Outlaw's Lady

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Outlaw's Lady Page 24

by Bobbi Smith

  "Do you think he'll really come?" she asked her mother.

  "Why wouldn't he?"

  "I don't know.... Sometimes I don't think he likes me very much."

  "Oh, that's nonsense, Emily. Of course Ken likes you."

  "Well, would you mind if I invited Deputy Clemans to dinner, too?" she asked, already planning what she was going to do that night.

  "I don't suppose there would be anything wrong with that."


  Emily watched out the store door for the lawman. As soon as she saw him, she was going to issue her invitation. She'd show Ken that she wasn't a woman to be so easily ignored. She'd show Ken that other men found her quite attractive and irresistible, no matter what he thought.

  Dinner that night was delicious, though not fancy, and those gathered spoke of everything but the Kid. They deliberately took care to avoid the topic, wanting to share a relaxed meal and, for just a little while, pretend that everything was fine.

  When dinner was over, they moved into the parlor. Ken sought out Slade, while Emily made a point of sitting beside the deputy on the love seat. Ken was trying to concentrate on what Slade was saying, but he kept glancing over at Emily, who seemed enraptured by the lawman's every word.

  "What do you think?" Slade asked, then waited to see what his friend's response would be.

  "About what?" Ken countered.

  "That's what I thought. You haven't heard a word I've said."

  "Yes, I have. You were talking about, uh..."

  "Exactly." Slade was disgusted with him.

  "Mother," Emily said as she stood up with the deputy. "Vernon has to leave, so I'm going to show him out."

  Emily had barely made it out the front door with the lawman when Ken stood up.

  "I'd better go, too," he announced. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, Slade. Mrs. Mason, thank you for a delicious dinner. Alyssa, good night."

  Slade knew why he wanted to go so quickly-he didn't want Emily alone outside with Clemans. "I'll see you then."

  "Good night, Ken," Loretta said.

  He walked out of the house to find Emily standing alone on the porch watching Clemans walk away up the street.

  "He's gone already?" Ken was surprised. He'd thought for sure the other man would be trying to kiss her out here in the dark.

  Emily turned to look at Ken. "Yes. He had to go."

  "Well, er...I'm leaving, too. Good night, Emily."

  "Good night, Ken."

  She gazed at him invitingly. She ran the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip in unspoken invitation. She all but tackled him as he started to move past her, but Ken did not respond.

  Emily had never been at her wit's end before, but this man was pushing her to it. She wondered what her father's advice would have been if he'd still been alive and she'd confided in him. As she thought about it, she knew her father would have told her to go after what she wanted. And that was just what she decided to do.

  Ken reached the edge of the porch and started down the steps just as her hand snaked out and grabbed him by the arm.

  "Are you really going to leave me without a goodnight kiss, Ken?" she said daringly.

  Without waiting for his answer, she pulled him toward her and brazenly, wildly kissed him. When she ended the kiss and let him go, she did not say a word. She turned her back on him and, with her head held high, went inside and closed the door firmly behind her.

  Ken stood staring at the closed door, a silly halfsmile on his face.

  Emily had kissed him.

  Alyssa was tense as she left her office early and started toward the jail to seek out Rob. It had been over a week since they'd returned from Green River, and so far nothing had happened. The Kid had made no move. It had been quiet. Too quiet.

  At the direction of her thoughts, Alyssa realized how ridiculous she was being. She should have been thrilled that nothing had happened. She should have been thanking God that the week had been uneventful, but the constant, unrelenting threat of danger was draining.

  "Alyssa, is something wrong?" Rob asked, looking up in surprise as she entered the sheriff's office. He was scheduled to pick her up at her office in two hours.

  "No, everything's fine. I just finished work early today and wanted to let you know. I think I'll stop by the store and visit with Mother and Emily for a while, before I go on home."

  "Well, let me walk you down," he offered, standing and grabbing his hat.


  She had been tempted to go about her business normally, but she knew Rob would have been angry if she had. He'd made it plain that he wanted to be at her side whenever she moved around town.

  Rob held the door for her as they left the office. He was slowly coming to terms with their relationship-or rather their lack of a relationship. It had been painful for him to accept, but at least he had her friendship. He still loved her. He knew he would never stop. It wasn't possible to turn off such a strong emotion, and his love for her was enduring. He glanced down at her as they made their way to the store, and he smiled to himself because he had, at least, this much time with her.

  "There's been nothing new today. Everything's peaceful," he said.

  "I guess that's the good news. Ken hasn't heard anything from Denver?"

  "No. I spoke with him this morning. Everything has been quiet there, too."

  "You don't suppose the Kid and Zeke have gone somewhere else, do you?"

  "I wish I could tell you that they had, but there have been no sightings of them anywhere. There's been no word of any robberies or shootings... nothing. Judging from what Slade says about the Kid, though, he doesn't give up. When he makes up his mind to go after something or someone, he doesn't stop. The Kid is cold, methodical and thorough. As hard as it is for us to remain vigilant, I think we have to continue to act as though he's somewhere close around."

  "I'm sorry this is so much trouble for you."

