And The Children Shall Lead

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And The Children Shall Lead Page 10

by Michael J. Bowler

  Lance and Ricky focused their eyes back on the double doors just as Reyna stepped through. They heard a gasp from Esteban, and well understood the reason. The girl, always beautiful and striking with her wide smile and high cheekbones, looked more stunning than ever. She wore a sleek-fitting silvery tunic that accentuated her curves, tighter-than-normal brushed leather pants, and the knee-high boots. Her face appeared especially radiant, and her long, resplendent hair was done up in a bun with small sections appearing to fall outward like the streams of a fountain. Her own longbow and quiver hung easily across her back as though permanently attached.

  Lance glanced at Esteban and grinned. His big brother’s face had nearly collapsed with awe, and Lance understood the feeling.

  Reyna slowly worked her way up the aisle and ascended the three steps. She blew a kiss at Esteban and Lance heard the man suck in a breath. For a split second he saw the Esteban of old, the gangbanger who’d tried kicking his ass to impress Reyna and ended up humiliating himself in the process. Now, standing and gaping openmouthed at Reyna’s beauty, Esteban obviously no longer cared what anyone thought.

  Lance suddenly heard a collective murmur from the crowd and turned back toward the hotel. He gasped, and heard a similar sound from Ricky beside him. Jenny had entered the garden, one arm linked through Sam’s, and Lance’s breath nearly ceased at the sight. Sam was dressed in a loud suit and even louder tie, with a Scottish sash draped across his chest from left shoulder to waist.

  But Jenny looked breathtaking. She wore a long white dress with a train that had to be six feet long. The bodice was cut in a V, but a modest cut, with the shoulders and long sleeves made of some filigreed see-through material revealing her tanned skin underneath. She wore dangly diamond earrings and a long white veil, the top of which was highlighted by a glittering silver and diamond tiara restraining her long blonde hair from falling onto her luminous face. She carried a bouquet of lily-of-the-valley and Lance had never seen her look so happy.

  He nudged Ricky and they exchanged a look. Amazement blanketed both their faces as they watched their mother slowly move up the aisle to numerous cameras and phones snapping her picture. Lance finally spotted Helen, looking pretty hot, he thought, in her own slinky dress, slightly off to the side. Charlie, her cameraman, he knew, was filming from an upstairs window to cover everything from above, while another camera operator hovered behind the arch to capture the ceremony in close-up.

  As Sam led Jenny carefully up the three steps, taking care to go ahead of her to avoid stepping on her train, she glanced over at the boys and grinned happily. They grinned right back. Reyna hurried over to lightly lift the rest of the train up the steps and lay it out behind Jenny as Sam led her to the arch, and Arthur. Sam extended a hand and the king shook it. Then the blustery Scotsman, all smiles and pomp, took Jenny’s hand and extended it to Arthur, who gently reached out to take it. Sam stepped back and retreated down the steps as Reyna moved in to take Jenny’s bouquet from her hand.

  Then the couple-to-be turned to the grinning faces of Father Mike and Pastor Tom, both dressed in their traditional white collars and clerical vestments. The music drew to a close and a hush fell over the crowd. There was a gentle breeze that wafted Arthur and Jenny’s hair, mixing it together as though urging them to hurry up and make their bond permanent.

  “Welcome everyone, to the wedding of the last fifteen centuries,” Father Mike began with a grin, and the crowd laughed in response.

  Arthur and Jenny seemed to have eyes only for each other and seemingly missed the reverend’s joke.

  “It is my distinct pleasure, along with my colleague of the cloth here, the Reverend Tom, to join these two remarkable people in holy matrimony, a marriage that spans the centuries to bring these two individuals, so made for each other, together at long last.”

  “Before we have the happy couple repeat the traditional vows of commitment, Arthur and Jenny have written their own commitment promises they wish to exchange at this time,” Pastor Tom said with a wide smile stretching the already tight skin of his skeletal face.

  Arthur looked into Jenny’s soft blue eyes and felt weak in the knees. Never on the battlefield, even with Camelot crumbling around him, had he felt so vulnerable, so helpless. “My dearest Jenny,” he began, his deep voice carried by the lapel mic up and out over the expectant crowd. “I have waited two lifetimes for this moment.”

