Taken by Night: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Night and Day Ink Book 4)

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Taken by Night: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Night and Day Ink Book 4) Page 1

by Milly Taiden

  Table of Contents













  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are fictitious or have been used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real in any way. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales, or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Published By

  Latin Goddess Press

  New York, NY 10456


  Taken by Night

  Copyright © 2015 by Milly Taiden

  Cover by Willsin Rowe

  All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  Property of Milly Taiden February 2015


  Valentina Cruz, glanced at the bar entrance, unsure of how much longer she would last. She yanked at the neckline of her red blouse. Even though she was a big girl with big curves, Tina liked to wear sexy clothes. It was who she was. She’d been raised to embrace her curves. To love her body and to appreciate every single part of who she was. Especially the tigress inside her.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, Tina?” Stephanie, Bryan and Brent Days’ girlfriend asked. She’d been giving Tina the run through of operations at Night and Day Ink. Thankfully, Stephanie wasn’t a shifter, or she’d have realized how much discomfort Tina was under. Stephanie was a curvy woman too, who appeared to be very comfortable in her own skin.

  Tina eyed the navy blue dress Stephanie wore with approval. She had something similar at home. Tina’s neighbor, Alex was always telling her how good she looked whenever she walked out the door. If it wasn’t because he happened to get in his car at the same time as she did, she’d swear he waited for her to leave to bump into her.

  She lifted her cool drink and smiled. “Yes, gracias. It’s been wonderful catching up on the new job and hear all about how things work.”

  Her cousin Kiara and her sister Ana had both mated Night wolf shifters. Kiara and Royce were spending time together, getting ready to buy a house to move into. Ana and Callum were spending her heat away from everyone. The couple was still in the early stages of their relationship and needed time to get to know each other. That put most of the business dealings on the other Night Ink men to handle, like Tina’s boss, Brett.

  Stephanie made a dismissive hand gesture and laughed. “You would have caught up soon. You’ve been there all of a week.” She pressed her lips into a line before bursting into giggles.

  “What’s so funny?” Tina asked, confused over Stephanie’s sudden laughter.

  “I’m sorry,” she choked. “I am hoping you hook up with Brett Night so that we can continue this kitty and puppy combo we have going in the office.”

  Tina shook her head. Not going to happen. She’d been warned about the Night men. Unlike Ana and Kiara, she didn’t have a boss that popped up from time to time. He was working from the other side of the world. So there was no chance in hell of them hooking up.

  Not to mention Tina didn’t have anything to do with wolf shifters. She didn’t even know what her boss looked like. They had yet to have a video conference. “Get that out of your mind, Steph. I’m pretty certain Brett Night will want nothing to do with me. Besides, I’m not looking for a mate.”

  Stephanie frowned, leaning forward and placing her arm on the table. “I thought you guys got the call of the wild to mate and have babies sooner than humans.”

  Tina took a long swallow of her fruity cocktail, hoping it would calm the heat spreading inside her. There was little chance of it working, but she’d try anything at that point. Her tigress pushed under the skin, wanting loose. She needed a man or she’d be in some serious pain later. How could she have not realized she was out of pills to help her get through her heat? Such a rookie mistake.

  She shook her head and sighed. “Not really. We have a heat phase we go through every certain number of months. It is our body’s way of saying ‘hey, you wanna have babies? Get to work!’ Unfortunately, our heat can be very overwhelming and intrude in daily life. A lot of us use drugs to help combat the powerful need to breed.”

  She tugged at her neckline again. If she didn’t leave soon, she’d start purring and that would definitely call unwanted attention. She’d decided to wear the sexy frilly red blouse with a plunging neckline to feel pretty. Not that she had huge boobs. Quite the opposite. But she wasn’t going to stop wearing sexy tops just because she didn’t have the boobs her sister did. Dressing was usually a game of what fits best for Tina. She’d learned that most of her clothes needed altering in order for her to be able to wear them comfortably.

  With her bigger than normal arms, smaller boobs and waist and large hips and ass, she should just hire her own seamstress. As it was, she spent a ton of money getting clothes altered. Then there were her legs. Bigger at the calves and thighs, she needed larger pants that could fit them, but when it got to the waist, she’d swim in them. It was so unfair. Most people told her she had such an hourglass figure. She liked to say she was hourglass with extra days.

  Her sister and cousin had bodies like hers. The only difference was that Ana had bigger boobs than Tina. A lot of people liked to call them curvy. Tina knew she was beyond curvy. She had curves, but she was a big girl. End of story. She had a belly and she had rolls. Who cared? Whatever man she ended up with in the future was going to have to love her as she was or he’d be kicked out on his ass and told to keep it moving. Life wasn’t about looks, it was about being happy.

  “I don’t know how you girls do it, but more power to you,” Stephanie sighed. “So no hooking you up with Brett. We can at least find you a man in the company. There are quite a few interested in the Cruz ladies.”

