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Love Unleashed

Page 2

by Matilda Martel

  Snatching my arm, he tugs me close to his warm body and whispers, “I never want to hear you speak his name again. Yuri’s an idiot. No man in his right mind would keep you waiting. You’re a wonder of nature, doll.”

  I pull away and stop to consider his words. Wonder of nature? No one’s ever called me that before. If I didn’t hate him so much, I might be titillated. There’s no denying he’s charming. Great kisser. And no one would ever call Leo Moretti ugly. It’s not a matter of opinion.

  The man is an Apollo.

  But he’s not Yuri and the heart wants what it wants. Enraged that I almost let his words turn me on again, I growl and push away from his massive chest. “Leave me alone. I’m not playing house with you.”

  “What about Felix Ayala? Will you play house with him?” His words make me skid in my boots. How does he know about Felix? Why would he bring him up?

  “Felix? What are you talking about?” The sound of my thundering heart silences the city noise as fear consumes me. Not Felix. He can’t. He wouldn’t.

  “You can marry me or you can let your brother give you to Felix Ayala. Yuri’s out of the picture. You’ll find out today, I’m sure. So, who’s it going to be, doll?” His dark gaze mocks me. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I know my brother. He wouldn’t dare.

  “Neither. I won’t be bullied, Leo.” I clench my fist at my side, take a deep breath and walk away with my head held high.

  “You have my number, Alia. Use it before it’s too late.”

  Fat chance, Moretti.



  “What did you say?” My mind freezes and the world comes to a crashing halt as my older brother gives me the news I’ve been clamoring for all week.

  But this isn’t news. This is a joke. A nightmare.

  I shake my head and reach behind me to pull a chair closer. My legs feel like rubber. “Please, Alex. This isn’t funny. Tell me you’re kidding.”

  “I married Maya this morning. We did it without Yuri’s permission. It cost me his friendship but we had no choice. Maya’s expecting. You should be happy for me.” Alex takes his lucky Zippo out of his coat pocket and lights a cigarette. He takes a long drag, stops to savor the buzz then blows smoke away from my face.

  My lips tighten with anger and my brow creases so hard my vision’s obscured. “That’s not the part I’m talking about and you know it!”

  “You heard right the first time. Why would I kid about something so serious? This is no laughing matter.” He reluctantly extinguishes his cigarette and sighs. His new girlfriend, wife, whatever she is, doesn’t like him smoking. Three weeks and the great Alejandro de Alba folds like a cheap suit.

  “That’s not what we agreed on, Alex! You know how I feel about Felix Ayala.” Gripped with rage, I spit out every word.

  “You get everything, and I get nothing. Less than nothing. I want what you promised me. I said Yuri. I want Yuri Ivanov. You can’t swap out men like some creepy bait and switch.” I jump out of my chair, give it a good kick and send it flying behind me. “I wont’t marry him. He’s insane. He’ll kill me.”

  He chuckles at my pain. “Calm the hell down. He saved your life. He won’t kill you.”

  “Saved my life?!” I screech.

  He’s not listening to a word I say.

  “You double-crossed me. I only want Yuri. He’s the only reason I agreed to help you.” With my hands on my hips and a scowl on my face I stare my bully brother down. He doesn’t know what he’s asking. He doesn’t know what happened.

  He reaches for his cigarettes and remembers he just threw them away. He looks frustrated but determined. With a hint of remorse, he gazes up and utters five words that shatter my heart, ego and soul all at once. “I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Yuri doesn’t want you.”

  My jaw drops. “What? What the hell does that mean?” I know what it means but I can’t believe it.

  “Don’t make me repeat it. You know what it means.” Alex’s words echo in the distance. He’s right next to me but I feel a million miles away.

  This is outrageous.

  I love him. He must know I love him. This has never happened to me. Not love me? Boys and men have tried to get me to fall in love with them ever since I sprouted these boobs at fifteen. But no one’s come anywhere close except Yuri Ivanov. He’s perfect. Perfect for me. Gorgeous. Resplendent. The master of my heart.

