Pride of the Courtneys

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Pride of the Courtneys Page 5

by Margaret Dickinson

  Charles continued.

  ‘Evelyn worked so that I might study. Because my parents had suffered considerably in their last months, Evelyn decided that I should become a doctor. The idea appealed to me, though I was a little doubtful of my capabilities. However, I progressed well and my tutors were pleased, and here I am now in my first practice, a fully-fledged doctor.’ And he added with sincerity, ‘I hope I succeed as a doctor, Louella.’

  I knew he needed reassurance.

  ‘Of course you will. Why people in the village already speak highly of you, and you have only been here a short time. Mrs Walters is an ardent follower of yours since you eased her little boy’s bronchitis so quickly. And, believe me, she holds considerable sway in the village amongst the ladies, so Mary tells me.’

  ‘You’re very kind, Louella, to encourage me so. I have met with opposition since I arrived here, but mostly from the older folk who don’t trust my youth. I must admit, though, there’s not been as much distrust as I expected.’

  ‘Kindness, no, Charles, I’m being truthful.’

  ‘I think probably the Courtneys’ friendliness is an undoubted asset.’

  We fell silent. I was thinking of Georgiana and I wondered if Charles was too.

  Strangely enough, when we returned to the house, it was Georgiana who met us. A very distressed Georgiana. In her unhappiness she had forgiven her anger with me over Charles for she flung herself into my arms, her eyes red with weeping.

  ‘Louella, the most dreadful thing, you must help me. I won’t do it, I can’t.’

  I glanced at Charles and was heartened to see his face was contorted with distress at Georgiana’s misery. Perhaps he does care for her, I thought. But these thoughts were cut short, for I had to attend to Georgiana’s immediate problem.

  ‘My dearest, what is it? Tell us.’

  ‘Not here. I can’t tell you here,’ she whispered, and glanced over her shoulder fearfully.

  ‘Come quickly to the summer house, then.’

  And together, the three of us hurried down to the summer house near the lake.

  When we had settled down with Georgiana between us, I made her tell us the whole story from the beginning, promising we would do all we could, whatever it was.

  Although her eyes filled with tears, she began bravely.

  ‘The first I knew about it was this afternoon, just after you had gone out. Mother called me down to the drawing-room. Father was with her, and Millicent. Mother said she had something to tell me of the utmost importance and that I must tell no one for the moment, until further plans had been made, but she thought it only fair to tell me now,’ Georgiana gulped painfully.

  ‘She said that arrangements were under way for a marriage between—between Cedric Rothbone—and—and—me.’

  From her tone of voice, the idea was repulsive to her, without the fact that she loved Charles, as I believed she did.

  ‘What?’ Charles exclaimed. ‘An arranged marriage with someone you hardly know. Do you know him, Georgiana?’

  ‘No, I’ve never heard of him before today. Evidently, he is the son of Lord Rothbone, who lives on a grand estate, almost the size of ours about fifty miles away. Mother’s brother, Major Phillip Bassett, you know, Louella, Millicent’s father, is well acquainted with Lord Rothbone. He was evidently interested in an alliance between his son, Cedric, and Millicent. But—but, Uncle Phillip and mother have always been set on Millicent and Bassett marrying, so that Uncle Phillip suggested me, to Lord Rothbone, instead of Millicent.’

  And here she burst into fresh tears.

  I patted her hand comfortingly, though I could not think what to say. She was too young to disobey her parents’ wishes.

  ‘Your only hope is Bassett. Surely he would not make you marry someone whom you did not love?’

  ‘Bassett wasn’t there, but mother says he is in full agreement, and to his marriage to Millicent. We are to have a double wedding in September,’ she wailed.

  ‘Did she say anything else?’

  Georgiana hesitated and glanced at me.

  ‘Well—yes—but I don’t think …’

  ‘Come, you must tell us everything,’ Charles prompted gently.

  ‘But it’s about you,’ she replied. ‘And Louella.’

  ‘About me?’ he exclaimed.