  She grinned with delight and the crowd laughed.

  “From the moment I laid eyes upon you, milady, my heart belonged to you as it had to no other woman. I knew then, as I know now, that, to quote our amazing sons, you are the keeper of my heart, for now and always, and I love you more than it may be possible to love.”

  He smiled then, almost timidly.

  Watching from the side, Lance’s heart beat wildly to hear his father quote the phrase he and Ricky so often used, and he glanced at the boy beside him. The love reflected back in those soft brown eyes nearly made him faint.

  Jenny looked up into Arthur’s face, and beamed. “My dearest Arthur, until I met you I never knew a lady could fall in love watching a man topple off a skateboard.”

  Laughter drifted through the crowd and Arthur grinned.

  “But fall I did,” she went on softly, her voice breathy and excited. “I saw in that moment your love for Lance, your compassion and your goodness and, being the smart, gifted, well-educated, strong woman that I am, I ignored my feelings because I was a fool.”

  That comment elicited more laugher.

  Jenny flashed a radiant smile. “I love you, Arthur, and however much time we have together I want to spend every moment of it with you.”

  A sudden chill slithered up Lance’s back and he shivered. What did she mean by that? However much time we have?

  Father Mike turned to Chris. “The rings, if you please.”

  Chris proudly held the white cushion out to Esteban who smiled and took both rings in his hand. With a wide grin, he passed one to Arthur and the other to Jenny.

  Father Mike looked to Arthur with a twinkle in his eyes. “Do you, Arthur, take Jenny as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish according to God’s holy law till death do you part?”

  Arthur locked eyes with Jenny and smiled. “I do.”

  “Do you, Jenny,” Pastor Tom intoned, “take Arthur as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, to love and to cherish according to God’s holy law till death do you part?”

  She smiled, and her face lit up like sunlight. “I do.”

  Father Mike nodded to Arthur, who lifted Jenny’s left hand and held her gold band between his thumb and forefinger. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” He slipped the ring onto her finger.

  Grinning, Pastor Tom turned to Jenny. She lifted Arthur’s left hand and held the other gold band in her right. “With this ring I thee wed, with my body I thee worship, and with all my worldly goods I thee endow, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” She slipped the band onto his finger, shaking slightly and giggling.

  Father Mike and Pastor Tom exchanged a glance, and then simultaneously said, “We now pronounce you husband and wife.” Father Mike nudged Arthur, who just stood as though disbelieving that this moment had finally arrived. “You may kiss the bride, Arthur.”

  There were chuckles from the crowd, including Lance and Ricky. As Arthur and Jenny leaned in to seal their union with a kiss, Esteban found his eyes drifting to a glowing Reyna standing just behind Jenny.

  Arthur bent down and their lips met, and he felt born anew. Such hope, such electricity coursed through every nerve ending in his body that he felt like a boy again. A hopelessly giddy boy overwhelmed by love and the promise of inestimable joy. He wished that kiss could last forever, but reluctantly
pulled his lips from hers and met the look of pure bliss in her eyes.

  “I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pendragon,” Father Mike announced, as the newlyweds turned to face the throng. The crowd erupted into thunderous applause and foot stomping. Since the majority of onlookers were teens, the reaction was heartfelt and powerful for they deeply loved both of these adults who had given each and every one of them more than anyone else ever had.

  At this point, Esteban reluctantly stepped back and took the microphone from the DJ behind them, and cleared his throat into it. “Uh, there’s food gonna be served so why not find a table and sit while the, uh, the bridal party gets pictures taken in one of the other gardens. Okay?”

  Justin and Darnell, standing just in front of the stage, saluted smartly and grinned. “Yes, sir!” Then they laughed and fist-bumped, drawing a grin from Esteban to cover his awkwardness.

  As the crowd fanned out to the surrounding tables, Esteban turned to find Reyna by his side, grinning with giddy joy. Impulsively, he leaned in and kissed her. Laughing, she took his arm and directed everyone through the arch and off the stage to the spot she’d selected for the official wedding pictures.

