Finding Refuge: The Marked Ones

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Finding Refuge: The Marked Ones Page 16

by Cathi Shaw

  “That is not why I question her loyalties,” Arion cut in.

  “It is part of it though. You have never forgiven her for her being against your union with Glassada.”

  Mina held her breath not wanting to miss anything from this exchange. Arion had a girlfriend? She ignored the sudden pricking around her heart.

  “Bellasiel was right about Glassada. I would have come to the same conclusion if she’d given me time to do so myself,” Arion insisted reasonably. “The problem with Bellasiel is that she can’t let anyone else come to their own conclusions. She has to be in charge. But what I’m concerned about here is far more important than a lover. It is the Prophecy, Meldiron. We have to be careful.”

  “We need help translating it, Arion. If we don’t trust Bellasiel then who are we going to trust?”

  Arion was silent. Mina longed to speak up but something held her back.

  “Just remember your primary job is not to take care of the Prophecy. I can handle that. Your job is as Coimirceoir to the Banphrionsa. I won’t have my sister in danger.”

  Mina wrinkled her forehead. What was this? Coimirceoir meant guardian or protector in the Elder language and Eöl Ar-Feiniel had always called her Banphrionsa. Did that mean Arion was charged with protecting her?

  “I know my duty,” Arion answered quietly.

  “Well, remember it and let me worry about the Prophecy.”

  The conversation ended then but Mina could tell neither man was happy. She turned their words over in her head trying to come to a conclusion as to what they meant but after a long day in the saddle, sleep was pulling at her. Filing that information away for later inspection, Mina let herself be claimed by a deep slumber.


  A few days later when they stopped for camp, Mina overheard Meldiron telling Thia that they were only about two days from the Refuge now. They were camping just off the road in a small copse of trees. Mina left Meldiron and Thia setting up camp. Xyrisse had gone hunting for dinner as she often did. Her Hunter skills served her well when it came to the task of keeping their bellies full and Xyrisse didn’t seem to mind killing animals. Mina headed towards the river, with the intention of splashing some cool water on her face after the long dusty ride.

  As she emerged on the riverbank she saw Arion dunking his head in the water. Sensing an opportunity to figure out what was going on, Mina headed in his direction. But when she was within speaking distance, Arion quickly moved away from her.

  “Princess. I will give you some privacy,” he said stiffly, his eyes focused on some spot above her left ear.

  “Oh no you don’t. And stop with the “princess” crap, too,” she spat, “you have some serious explaining to do.”

  Arion moved to stand in front of her. “Keep your voice down, Princess,” he said, his eyes flashing a warning at her.

  Mina opened her mouth but he pressed his fingers to her lips. The warmth of them momentarily caused her to swallow her words. “Please, Mina,” he said softly.

  She looked up at his pale eyes. The expression in them was pleading with her to understand. But she didn’t understand. She had no idea what was going on here and he couldn’t just expect her to stop questioning.

  She opened her mouth to tell him so when he suddenly bent his head and pressed his lips to hers.

  Startled Mina forgot what she was going to say. Arion’s lips were gentle and yet she liked how they fit to her own. She sighed and closed her eyes, letting herself get lost in the moment of her first kiss.

  When he stiffened and pulled away, Mina was confused. Until she heard her brother’s angry voice. She turned her head.

  “Arion, what are you doing?” Meldiron was striding down the riverbank toward them all regal Elder prince.

  Mina turned back to Arion. What was he up to? Anger stabbed at her. He staged that kiss and she fell for it. She was so stupid. And now he was avoiding her eyes again.

  “What is going on here?” Meldiron asked when he arrived where they were standing.

  “Exactly,” Mina started to say, wondering just what game Arion was playing but before she could say more her brother had cut her off.

  “Minathrial, go back to the camp. I will deal with this,” he ordered.

  Mina was tempted to argue but the look on her brother’s face was one she’d never seen before. He was livid. Why? Just because Arion kissed her? It seemed absurd. The kiss wasn’t the big deal but the fact that he’d not meant it was.

