whisper filling her mind.


  Kris awoke on the fluffy bed. Again. Her eyelids were heavy as she pried them open. How long had she been passed out, and what was the time? She couldn’t even tell if it was daylight or dark since there were no windows.

  Resolve pulled her from the covers. She had to rescue the human male. No telling what monstrous things the vamps had done to the man while she slept. The poor soul would be traumatized beyond sanity if she didn’t get him out soon—if that wasn’t already the case.

  She rolled her eyes and closed them. What to do with the man who wreaked havoc with her body and mind? If she wasn’t around him in the first place this never would have happened. She could be so irresponsible sometimes.

  Kris blew out an aggravated breath, clenching and releasing her hands at the whole ordeal. How had she stumbled back into Ryant’s life? Today, she’d leave no matter what the consequences were. She would do whatever was necessary.

  No sounds of chanting flowed into the room today.

  She opened her eyes and lifted her head to inspect the room again. New clothes were laid across a high backed-chair nestled in the far dark corner, catty-corner from the bed. A steaming pile of pancakes and bacon sat on the dresser along with a glass of orange juice.

  The best she could, she eased out of bed and noted her hip felt better. She raised the skimpy nightie to examine the bruise. It had vanished from her left hip. The nasty scar on her calf had disappeared too. She reached back and laid a hand flat against her bottom. No soreness came from the touch. A peek at her stomach revealed the scratches were gone as well.

  With careful fingers, she poked at the gashes on her back. Nothing. Even her knees looked to have had nothing happen to them. Ryant had healed the mangled spots. She knew his saliva healed quick, but not that fast.

  She stretched, flinging her arms overhead and an easy smile teased her lips. At ease and rested were two things she hadn’t experienced in forever. No stress. No rigidness. Peace enveloped her. Yet, the images of what happened at the ring lurked in her mind like a caged tiger. She frowned. Despite his care of her, she had to find the human and put Ryant back in the past. She would not fall in love with him…again.

  Rushing over to the chair, she slipped on the jeans and fitted black tee. At the actual tennis shoes beneath the seat, she smiled. Well, good, now she could run and escape much faster.

  She snatched a pancake, took a quick bite then chased it with orange juice to quench her thirst. The vitamin C would help her regain some energy. She resisted the urge to sit and “wolf” the meal down. The pancake tasted as good as it smelled—butter cream fluffiness beneath the salty cooked scent of crispy pork.

  When she shoved the last bite of pancake into her mouth, she opened the door.

  Creeping sideway down the corridor with no idea where she was headed, how to get the hell out of there or where to find the human, she stayed on tiptoes on search for something... She almost giggled, expecting a neon sign to pop up like at the theme parks, flashing You’re halfway there.

  She continued the torturous walk to nowhere. The further she went, the more the dimness whirled around her, swallowing her whole. With the quickness of a snap of fingers, the torches sizzled out.

  She plastered herself to the slime, her breathing escalating. The wet residue filtered through her clothes. Ugh, so gross. She glanced to each side and saw nothing under the total blackout. If only the beast would stir and help her see through the gloom. Instead her beast slumbered because, she presumed, Ryant healed her wounds and tamed her beast.

  A cold wind fluttered, carrying the hot scent of kerosene. She held her breath. As she did, her stomach sank, while her instincts urged her to run. To where? The gusts uplifted, blowing strands of hair around her face. In a hurried motion, a cool hand lay on her face, smoothing over her skin with rough fingertips. She squirmed to get away.

  A sub-zero, hard body leaned into her hips, pushing her against the wall. Who the hell?

  A shriek soared from her voice box and out her mouth, muffled as cold lips crushed on hers. The body then rotated roughly against her hips.

  Kris thrust back—still too weak to make any difference. Heavy arms locked her to the wall. She reached up to pull hair and touched an indentation in the person’s face. She jerked.

  Shade’s lips lifted from hers, and he groaned. “Not so tough when your energy is drained. Mmm…I like it.”

  She kneed him in the crotch.

  “Umph,” groaned Shade as he slouched to the ground with a thud.

  Torches flared.

  A familiar shape arrived in a blur. The two vampires hissed and rolled around on the floor in a haze of preternatural speed, slamming each other against the wall, thrusting back and forth, busting chunks of rock.

  Ryant held Shade by the throat. The vampire’s feet dangled above the ground, gurgling shudders came from him. Ryant tightened his grip as Shade’s clouded eyes looked at her.

  Ryant lowered Shade. “Get out of here, Shade. I’ll deal with you later.”

  Cowed, he coughed and stumbled away. She watched them both. When she could no longer see Shade, she glared at Ryant.

