Book Read Free

Let Love Be

Page 14

by Melissa Collins

  After he mixes up the paint and I get a few small supplies, I feel reinvigorated and motivated – and not just to paint my room. A few ideas popped into my head about our date tomorrow night and about getting in touch with her today. Never having been a hopeless romantic, even I have to say that I’m proud of myself for my little plan. I just need to do one last thing while I’m here and then I’m good to go.

  I make a few other stops on the way home, to get what I need for Lucy and for our date tomorrow. Smiling the entire time, I feel like a fool – but for once, I’m a happy fool.

  “I had a nice time, Aaron.” Twisting in the seat of his Benz, I unbuckle my seat belt as he parks in the driveway behind my car. Ever since the break in, I try to park in the driveway as often as I can, just to make it look like I’m home.

  Placing his hand over mine catches me off guard. It’s warm, but in a smarmy, sweaty kind of way – not at all comforting, like Evan’s. That’s pretty much all I’ve done all night – compare Aaron to Evan. So far, he isn’t measuring up.

  “I want to see you again,” he says determinedly, not even asking. Come to think of it, I don’t think Evan actually asked me about wanting to see me this weekend, but there wasn’t anything creepy about Evan’s request. Aaron is all about the creep factor.

  “Oh, I’m not sure. I have plans tomorrow night and then Saturday with my friend.”

  I’m also changing my phone number and probably moving as well. You know, just in case you’re really persistent.

  “Cancel them,” he demands, no please or anything.

  “I can’t. Tomorrow night has been set in stone for weeks. It’s my daughter and she’s away at college so I really can’t.” I flat out lie and don’t feel bad about it at all. At the last minute, I half-heartedly add, “I’ll call you if anything changes, okay.” He moves his hand from mine, a disappointed look on his face – one that I don’t really care about.

  Stepping out of his shiny, fancy car – one that he talked about for a full fifteen minutes over dinner tonight – I have to restrain myself from shaking off the creepy-crawly feeling that slithers all over my skin. He pulls out of the driveway before I even reach the front steps, clue number, oh I don’t know, twenty-seven, that Aaron is a grade-A asshole.

  Linda is so getting an earful on this one. I know exactly what she’s going to say too. He’s your age; he has a good job and he’s hot. What else do you want, Lucy?

  Linda needs to seriously re-evaluate her standards. Sure, Aaron has money – which he talked about all night long – but money apparently does not equal class. There will most definitely not be a phone call to him in the near future – or far future for that matter.

  As I open the storm door, I’m surprised to see a red gift bag hanging on the knob of my front door. When I get inside, I unload the contents and pull out the card, though I already have an idea of who it’s from. It’s one of those “blank inside” cards so the only thing printed in there is a note from Evan. I trace my fingers over the bold print.

  Tearing through the paper, I actually laugh aloud as I reveal a box of The Little Mermaid Band-Aids. There’s a note taped to the front – “Look inside”. Wrapped around the brightly colored bandages, is a weathered index card with faded writing scribbled across its surface. It’s a recipe card for chicken francaise – a very old card, splotched with a few stains, sauce that bubbled over as the recipe lay on the counter. Surged with emotion, I pull out my phone and call him immediately.

  “Hi.” He picks up on the first ring.

  “Hey.” I drop down into the couch, kick off my shoes and trace the lines of the card in my hand. “I got your gift. It’s so…sweet.”

  “Yeah? I didn’t know… I mean, I know we’re not…I’m glad you like it. It was my grandmother’s.”

  I could tell it was old, but this is too much. “Are you sure? I mean if it’s something that special, then you should have it.”

  “No,” he says with finality. “It’s because it’s special that you should have it. Besides, I don’t need it. I know how to cook, remember,” he jokes, and even though I can’t see him, I can imagine the smile lines creasing at the corners of his oh-so-kissable mouth.