  Who the hell does he think he is not wanting me? He should get down on his knees and thank Jesus, Mary and all the saints that Alia Emilia de Alba thought him worthy of her attention. That no good...

  “Hey, are you going to say something? You look insane staring into space.” Alex claps his hands to get my attention.

  “How could you sit there and allow him to insult me? Why didn’t you kill him?” I clench my fists and punch the air. “I’m your sister. You’re supposed to defend my honor!”

  He laughs. “He didn’t insult you. He said he was flattered but wasn’t interested. I can’t force the head of the Ivanov Bratva to take my spoiled little sister because she has the hots for him. I think he already has another girl. Felix is a much better match for you. He’s the only one who’s crazy enough to put up with your shit.” My legs give out, but he pauses a moment to retrieve my cast-off chair.

  “Even if he did want you, I couldn’t agree. I’m in no position to say no to Ayala. Neither are you. He’s swallowing up the New York cartels left and right. If you marry him, no one will mess with us. If I say no, we could go to war.” Leo was right. He’s bartering me to save his ass. I’m floored.

  “How dare you! I won’t marry him. How can you force your sister to marry a madman?” I kick my legs and flail my arms about. I had so many plans for today and each one is ruined. As every one of my Yuri dreams fades before my eyes, the only person left standing is Leo Moretti. He’s the only one big enough to help me.

  Damn him.

  “You don’t have a choice. Neither do I.” He stands to retrieve his cigarettes from the bin.

  My heart sinks. He really means it. “Are you seriously going to force me to marry someone I don’t love? Someone who terrifies me.”

  He leans into his chair and crosses his legs, lifting one ankle to his knee. “I’m truly sorry. You know Ayala won’t hurt you. He says he’s crazy about you. If you don’t cooperate, your decision will have lasting repercussions to the success and safety of this organization. People will die.”

  “I don’t care about your damn business, Alex. You’re asking me to forfeit my happiness, my safety and possibly my life to further your criminal activities. It’s bullshit and you know it.” I seethe as my mind spins to come up with a solution. Something. Anything but running to Leo.

  He sighs. “I won’t need to hand you over. He’ll come for you on his own. I cancelled your credit cards this morning in case you caught wind. I’ve frozen your bank account. In twenty-four hours, you’re out on the street.”

  He paces as he threatens me. “If you say no, you’ll have nothing but the clothes on your back. I’ll make sure no one takes you in. And in the end, Felix will find you.”

  I gasp. “You wouldn’t dare! You promised Daddy you’d protect me.”

  “It’s your choice.” He narrows his eyes and holds my gaze.

  “That’s not a choice! I either submit to a loveless marriage or you leave me broke and homeless? Daddy would kill you if he were still alive!” I jump to my feet and lunge at him.

  He’s quick. Too quick. Mid-air, I watch him hop to the side and I land face down on the floor. “You can’t do this.” I whimper.

  He glares down at my crumpled body. “Dad would have done the same thing and you know it. I’m sorry, Alia. I tried my best to keep you out of it. But if you don’t marry him, we’ll lose everything and he’ll still take you by force. He’s a vicious man. Your defiance could cost lives.”

  “You can’t force me down the aisle, Alex. Neither can he.” I whine and crawl away.

  “Think about your choices, Alia.” He warns as he walks out the door. “Don’t try to run. You’ll just make things worse. I promise, I tried to get him to drop this but there was no other way. Pack your things. They’re picking you up in twelve hours.”



  “So, how did it go?” I stare dumbfounded at my brother’s tousled hair and torn lapels. His stunned expression says much more than any words could possibly convey.

  With shattered nerves, his trembling hand spills whiskey as he tries to pour it into a tall glass. “Look at me, Leo. How do you think it went? You send me on your fucking errand. You threaten death on anyone who uses excessive force. And yet you want us to haul a crazy woman all the way from Brooklyn. My car is trashed. Vito’s face looks like he got into a fight with a feral cat and Marco’s brand-new leather jacket was ripped to shreds. She thought they were Felix’s men until she calmed down and recognized me. But she still fought us all the way down the stairs.”