  And Arion looked a little too pleased with himself.

  Mina started on the trail back to camp but as soon as she disappeared from sight, she hid in some underbrush so she could listen to their conversation. She gasped in shock as Meldiron’s hand struck Arion’s cheek and Arion stood stiffly but did not fight back.

  “How long has this being going on with my sister?” Meldiron demanded.

  Arion smirked. “How long do you think?” he asked in a mocking tone.

  “Arion why?” Meldiron asked, pain in his voice. “You know the Elder rules with respect to the Banphrionsa. Why would you violate them? Especially when you are her Coimirceoir.”

  There was that word again. Mina grimaced but filed the information away for next time she spoke to Arion alone. She wanted to know what the duties of a Coimirceoir might be. She knew that Brijit, her mother, and her husband Weylon has been Coimirceoirí or Guardians of the Elders but a Coimirceoir sounded a bit different. Pushing her thoughts aside she shifted her attention back to the exchange taking place below.

  Arion shrugged. “I’m not who you think I am Meldiron. The Banphrionsa has more appeal than being your sidekick. You take traditions too seriously. You sister is a bit more … adverturous.”

  Mina frowned. Why was Arion goading her brother?

  “Leave.” Meldiron said coldly as he turned his back to Arion. “You have ten minutes to collect your things and leave camp. I don’t want you near my sister again.”

  Arion didn’t argue, he didn’t even look surprised. He merely turned and hiked back toward camp. He paused slightly when he was parallel to where Mina was hiding and seemed to look directly at her but she couldn’t read his expression. And then he was gone.


  When Mina came out of her hiding place and made her way back to camp, she found that there was no trace of Arion remaining. He hadn’t wasted any time in leaving.

  Blinking back tears she went to her tent to see if he’d left a note for her but of course there was nothing. What had she been thinking? She was acting no better than Sukey Greensleeves, their silly serving girl back at the Inn who had fallen for any mildly attractive young man who paid her attention. Was Mina doing the same with Arion?

  No, she told herself. She didn’t care for Arion in that way. Although she did have to admit that the kiss was quite lovely. Especially for a first kiss, which Kiara had told her were always horrid. What hurt about Arion was the fact that she had believe he was her friend and he clearly had never felt that way about her. He had just been fulfilling his duty as Coimirceoir whatever that was.

  What had happened to him? Arion was acting completely out of character ever since Meldiron had arrived. And their conversation at the riverbank made no sense to her at all.

  He had let her brother believe that there was something more going on between them than there actually was. Why would he do such a thing? And she was certain the kiss, as pleasant as it had been, was staged for her brother’s sake not for her own. Still she couldn’t believe he had just left without saying goodbye.

  Miserably she went to join the others for dinner. Thia asked where Arion was and Meldiron said he’d gone back to Séreméla on Elder business. Thia looked like she would question this information but then she shrugged and returned to her tea and staring into the fire. Mina had noticed that her sister hadn’t been eating much since they’d left Bermgarten. Thia was obviously worried about Teague but she definitely didn’t want to talk about it to anyone. Mina was happy they were only two days away from him.<
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  “What business?” Mina asked when it seemed that no one would question her brother about Arion.

  “Elder business, Minathrial,” Meldiron answered coldly. “I think you know what it’s about.”

  Then he stood and left the warmth of the fire. Mina felt a stab of hurt and then anger. Her brother hadn’t even asked for her side of what had happened on the riverbank. And Arion appeared to be happy to let Meldiron believe the worse. She had to wonder what game was Arion playing?


  It was deep night when Mina woke to a hand covering her mouth. She tried to scream but her voice was completely muffled.

  “Ssshh, Mina, it’s me.” Arion’s voice was warm in her ear. Mina didn’t know if she was angry or happy that he’d come back for her. “You must come quietly and not question me until we are away from here.”

