Love Unleashed

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Love Unleashed Page 7

by Matilda Martel

  “Gentlemen, I’m heading back to Manhattan.” I step away and reach for my phone. Alia’s calling. She knows I’m in a meeting, but she never listens.

  And why should she when I always answer?

  “Baby?” My shitty mood instantly lightens.

  “Leo, it’s Vito. They got Alia. I’m sure it was Ayala’s men. I recognized one of them before someone fired a tranquilizer dart into my neck.” His words come through but my brain shuts down. The air becomes too thin to breathe. I can’t feel or hear my heart beating. Everything falls silent and the world stops spinning before my eyes.

  Standing nearby, Nick’s voice slows to an incoherent speed I can’t comprehend. On the other side of the phone, Vito sounds frantic. This is real.

  Those bastards took my doll.

  In seconds, reality hits and the world starts to spins so fast, I can hardly stand. “Where the fuck were you? I told you not to let her out of the house.”

  He apologizes, but he’s too panicked to grovel. “They grabbed her coming out of the doctor’s office. She said she was sick. Said it couldn’t wait. I don’t know how many they were, but they took all five of us out. It took me thirty minutes to come to. Enzo’s still unconscious. Tell me what to do, Leo. We need to do something. She’s been gone half an hour.”

  Rage consumes me. Panic cripples me. By the time, Nicky catches up, I can hardly speak. “What’s up, Leo? You look like you’re having a stroke.”

  “Felix Ayala just kidnapped my wife.” I press my clenched fists into the hood of my car to calm the beat of my thundering heart. If he hurts her, I’ll spend the rest of my life killing anything and everything he loves.

  “For fuck’s sake, Leo. Tell me what you need.” He calls his men to his side.

  “Find out everything you can on Felix’s hideouts. He took her thirty minutes ago. He’s in the city. He can’t get far in thirty minutes.” I pause and think for a moment. “And ask Louie to beat the shit out of Frank Russo until he confesses that he’s in bed with Felix Ayala. Now I know why we’re here.”



  “What are you singing?” A green-eyed girl, maybe Mexican, maybe Guatemalan, but no older than fifteen, sits in the corner of the room.

  “It’s a song from an opera. My husband’s favorite. He sings it whenever he wants to get me in a good mood.” I smile and try not to panic in front of her. I know Leo will come. I just need to stay alive until he arrives.

  “Does he know you’re here?” She whispers in broken English.

  I nod, then shake my head. “He must know I’m missing. It’s been a few hours. But I don’t know if he knows where here is. Do you?”

  “I think we’re in Brooklyn. I saw the bridge when the men brought us here two days ago.” She folds her legs underneath her and wrings her hands with worry.

  “Us?” There are more? I didn’t know him long, but I didn’t think Felix would have anything to do with selling underage girls. Any girls. He said he lived by a code.

  “My older sister is somewhere else in this building. With three other girls. We didn’t say we were sisters. We didn’t want them to use it against us.” She creeps closer and I pat the area nearby to encourage her.

  “My name is Alia. What’s yours?” I pry in case I’m rescued. I want to find her.

  “Adela Gonzalez. My sister’s name is Ana.”

  She gives me her hand and I shake it. “Mucho gusto, Adela.”

  She gives me a toothy grin. “Mucho gusto.”

  “Did someone hurt you, Adela? Did Felix hurt you?” I ask, frightened for both of us, but wanting as much information as possible.

  She shakes her head. “No one here hurt us. Other men tried. But these men killed them and brought us here.”

  I exhale with relief. “Maybe he isn’t as big of a monster as everyone believes. Maybe, I can talk some sense into him.” I pat a belly that isn’t there and think of Leo. He doesn’t know. This would make him so happy and I never got to tell him.

  I hope I get to tell him.

  Before I can finish my thought two men come in and tell me to get up. They don’t touch me. They simply point to the floor in front of them.

  “Where are we going? Can I go home?” This feels unorthodox. When I was a kid, everyone pushed me around. No one used words.