  That brings me to his other gift, “The Little Mermaid, huh? Why is it that every guy has a thing for Ariel? Is it the bikini?” I prop my feet up on the coffee table and lean back, resting my head right next to where Evan sat last week. I swear I can still smell his cologne on the cushions, but maybe I’m projecting.

  When he doesn’t say anything, except a few incoherent stutters, laughter seeps out of me, filling the room. “Oh, my God! You do have a thing for her!”

  “Actually, I’m pretty sure I have a thing for you.”

  Stunned into silence, I try to absorb his words. On the one hand, it feels right; I know I am ready to feel these things – they are long overdue, after all. But on the other hand, we’ve only known each other for a little over a month, in which we’ve spent so little time together.

  But even I can’t deny the pull between us – the physical and emotional charge that’s flickering life back into my hibernating heart.

  The prospect of spending more time with him has never seemed more appealing.

  Clearing his throat, he breaks the silence, “So how was the, uh, the date?” It sounds like it took a lot of effort for him to even say the word.

  Opting for blunt honesty, I spit out the truth. “It was horrible.” I can’t see him, but I can imagine there’s a satisfied grin plastered to his face.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re not. You can stop gloating over there in all your smugness.” If he were sitting in front of me, I’d be shaking my finger in his face, but I also can’t help from snickering.

  “You’re right. I’m not sorry. I’m glad you had a crappy night. It means I get to give you the night you deserve.”

  “Say more stuff like that,” I half joke, half beg.

  “Now, who’s being smug, sweetness?”

  “So, what actually is the plan for tomorrow?” I deploy the change-the-subject-and-dig-for-more-dirt tactic that I honed while raising Melanie and Maddy.

  “Nope, sorry, Lucy. You’re just going to have to wait and find out. I’ll be there at eight, though.”

  My heart flutters a bit just thinking about what he’s got up his sleeve. I know, from his kiss alone, that a night with Evan could never be anything other than boring. “Okay, eight it is.”

  “Goodnight, Lucy.”

  “Goodnight, Evan.” Before either of us kills the line, I quickly add, “I’m really happy I had a terrible night too.”

  “Sooo….” Linda drags out the word, her tone inflecting upward as she slides into the extra chair in my cubicle the next morning.

  I ignore her, organizing a few papers for the Children’s Cancer research project I’m working on. I’m trying to raise some funds and donations to have a princess-themed ball in conjunction with The Cure-For-Kids Foundation for a seven-year-old girl. It’s about a month away and I have a lot of work left to make it the perfect night for Chloe – the guest of honor.

  “Really? Nothing?” she prods again, digging for more information.

  Clicking on a few screens on my computer, I pull up a spreadsheet with email addresses of potential donors. “Luce, it can’t be that bad.”

  I swivel around in my chair so quickly I almost fall on my butt. “Oh, I assure you. It can and it was.”

  Eyeing me over the rim of her coffee mug, she has the decency to at least appear apologetic. Eventually, she concedes, softening to the fact that she was in the wrong, yet again. “So what happened this time?”

  “Um, well, to say it candidly, he was an ass.” I cross my legs primly and fold my hands on top of my knee.

  She nearly spits out her coffee. “But he was so cute.”

  I tap my bottom lip, considering what she’s just said before changing my answer. “Fine, then he was a cute ass, but an ass nonetheless.”

I give her the play-by-play for the night. About Aaron being a corporate investor in some huge name firm, one that he was “shocked” I’d never heard about. He was so materialistic and shallow that I’d be surprised if he had pictures of his cars in his wallet instead of his kids – kids who he had, but repeatedly made a point of stating how they lived with his useless ex-wife.

  Knowing nothing about exes, but everything about being a mother, there was just something in the way that he talked about her that made me uneasy. A broken marriage or not, you don’t trash talk the mother of your children – unless you’re really that classless, which in this case, he was proving himself to be just that.

  Ending the story with the real kicker, I tell Linda how Aaron didn’t even get out of the car to walk me to my door.

  “You’re shitting me. You mean even after the whole break-in thing? What a dick!” She finishes the last sip of her coffee and places the mug on my desk, careful not to touch any of the paperwork.