  The photo session seemed to go on forever, making Chris nearly frantic with boredom and forcing Lance or Ricky to continually chase the boy down and drag him back for “Just one more.” The photographer posed the family in every conceivable grouping and position, with even Lance and Ricky fidgeting from the tedium.

  Lance noted that Sylvia, looking lovely in her pink tunic that contrasted sharply with her light brown skin, seemed to be eyeing Arthur whenever the photographer changed a setup and the group milled about. It occurred to him that maybe she was thinking about Lavern, since she had been sweet on the boy, maybe even more than sweet. Thinking of that awesome kid, murdered by the psycho still stalking him made Lance’s blood boil. He had to force calm back into his veins, especially as Chris tried to sneak away again and he had to make a grab for the boy.

  At one point while the photographer was rearranging Jenny’s dress just so, Lance leaned close and whispered into Ricky’s ear, “We’re gonna elope and skip all this stuff,” causing Ricky to look at him in openmouthed astonishment. Lance laughed and leaned in for a quick kiss.

  Finally, the photos ended and everyone headed back to the main reception area. The boys, Reyna and Esteban, all sat with Arthur, Jenny, Merlin, Sam, Father Mike and Pastor Tom at the largest, and appropriately round, table. The hotel kitchen staff had prepared a full-course dinner even though it was only lunchtime. There were soups and salads, braised lamb shanks and Yorkshire puddings. There was wine and ale for the adults and all manner of ciders and soft drinks for the youth.

  Just prior to eating, Reyna nudged Esteban to remind him about the toast. As always when addressing a group, even just family as right now, Esteban rose timidly and, belying his muscular physique, appeared small and uneasy. He held out a goblet of cider and tapped the glass with his spoon to get everyone’s attention. Then he looked straight at Arthur and Jenny. Arthur’s bearded face shone with pride and joy, and that gave Esteban strength, as always.

  “I toast this man on his wedding day, this man who made me a man,” he began, pausing to collect his thoughts and marshal his emotions. “He took an arrogant, knucklehead kid and showed him what it means to be a man, what it means to be a father. This man is my father, and who he’s made me I will pass on to my own sons one day.”

  He raised his glass and everyone at the table did the same.

  “To Arthur, the greatest man I will ever know, and his amazing bride Jenny. Godspeed on your new life together. ”

  “Here, here,” went around the table as everyone clinked glasses.

  Arthur met Esteban’s eye as they clinked, grinning with gratitude. Esteban grinned right back.

  After eating, Arthur and Jenny wended their way between the various tables, chatting with knights and guests, greeting and thanking each of them for attending. As their sons, Lance, Ricky, and Chris did the same.

  After everyone had eaten, Reyna tracked down Lance and Ricky and told them it was time for the first dance. Per protocol, she and Esteban would announce the first dance, but Lance would introduce One Direction, who would sing the first song Arthur and Jenny would dance to. She had already gone through their collection of hits and picked a particularly romantic ballad, and the group knew which one to start with.

  Smiling, Lance rounded up Harry and the boys and sent them back behind the stage to prepare for their entrance. Then he dutifully followed Reyna as she dragged Esteban by the hand up the steps and onto the stage. The arch had been removed during lunch and the area in front of the stage cleared of the red carpet in preparation for dancing. Reyna took the microphone from the DJ, who’d been playing music throughout the meal, and stepped out front.

  “We hope everyone is having a great time,” she called out exuberantly.

  A loud cheer rose up and filled the gardens like an explosion.

  “If I could have the bride and groom come forward – it’s time for their first dance as husband and wife.” She beamed broadly as Arthur and Jenny made their way through the tables to stop just in front of the stage, Jenny holding her train in one hand. Both grinned happily up at the girl. Gleefully, Reyna handed off the microphone to Lance and excitedly led Esteban down to one side of the dance floor.

  Lance cleared his throat and scanned his enormous family spread out before him. He flashed his famous smile down at his mom and dad. Arthur, he could easily see, had never looked happier.

