Accidental Triplets - A Secret Babies for the Billionaire Romance (San Bravado Billionaires' Club Book 4)

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Accidental Triplets - A Secret Babies for the Billionaire Romance (San Bravado Billionaires' Club Book 4) Page 16

by Layla Valentine

  One of my eyebrows raised. This wasn't in the lines that we'd practiced. He was going off-script. Before I had a chance to react, however, Rhys reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a small, black box. He turned to me, a warm, loving look in his eyes. A gasp sounded from the crowd as they realized right at the same time as me just what was going on—Rhys had gotten down on one knee.

  He popped open the box, revealing a gorgeous diamond ring, the facets of the stone glittering in the stage lights.

  “Cassidy May, will you marry me?”

  I didn't even need a moment to think about it.

  “Yes!” I exclaimed, rushing towards Rhys and throwing my arms around him.

  Cheers and applause sounded out from the crowd as more cameras went off. Rhys slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. My heart felt as though it might explode from happiness.

  “Good thing she said ‘yes,' huh?” Rhys quipped, to light laughter from the crowd. “With that, I'd like to present to you all the first collection of the Cole-May line. I hope you all enjoy!”

  It was time for us to leave the stage, but I was so stunned that I could barely move. And Rhys didn't seem to mind one bit. He slipped his arm around my waist, pulled me close, and kissed me. Tears of joy welled in my eyes, and I couldn't remember a moment when I'd been happier.

  But then, something happened, and I realized I needed to get backstage—immediately. Rhys noticed the change in my face, and luckily, the lights dimmed a moment later.

  It seemed like the instant we got backstage, it happened—my water broke. All the excitement must have induced an early labor, because it was happening, and all happening fast.

  “Rhys, I think… I think I’m going into labor.” A contraction hit me, and I cried out, clutching onto him for support. “We need to go to the hospital. Now!”

  Two hours later, after a surprisingly quick and straightforward C-section, we welcomed our healthy, perfect triplets into the world—two beautiful baby girls, and one very adorable little boy. As I lay in the hospital bed, holding our tiny girls, Rhys sitting next to me and cradling our boy, I didn’t even care that I’d missed my first ever fashion show. I was a newly engaged woman and a new mother, with the four most important people in my life around me.

  Later, after a much-needed nap, Rhys and I held the babies as we watched a re-run of our fashion show on the room’s TV.

  “Your Mommy made that,” Rhys said proudly as he pointed to the jumpsuit I’d designed. I had to admit: it looked incredible, even on the tiny screen.

  “I think it’s the best thing I’ve ever made,” I sighed happily.

  “No way. Not even close.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him, surprised that he’d disagree with the very exhausted and hormonal new mother of his children, but he was quick to explain as he looked adoringly at our triplets.

  “Cassidy, my love, you are and always will be my favorite designer. But these are the best things you’ve ever made.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “I guess you’re right. Now, what are we going to name them?”


  One Year Later: Cassidy

  Standing on the balcony of our five-star hotel room, I sipped my wine slowly and took in the panoramic views of Paris. Below, the Seine shimmered in the late afternoon sun, and across the water, Notre-Dame Cathedral stood proud and tall. Pedestrians milled about on the streets, all of them seeming to enjoy the perfect weather as much as I was.

  I sighed and took another sip of wine. Letting the taste linger on my palate, I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds of the city as they swirled around me.

  “Well aren't you just the picture of loveliness?” asked Rhys, stepping up behind me and wrapping me up in his strong arms.

  “Just appreciating the view,” I said, enjoying the feeling of his body pressed into mine.

  “Funny you should say that; I was doing exact the same thing.”

  After taking a moment to realize just what he meant, I gave Rhys a playful slap on the arm.

  “Hey!” he said defensively. “We're married now, which means no secrets. Even if they involve just how hard it is to stop staring at you.”

  I glanced down, realizing that my body was more than visible through my sheer robe. I pulled the sash tight, suddenly worried that someone down on the streets below might take in a view other than the usual sights of Paris. My diamond ring glinted in the sun as I gave the sash a quick tie, and I couldn't help but extend my hand and take in just how beautiful it was.

  “Have I told you just how happy I am to be married to you?” I asked, nuzzling my head into Rhys's neck.

  “More than a few times,” he said. “But that doesn't mean I get tired of hearing about it.”

  The immediate months after the babies were born had gone by in a blur. Our cruelty-free line had been a hit, and Rhys and I had had a hard time keeping up with just how many orders had poured in over that next week. Previous sales records were smashed, we raised thousands of dollars for charity, and the Cole-May line was soon the talk of the international fashion world.

  We’d initially been a little worried that the blowback from the Nina affair might negatively affect sales, but that fear had been put to rest as soon as we took a look at the first batch of order request for retailers around the world. Turns out that the public had been a little more eager for a story about love blooming rather than a relationship crashing and burning, and the romance between Rhys and I fit the bill nicely.