  I take his glass and finish pouring him a drink. “Did anyone give you any trouble?”

  His brows crease with confusion. “Other than the woman you plan to marry?” He takes a gulp and wipes his mouth.

  “No one was there. Alex called back her bodyguards. He’s left her to the wolves. But you were right about your suspicions. She had two bags packed and an itinerary to Paris in her purse.” He sighs and hands me the neatly folded printout he snagged from her bag.

  “How the hell did she get the money to buy a ticket to France? She said Alex cancelled all her credit cards.” I pace the room and catch sight of two grown men in the corner licking their wounds. While Vito pats his bloody face with a wet cloth, Marco silently mourns the death of his Fonzi-style leather jacket. He ordered it months ago. He fucking loved it, but there’s no saving it now.

  “Vito, get to a doctor, please. You look like hell. And take the rest of the day off.” He runs off before I finish my sentence.

  “Marco, sorry about your jacket. Pick out a new one on me. Get the upgrade.” I nod and wave him off.

  “And where is she now?” I scratch my head and try to figure out my next move. She thought she’d escape to Europe. Why? She knows I’d find her. If not me, him.

  Why take that chance?

  He shakes his head, falls into the sofa and lands on his back. He deserves a break, but I’m sending him on another errand tonight. Hopefully, much less violent. “She’s in your room. Cuffed. Knocked out.”

  “What? What do you mean knocked out?” I question his methods. “No harm doesn’t include drugging her.”

  “Fuck, Leo. It’s just chloroform. She was screaming her ass off. If we hauled her out into the street like that, cops would have swarmed. We left her cuffed in your room to keep her from hurting herself. Or fucking up your room.”

  I take a deep breath and clench the glass in my fist. He’s right, but I don’t need to add fuel to her fire. I’ve seen her temper.

  “Sirs?” Sofia, my housekeeper, clears her throat and waits by the door.

  “Is our guest awake?” I call her closer and kick my brother’s dangling shoe as I pass him by.

  Chloroform. For fuck’s sake.

  She nods. “Yes, she is. She’s not sure where she is but wants to speak to the person in charge.”

  “Person in charge?” I roll my eyes and follow her to the room.

  “It’s okay, Sofie. I’ll handle it from here. Please call my cousin, Giulia. Tell her I’m calling in a favor. She owes me and I need her help with this.” I watch her scurry away, grateful to wash her hands of this entire mess.

  Person in charge? She knows exactly who’s in charge. She just wants to piss me off.

  But what did I expect? We surprised her two hours early and caught her trying to leave the country. Her bags were packed. Her plans dashed. She must be fuming.

  I take a deep breath and stare at my bedroom door. I should place her in a guest room. We’re not married yet. Never been intimate. Nothing more than a kiss.

  There’s no doubt I’m getting ahead of myself. God knows, I’ll never sleep. But I’ve waited so long, I just want her with me. Even if she’s furious. Even if I can’t touch her... yet.

  Jesus Christ. I’m thinking with my dick and he can’t be trusted.

  As I reach for the knob, I hear the undeniable sounds of soft sobbing. I wind my head past a slight crack in the door and see she’s face down on the bed. Her bound hands are thrown dramatically over her head. Her body’s limp. When I see one eye peek through her black hair, I stifle a laugh and take two steps inside.

  She’s faking it.

  It’s an excellent performance. But I know her. She may think my fascination began with a few flirtatious giggles and hair flips for the purpose of garnering another man’s attention, but she’s mistaken. I’ve watched her for years. I’ve wanted her long before I had any right looking at someone so young.

  I’m not proud of myself. But I’m hardly a fiend. I kept my distance and fought to get her out of my mind. While I waited, I dated other women. They were all lovely, but poor substitutes for the genuine article. No one has ever come close to making me feel a tenth of what I feel with Alia.

  I’m convinced no one ever will.

  When she hears me breathing, she stirs and increases the volume of her dramatics. She’s not a crier. I attended her father’s funeral and she hardly made a peep. But four weeks ago, I saw her cry when the man at the gelato place refused to honor her expired frequent customer card. After she threw her tantrum, she got a free waffle cone and walked out smiling.