  “No, thanks.” The last thing she wanted was to hook up with one of those growly wolves. “But I do think I need to just get my ass home so I don’t end up falling over from exhaustion in here,” she grimaced, using the fact she’d seen Stephanie yawn as a way to get out of the night out with her new friend.

  Stephanie’s eyes went wide. She lifted a hand and motioned the waitress for the check. “Why didn’t you say you were so uncomfortable? I would have let you leave a while back.”

  She shrugged. “I’m used to it.” She hated the desperation growing inside her. Stupid hormones. Why did she forget to get her pills? Now she was in for a night of purring and rubbing herself on her bed. Luckily, she didn’t have anyone who’d be watching to make fun of her.

  Stephanie grabbed the check before she got a chance to. “This one is on me, for making you sit here tired and sleepy when what you really wanted was to go home. Thanks for keeping me company.” She dropped bills on the small tray the waitress had given her. “I miss hanging out with Kiara, so thanks for coming out with me.”

  They stood and walked to the bar entrance together. Outside, the chill of the night didn’t do much to cool the heat in Tina. “You’re welcome and any time.”

  Stephanie tightened her black jacket around her waist and then pulled her into a bear hug. “Sorry for making you sit here while you were needing rest. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  “Don’t wor
ry about it. I had fun. See you on Monday. Good job getting through this week without wanting to quit,” she said, heading across the street. Stephanie turned the corner to the left, where she’d mentioned she’d parked her car.

  Luckily for Tina, her apartment wasn’t far from the Night and Day Ink offices. Which meant she was only a few blocks away from the bar she and Stephanie had drinks. She moved down the sidewalk slowly. A wave of heat flashed through her, making her weak at the knees. She bumped into someone, but was too busy trying to control the animal inside, that she didn’t pay the other person attention.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, trying to regain her composure. Stupid hormones. She needed to get home and relax. Her tigress pushed at the skin, going wild with need. It was going to be a long night.

  A strong pair of hands grabbed her. “Are you okay?”

  She glanced up to a pair of bright golden eyes. A quick inhale told her all she needed to know.

  Wolf. Dangerous. Sexy.

  The tigress purred at the scent of the wolf. Oh, hell no. She wasn’t going down that road. But the man, with his chiseled features, slight beard growth and tousled hair had grabbed her animal’s attention.

  A slow purr slid past her lips. She tried to hide it by clearing her throat. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  She leaned into him involuntarily. “You smell good.”

  Aw, shit. She’d lost control of her body. Her gaze slid down from his sexy mouth, down his scruffy jaw to the loosened tie and hint of pale skin from his not fully buttoned shirt. The urge to lick him hit her hard in the chest. Lord, she needed to get the hell out of there or she’d dry hump the guy without his consent.

  The man’s fingers tightened on her arms and he inhaled deep. The move was one of his animal. She knew that.

  “You smell fucking delicious.”

  Her already slick pussy ached from how rough he said the words. She took a deep breath and her tigress pushed hard for control. The scent of man, animal and sex burned into her body and turned her into a hormonal mess. She tried to pull out of his grasp. “Sorry, I need to go.”

  Instead of letting her go, he pulled her in, pressing her body to his. The fact they had clothes on made no difference to how good it felt to have him that close. He lifted a hand to cup her neck and used the other to hold her to him around her waist. “Don’t go,” he breathed, inhaling again. “I can tell you’re in heat. Let me help you.”

  Help? Was he out of his mind? She didn’t know him. He could be a psychopath. Her stupid tigress didn’t seem to care how much danger she could be under. All she wanted was his hands on her and his cock in her.

  She licked her lips, hating how much she liked the feel of his much taller and toned body over hers. She had to glance up to continue looking into his eyes. “You can’t help me. I’ve got pills.”

  A predatory smile slid over his lips and a hungry glint filled his gaze. “You’re way past drugs and you know it.”

  Fuck. “Look, I’m sure you mean well—”

  She didn’t get a chance to finish talking. He brought his lips down in a flash, filling her mouth with his tongue. A louder purr vibrated through her body. She’d lost her fucking mind. This man, this stranger, was kissing her and did she stop him? Nope. She sucked on his tongue and let him grope her ass like they were teenagers on their first make out session.


  Oh, but he felt amazing. He kissed her hard. Deep. Sure. Like she was his and he knew every button to press to get her hotter. She blazed with need from the inside. Her body ached, begging for release. They twined their tongues, rubbing, sucking, and adding a new dimension of pleasure.

  Common sense kicked her in the head. What was she doing? This was a total stranger. He could be married with kids and she was in the middle of the sidewalk letting him grope her. She needed help. Tearing her lips from him, she pushed out of his hold. “I don’t know you,” she huffed. “You could be married with kids or a serial killer for all I know.” She ran a shaky hand through her loose hair, pushing it away from her face. “I’m sorry, but I don’t do that.”

  She shook her head, seeing the denial in his face, but not waiting for whatever he was going to say. She rushed off without looking back. When she got to her building, she ignored the elevator for the stairs, dashing up the single flight holding her back from her ability to purr to her heart’s content.