  ‘Me and—Louella?’ he repeated stupidly. ‘I fail to see where we fit in, do you, Louella?’

  I did, but I shook my head.

  ‘She says that there may be three weddings,’ whispered Georgiana, and looked more dejected than ever.

  ‘What?’ Charles looked incredulous, then he laughed. ‘ Your mother seems to be arranging everyone very nicely,’ he said, but with a note of sarcasm. Georgiana failed to catch that note, and no doubt presumed that he agreed with her mother.

  ‘But the main problem is you,’ said Charles briskly. ‘You must see Bassett. Louella is right, I am sure he would not hasten you into an unhappy marriage. And if you have no success, then Louella or I must see him.’

  ‘Would you? Perhaps it would do more good if you saw him, but—oh dear—I am not supposed to have told you. No, we’d better wait a while until it becomes public knowledge, then start objecting,’ said Georgiana, now regaining her composure and her strength of mind.

  ‘One thing is certain, I will not marry the odious man.’

  We stayed a little longer until Georgiana had calmed herself more and though there were still traces of her tears when we returned to the house, she had recovered from her weeping.

  Charles left us to go home and Georgiana and I went to her room to talk about the problem more.

  I sat down opposite her and took her cold hands in mine.

  ‘Now listen to me, Georgiana. We have been good friends and I hope we still are. You have been good to me since I first came here, and I am grateful. But recently, something has been wrong, you have grown colder towards me. Now why?’

  She looked away out of the window and did not want to meet my eyes. But I was determined to hear it from her own lips that she loved Charles.

  ‘I’m sorry, Louella, it is not your fault. Mother has been talking about you and Charles being married, and now, my marriage, oh dear …’

  I did not want her to suspect that I thought I knew what was wrong, so I feigned ignorance and said,

  ‘Perhaps you will fall in love with Cedric when you meet him. He may be a fine man.’

  ‘How could I?’ she cried angrily, ‘when … when …’

  ‘When what?’

  ‘When I love someone else,’ she ended in a rush.

  ‘Who?’ I persisted.

  ‘I—I can’t say.’

  ‘Do I know him?’

  This seemed to strike her as funny.

  ‘I’ll say you do, I mean …’ But the damage was done.

  ‘Well,’ I said slowly, ‘ the only eligible male I know outside the family is Charles.’

  And Georgiana’s cheeks flamed.

  ‘So it is Charles,’ I said softly.

  And she began to cry.

  ‘I’m so sorry, Louella. I didn’t want to tell you, but you can be persistent when you want to be. I know you love him and he loves you, so please don’t tell him, will you? Please.’

  ‘I love him, whatever are you talking about, Georgiana?’

  I pretended shocked surprise, but this was the moment I had been waiting for, to tell her that I had no romantic love for Charles Corby.

  ‘You—you do love him, don’t you?’

  ‘No, I don’t and what is more, he doesn’t love me. We are the best of friends, I admit, but that is not love and marriage. Now get that idea out of your silly head, do you hear?’

  I hoped I spoke sternly for I meant to do so. To a girl in love the world seems distorted, and she could see no reason why I did not love the man she loved so dearly.

  ‘Louella,’ her eyes were bright with happiness, ‘ you mean you are not going to marry Charles, but,’ her face fell again, ‘he probabl
y wants to marry you.’

  ‘Rubbish,’ I said, ‘ why if he had any matrimonial intentions towards me, he has had plenty of opportunity to express them to me on our outings together.’

  ‘I know. Oh, Louella, I am so happy, so relieved. I tried not to be jealous of you, but I was. And I loved you so at the same time, and Charles, I was so torn.’

  ‘A beautiful creature like you being jealous of me,’ I laughed. ‘Why there’s flattery for you.’

  ‘You’re beautiful yourself if you only think so, your auburn hair and green eyes. You are, Louella, else why do you think mother and Millicent fear you?’

  ‘Fear me?’

  ‘Yes, of course. Mother fears you because—because of the past, and Millicent because of Bassett.’

  ‘The past? What happened, Georgiana, you must tell me?’