  “As some of you know,” he began into the microphone, his youthful voice sounding clear and deep, “I made friends this year with Harry Styles, a singer with One Direction. He’s been an amazing friend to me even though we never even met till this morning.”

  There were laughs and some curious chatter amongst the various tables.

  “When he heard my parents were getting married, he volunteered to fly him and his boys over here from England to perform for us today. Now I know all you hard guys out there don’t dig their music, but they got some nice love songs and since today is about love, it’s all good. So here they are, One Direction.”

  He stepped aside as Harry and the boys burst onto the stage. All five wore little earpieces so they could hear their music, and all sported handheld wireless mics. Lance returned his microphone to the DJ before retreating off stage to rejoin Ricky.

  The boys began the soulful and touching “Little Things,” a slow song that Arthur and Jenny easily slipped into, his arms around her waist, hers on his shoulders. They moved gracefully, their faces alight with love, seeing nothing but each other.

  Lance listened to the lyrics about how it’s the little things we cherish most about the people we love, and realized how perfect this song was, and how it applied to him and Ricky too. After a few moments, Reyna took Esteban in her arms and waltzed him out onto the dance floor, their bodies pressed together as they slowly moved to the achingly heartfelt ballad.

  Lance and Ricky exchanged a look, and then Lance smiled, extending his hand. Ricky took it shyly and they joined the others on the dance floor. His hands on Ricky’s waist, Ricky’s arms wrapped tightly around his neck, their bodies pressed together, Lance eased into the closeness the song inspired with its simple message of love. Lyrics about how one person’s hand fits within the other’s like it was made just for him swamped his heart with tenderness, and spoke directly to his feelings for this amazing boy in his arms.

  They pressed into one another, heart beating against heart, one spirit in two boys, and smiled lovingly as their parents swept past them on the dance floor. In one another’s arms, nothing seemed important anymore – not the Children’s Bill of Rights or even the death threats against them. Lance knew he could do everything and survive anything so long as this boy, and all the little things he cherished about him, remained by his side and loved him back.

  The dance ended and everyone applauded. Then One Direction segued int
o one of their faster numbers and more dancers joined them on the floor. Lance and Ricky laughed as Arthur tried to copy the dance moves of the performers. They knew their dad was clowning and that made it all the better. They clowned, too, flopping around and knowing they were both lousy dancers, but laughing with delight nonetheless.

  The group performed a set of their biggest hits, and, despite this ‘not being their music,’ as Lance had said, all of the dancing knights seemed to enjoy themselves. For Lance and Ricky, as well as for Reyna and Esteban, it was the slow dances that they treasured. Both couples would simply disappear into their dance partners, becoming a single unit, relishing the love they shared. Sometimes Lance and Ricky had their arms wrapped around each other’s necks, their foreheads touching, their eyes lost within the other’s. Sometimes they kissed, as sometimes Reyna and Esteban kissed. Girl melted into boy and boy melted into boy, and love reigned supreme.

  After One Direction finished their first set and the DJ segued into other music, the photographer asked the singing group, Arthur, Jenny and the bridal party for photos together. Everyone returned to the back portion of the garden for the pictures. After shots were taken of the entire group, Harry insisted the photographer take some of just he, Lance and Ricky.

  Lance noticed a smirking Harry whispering something to Ricky beforehand and Ricky nodding with a grin. That didn’t look good. Harry insisted Lance stand between him and Ricky for these shots, and the photographer snapped off several of them in different poses. Then Harry looked behind Lance’s head at Ricky and nodded. Ricky smiled.

  “One last pic, blokes,” Harry said with his deep voice and crooked grin.

  The photographer raised the camera and at just the moment he snapped the picture, Harry and Ricky leaned in and kissed Lance on each cheek. Lance felt his face flame red, and his eyes bulged with surprise. Harry and Ricky laughed with delight and high-fived over the embarrassed Lance’s head.

  Harry rushed to the photographer, Ricky close behind, to check out the picture. They both chuckled with delight and Harry clapped. In the photo, Lance looked truly startled as the lips of both boys were planted firmly on each cheek. Lance walked over and checked it out. He laughed. It was pretty funny.


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