  The heavy-set man shakes his head. “Felix wants to see you.”

  Adela returns to her corner and makes herself small, hoping they haven’t come for her. I don’t want to go, but I have no choice. And since the only way out is through him, I need to try.

  I follow the men down an empty corridor that evolves into a small warehouse. It’s spotless. Not a spec of blood or dust on the floor. When I reach the end, a tall, auburn-haired man appears with a cigarette in his mouth.

  It’s him. He looks slightly older, but I’ll never forget his face. He’s taller than Leo--- a giant with amber eyes and a tiny scar across his cheek. Dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans, he walks the short distance between us and takes my sweaty hand.

  “Alia de Alba. I always knew you’d become a beautiful woman.” His smile is genuine. Not devious. Not wicked. Like he didn’t kidnap me. He’s just happy to see me.

  “Thank you.” I whisper as I search the room for exits. Old habits die hard. I’d never get past his men. “Felix, what am I doing here?”

  He tilts his head and leans closer. “I said I’d always look out for you. Didn’t I?”

  I nod. He did say that. But how the hell does kidnapping fit into this equation?

  He continues. “Your brother told me Leo Moretti kidnapped you and forced you to marry him against your will. I’ve been watching you. It doesn’t seem like that’s true, but I wanted to hear it from your lips. Are you with Leo of your own free will?”

  I nod with passion. “Yes, I love him. He loves me. Alex knows I went freely. I’m in love with Leo Moretti.”

  With my hand on my abdomen, I crank up the ugly tears. “I need to get home. My baby needs his father, Felix.” I feel terrible telling Felix before Leo, but if it garners sympathy, I’ll try anything.

  He smiles and takes my hand again. “I wish you well. My men will take you home. I hear your husband’s men are circling the other side of Brooklyn.” My heart leaps out of my chest. I’m going home. He’s letting me go. I’ll see my Leo tonight.

  “Thank you. Thank you for understanding.” I wipe my tears and rush towards the men assigned to drop me off.

  “Alia? Can you do something for me?” Felix calls me back and my soul plummets. It was a joke. This is a joke at my expense. “I rescued five girls from a gang in the Bronx two days ago. They planned to sell them into slavery. They’re young. The oldest is your age. Can you take them somewhere safe? They don’t have family in this country, and I don’t know how to help them.”

  Tears sting my eyes. “Yes! I’ll take care of them.”



  “Full house... strip.” Leo flashes his cards and I give them a close inspection.

  “That’s not the way strip poker works, baby. It’s one item at a time.” I pull off my pajama shorts and toss them in his face.

  “Why are we playing? We should be fucking. Do you have any idea what you put me through today?” He leans back into his pillow, shuffles the cards and deals them.

  “Put you through? You have nerve, mister. We’re playing because while I sat in that room, I had time to think. I thought about a lot of things. You. Me. Our old dates. Our wedding. Pavarotti. And my first night here. I’m not sure why it only just occurred to me, but I think you let me win that night. I won eight out of ten games and that seems staged. If we play strip poker, I know you won’t let me win.” I scan my cards and smile.

  “Full house. Get rid of those boxers.” I wave my cards in his face.

  “I don’t think so, doll. Four of a kind.” He lays down his cards, tosses me back and yanks down my panties.

  “Leo! I still have a shirt on. T
hat’s supposed to go first. I’m not playing anymore.” I jump off the bed and walk away, swaying my bare ass with every step.

  “You just quit because you’re losing.” He chases after me and scoops me up.

  “No, not yet. Start a bath for us. I want to take a bath with my husband.” I kiss his cheek and hand him the rest of my clothes. “Here you go. I give up. You win. Leonardo Moretti always gets what he wants.”

  He smiles and kisses my forehead. “You should thank your lucky stars I’m so determined. You would have never come to me on your own.”

  “Start the bubbles, conceited man. I’ll put on some music. Ladies’ pick tonight.” I walk to the stereo on the wall and upload some fresh tunes.