  Our email inboxes soon filled up with requests for interviews and photo sessions for various magazines, all of them eager to hear the story of the billionaire CEO falling helplessly head-over-heels for his protégée. It was quite a thing seeing myself on cover after cover at the newsstands, but just like Rhys said, I quickly became used to the publicity.

  The press blitz soon led up to the wedding, which ended up being the social event of the season. It was quite a thrill to have so many people there to wish Rhys and me the best—but truth be told, while the ceremony was lovely, I was happiest to finally be alone with Rhys, just him and I on our wedding night.

  And now, here we were in Paris, finally able to have our honeymoon.

  “You check in on the kids?” I asked, giving Rhys a kiss on the cheek of his freshly shaven face.

  “Sure did,” he said. “Will and Sasha are with my parents, and Eliza's with yours.”

  “You feel a little bad about saddling them with the kids while we're here?”

  “Are you kidding?” asked Rhys. “They get a free trip to Paris and they get to dote on their grandkids all week. I don't know about your parents, but mine are in heaven.”

  “Mine seem pretty happy with the arrangement,” I grinned. “We still on for our big dinner tomorrow?”

  “We are. Hopefully, with the kids there, it won't end up being a zoo.”

  We looked over the city below, the sun beginning to set in a brilliant orange.

  “I'm more worried about our plans,” he said. “We ought to start getting ready.”

  “Remind me again,” I said, knowing the answer but just wanting to hear it one more time.

  “Dinner in the Eiffel Tower, followed by opera at the Palais Garnier.”

  “I can't wait,” I said.



  “We've got a little time to kill before we need to get going,” Rhys said.

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “You've got some way in mind to, uh, pass the time?”

  “I think I just might,” he said, his voice a low purr in my ear.

  I didn't need to hear another word. Rhys's hand took mine, and he led me back into the bedroom.

  The room was an elegant affair, the space done up in a Versailles style, every surface covered in intricate gold detail. The bed was a massive four-poster that Rhys and I had given more than a few “tests” since we'd checked in. And now, it was time for one more.

  “You look so godd
amn beautiful,” he said, stepping back from me and looking over my body.

  “You're just saying that,” I said, red spreading across my cheeks. “I know I don’t look the same as I did before.”

  Rhys said nothing, instead leaning in, taking my chin into his hand, and kissing me softly.

  “I never say anything I don't mean. You should know this by now.”

  He kissed me again, and this time I fell into his embrace instantly. With an effortless motion, he scooped me off of my feet and laid me down on the bed, then gave my robe's sash a quick pull, the robe opening up and displaying my body. My husband, hunger in his eyes, looked me over for a long moment before pouncing. Soon, he was on top of me and covering my body with kisses.

  “No fair,” I said through my sighs, pointing to his clothes.

  He flashed me a sly grin before quickly stripping down to nothing. Soon, he was as naked as I was, his attraction for me clear in the hardness of his cock.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said, positioning himself on top of me.

  “You know what I want,” I said. “You always know what I want.”

  “And I always want to hear you say it.”

  I closed my eyes, a smile spreading across my lips.

  “I want you,” I said. “I want you inside of me. I want you to make love to me.”

  “There we go,” he said with a grin.

  With that, he took his member by the hand and placed the head right between my lips. Still aroused after our previous session, I was more than ready for Rhys to be inside of me. He kissed me slowly one more time before sliding his length into me, the sensation as heavenly as it always was.

  “Oh, God,” I groaned as he entered me inch by inch.

  I clasped my hands down hard on his toned hips, holding him in place for just a moment. Despite us having made love more times than I could count, it still took me a few seconds to adjust to how big he was. After a few moments, my body relaxed, his cock fully sheathed in me. I let out a long sigh, the pleasure spreading out from my core throughout my body.

  Rhys propped himself up on his arms, his biceps and triceps bulging with the weight of his body. I wrapped my hands around his right arm, feeling just how thick and solid his muscles were. Down below, I watched Rhys’s toned abs flex as his cock moved in and out of me, his pace slow and steady.

  “God, you feel so good,” he murmured before leaning in and kissing me along my neck.

  “I just…I can't get enough of you,” I moaned, the pleasure taking hold of my senses.

  Judging by the spreading, sexy smile on Rhys's face, that was just what he wanted to hear. His body positioned perfectly, he began driving into me with full, intense thrusts. I wrapped my legs tight around him, already feeling the beginnings of an orgasm stirring deep inside of me. I knew it was only going to take a little more of his bucking to make me come just how I wanted.

  The world around me became a total blur; all I could think about was Rhys inside of me, filling me over and over again. His grunts became more animal-like, and I knew he was approaching his peak.

  With Rhys pounding my G-spot, the orgasm that had been building soon broke loose, a feeling of intense warmth pouring throughout my body. Rhys came as I thrashed and moaned underneath him, my body writhing and squirming with delight. The feeling of him exploding inside me was almost too much to bear.

  Soon, the two of us collapsed into a sweaty pile in the bed.