  Frustration warred with curiosity and the latter won. Shrugging in to her cloak, Mina followed Arion. He stooped to pick up her bags but before she could ask why they would need her things, he reached back and grasped her hand with one of his strong ones and led her through the blackness of night.

  Mina was surprised to find that he had tethered both her mare and his mount close to camp. She opened her mouth to ask what was going on and saw Arion shake his head slightly, then offer her a leg up onto her horse.

  Without arguing Mina mounted the mare and followed him away from camp. She wanted to get some answers and this might be the only chance she would have to do so.

  Arion was taking no chances. He kept them riding for more than an hour and then led her off the road into a small moonlit clearing in the forest.

  He turned to her. “I know you must be wondering what is going on.”

  “You think?” Mina asked, unable to keep the anger from her words.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect Meldiron to find us so quickly in Bermgarten,” he said as if that explained everything.

  Mina stared at him waiting for him to go on. When he remained silent in the darkness with only the palest of moonlight accenting his features, she prodded him. “Arion, am I supposed to understand why we would be hiding from my brother? What is going on? You’ve been acting strange ever since he arrived in Bermgarten. You didn’t even let me near the Prophecy after he came. And what was that nonsense on the riverbank?”

  Arion sighed. “I knew that the one way to get Meldiron to eject me from the group was if I made him think we were involved romantically. I’m sorry if that upset you.” He paused.

  Mina bit her lip. It actually hadn’t upset her. She thought it was rather nice but he obviously didn’t! But she wasn’t going to initiate a discussion about it.

  “Why did you want Meldiron to force you to leave?” she asked instead focusing on the more important question.

  Arion dismounted from his horse and led it further into the clearing. Mina followed but she stayed in the saddle. He turned and she could just barely see his face in the shadows cast by the trees.

  “Mina, we can’t let Meldiron get to the Refuge with the Prophecy.”


  “Because it must not ever fall into the hands of Bellasiel and Omen.”

  Mina stared. Bellasiel had saved Arion’s life when he was a child. She couldn’t believe what he was saying. But she remembered the conversation she’d overheard a few nights before.

  “And it’s even more important that they don’t get you under their control?”

  Under their control? Now what was he talking about? “I don’t understand,” she said in frustration. “Quit talking in riddles and just explain to me what is going on.”

  Arion shook his head. “I keep forgetting how little you know about your role in all of this. If you’d been raised in Séreméla you would understand better.”

  “Then explain it,” Mina cut in, her frustration boiling over.

  “We don’t have time for me to explain it now. We have to keep moving. As soon as Meldiron discovers that both you and the Prophecy are gone, he will start looking for us. Can you trust me for now, Mina?”

  Mina stared at Arion in the darkness. He was asking a lot of her. He was asking her to trust him and go against her brother.

  But Meldiron was a brother she hardly knew. Even so she loved him and trusted him. How could Arion, who was supposed to be his closest friend, now be asking her to turn her back on him?

  “I don’t know if I can, Arion. Meldiron would never do anything to harm me.” In fact it was just the opposite. Meldiron would do anything to help her.

  “That’s true,” he quickly agreed, much to her surprise. “But he doesn’t know the danger he is putting you in. The danger he is leading all of us into with the Prophecy and you in hand. Mina, I promise you I will explain but we have to keep going. It will be dawn in less than four hours and if we haven’t put some serious distance between us, Meldiron will find us.”

  Mina bit her lip. This was not a decision she wanted to make. But Arion had never lied to her or done anything to make her think she couldn’t trust him. In fact, he’d trained her to be a more self-sufficient person. And she thought he was her friend. She owed it to him to trust him at least until she’d heard him out.

  “Okay,” she nodded. “But you need to tell me everything as soon as you can. And if after hearing your side of the story I don’t agree with your plan, you have to promise me that you will take me back to Meldiron.”

  “Okay,” he agreed, the relief clear in his voice. He obviously would not have tried to stop her if she’d returned to camp.

  With one more look over her shoulder Mina followed Arion back onto the road, noting that they were going directly westward in the opposite direction of the Eastern Mountains.