  “What’s this, honey?” He helps me into the water.

  “This is a bolero. A ballad from Mexico. My absolute favorite.” I sink into the hot water and lean my back into his hard chest.

  “Your favorite? What’s it called? Tell me about it, baby.” He pours soapy water on my breasts and trails kisses from my earlobe to my shoulder.

  “In English, it would be called The Taste of Me. But it’s not what you think, dirty man. It’s about a boy who loves a girl. He says they’ve been in love for so long, he’ll always carry her taste. And she’ll carry his. She could leave him, a thousand years could pass, and that taste will never go away.” I wipe an errant tear and turn my head to gaze into my beautiful man’s eyes. “I’m pregnant, Leo.”

  For the first time, I watch his eyes fill with tears. “Really? Is that why you were at the doctor’s office?”

  I nod. “I wanted to be sure before I told you. Sorry I scared you today. Things could have gone terribly. I should have waited for you to get home.”

  “This is unfair. Now I can’t be mad at you.” He wraps his mighty arms around my waist and kisses me. “Ti amo, amore mio.”

  “Te amo, mi amor.”


  Epilogue- 4 months later


  “This looks beautiful, Charlotte. It’s cozy. It feels safe and inviting. I love it.” I follow Igor Ivanov’s pregnant wife, my interior decorator, around my small office in Lower Manhattan. She’s outdone herself.

  It’s just a suite on the fifth floor of our building, but I didn’t want it to look like a typical office. Since it’s equipped to serve as a temporary shelter, I wanted it to look like the inside of an apartment. And since it’s called Muñeca, I wanted it to have a Latin vibe.

  Leo came up with name after I refused to call it Alia’s. Muñeca is Spanish for doll. How original.

  I scoped out properties in Brooklyn, but Leo wanted me close enough to visit while he works, and this makes it easy for guards to take shifts between the two of us.

  We’ll need protection. Some of the girls that come through here are on the run from dangerous men. Leo’s men guard them here and Felix’s men help many of them get home.

  Ana, Adela’s sister, has worked for me since we left that warehouse in Brooklyn. She’s putting her baby sister through school while she tries to make a difference in the world. Her experience makes her as passionate as me. Leo’s senator friend, who happens to be Charlotte’s father, pulled some strings with immigration. I found them a cheap apartment in one of Leo’s nicer buildings. Dirt cheap and only a few block away.

  There was nothing for them in Mexico but another chance to be kidnapped by other cartels. Their parents were gone. Family couldn’t afford to help. So, Leo and I stepped in. I know what it’s like to have nowhere to go. Fortunately, the love of my life rescued me in the nick of time. This is my way of repaying the favor.

  “Did you find out what you’re having?” Charlotte beams as she holds on to her burgeoning belly. Our due date is a day apart.

  “We’re having a boy!” I search my purse for a copy of the sonogram.

  “Oh, my goodness! We’re having a girl!” She pulls her sonogram from her satchel and we exchange photos.

  “So handsome.” She giggles at the blurry potato.

  “According to his Daddy, he looks just like him.” I gaze at my tiny Sicilian and I feel my heart float out of my chest.

  “What are you ladies laughing at? I could hear you down the hall.” Leo struts in wearing a navy-blue suit and a wicked smile on his gorgeous face.

  “We were bragging on our babies. Igor and Charlotte are having a girl. I just showed her little Michael.” I smile. We haven’t decided on a name, but I love egging him on.

  “You mean Salvatore?” He kisses my forehead.

  I wave goodbye to Charlotte and lead my ridiculous man out the door.

  “Salvatore. That name has been in the no pile since you first mentioned it. I’m bringing this boy into the world, Leo. I get veto power.”

  “Why are you so stubborn? It’s a family name.” He presses the button on the elevator and curls his arm around my shoulders.

  “I warned you I’d make you miserable, my love. You wanted me. This is who I am.” I dig my face into his chest and inhale his panty-melting cologne.