  ‘No,’ and her tone was firm, ‘that I cannot tell you for it is not my secret. And one thing I do not do is break confidences. I’m sorry, I wish I could tell you because I think you ought to know. But there it is—I can’t.’

  ‘Very well,’ I sighed, ‘but I should dearly love to know. But Millicent, you say, how can she be afraid of me concerning Bassett?’

  Georgiana looked at me strangely.

  ‘If you haven’t noticed Bassett’s interest in you, you’re the only one who hasn’t. And, of course, it’s contrary to mother’s and Millicent’s plans.’

  ‘Interest in me?’ I was amazed. ‘ You must be dreaming, why we positively bristle when we’re in each other’s company.’

  ‘You do, I know you think you don’t like him, but he doesn’t bristle, as you call it. Unless it’s because he knows you dislike him and it upsets him.’

  ‘Upsets him? Rubbish. I don’t know where you’ve got this foolish idea from, but the sooner you forget it, the better.’

  ‘I’m sorry I’ve made you angry. But it’s true, I’m sure.’

  ‘But we still haven’t solved the problem of Cedric Rothbone, Charles and you,’ I said.

  ‘But I don’t know whether Charles feels the same about me, do I?’

  ‘No,’ I said slowly, ‘not for sure, but I’ve a feeling he does.’

  ‘Really?’ Georgiana was joyful again. How turbulent are the emotions of those in love, I thought, in the depths of despair one moment and radiant the next.

  ‘We will think of something, my dear,’ I said. ‘You won’t marry Cedric Rothbone, if I can help it.’

  And I had to leave her to change for dinner.

  Chapter Four

  During the next few weeks, the family’s treatment of me remained much the same, though Georgiana and I were restored to our former friendship. Lady Courtney was hostile and never let an opportunity slip of belittling me. Sir Hugh occasionally called me Victoria, but, on the whole, he seemed to be getting used to coming across me unexpectedly, and the shock he had experienced when first meeting me, grew less each time. Although at times I was aware of him watching me in a strange way.

  Bassett seemed cool towards me and I noticed that he paid greater attention not only to Millicent but also to Evelyn Corby. I was annoyed to find that it affected me a little. I was not jealous, I told myself, how could I be when I disliked the man so? Serves him right if he does end up with the simpering Millicent, I thought.

  But I could not imagine that a girl like Millicent, with no thought in her pretty head beyond securing a man and making a good marriage, would make a man like Bassett Courtney happy. And somehow, even though I disliked him, I thought he deserved happiness.

  Once, when he encountered me in the hall and it was difficult for him to avoid me, I found myself wondering exactly what he thought of the two young women beneath his roof—Millicent and me. And of Evelyn the constant visitor to Courtney Hall

  I was sure, in spite of what Georgiana had said, that he felt much the same about me as I did for him, that the dislike was mutual, for why else should he avoid me ever since the episode in the treasure room. His concern for my welfare, I decided, was merely because he was a good landlord to all the villagers, and I came under much the same category, I was his protégée and he wanted no one to think that he could not look after me as well as his Uncle James had done.

  It was strange to think that we had the same uncle and aunt and yet were not related. But some mystery tied me to the Courtneys I was sure of it now. Something to do with my mother, and, though I could not ask outright for it seemed to be a closely guarded secret, I was determined to find out one day what it was all about.

  ‘Do you think, Louella,’ Bassett said when we met in the hall, the frown never, leaving his face, ‘that you could find time to come for another ride with me one afternoon, or are you otherwise engaged with Dr Corby?’

  ‘Of course not, Bassett. I should like to come, thank you.’

  Naturally, I did not want to go riding with him whilst he was in such a mood, but what else was there to say?

  When the master commanded, all must obey.

  ‘Good,’ and he strode away without another word.

  The proposed ride through the Courtney village this time, took place two afternoons later, but it held none of the pleasure of the first outing we had had together, which Millicent’s arrival had spoilt. I felt I would never again be at such ease with Bassett as I had been before that carriage had rolled into view.