  The giant mountain loomed sinisterly ahead of them. Thia stared at its hulking bulk. Somewhere, beyond the gaping mouth to the mines, was Teague. She swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, fear making her stomach clench. She knew Teague was in some kind of danger, but she didn’t know what to expect.

  She felt like she didn’t know what to expect from almost every side now. She didn’t even want to think about how she was going to explain to Kiara that they’d lost Mina. It still hurt to think back to that morning.

  Arion had obviously snuck back into the camp and taken her. Meldiron found his footprint right outside Mina’s tent. But what was more painful was the fact that there was no sign of a struggle. Meaning that Mina had gone willingly.

  And even more disturbing was that they’d taken the Prophecy with them. Why, Thia couldn’t say but Meldiron was sure that Arion was working for the Enemy. He’d come up with a theory that Arion had been compromised while separated from them in Sailsburg. Which would mean that Mina was in danger. Except …

  Thia wasn’t so sure this was true. She knew Mina better than Meldiron did and she didn’t think her sister would be so easily tricked. If anything Mina would question Arion so much it would slow them down. Her sister had always been inquisitive and, while too trusting at times, she wouldn’t abandon Thia without a good reason.

  Besides Thia remembered the way Arion’s harsh Elder features had always softened when he looked at Mina. No she didn’t think he was working for the Enemy. But why he’d taken Mina and the Prophecy and disappeared still wasn’t clear.

  Meldiron had taken Xyrisse and pursued Arion and Mina for two days. When they returned to camp, they were alone. And Thia had managed to convince them to continue to the Refuge where they could get reinforcements and continue their search. Now they were here.

  Ignoring the fatigue that was pulling at her from every side, Thia dismounted and narrowed her eyes as she studied the mountain in front of her. Fall was whispering through the tall grasses on either side of the path that lead to the entrance, cold fingers of winter not far off now. But it was nothing like the bitter cold she’d experienced on the Northern Mountains. Still, she had the odd sense that this Eastern Mountain range was less welcoming than frigid climes of the No
rthern range. A shiver ran down her back as she studied the gaping manmade entry to the mountain. Foreboding weighed heavy in her gut and suddenly she was very afraid.

  Swallowing her fear, Thia led the others to the entrance of the Refuge. They must have been spotted climbing the trail to the mountain door because she hadn’t taken more than two steps inside before Kiara swept her up in her arms, exclaiming how thrilled she was to see her.

  Thia let her sister swing her around also happy to see Kiara but at the same time her thoughts turned Teague. She wondered what had become of him. She could see Caedmon hovering silently in the passageway behind her sister but there was no sign of Teague. Thia wasn’t surprised. She felt in her heart that something very bad had happened.

  Kiara let her go and looked over her shoulder expectantly. A look of concern crossed over her face when their blond sister was nowhere to be seen.


  Thia shook her head miserably. And Meldiron stepped forward.

  “Arion has kidnapped her,” he said bluntly.

  “What?!” Kiara exclaimed, rage infusing her frame.

  “I don’t know why but I think they have become romantically involved. He knows this goes against his duty as her Coimirceoir and Arion has always been loyal. This makes little sense. I forbade him to be with her and sent him from our camp. He snuck back in the night and took her.”

  “We need to go after them,” Kiara stated.

  Thia caught her sister’s eye. “There was no sign of a struggle from Mina’s tent,” she noted quietly.

  Understanding flashed across Kiara’s face.

  “Perhaps we should discuss plans before we charge across the Five Corners,” Kiara amended as she turned to Meldiron. Her sister knew that if Mina hadn’t have wanted to go with Arion she wouldn’t have gone.

  Ignoring Meldiron’s budding plans to put together a pursuit team, Thia turned to Caedmon. “Where is he?” she asked softly, pain making her voice hoarse.

  Caedmon didn’t answer her. His face was grim. “Come,” he said quietly as he led her away from the others.


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