  He lowers his head and covers my mouth with his own. “The only misery is not having you by my side. I’ve done it. It was agony. I’ll never do it again. I love you, Alia Moretti. You’re my soul mate. You’ll never get rid of me.”

  “I promise I’ll never try.”


  Epilogue- 10 years later


  “What? Why are we meeting out here?” She looks around the driveway and re-ties the string on her new bikini. I never told her where we were going. But since we’re in Montauk, it’s a safe assumption.

  “We could walk to the beach. Where else can we go this time of night?” Her eyes go wide, reflecting the moon over the water.

  I open the door to the backseat. “Get in, de Alba.”

  “De Alba? You haven’t called me that in years. Is the one where we’re teenagers?” Her hand covers her mouth as she giggles.

  I wave my hand and direct her into our SUV. We’ve been here for three days and the kids are running her ragged. I help as much as I can, but those little shits never come to me. All four know they can get away with murder if they ask their mother whereas Dad might not even know what’s going on.

  “Are we going parking? In the driveway?” She creeps towards the opposite door and crosses her legs. “My mother warned me about boys like you Leonardo.”

  “And your mother was right, doll.” I pull out my cock and stroke it in front of her.

  She clutches imaginary pearls. “Oh, no. This is awkward. I’ve never seen one of those.”

  “Why don’t you take off those bottoms and come take a ride. I’ll bet it’ll fit you like a glove.” I lick my lips and challenge her. She never lets me down.

  She pulls the strings on her red bikini and lets it fall to the floor. “Maybe I can take a quick ride. I’ll get in so much trouble if my parents catch us out here.”

  “We’ll be quiet, baby. Come on. Come and get it.” I watch her kneel on the bucket seat and swing her legs around my lap.

  “But I’m not on the pill. What if you get me pregnant?” She spreads her legs and works her tight pussy down my cock.

  “I’m snipped, doll. I promise I’ll never get you pregnant again. Now, ride.” I slap her round ass and set her off.

  Her technique is incredible. Her lust unmatched. Grinding her pussy down my length, she rolls her hips, arches her back and bounces without mercy. “Are you sure I’m doing it right, Leo?” She screams as the windows fog and the sounds of sex fill the small compartment.

  “You’re fucking perfect, baby. But it’s my turn.” I dig my hands into her ass, throw her on the seat, lift her legs into the air and thrust like my life depends on it. We only have a small window before the kids wonder where we’ve gone off. If we don’t come, we may not get a chance until we get home. This is the part of family vacations I hate the most. Not being able to screw my doll to my heart’s content.

  “Leo! Oh God, Leo!” She grabs the fron
t of my shirt and shakes me. She’s close.

  “I love you, baby.” As tension builds, I lick her calves and pummel ruthlessly, swaying the car with every thrust.

  “Leo! I love you!” Savage screams tumble out as she shatters on my cock, dousing me and the leather seats with her sweet nectar.

  “Are you ready? Are you ready for my cum?” I drop her legs and seal my mouth to hers.

  “Leo, I’m ready. Give it to me. Give me all your fucking cum.” Her nasty words send me falling over the cliff, nose diving into bliss with my doll.

  Thrusting, kissing, licking, I thrust deeper, harder, faster...and then hear a knock on the tinted windows.


  “Mom!” All four chant in unison. Sal, Olivia, Lorenzo, even little Bianca has been recruited into the mob. What the hell possessed me to want a house full of kids?

  I don’t stop. I’m too close.

  “Leo!” Alia giggles as I stay the course, sliding my cock in and out, as slow as molasses, until I watch it erupt all over the best pussy in New York.

  I lean down to kiss her. “Ti amo, cara mia.”

  “Te amo, querido.”

  We clean up, steal a few more kisses and stumble out of the car.

  “What were you doing? Why are you in the car?” I’m not even sure who asks. They’re all guilty in my book.

  “I was playing with Mommy. We get to play, too. Not just you!”

  Alia clears the driveway with four words. “Everyone inside, right now.”

  “Remember when you wanted six?” She rushes past me, laughing at my frustration.


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