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Marked Page 12

by T. L. McDonald

  “What are you talking about? Find what?”

  “I don’t think Sam was asking you to find help. I think he was asking you to find something else. I think he marked you because he was running out of time. Whatever he wants you to find, it’s locked in there somewhere.” He taps the symbol with his finger leaving blue iridescent fingerprints. “What were you doing there Sam?” He mumbles to himself before meeting my eye. “You’re sure he didn’t say anything else? Anything at all.”


  “You’re absolutely sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. He died before he could say anything else and going over and over this isn’t going to change that.” I slap my hand over my mouth at the look of horror on his face. “Will, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Don’t apologize.” His eyes stare a hole in the floor. “Sam is dead and I need to come to terms with that. I can’t jump every time someone says something about it.” He clears the hurt from his face, burying everything somewhere deep inside until his face is a mask, blank and empty.

  I know exactly how he feels because I wore that same mask when my parents died. “I’m sorry you lost your best friend.” The façade he’s trying so hard to keep starts to crack letting the hurt he’s holding just under the surface seep through. I hug him. His body momentarily tenses in surprise before he hugs me back.

  “Who’s this guy?”

  I jump at the sound of Jared’s voice while at the same time pulling away from Will. Jared stands at the edge of the living room a look of betrayal painted on his face.

  “Jared.” My heart pounds in my chest. “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “Obviously.” Jared glares at Will before returning his green eyes to me. “Is this why you pushed me away? Because you’re seeing someone else?”

  Will leans back into the sofa with a small grin, making himself comfortable. He makes no attempt to deny Jared’s accusations. “Looks like your boyfriend’s jealous.”

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” Jared’s face falls and I immediately regret the tone in my voice.

  Will’s smile widens. “Good to know.”

  “Can I talk to you?” I grab ahold of Jared’s arm dragging him around the corner and back into the foyer. “It’s not what it looks like, Will and I are just friends.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever. I don’t even know why I came over here so I’m just going to go.” Turning his back to me he reaches for the door handle. Anger sparks in the pit of my stomach at the way he’s acting. The picture frame on the foyer table slams forward shattering the glass. Jared turns looking first at the frame and then at me with interest.

  “You have no right to be angry with me Jared. You and I are not together and it’s not like I was doing anything wrong anyhow. It was just a hug. It’s not like I was in there flirting with Will like you were flirting with Amber earlier. That’s right I saw you, so don’t stand there and judge me.”

  Taking off his cap Jared runs a hand through his hair pulling at the ends before putting his cap back on. He tips the bill downward concealing his eyes. “Do you like him?”

  “As a friend, yes, as something more, no. I just met him tonight. And if you would stop acting so jealous and just be my friend maybe I would tell you about it.”

  With a sigh he leans back against the door. “You’re right. I’m sorry. It’s just that…being just friends with you when I know we could be more is hard. But I’ve been thinking about it and I’m willing to try because I miss you. Having you in my life as a friend is better than not having you in my life at all. So take all the time you need to figure things out because I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Really? You’re okay with us just being friends? Like how we were?” He nods, but I know he’s lying. He wants more and maybe I do too, but for now this is the way it has to be.

  I attack him with a hug. He wraps his arms around me holding me tight. It’s the best feeling in the world. “I missed you too.”

  Squeezing me tighter, he rests his chin on my head. “For the record, I wasn’t flirting with Amber.”

  I pry myself away. “Yes you were.”

  I still can’t see his eyes, but his lips pull up in a mischievous smile. “I wasn’t, but lets say for the sake of argument that I was. Does it bother you?”

  He’s fishing, trying to get a gage on my feelings.

  “No,” I say too fast and his smile deepens bringing out the dimple in his cheek.

  “I don’t mean to interrupt,” Will says, as he rounds the corner into the foyer. The look on his face suggests otherwise. “Well, actually I do mean to interrupt.” Look confirmed. He takes my hand, leading me away. “If you don’t mind Jeremy, Hanna and I were in the middle of a discussion before you came barging in.”

  “My name’s Jared.”

  “Oh, I know.”

  I glare at Will. He winks at me then smiles at Jared. “Not afraid of a little competition are you Jared?”

  Jared glances at me then sizes Will up with a half smirk. “Nope. Not at all.”

  Will laughs then redirects his attention back to me. “As tantalizing as all this is we still have a lot of things to talk about. You should send your friend home.”

  “If it’s all the same I think I’ll stick around for a while.” Jared leans his shoulder against the wall crossing his arms over his chest and his feet at the ankles.

  I roll my eyes. “Okay, I think that’s enough testosterone for tonight. Maybe it’s time for both you boys to go home.” I open the door for them letting in cool night air. Nobody budges.

  “Can’t.” Will’s eyes travel downward, focusing on the symbol on my wrist. “There’s still more we need to talk about.”

  Jared follows Will’s line of sight. “Wait, he knows about the symbol?” He looks at me searching for answers.

  “Yes. Will is part of The Order and he’s…”

  “What’s The Order?” Jared interrupts, shaking his head in confusion. I forgot that a lot has happened in the time between our fight and now. I start to explain when Will cuts in.

  “It’s nothing that you should concern yourself with.” Will points his finger at me like I’m a three-year-old who’s done something bad. “And you shouldn’t say our name so casually. The Order has enemies that you do not want to meet should they hear you.”

  The way he says enemies sends chills down my back. I wonder if any of those enemies have black eyes. I didn’t tell Will everything about Blondie because I thought I was protecting him, but I realize now that I have to. What if Blondie is one of these enemies?

  Fear tickles the back of my neck and I close the door harder than necessary enticing a questioning look from both boys. “Will, there’s something I have to tell you about the guy who killed Sam.” I swallow hard forcing the lump in my throat down. “That night in the alley isn’t the only time I’ve seen him. He’s been stalking me in my dreams.”

  “You watched someone die in front of you Hanna, you’re bound to have nightmares about it. I do and I wasn’t even there.” His dark blue eyes churn with a deep sadness giving me the urge to hug him again, but with Jared standing two feet away I suppress it.

  “It’s not nightmares.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Earlier when I was telling you about that night at The Iron Knife, I may have left a few things out…about Blondie…like the fact that I did get a good look at him and that he’s not like us. After he staaaattacked, Sam he set his sights on me and his eyes were not normal. They were completely black and when he looked at me, I couldn’t move. It was like I was frozen and no matter how much I wanted to look away or run, I couldn’t.” I take a deep breath. “He wanted something from Sam that night.” I chance a look at Will, his jaw is clenched; the muscles working as he grinds his teeth. “And now because of this,” I turn over my wrist so the symbol is facing up. “He wants something from me too because he thinks Sam shared what he knew.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Will’s voice is heavy w
ith anger and laced with hurt.

  “Because Sam was your best friend,” I say softly. “I didn’t want to hurt you by telling you how much Blondie enjoyed what he did and I didn’t want you running off after him. I didn’t want you to get hurt or killed too.”

  Will blows out his breath, his whole body shaking. “Do me a favor. Don’t spare me the details just because you think it will hurt. I want the hurt. I need the hurt.” Hands balled into tight fists at his sides he backs me into the wall. “By keeping quiet you’ve put us all in danger. This changes everything, Hanna. I told you I was here to help and if I’m going to do that, then you can’t omit things. I’m a big boy and I can handle myself. I don’t need you to protect me.”

  My eyes are watery orbs. “I’m sorry.”

  Jared pushes Will out of my face. “Lay off man.”

  “You’re still here?” Will snaps.

  “Yeah, and I’m not going anywhere, so why don’t you just calm down and step back,” Jared snaps back.

  “You going to make me?” Will gets in his face.

  “Everybody just stop.” I intercede before they decide to start punching each other. I wipe my eyes and address Will. “I’m sorry I lied. I didn’t realize I was putting anyone in danger. I don’t know anything about your world or who your enemies are, but if you let me, I’ll tell you everything I know about Blondie.”

  Backing off, Will leans against the opposite wall. “Go on then.”

  Jared stands beside me protectively while giving Will the evil eye. I wring my hands trying to steady my nerves as I begin. “Blondie came into my dreams for the first time the day I woke up in the hospital and he’s been in them ever since. Sometimes his eyes are icy blue. Sometimes they’re black. Always, he’s demanding to know what Sam showed me. And even though he scares me, and he hurts me, and the injuries he causes remains after I wake, I don’t ever say, because I don’t know, and even if I did, I still wouldn’t tell him,” I say remembering all the wounds Blondie’s left behind not to mention the wound I inflicted upon myself when I purposely walked into Blondie’s knife.

  Will begins to pace, talking to himself under his breath. “Clever little bastard. He wanted Sam to mark you.” Suddenly he stops and looks over at me. “That’s why he let you live.” And with that he flies up the stairs taking them two at a time. “You need to be protected.” He dashes into my room leaving Jared and I in the dark.

  Jared looks at me clearly just as confused as I am. How exactly is Will going to protect me by running off to my bedroom. I don’t know what else to do and I don’t want to just stand here, so I run up the stairs after him with Jared following behind me.

  When I get to my room I find Will sitting on his knees on my bed carving something into the headboard with a pocketknife. He leans in, lips a breath away from the carving whispering something I can’t hear. The mark glows a light blue then extinguishes itself before I can get a good look.

  “How is carving into my headboard going to protect me from Blondie? And what the hell was that glow?” I demand.

  Will moves from my bed to the windowsill where he starts to carve there as well. “These are powerful marks of protection. They’ll keep Blondie out of your dreams so long as you sleep in this room. The glow is from where I activated it. Sort of like how your symbol glows before you experience Sam’s memories.”

  “Why did this Blondie guy want Sam to mark Hanna?” Jared asks.

  I stiffen, not sure if I really want to hear the answer, which is why I didn’t ask the question myself.

  Will flicks his eyes to me then trains them back on the carving he’s working on. “Because Hanna’s the easier target. Going after Sam, Blondie would’ve had the whole Order to deal with, but by fatally wounding him in the hopes that he would mark Hanna, no one would have been the wiser. The Order wouldn’t have known about her and Blondie would have gotten what he wanted.” Finished with the carving Will turns around, blue eyes trained on me he sits on the windowsill. “You’re lucky Eric saw the symbol on you.”

  I stare down at the symbol horrified. My chest aches and I can’t breathe. Am I the reason Sam died? If I hadn’t been there that night would he… “Is it my fault?”

  I look up into Will’s closed off face wondering if he blames me. Wondering if he hates me. I don’t want him to hate me.

  Will is in front of me in two seconds flat gripping my upper arms. “God no, Hanna. Don’t ever think that. You being there had nothing to do with Blondie killing Sam. He would have done it regardless.” He wipes a stray tear from my cheek with a sad sort of smile. “What happened to Sam was not your fault.” Will might not blame me, but I get the feeling he definitely blames himself. Pulling away he drops his hand from my face then retrieves the pocketknife he left on the windowsill to carve into the bathroom doorframe.

  Jared takes my hand giving it a small squeeze. “Are you okay?” He asks loud enough for only me to hear. I nod. He studies my face for a moment then kisses my forehead. Giving my hand one last squeeze he lets go to examine the carving Will left on the windowsill. “So, who’s Eric?” Jared asks.

  “My brother,” Will answers.

  “Officer Jensen,” I say at the same time.

  “Right.” Jared traces over the carving with the tip of his finger. “And Blondie? Who exactly is he?”

  “A Fallen,” Will says.

  “A what?” I ask.

  “A Fallen, as in fallen angel,” Will states like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

  “Like from Heaven?” Clearly he has to be joking because come on, fallen angels, I don’t think so. That’s just a little too far-fetched. “You’re messing with me right?”