  Bassett remained morose and hardly seemed to remember that I was with him.

  He sat erect and tall on his horse, his brow creased, his mouth a hard line and his eyes filled with some deep emotion I could not read.

  It seemed now that I had only Georgiana and Charles as my friends in this household, which I was supposed to regard as home.

  We returned to Courtney Hall and I was more miserable than I had been for a long time, if that was possible for I had not often touched the heights of happiness during my stay at Courtney Hall.

  Bassett helped me to dismount and again held me for a moment or two and looked down at me as he had done near the stream on our first ride. But now there was no sorrow mingled with the anger, as I had seen before, now merely anger.

  ‘You have not enjoyed your outing. Miss Lloyd?’ The words were harsh.

  My temper, for so long held in check, flared uncontrollably.

  ‘How can you expect me to enjoy it, when you have been like a—like a—grumpy old bear? I can’t understand you, any of you, except Georgiana.’

  And I tore myself away from his grasp and ran from the stables towards the house. It was a long way and soon I was forced to slow to a walk. I risked a glance round to see what Bassett had done.

  He was standing where I had left him, staring after me. Though it was too far away to see the expression on his face, I had the impression he was dejected, for his arms hung loosely by his side and his body slumped in a way I had never seen the arrogant Bassett stand.

  I shrugged and entered the house. Why should I care what he felt when he had behaved so abominably this afternoon? But I was startled to find that I did care, and I was annoyed with myself for doing so.

  Charles and Evelyn Corby were guests once more at the house that evening and now that Georgiana had found I was not in love with Charles and that there was good reason to hope that he was not with me, she lost no time in spending every possible moment in his company, and more often than not in mine also. For I was a good cover for her.

  She knew her family would disapprove of her interest in the doctor, and was quite content, for the moment, to let them think that I was the object of Charles’ attentions. Consequently, the three of us spent, much time together and because none of the others guessed the truth, the idea that a marriage was imminent between Charles and me grew stronger. Georgiana, they thought was merely being a good friend and helping matters along in chaperoning me.

  I was amused, for I saw no harm in it, to see that Evelyn was almost beside herself, in her quiet way, at the thought of her brother becoming involved with a girl and nearing marriage. No doubt she not only loved him
jealously and possessively, but she realised her own future was at stake. A man’s duty was to his wife and future family before his sister, whatever sacrifices she had made for him in the past.

  But I thought she still believed she held considerable sway with Charles and that if he mentioned marriage, she would begin her relentless campaign to discourage it.

  She had now joined Lady Courtney and Millicent in their hatred of me. And hatred it was now, for there was no mistaking the viciousness in their remarks to me.

  They ridiculed my clothes, my hairstyle, my upbringing, even Uncle James, saying he was a weak character who had lived almost in poverty all his life, marrying Virginia Lloyd, a country girl with no birth or breeding. My mother, being her sister, was presumed to be in the same category and consequently, so was I. But they hardly ever referred directly to my mother or my father. Only by such remarks referring to Aunt Virginia, and to home-breakers and such, was I aware that they were really referring to Victoria Lloyd, my mother.

  And once I overheard Lady Courtney say to Millicent,

  ‘We shall indeed be fortunate if Dr Corby will marry Louella for she has little to offer any man. You need have no fear of her as a rival for Bassett’s affections, I assure you, my dear Millicent. My son has more sense than to fall for a girl of her breeding, unlike his father.’

  Such remarks were unbearable at times, and looking back, I can hardly understand why I stood it all. I could easily have run away and found myself a post as a governess. But for some reason I stayed where I was.

  Probably I realised that if I crossed the Courtneys too much, I should never keep a governess’s post for long, for their power to make or break a person was undeniable.

  That evening after the dismal afternoon ride with Bassett, something happened which was to drive all other thoughts out of my head for some time.

  We were seated in the drawing-room after dinner, when the gentlemen joined us.

  ‘We have just been telling Charles about the Courtney dagger, mother,’ said Bassett. ‘He is most interested to see it.’ He turned to Evelyn Corby.


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