  "Alyssa," he said seriously, as he stopped walking to look down at her. There was no one around, so he knew he could speak from the heart. "There is nowhere else I'd rather be than with you."

  She lifted her gaze to his and smiled tenderly up at him. "Thank you, Rob."

  He stared at her for a moment, wishing things could be different, then forced himself back to reality. He started on, not speaking, letting his sharp-eyed gaze sweep the streets and alleys as they walked. He would take no chances with her life. She was too precious.

  "Hello, you two," Loretta said as they entered the store. "What are you doing here this time of day?"

  "I got done early, so I decided to leave the office. Rob's doing the honors again."

  "Afternoon, Loretta," Rob returned, smiling at her. "Anything interesting going on around here?"

  "No, just business as usual."

  "Nothing wrong with that." He walked through the store, checking things out, then returned to Alyssa's side. "Did you want to stay here or go on home?"

  "Do you need any help?" Alyssa asked.

  "We're pretty much caught up."

  "Then I'll have Rob walk me home, and I'll start dinner for you tonight."

  "We'll see you at six," her mother said as she watched them go.

  Loretta remembered how much John had wanted Alyssa to marry Rob, and she was sorry that it would never be. Not that she didn't like Slade. In the days that he'd been staying at the house guarding them, she'd come to like and respect him. He was a smart man-he had to be to be a Pinkerton-and he was handsome, too.

  She understood why Alyssa had fallen in love with Slade. She'd felt the same way about John all those years ago. Loretta sighed, missing the gentle life of loving she'd led with her husband. A tear traced a path down her cheek at the thought of him. She missed him so much, and she wondered if the ache in her heart and the emptiness in her soul would ever go away.

  Rob escorted Alyssa to the house. There was no sign of Slade, so he went inside with her to make sure everything was all right. Rob found the door to Slade's room ajar and looke
d in. He was sleeping. He quietly closed the door and went back downstairs to tell Alyssa.

  "Do you want me to wake Slade up for you?" Rob asked, concerned.

  "No. He stays up all night, so he needs all the rest he can get. Just let him sleep."

  She could tell Rob was worried about leaving her because he was frowning.

  "Rob, don't worry. There are times at the office when I'm alone during the day, and nothing's happened. I'll lock the door when you leave, and I'll be fine. Besides, if anything should happen, I've got my derringer in my pocket and I'd only have to yell and Slade would come."

  "All right. I'll be back first thing in the morning."

  "I'll see you then."

  Alyssa closed and locked the door as Rob left, then sighed as the tension drained from her. She was home. Another day was over. She started upstairs to her own room, and, as she did, she passed Slade's room.

  The temptation to enter was great. She paused before his door, wondering if she dared. They'd had little time alone during the last week, and she thought perhaps she should wake him. With great care, she opened the door and looked in.

  Slade appeared to be sleeping soundly. He lay on his stomach, his face turned toward her. A dark shadow of beard covered his jaw. In sleep, his defenses were down, and there was a look almost of innocence about him as he slumbered. He was irresistibly handsome and virile, and her heartbeat quickened.

  Alyssa took a step into the room, drawn to him, wanting to be close to him. Slade did not stir. She moved nearer, amazing herself with her brazenness, yet unable to stop herself. She didn't want to leave. She wanted Slade.

  Going to stand beside his bed, she could no longer resist the temptation of him. She bent to him and pressed a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth.

  "Slade..." she whispered.

  His eyes opened, and at the sight of her, a slow, sexy smile curved his lips. He had just been dreaming of having her in his arms, of kissing her and making her his own. For a moment, he thought he might have conjured her up, that he might still be caught up in the pleasure of his fantasy. He reached out to touch her, wanting to see if she was actually there. His hand closed on her wrist, and he knew she was real.

  The Alyssa in his dream had been wonderful, but she was only a figment of his imagination. He wanted this woman-the flesh and blood Alyssa, the Alyssa who dominated his thoughts every minute of the day and night.

  Slowly, he drew her to him, and she did not resist. He shifted on the bed, and she accepted his unspoken invitation, moving to lie beside him.

  "We're alone," she told him in a quiet voice, wanting him to know that at last they had some time together.

  At the very welcome news, Slade pulled her into his arms and brought her full length against him.

  "Tor how long?" he asked, knowing he didn't want to start anything they couldn't finish.

  "Long enough," she said in a voice just above a whisper. She'd wanted this for so long, had ached for him so long, that she didn't want to think about leaving his embrace.

  "You're sure?" He rose up on one elbow to look down at her.

  She stared up at him, at the wide, bare expanse of his hair-roughened chest, and she nodded, drawing him down to her. "I love you, Slade."

  He decided to show her how much he loved her this time, rather than tell her. With infinite care, he kissed her, and his kiss spoke volumes. His touch was restrained as he unfastened the buttons on her dress and helped her slip the garment from her. Then he stripped away the rest of her clothing, leaving her perfect beauty bared to his hungry gaze.

  Slade's eyes were dark with passion as he visually caressed her. Her breasts were tempting, her hips full and inviting, her legs long and slender. He was on fire for her, and he could wait no longer. It had been too long already.