  With her keys in hand, she struggled to open her door of her apartment with her shaky fingers. Shit. Another purr rolled up her throat. This wasn’t going to be good. Sucking in a breath, she groaned at the scent of the wolf still following her. Fuck, she was going to be in trouble if she didn’t stop thinking of him soon. Her mind played that kiss over and over again, until she forgot she was standing at her door, not moving.

  “I’m not married.”

  She gasped, turning to see the hot as hell man from the street just a few feet away.

  She gulped, trying to tame the animal wildly asking for his touch. “What?”

  “I’m not married. I don’t have kids. I’m not in any kind of relationship.” He prowled toward her, the predator after the prey. “I’m not a serial killer.” He inhaled. “And I want you.”

  Her heart raced in her chest, pounding the reality that this man was what her tigress craved. How could she fight that kind of animal attraction? Her tigress pushed under her skin, purring and begging for his touch.

  “I,” she panted, “don’t think this is a good idea.”

  He pinned her with his gaze. “Tell me to go,” he said, his voice a low rumble. He took another step towards her and she couldn’t stop the whimper from his scent drawing closer. “Tell me to leave and I will.”

  She couldn’t. Her animal side had taken control. All she wanted was to get him naked as soon as possible. But Valentina didn’t do this kind of stuff. She was responsible. She had to do something soon or she’d die from need. One night stands were not her thing.

  “Just for tonight,” she said. The words rushed out of her mouth before she had a chance to stop them.

  The world turned into a blur. He moved faster than any man she’d ever seen, pushing her into her apartment and kicking the door shut behind him. His lips came crashing down over hers. Already breathless, it only amped the shudders shooting down her spine.

  The sound of clothes tearing and their harsh breathing filled her living room. Things didn’t slow down. He guided her until the back of her legs hit a sofa and she landed sitting down. He quickly dropped to his knees, spreading her large legs open. Her need was too great for embarrassment. Only the promise of pleasure and coming filled her mind.

  A loud purr rolled up her throat.

  “That’s such a sexy fucking sound,” he growled. He glanced from her breasts down to her shaven pussy. “And you’re soaking wet.”

  She wanted to ask his name, but then rejected the idea. This was sex. A way to curb the heat. This was a one-time deal with no future. She gripped her sofa, ignoring the sounds of material tearing. A quick glance showed her hands had shifted into claws and she’d destroyed the seats on either side of her.

  He inhaled deep and her pussy turned slicker. The way his features tightened with need. The hunger in his eyes and the way his nose flared told her he wanted her as bad as she wanted him. “I’m hurting from how badly I want inside you.”

  She licked her lips, watching his head lower between her legs. “Hurting?”

  His gaze shot down to her pussy again. He looped his arms around her legs, tugging her down to the edge of the seat. Her ass came off the sofa while her legs dangled over his shoulder. She leaned back, moaning at the growing heat in her pussy.

  “Yes. I want my cock sliding deep inside you.” He kissed her left leg. “I want to taste you coming on my tongue.” He moved to kiss her right leg. “And I want to watch your tits jiggle as I fuck you until your tigress purrs from delight.”

  Oh, my. He had a way with words. She didn’t get a chance to reply. His mouth hovered over her clit before h
e ran his tongue up and down her folds. There was nothing soft or slow about it. He pressed hard, sending a jolt of pleasure that shook her to the core.

  Another purr shot up her throat. Her belly quivered with every lick he did of her pussy. He pushed her legs towards her chest, until her knees were kissing her tits. Holding her knees in place was easy. Keeping them from shaking? That was another story.

  He moved lower, licking and twirling his tongue over her asshole. He circled a finger over her anus, pressing it into her hole. Her breath caught in her chest. She couldn’t find it in her to tell him they didn’t know each other well enough for that. Instead, her body pushed at his finger, looking for the penetration she knew was coming.

  She moaned when his finger slid in and out of her ass. Her muscles burned from how hard she held herself still. His mouth didn’t stop. He continued licking and tonguing her pussy like she was a piece of candy he couldn’t get enough of.

  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” she begged, biting her nails deep into her knees. Her legs shook hard and he’d made her toes curl tight.

  He lifted his head from her pussy to meet her gaze. His face was soaked with her scent. “I don’t plan on stopping, beautiful. Not until I’ve stuffed you with my cock.” He licked his lips. “Not until your pussy and ass are overflowing with my cum.”

  She purred again. The sound reverberated off her walls. “Please, I ache.”

  He continued fucking her ass with his finger, and swiped his tongue on her clit fast and rough. The quick motions combined with his growling created the perfect combination that broke the ball of tension inside her into tiny pieces. Her muscles went from rigid to boneless in the blink of an eye. Pleasure pounded through her body, making itself known in a high-pitched scream that left her gasping for air.

  She let go of her knees. Fuck the fact they were shaking. Pushing him on his back on her carpet, she rubbed her nose on his chest, licking her way up to his lips and straddling his hips.


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