by Manuel Munoz
Something dark was forming in her throat. A burst of light was forming there. You tried to swallow to keep it from arriving.
You wanted her to close her eyes. You had to force yourself to close them. You know she saw something. You wanted that girl to see something, and there was no going back once she did.
MY THANKS TO EVERYONE at Algonquin Books, especially Elisabeth Scharlatt and Chuck Adams, who waited with such patient enthusiasm for this novel. Brunson Hoole and Rachel Careau assisted me tremendously in the final stages of production and I am deeply grateful.
My new colleagues at the University of Arizona have provided me with support and good feeling, as have my students. I especially thank Ted McLoof, Will Pewitt, and Jason Timermanis, who took time from their own work to help me with mine.
This book was started in New York City, and my colleagues at Hachette Book Group remain dedicated supporters: Bob Castillo, Tareth Mitch, David Palmer, Kallie Shimek, and, especially, Harvey-Jane Kowal. Thanks also to my friends who took my absences in stride: Antonio Annunziato, John Antonio, Pierce Mattie, and Aaron Smith.
The New York Foundation for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts both provided me with generous support. I cannot express enough gratitude to the Mrs. Giles Whiting Foundation for the inspiration and confidence granted by its tremendous gift in 2008.
Helena María Viramontes, as always, rushed in to assist when I felt most stranded. I aspire to such generosity, as well as to the spirit of support provided by my agent, Stuart Bernstein, a believer all along.
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Part Two
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve