Love Unleashed

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Love Unleashed Page 5

by Matilda Martel

  I gush and melt straight into my new satin pumps. No seriously. I may swoon if he keeps this up. As I open my mouth to let him feed me a generous helping of eggplant cooked to perfection, I mumble my reply. “I’d like to take a bath.”

  He chuckles. “A bath? Why a bath? Did I make you feel dirty?”

  I giggle like a little girl then cover my mouth and curl into his mighty chest. “Yes, but it’s a good dirty. I don’t have many fantasies about married life and the things that come with it, but I have one about taking a bath with my husband. I saw it in a magazine once. It was an ad for a big porcelain tub.”

  His face lights up. “I have a big porcelain tub.”

  I nod. “I know. It’s gorgeous. Will you take a bath with me, Mr. Moretti?”

  He smiles and squeezes my ass. “Fuck, yes. I’ll get you nice and clean, baby. Now, let’s eat. You’ve got fifteen minutes before I drag you to the limo.”



  We almost didn’t make it home. Lost in a hot and heavy embrace for twenty minutes, I was mere inches from tearing some panties and spreading those thighs over my shoulders. And I’m not so sure she would have stopped me. Something’s changed. Something miraculous. I’m not sure if it was the vows, the kiss, the chianti or just me, but things got so out of hand I nearly introduced myself to her virgin pussy.

  I need to rein it in. This may be our wedding night but I’m not just some horny oaf who can’t control his libido. Alia deserves to be wooed. She deserves a husband who takes his time to entice her into making love. I won’t make demands. Not on that. But goddamn it, I’m not sure I can hold out one more day. If I see her naked, if she lets me run my hands over her wet luscious body and then kisses me goodnight, I might explode.

  “Leonardo? Can you unzip me?” She twirls in her heels to offer me her back. And she just rolled her Rs. She’s killing me.

  “Of course, my love.” My trembling hands reach for the zipper and the smell of her perfume, the same scent that’s kept me hard for the last three hours instantly breaks my resolve. Tugging her back to my chest, I yank her zipper, unfasten her corset and proceed to pillage her enormous breasts. I’ve lost my mind, but I can’t stop. Like a junkie finally getting his long-awaited fix, I feel complete for the first time in months. Alia is my drug. My only drug. And I won’t be truly satisfied until I taste her sweet nectar and feel it slide down my chin.

  “Baby, I’m sorry.” While I apologize, I continue to massage her tits, rolling my fingers against her tight nipples.

  She places one hand over mine, urging me to continue while she drops her dress to the floor. “Should I run the bath?” She purrs as my mouth travels from her shoulder to her neck.

  “Let’s do it together.” I’m too thrilled to let her leave my side. I don’t want to stop. I don’t want to let her think about the consequences of her actions.

  Consequences? What consequences? We’re married.

  She peels away and leaves my arms bereft. “I’ll start it, baby. You should get rid of that suit. I don’t want to get it wet. It might be my favorite.” She struts away in nothing but a white lacy thong and satin pumps. The sight of her bare ass, the two perfect mounds that are now legally mine, brings fucking tears to my eyes. This beautiful woman is finally my wife and she’s inviting me into her bath.

  If my cock gets any harder, it’s going to break in two.



  Oh, my goodness, this is happening. This is really happening. And I have no idea what the hell I’m doing.

  My boobs have made their debut. My ass is hanging out. I’ve invited Leo Moretti... my jump in the bathtub with me. He’ll be naked. Yes, of course, he’ll be naked. And so will I. There’ll be nothing between us but water. This definitely sounds like I’ve put sex on the menu.

  As the bath fills, I kick off my pumps and squirt a shot of bubble bath into the water, hoping a few suds will hide my glaring nudity. The aroma of lavender flirts with my senses and triggers something familiar. The feeling of comfort settles in my nervous bones. This is a first. No one’s ever seen this much of me.

  I take care of myself. I’m not self-conscious about the way I look. But standing in front of a handsome man for the first time is no small task, even if he is your husband.