  Alyssa lifted her arms to him, and he went into them, fitting himself to her. She opened to him like a flower to the sun, and she gasped at the intimacy as he claimed her for his own.

  They began to move together, seeking the joy they knew would be theirs. She met his eager thrusts, matching him, urging him on. Holding him close, she caressed him, glorying in the domination of his powerful body. They were perfect together. One in body. All that mattered was that they were together. All thoughts of danger were burned away in the heat of their joining. There was only the two of them, each seeking to please the other, each wanting only the other's happiness.

  They sought the heights of desire together. With kisses and heated caresses, they explored the wonder of their love. The flames of their need burned higher and hotter until there could be no turning back, no denying the prize that they sought-the gift they wanted to give to each other-the ultimate pleasure of ecstasy's promise.

  Their excitement crested and waves of rapture swept them away to bliss and beyond. Clasped in each other's arms, their bodies joined in love's embrace, they surrendered to the perfection of their union.

  "I love you, Alyssa," Slade said as he shifted away from her and brought her into the circle of his arms.

  She sighed and nestled against him. "I wish I never had to leave you again."

  He smiled at the thought. "Well, we could stay like this forever as far as I'm concerned, but I think your mother might not approve."

  "I know ...I have to go. They could be back at any time," she said in a soft voice, but she made no effort to leave him. Being here with him was her heaven.

  Slade sought her lips in a gentle kiss. "You don't suppose that if we closed the door, she would never know we were here, do you?"

  "Somehow, I think she and Emily would figure it out."

  He pretended to scowl. "Too bad."

  "I know. I like your idea."

  "The day's going to come, my love, when you will never have to leave my bed."

  "I'm looking forward to it." She linked an arm around his neck and pulled him to her for a kiss.

  His need stirred again, surprising him. He'd never wanted any woman the way he wanted Alyssa. He started to move to make her his again, but she eluded him, slipping from the bed to stand before him in all her feminine glory.

  She began to dress, and he resented the garments that hid her from him.

  "I'll be glad to help you," he offered.

  She gave a small laugh; she saw through his offer to his real plan. "I think I'd better do this on my own."


  "I know. There's nothing I'd rather do than spend the rest of the day and night in your arms. You promised me an all-night ride not too long ago, and, trust me, one day I'm going to make you deliver on your promise."

  "You'd torture me that way?" he asked, grinning.

  "Yes, and I'd enjoy every minute."

  "I hope so," he growled, his imagination running away with him. He rose from the bed and went to help her fasten the buttons on her dress.

  "I liked unfastening them better."

  "So did I."

  They embraced, his mouth seeking hers in sweet emphasis.

  "So this is it? Tonight we're finally going to get her?" Zeke asked the Kid eagerly. He was hot, and he was ready. He'd been wanting to go after the lady judge for days now, but the Kid had refused-until now.

  "We'll wait until after ten. I want it nice and quiet around there when we make our move."

  "Hell, I'm ready now!" Zeke declared.

  He was finally going to get a taste of her, and his body hardened in response to thoughts of the night to come. If he enjoyed thinking about it this much, he could just imagine how much he was going to enjoy actually doing her.

  "Slow down," the Kid said sharply, knowing how Zeke sometimes let the wrong parts of his body do his thinking for him.

  Zeke shot him an angry look. "I'll slow down for now, but tonight, she's mine."

  "You can do whatever you want to once we've got her out of town, but until then you'll listen to me and do what I say."

  The other outlaw was resentful of those orders, but shut up. He knew the Kid was right. That was why he rode wi
th him.

  Zeke settled in to wait out the afternoon. They were camped about an hour out of town, so they wouldn't leave for the Mason house until close to sunset. It would be a long couple of hours, but it would be worth it. He smiled.

  It was near dark when they finally rode out for Black Springs. They were both more than ready for the action to come. They reached the outskirts of town after nine o'clock and skirted around the area until they reached Alyssa's house. After leaving their horses in the secluded spot they'd discovered when they'd first searched the house, they approached on foot. The Kid's leg had healed, and he had no problem covering the terrain. He was ready. Tonight was the night.

  Zeke was beside him all the way. He was eager, hot and hungry for a taste of that lady judge.

  The knock on the door shortly after dark surprised everyone. At Slade's direction, Alyssa called out and asked who it was before she opened the door.

  "It's Ken. I need to talk to Slade. It's important."

  Slade stepped forward and opened the door as he holstered his gun.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I just got a telegram from the Denver office that sounds promising," he said as he came inside. "I thought you'd want to know right away."

  They went to sit at the dining room table so he could read the missive to them. Loretta and Emily gathered around, too, to see what the big news was.

  "According to the operatives working undercover out of Cheyenne," Ken began, "they've narrowed down the number of suspects in the express office to two men. An arrest is imminent. We should be hearing something in the next day or two."

  Slade was relieved. He wanted the entire gang out of operation. "Good. That's one less thing we've got to worry about. Now all we have to do is finish what I started-bring in what's left of the Kid and his gang."

  "We'll do it. Pinkertons never rest until they get their man," Ken said, his determination evident in his voice.

  They shared looks of satisfaction across the table, unaware that just outside the window, the Kid and Zeke were watching everything in silent fury.


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