  Last December, she blubbered like a baby when the guy selling Christmas trees wanted her to wait twenty-four hours to have her tree flocked. After a horrible cry-fest in which she swore her holiday party was that evening, he did it in record time and delivered her tree for free. This girl is used to using her feminine wiles to get what she wants. I can appreciate that. She shamelessly wields the greatest power God gave her.

  But I’m not falling for it.

  “Are you done?” I fold my arms across my chest and stand by the foot of the bed.

  She sniffles and gazes up, fluttering her lashes. “Where am I?”

  I chuckle. “You know exactly where you are. You’re home. My home. Are you hungry? We need to discuss the wedding.” I shove my hands in my pockets and sway back and forth on my heels. I’m happy she’s here, but a part of me really wants to piss her off.

  “What?” Her voice drifts off as her eyes search the room. She wants me to believe she’s in a daze, but her execution is all wrong.

  “Hungry? Are you hungry?” My cheerful tone sets her off.

  Her eyes grow wide. Her body stiffens. Clutching the bedspread, she pulls herself up and scrambles to her knees like a frustrated toddler. “Am I hungry? Am I hungry?” Just as I expected. Her eyes are bone dry.

  I shake my head and take the itinerary out of my pocket and throw it on the bed. “Paris, huh? Who the fuck do you know in Paris? Who bought you this ticket?”

  She arches one brow. “Someone called none of your damn business. I didn’t need your help after all. My flight’s in two hours. I can still make it.”

  I laugh at her expense. “No chance, doll. That clock is wrong. I haven’t changed it since that storm knocked the lights out two nights ago. Your non-refundable flight leaves in six minutes.”

  She screams, wiggles to the edge of the bed and tosses her legs to the floor. Marching towards me, she swings her tied wrists and tries to punch me. But she misses. Another swing and she falls to the floor.

  “Are you done? Or do I have to tie your legs?” I extend my hand to help her up, but she lunges and tries to bite me.

  “Get me out of here, Leo. I mean it. I’m not marrying you, I’m marrying anyone. If you want me, this won’t work. This is the perfect way to piss me off until the end of time.” She kicks her legs and shrieks at the top of her lungs.

  “All right. I’ve had enough. I’ll let you rest. We marry in tomorro
w evening.” I stroll to the door, whistling a tune that sends her right over the edge.

  “Leo!! Untie me!! Please. You don’t want me. I’ll make you miserable.” She flails her arms over her head.

  I shake my head. “Sorry, baby. No can do. But are you hungry? I can get the cook to whip something up.”

  “I’ve been here for three hours! I’m starving... you big jerk!” She pouts and blows her hair off her face.

  When she tries to reach me by dragging her behind on the carpet, I give her a thumbs up and bolt out the door.

  She’s so fucking adorable when she’s angry.



  I have nowhere to go.

  No one returned my calls. Every single friend and relative ignored my pleas for help and froze me out. I know Alex got to them, but that’s no excuse.

  I have my faults. I know I do. But I’d never ignore someone in their time of need. Mark my words. One day, they’ll pay for this. All of them. Every last one is on my shit list.

  “Sweetheart, do you want me to help you run a bath?” An older woman walks across the room and offers her hand.

  I shake my head and hold up my wrists. “I can’t really do much with these.”

  She nods, takes a small pair of scissors from her pocket and cuts the zip tie binding my hands together. “My name is Sofia. Mr. Leo wants me to make sure you’re comfortable.”

  She smiles and points to the windows. “Everything is bulletproof and unbreakable. I don’t want you to harm yourself trying to break out. Only Mr. Leo has the key to unlock them.” Her voice is calm. Motherly. Like untying a young woman in Leo’s bedroom is just a regular thing.

  I rub my wrists and scan the room for an alternate escape. It’s force of habit. I was kidnapped when I was ten years old by one of my father’s rivals. They didn’t hurt me, not physically, but they kept me locked in a room for forty days. Ever since then, I’m paranoid about being cooped up in one place for too long.


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