  Leo’s one of the most powerful men in New York. He’s crushed on me for months. No, he said years. The pressure to perform and perform well is high. What if I can’t keep up? What if I do or say something silly? What if I can’t orgasm and he takes offense? I’m not sure if I can. I think I’ve come close, but I’m not sure I was doing it right.

  No one tells you how to do it right, you know?

  Shaking those thoughts from my mind, I dip my hand to check the water and hear footsteps draw near.

  “I’ve had a lot of daydreams about you, Alia. But something like this never entered my mind.” Leo strolls onto the marble floor, wearing nothing but a broad grin on his face and a terrifying erection bobbing with each step.

  Panic consumes me. This isn’t natural. I’m too small. He’s too big. But goddamn, he is fucking beautiful. I briefly avert my eyes, stunned and frightened by this massive obscenity, but curiosity wins.

  “Have you never bathed with a woman?” I ask the question, then immediately regret it. I don’t want to know what he’s done with others. The thought infuriates me.

  Holy crap, am I jealous of his past? I didn’t expect this.

  He shakes his head. “No. I was never in love before you, baby. And I’ve never brought a woman here. I bought this penthouse last year, after my father passed. And I renovated it with you in mind. That’s why my closet stayed half empty.” His confident smile turns sheepish.

  My heart flutters. “You did?”

  He nods and winds his arm around my waist. “You’re mine, doll. I knew it from the moment I met you. You filled a void I didn’t know was there.”

  “Thank you for today. For giving me a church wedding instead of dragging me to City Hall. It was so much nicer than I expected. It was beautiful.” My voice trembles.

  He brings his hands to my face, cups my jaw and gently covers my mouth in a sweet, soulful kiss. “We’re just getting started, angel. We have all night.”

  As we part, our eyes meet, and something flickers inside me. A spark crackles, ignites my heart and sets fire to my core. His scent thrills. Adrenaline thumps in my brain. While lusty thoughts swirl in my mind, my eyes shift down and glimpse the enormous cock jutting into my stomach. Sweet Jesus, it’s flawless. As flawless as you’d expect from Leo Moretti. The sight of his thick length summons the nastiest thoughts I’ve ever had, and my hand instinctively moves to touch it.

  I can touch it. We’re married. Technically, it’s mine.

  Before my hand travels the slight distance, he pulls away and travels across the room. I watch him tap a small screen and listen in wonder as the sounds of opera fill the room.

  “Opera?” I smile with curiosity and beam with happiness. It’s beautiful. He’s beautiful.

  He nods and takes me back in his arms. “Puccini. My favorite. Shall we?” He steps into the water and holds out his hand.

  While he watches, I slink down my thong, shield the obvious, and take his hand.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby. I’m the luckiest man in the city.” He kisses my knuckles and helps me settle into the water, sliding me in between his open legs.

  “Tell me about this song. It sounds familiar.” I cuddle into his wet chest as he lifts a soaked sponge and squeezes it over my breasts. Soapy water cascades over me while his lips ravage my neck.

  “In English, it’s called Let No One Sleep and it’s from Turandot, Puccini’s last opera.” His hands cup my breasts, caressing and massaging them to the rhythm of Pavarotti’s voice, growing bolder as the music crescendos. My limbs lose all strength, as if he’s flipped a switch and made me boneless. When his huge hand slides into my slick folds and his mouth crashes into
mine, my mind fogs with lust. I descend into an alternate plane of existence. I’ve never been more turned on. I’ve never felt this alive. Never in my wildest bathtub fantasies did anything get this hot.

  “When was the last time you made yourself come, doll?” He gently strokes my clit, guiding his finger in a counterclockwise swirl that makes my thighs spread and my knees peek out of the water.

  “I’m not sure I ever have.” My breath hitches as I crane my neck for one more kiss.

  “You’re coming now, doll. I insist.” He croons as his tongue licks my ear, but his hand never stops. As he pets and twirls harder, his free hand squeezes my breast and pinches my nipple. My heart races. The music. His lips. His hands finger and flick while my legs flail and my back arches into his chest. Primal moans become guttural wails as I shriek with every stroke.