  “Unfortunately, no, I’m not shitting you. But I also didn’t tell him about the break-in. He really wouldn’t let me get more than two words in all night. He actually called Melanie ‘what’s her name’ at one point,” I sigh, more than exasperated at even just recounting the events from last night. “So listen…”

  She doesn’t even let me finish my words before saying, “Well, then let’s hope this next guy,” she pauses, pulling a folded-up piece of paper out of her pocket, “is much better.”

  Practically shoving it into my hands, I have to take it from her. I unfold what I now realize is an online dating profile. “I really don’t…”

  “We talked about this. You deserve to be happy. There are lots of fish in the sea.” She waggles her brows suggestively.

  There are only three words that are going to put an end to this ridiculousness, but just as I’m about to spit them out, she leans forward and asks, “When’s the last time you got laid?”

  Not all that shocked by her crass, I play it cool. “I don’t know.” I pretend to count on my fingers.

  “And I don’t mean by B.O.B. Anything requiring batteries doesn’t count.” She stares pointedly at me.

  Knowing all too well that I definitely won’t be able to lie my way out of this one, I give in. “A long time… too long in fact.”

  “So then let’s get on this.” She flicks the backside of the dating profile that I’m holding in my hands.

  Nip it in the bud already, Lucy. She is your best friend, after all.

  Taking a deep breath, more in preparation for her shock than my revelation, I brace myself and let the words tumble out of my mouth. “I’m seeing someone.”

  “What!” she shrieks more than enthusiastically.

  “Shhh. Calm down,” I chide sternly when a few heads pop out of their cubes.

  “Tell me, now. I need to know everything. Who? What? When?” Bouncing in her seat, Linda can barely contain her excitement.

  With more giddiness than I can contain, I lean forward and tell her everything about Evan. When I told her about the break-in, I left out his role in coming to my rescue, knowing that it would raise more questions than I cared to answer at the time. But now, I spill every last detail.

  “I really like him. I mean, I just feel safe with him, comfortable. It’s like he’s always been there – always been somewhere in my life, but it’s just that now, he’s here in front of me too.”

  Her eyes are glassy with happiness. “That’s freaking amazing. Why didn’t you tell me sooner, though?”

  Clasping her hand in mine, I hope she can understand why. “Well, you were just so adamant about me meeting someone and I just didn’t know what was going to happen with me and Evan. But after going out with Aaron, I knew that I had to give Evan a chance. I had to let myself feel what I was feeling and see where it would take me.”

  “So the credit is mine after all, huh?” She arches an eyebrow and grins impishly as I look at her with more than a little confusion.

  Without even letting me ask the question she knows I’m about to, she says, “If I hadn’t set you up with Aaron, you never would have realized your feelings for Evan.” Pride colors her words, as does a touch of playfulness.

  I swat the air in front of us, dismissing her silliness. Yet, I have to admit, she is right at least a little bit. Looking down at my watch, I realize I could use a break and another cup of coffee – and a little more girl talk about my date tonight with Evan wouldn’t hurt either.

  “Wanna grab some coffee? Maybe give me a few pointers for my date tonight?”

  Giddily, she pops up out of her chair and hugs me. “Absolutely! I’m so excited,” she squeals with girlish eagerness.

  I stifle my laughter while inwardly bubbling over with joy at the prospect of what’s to come with Evan.

  The rest of the workday passes by in a blur. Focusing on the charity fundraiser helps to distract me from thinking of Evan too much. Chloe really wants a ride to the ball with a real prince and princess and I made calls all day long trying to solicit a donation from a limo company. Sadly though, there aren’t many in the area that have any availability for the night. Upstate New York is also fresh out of princes and princesses. I’m not beat though. I will give this little girl the night she deserves.

  So even though I was able to clear my brain of Evan for the day, for every single second of the drive home, he’s the only thought in my head.