  “Kris, calm down. I will take care of him.”

  “Do not tell me to calm down.”

  She surged toward him, stopping an inch from his shoes. Their chests almost touched as she stared in his face, panting. His body leaned backward. Alarm settled in his eyes. At the sight, her breathing calmed. The wolf simmer
ed, stopped expanding and sank into the pit below her stomach.

  “You keep your… things…away from me.” As she placed an elbow into the wall for support, her head hung low.

  He studied her for a moment. “Here, take this.” He extended a yellow, square pill.

  “What’s that?”

  “Vitamins which will help you regain your energy. I was on my way to give it to you when I heard you scream.” He continued to remain steady, holding the capsule on his open palm.

  Closing her eyes, she stretched and shook her body. A warm, relaxing tranquility took over. When she lifted her lids, she found Ryant watching her with concern. “I don’t need it. I feel better.” The near arrival of the beast must have cured her.

  His mind power invaded her mind and vanished. Charm pushed at her again, but not like before.

  “Shit.” He dropped the pill on the floor and placed his fingers to his mouth, squeezing his lips.

  Kris shook her head. “What…was that?”

  “I didn’t mean for this to happen. I really did not.” He fisted a hand in his hair.

  “What?” She wanted to stomp her foot.

  “You bear the first mark.”

  She’d been marked. Damn it. Kris slapped her fingers at her throat, searching for punctures. “Where did you bite me, you bastard?”

  He lowered his face to hers and stared without blinking. “I haven’t bitten you.”


  He tilted his head toward a torch. “Look at my eyes.” He’d gone crazy—total nonsense. “Look, you can’t be affected by my stare.”

  She growled, glowering into his eyes. The snarls ceased. His eyes were toasted sugar. No bursts. The tiny specks had vanished. He looked human—minus the fangs.

  “What did you do to me, Ryant?” She jerked her arm from his grip. “What else comes along with the first mark?”

  “I don’t know what to say, or how to explain it.” He sounded as though he regretted healing her.

  He hadn’t answered her second question. “What the hell does this mean?” She stepped in front of Ryant. Her nipples grazed his chest. The subtle brush sent a sizzling thrill throughout her body.

  “This means you are not susceptible to my glance or my voice. But I will be able to hear your thoughts when we are near.”

  Kris dropped her gaze. If what he said were true, she didn’t buy it because the beauty of his eyes and voice captured her. She couldn’t be one hundred percent certain he spoke the truth. She wanted to test his so-called-powers. “What am I thinking now?” Release me.

  He narrowed his breathtaking eyes. “Release you.”

  An icicle of panic plunged into her spine. Oh merry motherfucker. No. No. No. She could not have this man wandering in her mind twenty-four-seven. Her every thought laid bare. Her every dream or fantasy, his to know. How could he have done this to her?

  “Damn. I shouldn’t have. I didn’t mean—” He turned away.

  “Stop reading my mind,” Kris screamed. Would the other vamps and vampirellas running around be able to hear her too?

  “It’s a good thing for me to hear you. And no, only I will be able to read your mind, which is why I need you to stay near me now, more than ever. You won’t get hurt as easily either, though you’ve had no problem before.” He gave her a concerned once over. “How are the wounds?”

  Okay, civil and polite, teatime conversation. “Ever so much better, Mr. Starga. Thank you for asking. May I inquire as to your health today? And if you would be so kind as to please, kiss my ass, you rat bastard.” She’d reached an edge of fear unknown to her.

  “How could you do this to me?” she sobbed.

  Ryant was on her in a heartbeat, shoving her against the wall. Her teeth rattled. “I did not, I repeat, did not mark you on purpose, Kristina. It was an accident. Do you really think I want to be privy to your every thought? To know how much you hate me and know every detailed thing you blame me for in your life?”

  His response to her tirade sobered her and forced her back to a modicum of self-control. She couldn’t think of how to respond, so she said the only thing left to say. “I need the human, Ryant.”

  “I’m not sure that would be a good idea.”

  “Damn it. You can’t hold us prisoner. I have a life. The human has a life.” Her teeth gritted. She wanted to choke his beautiful neck.

  He backed away and stared at her with longing that turned to regret. “Follow me.”

  Good, about time he listened to her. “Okay.”

  She stayed a safe distance behind his broad shoulders. It was hard not to sneak peeks at his deliciously rounded, hard ass and long, muscled thighs. He had a superior walk. The flowing, thin-clothed shirt flared with his arms on both sides of his narrow waist. Gods, he was gorgeous and—

  “Like the view back there?”

  Her mindless wanderings were cut short. “What?”