  “What if I can’t?” My voice squeaks as I writhe and thrash, aching to spear myself on the cock stabbing me in the back. I can’t take it. This has never happened. I can’t believe I’ve been masturbating so wrong all these years.

  “You will.” He demands as he pulls my torso out of the water and slides his cock against my clit. I’m so close. I can’t see. I can’t breathe. All I can do it scream.

  “Come on, baby. Let go. Let me feel you wet my cock with your cum.” When his mouth covers my tight nipple, I almost jet out of the water, convulsing madly and howling with Pavarotti as he hits his highest note.

  “Leo!” I pull his hair for purchase as he slides me back into the water and crashes his full lips into mine.

  “Alia... baby.” He beams and simmers simultaneously.

  “Yes!” It’s the only word on my mind. The only thing I can say.

  “Yes? Yes, what?” He holds me close and smiles.

  “Yes! Yes, to whatever you were going to ask. Yes, to everything. Yes. Yes.” I fight to catch my breath but keep repeating the word just in case he doesn’t understand.”

  “Yes?” His eyes go wide.

  I nod once before I feel him lift me out of the water and run us into the bedroom.



  Her hot wet body, still trembling from her first orgasm, clings to mine as I rush us towards our bed. My hands grip her ass for life. My long legs run without prompt. When we crash into the blankets, she keeps her legs wrapped around my waist and lunges forward to kiss me.

  Sweet mother of God.

  “Alia, sweetheart. Look at me.” I speak between kisses and struggle to hold her steady.

  Her eyes meet mine. “What? Don’t you want this?”

  “Of course, I do. More than anything. But do you? Are you only doing this for me?” I could kick myself for seeding doubt in her mind, but I need to ask.

  “No. For me. For us. Leo!” She wraps her arms around my neck and tugs me closer.

  I wrestle away and offer her one more out. “You’re consenting? We don’t have to make love yet. Tell me what you want.”

  “Leo!” She flips me over, straddles me and tries to slide down my cock. “I consent, goddamn it. Stop torturing me!”

  Okay, I’m pretty sure that’s a yes.

  I’m not just being cautious, I’m madly in love. I knew this was different. Alia’s different. Alia’s forever. For the last two years, ever since I first spotted her at her father’s funeral, I’ve been lost to the world. I thought about her when I shouldn’t have. I wanted her before it was acceptable. I waited for her to grow older and watched with a heavy heart when she spent time with men her age.

  We don’t always choose who we love, but I chose Alia. I fought for us long before she noticed me. And when it all seemed in vain, I fought harder. Because I knew we’d fall in love. From the depths of my soul, I knew this was my woman. I know if she lets me in, I can make her fall in love with me.

  I’m not there yet, but I’m close. I can feel it.

  Gazing deep into her dark eyes, my heart swells. I can’t believe she’s mine. As I climb over her, I lift her into my arms and lay her head on a pillow. Her thighs shake by my hips. Her body quivers with anticipation as every moan that escapes those cherry lips slays me in two. I squeeze her ass, savoring the way each delectable mound feels in my hands and then spread her legs to give me room.

  Flushed with arousal, she responds to every touch. Every stroke makes her dewy skin shiver. Every caress makes her moan. I’ve never felt so powerful and yet she’s my greatest weakness.

  All I want to do is love her, own her, fuck her and command her body for the rest of my life. Nothing has been harder won. Nothing feels as good. Every fiber of my body aches to plant my seed and claim her for eternity.

  “Aren’t we going to?” She stares at me, confused but spinning with curiosity.

  “You know we are. But you’re not ready yet.” Desperate but inspired by Pavarotti to slow the fuck down and enjoy the ride, I kiss my way down her chest. My heart clamors as her scent surrounds me. I nuzzle my face in her silky breasts and relish the feel of her beating heart. She doesn’t know she’s my world. My life. This same gorgeous body that brings me so much pleasure, will house our children and create generations. I’ll guard her with my life.

  I travel down her tight stomach, trailing kisses and basking in her warmth until I finally feast my lovesick eyes on my wife’s virgin pussy. It’s so perfect, I’m speechless. Her bare, puffy lips are an unspeakable vision. Slick with honey, my mouth waters the closer I get and my pulse jumps into orbit. With one lick, she whimpers, bucks her hips into my face and I fucking lose it.