  Where are we going to go? What should I wear? What is he going to expect? What do I expect?

  I shower quickly and blow out my hair, letting it fall softly in large curls. Standing in front of my closet, I realize my wardrobe could benefit from a few updates. Even though I texted Evan earlier asking about where we were going, he wouldn’t give me any details, saying he wanted it to be a surprise.

  Can’t go wrong with a little black dress. With soft ruching that gathers at my hip under the sparkly clasp, and a to-the-knee flowy skirt, I feel feminine and sexy. There’s no snow on the ground so I go with shiny, patent leather stilettoes. A light touch of make-up, spritz of perfume and I’m ready for my date. Cue the swarm of butterflies.

  At ten to eight, I flop back on the couch and stare blankly at nothing in particular. For all of my “I’m never dating again” and “I’m more than happy with being single” talk over the years, I guess I never saw how ridiculous I was being in denying myself the chance to feel this kind of excitement. The rush of not knowing what’s going to happen, the pull that draws you into someone you barely know, wanting to learn everything about them that you can, knowing, or at least hoping, they feel the same way about you – this is the stuff I’ve let myself go without.

  Not anymore.

  My confident, yet inward, declaration of self-proclaimed happiness coincides perfectly with the gentle knock at the front door. Standing, I smooth out my dress and take a deep breath, hoping for the best, feeling a change coming at me from the other side of that door.

  Speech completely eludes me as I open the door and let the vision of Evan holding a bunch of flowers, leaning up against the doorframe sink in. In the few times we’ve seen each other, there was a casual normalcy to his appearance – jeans and a t-shirt, nothing over the top. Even his attitude was mellow and relaxed. But the man standing before me is transformed somehow.

  More masculine.

  More dominant.

  More in control.

  And so unbelievably sexy.

  The soft leather of his jacket pulls across his broad chest and bunches in his arms as he extends the beautifully wrapped flowers to me.

  “These are for you, sweetness,” he rasps in a gruff voice. “You look beautiful.” Pulling my shaking hand up to his lips, he kisses my knuckles, setting a fiery vibration there; one of which I likely won’t be able to rid myself for the rest of the night.

  I take them from him and immediately bring them up to my nose. Inhaling their sweet scent, I honestly can’t remember the last time someone bought me flowers. It was more than likely Melanie w
hen she was a little girl, picking bunches of bright yellow dandelions from the yard for me. “They’re stunning, Evan. Thank you so much. Come in.” As he strides past me, the fragrance of the flowers fades away behind the woodsy clean scent that is uniquely Evan.

  “I didn’t know what kind you liked,” he tips his chin at the flowers, “so I got you one of everything.” Standing before me, he lowers his face to mine and gently brushes his lips against my cheek, the roughness of his stubble sending shivers across my skin.

  It’s only when I lean into his kiss that I realize he’s got a picnic basket in his other hand. “It’s a little cold and pitch black to be going for a picnic, don’t you think?”

  “Who says we’re going outside?” He grins, amused at my obvious misunderstanding. Reaching down for my hand, he laces our fingers together and pulls me into the living room. He tosses his jacket on the back of the desk chair revealing a pale grey, button-down dress shirt, which pairs nicely with his dark wash jeans. You know the kind that are loose in all the right places, but oh-so tight everywhere else. Then, he pulls a red-and-white checkered blanket out of the basket. Shaking it in the air, he straightens it out as he lays it down on the carpet. I watch, completely mesmerized by his kind thoughtfulness.

  Now this is a date.

  Wordlessly, he walks past me, grabs a few pillows from the couch and tosses them on the floor. “Sit,” he commands.

  I laugh. “What am I? A dog or something?”

  At least he has the good grace to smirk at himself. Shaking his head, he steps in front of me and runs his fingers down my arms. “You are most certainly not a dog. Please sit. I want you to be comfortable.” It’s difficult to resist him when his eyes twinkle the way they do. Some of the awkward tension that was there the first few times we spent time together has eased; it’s almost vanished completely.


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