  “Looks like we're going to need another shower,” I said, looking over our sweat-slicked bodies.

  “Couldn't imagine anything nicer,” he said.

  After showering together, getting our bodies nice and soapy under the wonderfully warm water, we dried each other off and began getting dressed for our evening out.

  “You're certainly looking dapper, Mr. Cole,” I said, taking in the sight of my impossibly handsome husband dressed in a sharp, dark suit.

  “And you're looking absolutely divine, Mrs. Cole,” he said, his eyes drifting over my lavender-colored evening dress.

  “I should hope so,” I said. “This design is one of mine.”

  “Well, you're certainly doing it justice.”

  He gestured towards the golden double doors.

  “Shall we?”

  “We shall.”

  Moments later, we were stepping out onto the streets of the 8th arrondissement. The first twinkling stars had begun to appear in the sky, and the silver moon hung among the purples and oranges in the sky.

  Things were going to be hectic back home. The first drafts for the next Cole-May line needed to get done soon, and the gossip rags and insider journalists weren't going to give us any space. I'd even heard rumors that Nina wanted to collaborate with the two of us on a new line. Not to mention the demands of being a working mother—three one-year-old babies were sure a handful.

  So much to do, so much to think about.

  “I love you,” said Rhys, pulling me in close and kissing me softly on the lips.

  And just like that, I was brought back to what mattered: the here and now.

  “I love you, too,” I said, a warm smile spreading across my lips.

  Rhys took my arm into his, and we were off. Just the two of us, and the city of Paris, off into a future that I couldn't predict, but couldn't wait to start.

  The End

  Second Chance Twins

  Layla Valentine & Holly Rayner

  Time for a tease!

  Up next are the first few chapters of the first book in our San Bravado Billionaires’ Club series, Second Chance Twins

  Happy reading!

  Copyright 2018 by Layla Valentine and Holly Rayner

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit written permission of the author.

  All characters depicted in this fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1


  August at Finnegan’s

  “Shelley! Another round for me ’n the boys!”

  “Coming right up, Steve.”

  “Shelley! Baby! When you gonna let me take you out?”

  “When your wife gives her blessing, Angus.”

  Hearty laughter followed me back to the bar, and I shot a cheeky wink over my shoulder. I never would have imagined myself being comfortable working in a place like this back when I first started college. Confidence had discovered me hiding in a book, and I had embraced it out of necessity.

  I filled the glasses for the table of five, leaving the perfect amount of foam on top.

  “Damn, you’re good at that. You should work in a bar or something.” Miles flicked his bar rag over his shoulder and flashed his movie-star smile at me. Butterflies swirled through my belly, heating my cheeks. If only my confidence extended into the area of men.

  “Oh, should I? Maybe I’ll go put in an application at Finnegan’s. Oh, wait! Here I am!” I rolled my eyes at him, and he stuck his tongue out at me.

  If only that tongue were a little closer, I thought. Words like that would never make it past my lips, but that didn’t keep me from thinking them. That boy made me distracted every shift, and tonight was no different.

  “Shelley! Come on, girl, watch what you’re doing, would ya?”

  “Oh, gosh, Billy, I’m sorry. I’ll get you a fresh one and a towel—one second.”

  “Yeah, but leave this one here. No point wasting half a beer.” Billy winked at me and tipped the dripping glass into his mouth.

  “You ever gonna ask that pretty boy out?” Angus asked with a twinkle in his eye.

  “Of course not! You know I’m just waiting for your wife’s permission, and then I�
��m all yours.”

  “Yeah, yeah, flirting with old men pays your bills. But who’s gonna keep your bed warm at night, huh?”

  I glanced across the bar at Miles, who was staring off into space and absently flicking his towel on the counter.

  “Doesn’t look too bright, though. Might want to get that IQ tested before you start making babies.”

  “Oh hush, Angus,” I said, but I felt heat rise on my neck.

  “Um, darlin’?”

  “Oh! Sorry Billy, I’ll be right back.”

  A fresh beer and a towel later and I was back on Billy’s good side. Miles seemed to be fumbling tonight, worse than he had since his training week ended three months ago.

  After his third botched drink, I took him aside. His close proximity in the darkened corner of the loud, dim bar made me want to touch him in all kinds of inappropriate ways. I settled for a platonic hand on his shoulder.

  “Hey. You all right?”

  “Hm? Why do you ask?” he replied absently.

  The spark of flirtation which was usually present in his tone was nowhere to be found. He was still off somewhere else in his head. I could see the wheels turning behind his bright blue eyes, hear the calculations hiding in his tone.

  “Look at me,” I told him, putting a hand on his face. “Are you high or something?”

  He grinned at me, then, his eyes coming into sharp focus.

  “Just high on life, Shelley. I’ll focus, cross my heart.”

  “You’re working on that app in your head. I can tell.”

  “I am shocked and offended at your accurate accusation!” He swept a dramatic hand to his chest as his eyes twinkled at me.

  “Back-burner it before you get fired,” I said, suppressing a grin.


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