  I need to taste her. I need her now.

  With one swift motion, I swing her thighs over my shoulders and drive my mouth into her dewy folds---saturated with her arousal. I’ve died and gone to heaven. Thrusting my tongue into her wet pussy, I devour her sweet honey like a glutton. I feel insane--- a crazed predator feasting on its prey. Her screams set my blood on fire. Her scent and undulating body bring out my primal need to claim this pussy and make it mine forever.

  “Leo...” She purrs as her body writhes, rising and falling with every stroke of my tongue. Her chest heaves with every breath and her hands sensuously caress each curve of her breasts.

  “Baby, I can’t get enough.” I suckle her clit and listen as her sweet cries escalate and steal her into bliss.

  “Oh, God! Leo... I’m coming!” And she does. With one strong jerk, her hips send me skidding off her. She shudders in a state of ecstasy and screams into the ether as a violent orgasm ravages her body. When it subsides, she reaches down and strokes herself into another and another.

  She may not know I’m still here.

  I’m stunned. In love and stunned. My mouth falls open and I watch in awe, as the woman I love gives into her needs.

  She’s fucking breathtaking and she’s mine.

  “Leo! Please.” Her arms reach out and pull me into her trembling body.

  The wait is over. I can’t go one second more.

  Humming with desire, she watches me run my cock through her slit, jumping every time I pass her clit. “I love you, Alia.”

  Her eyes search mine, but she hesitates to answer. She can’t say it yet, but I know she feels something. “It’s okay, baby. You will.”

  She nods and reaches for my chest. With a smile, she whispers sweetly, “Make me yours, Leo. I want you as much as you...”

  I cut her off and end her nonsense. “Baby, no one in this world wants anything more than I want you. But I think I know what you want, dirty girl.”

  She giggles and my heart soars so high, I fear it’s left my body. “This may hurt, doll. But give me a chance to make you feel good. I need to make you feel good.”

  She nods and purrs, “You do make me feel good, Leo. Give me more.”

  I gaze into her eyes, lost in her look of lust, and slide into her slick passage. My breath hitches. Stunned by the sensation, I instantly stop to absorb the most intense pleasure I’ve ever felt. I’ve never been with a virgin. I never expected something like this. Frightened I’m hur
ting her, I stop to stare at her face. And as always, she surprises me.

  “More...” She brings her pouty lips to mine and smooths her hands down my back.

  “I’ll give you more. I’ll give you everything.” Tempering my breath, I thrust deeper and her virgin walls ruthlessly clench around my length. She’s so slick but so tight, her pussy grips me like a vice, milking my cock with an exquisite torture that mounts into friction. I need more. I need to root myself deep, claim every inch and spill rope after rope of seed into my doll.

  We’ll fill this entire house with babies.

  “Keep going, I can take it.” Her eyes drift to mine as she rolls her body and takes me all the way in. Our hands join, our lips crash together, and I thrust until I’m buried so deep, I have nowhere else to go.

  “Fuck...” I gasp from the sheer pleasure that threatens to end this in seconds.

  “Leo...” Her moans grow louder as she bears down on my cock. I’ll take whatever she gives. My body is hers.

  “Don’t stop, baby. You feel so good.” My cock thickens inside her and takes her merciless abuse with glee. When she weakens, I hold her still and thrust harder, pounding her sweet pussy like a ruthless jackhammer.

  I expect her to beg for mercy. She doesn’t. She’s relentless. She takes it and fucks me back, stunning me with her energy and untamed lust. When she wantonly pleads for more, I don’t deny her. I’ll never deny her anything.

  “Don’t stop, Leo. Make me come.” She cries out and crashes into my lips, pleading for more.

  “Come for me, angel. Let me feel you.” I grab her waist and thrust, plunging faster as I fight to catch my breath. When I bring my mouth to the rosy peaks of her breasts. She loses all inhibitions, rolls me over and straddles me.

  She’s done being the passenger. She wants to drive.


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