  “Absolutely not.” Will’s face does nothing to betray his seriousness. “Fallen angels are very real and they’re very dangerous.” Turning his attention back to the doorframe he continues carving.

  “If Blondie’s a fallen angel what does that make you?” Jared asks studying Will like he’s a puzzle to be solved.

  Seemingly satisfied that he’s carved enough symbols around my room, Will folds the knife then puts it back in his pocket. “I am a Guardian in The Order and it’s my job to protect the human world from the Fallen.”

  “Guardian like Guardian Angel?” Jared asks, completely enthralled by Will’s story. And I say story because it can’t possibly be anything else.

  Will laughs wholeheartedly. “No. I’m human like you, but I am different. I’m stronger, faster, and I can do things that normal humans can’t. But that doesn’t mean life’s easier for me. If anything life’s harder for people like me doing what we do and being who we are. It used to be that we were branded as witches and burned at the stake. Thank God people aren’t so closed minded anymore.”

  “So, you can do magic then? Cast spells and whatnot?” Jared asks.

  “Sort of. It’s more like we can manipulate energy, change it, focus it, that sort of thing.”

  I throw my hands up in the air. “Okay, you have to be making this up. This is all too fantastical. Fallen angels? Witches, as warriors of Heaven? You can’t possibly expect me to believe you? I mean come on, what you’re saying is pretty far out there and that’s coming from a girl who has a symbol on her wrist that transports her into another person’s memories.”

  “I wish I were messing with you, but I’m not. What I say is the truth. The Fallen are very real and they’ve been here for a very long time. Most humans go their whole life without ever knowing about their existence. Unfortunately for you, you happened to fall into their crosshairs when you stepped foot in that alley.”

  “So you’re saying that there are Fallen everywhere and nobody knows about it?” I feel like I’m about to lose my mind. This is all just too crazy to be real. How is it that I ended up in this kind of mess? I look to Jared for support in denying the words coming out of Will’s mouth. He’s totally captivated. He believes.

  Will sits on the bed taking a deep breath. “Yes. A long time ago a war broke out in Heaven and t
he angels who rebelled, fell. They were cast out and as punishment imprisoned deep below the earth until judgment day. But some of them found a way to escape their prison by possessing the bodies of humans. We call them The Fallen. They roam the earth in search of a way back. Others became darker, losing every part of them that once made them an angel. They became Demons. So you see, the war never really ended. It continues on with Heavens angels protecting the gates up there,” he points to the sky, “and The Order, that’s me,” he points to himself, “protecting the earth down here.”

  “So when you say possessed, are we talking like The Exorcist with all the head spinning and green vomit?” I’d only seen that movie once and it was enough to give me nightmares for weeks.

  Will seems to ponder this a moment before he answers. “Yes and no. Both Fallen and Demons can possess. The Fallen completely take over the human body suppressing the soul until it eventually dies while the Demons tend to go with a more co-habitation type of route so they can destroy a person from the inside out. They feed off the pain and suffering of their victims while the Fallen possess for a purpose. They have a plan. If they can’t have Heaven then they’ll take earth, which will ultimately bring about the apocalypse. The end of the world as we know it.”

  “Can they possess anyone?” Jared takes a seat at the foot of the bed leaving me to the desk chair.

  “Yes. All they need is permission.”

  “Who would say yes to being possessed?” Jared asks.

  “Some people do it because they’re manipulated, others because they’re too weak to resist.” Will sighs and studies Jared. “You really shouldn’t get yourself involved. Hanna has no choice, you do.”

  “It’s too late. I’m already involved and I’m not going to leave Hanna in this alone.” Jared looks at me giving me his full support.

  “Are you sure, because once you’re in, you’re in, and the other side will know who you are. You’ll essentially be drawing a target on your back. This is your one and only chance to take the out before you get too deep.” Will’s eyes are pleading. He’s hoping that Jared will back out, but I know Jared and I know he won’t. Once he’s made up his mind there is no changing it.


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