  “Do you like the view?”

  Shit. She’d already forgotten he could read her mind. Now she’d have to watch her thoughts. She never wanted this, that old attraction. They approached an intersection. She couldn’t believe she paid attention to Ryant. Or that those feelings of love and lust had rekindled.

  “The old flames of glory.” He turned into a room on the left.

  She rolled her eyes. An exit sign glowed red at the end of the corridor. She wanted to bolt for the outlet.

  “I wouldn’t do that.” His voice came from within the room.

  Son-of-a-bitch. When she reached the door, she looked around the corner and stopped with her feet rooted to the floor. A spinning wheel with straps filled the center of the back wall. The ten foot bolted metal sphere showcased leather straps for wrists and ankles.

  They had her human in a cage. A small scrap of linen cloth concealed his male package. Nearly naked, he had to be freezing in the dampness. She stared at him with irritation as she hurried further into the room.

  The human eyed Ryant, shooting glances at her, but mainly at Ryant. He sat in a squat in the middle of his prison. His upper body glistened with sweat and grime. His legs were furred with light golden hair and matted with gods only knew what. In that position, his body had to have cramped and ached in the four by four foot iron cell.

  Ryant halted in what appeared to be a science lab. She couldn’t see his face to read his expression. Wanting him to see her face, she rushed to his side and looked him directly in the eyes. “If you don’t let him go, I’ll get really pissed and you know what it would mean.” A memory of when she’d attacked him in wolf form oh so many years ago came to mind. “Let the man go.”

  He snapped his fingers. One of three helpers standing in the corner went to the human. “Prepare him.” He kept his focus on Kris. “You. Follow me. We need to talk.”

  “You promise nothing will happen to him.”

  He lowered his face to hover over hers. He gazed at her lips and sniffed. “You smell like Shade,” he mumbled under his breath. “Tell me, Kris, do all men make fools of themselves over you or is it just us vampires?”

  She touched her lips with fingertips, remembering the cold press of Shade’s dead ones. Revulsion shivered through her. She couldn’t help that the asshole had attacked her. Sure as shit, she hadn’t asked for it.

  Ryant stood to full height. “Bring me Shade,” he ordered the last two helpers.

  Kris surveyed the room. A metal bookcase with locks held vials. Several glowed different colors of blues, greens and yellows. “Are you going to shoot him up with a special blend of serum? Fry his brain?”

  He growled through clenched teeth. “How I discipline my coven or treat reluctant guests is none of your concern, my dear. Shade should not have done what he did to you. Not even after what you did to him. However, you taking a chunk from his face may have…intrigued him.” His eyes settled on her breasts.

  “So, pain turns him on then?” Kris lifted a brow.

  “You wouldn’t believe to what amounts,” Ryant grumbled before turning on heel

  Her human was now propped against the wall. Although in less shock and horror than before, fear seeped from his body. “I promise I won’t breathe a word if you let me go.” His plea came out hoarse.

  “What’s your name?” She went to him. When she placed a comforting hand on his bare skin, his bicep jumped beneath her palm.

  The human swallowed. “You’re not a vampire.”

  “No.” She did not elaborate on the non-vamp, non-human subject. Let him assume the best before she showed him the worst. “Get this man some water and clothes, Ryant. You can’t treat him like an animal.” She tossed the words over her shoulder.

  “What is your name?” she asked the human again.

  “Darin. I’m Darin James.” He reached for her hand on his arm like a drowning man for a lifeline. Kris felt like she’d became real to him.

  “Get away from him, Kris. I’ll damn well treat anything the way I want them to be treated. You’re on the verge of not leaving with the human.” Ryant started cursing in Italian.

  Darin’s eyes showed alarm.

  “Son of a bitch? What nerve did I piss on?” Kris stalled and searched for clothing to cover her new charge. She found nothing.

  As Shade came through the door, pushed from behind, into the middle of the room, she froze. The bite mark on his face had almost healed. He eyed her with lust and smiled while licking his lips.

  “Don’t look at her,” Ryant snarled. “And get him the fuck out of here!” he bellowed, indicating Darin with a toss of his head.

  A helper escorted Darin from the room. His eyes were wide, but his shoulders square. He might be scared shitless, she thought, but he coped and stayed calm. She admired bravery in the face of impossible odds.

  She hoped Shade would occupy the cramped iron space next. Surprised when two other vampires shoved him to the wheel, she could only watch in fascinated disgust as her attacker was chained to the large metal circle. She didn’t care if they killed him or not, but it didn’t seem right he would get to enjoy his death.

  “You.” Ryant pointed at Kris. “Come with me, please.” He walked out of the room.


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